10-06-2005, 08:48 PM
My point is, how do you enjoy a game? By the stort(plot) backrounds and stuff? Or the graphic?

Do you care if a good rated game has a bad graphic? lets say FF7, i bought it, and the graphic aint the best but i still find it exciting and fun to play!

Are you some particular that can't stand bad graphic?

measter yazoo
10-06-2005, 09:01 PM
well some people dont care about the graphics like you or me but the plot can make the game more exciting but sometimes the graphics can hurt your eyes so some people dont play it

10-06-2005, 10:05 PM
It all depends in what sorta timeframe your in.

When i first got my hands on FF7 every single FMV innit was like this HUGE reward to me.
Besides that it was also my first epic RPG i played and defined what i think of RPG's today.
Sadly FF7 had one of the most engrossing story's, some of the greatest charakters, best music and fun batlles ever to hit a console so i never got any rpg that gave me such an experience again.
But that aint really the truth, its my truth.

So now when i check out a new RPG and it doesnt have quirky litlle charakters on the overworld to explore and kickass grown up manga desings in batllemode.. it always feels a bit wrong.

But yeh i want great graphics, i want polished and well balanced out gameplay, i want hi res nipples in DOA, i want a Squarepusher soundtrack to some hyperspastic followup to Rez, i want to experience a game that has an ever better tought out ending then ICO's, i want a mmo based on Sid Meiers pirates and conquer the world, i want Metal arms 2 with Zombiebots as my pets, i wanna chill out in animall crossing and bitchslap people with my Butterflycatcher, i want another Waverace that makes me gasp for breath and makes me wanna pull a lifejacket on when the storms kicks in, i wanna join a gang and rape a turtle in the next generation of GTA's!!

10-06-2005, 10:09 PM
my personal opinion is the main character. When i first playerd ff7 Cloud waz amazing. Even tough he looked a bit like techological play-doh he made ff7 for me. When i played ff10 and saw tidus. I wasn't impressed. He didn't look as strong and independent as all the others.

Huntress Krystle
10-12-2005, 04:50 PM
I don't care about the graphics, as long as I could still see what I'm playing. The plot is usually what makes a game enjoyable or satisfying for me.

10-12-2005, 04:54 PM
as long as the game has a good story line and characters i enjoy then its a good game in my books, better graphics is just a bonus

Darth Revan
10-12-2005, 05:18 PM
Personally I don't really care much about graphics, only good story, characters and music. If it only has two of those three, then I'll still give it a shot. Now, I'm not saying graphics are at the bottom of my list in choosing a game, but all that does, is make what I'm looking more prettier.

I'm a fan of old generation of games (NES, Master System, SNES, Megadrive/Genesis, etc.), and I have to admit, I prefer playing games on some of these older systems than on some of the newer consoles.

In choosing what games to buy, I tend to ignore whatever ratings a magazine gives a game, as I prefer to play the game myself and see if it's any good. Asking the people in the store if a game is good or not, is a mixed bag affair. On one hand, if they know you, they would probably steer you away towards another type of game. On the other hand, some places sell games with little regard for the customer or their needs.

If there has been sequels to a game I'm about to buy, and I either have them, or have played them, I most probably will buy it, because I've enjoyed the previous incarnations, and would like to see what this newer version has to offer. In some cases... I regret that choice (FFX and X-2. I'm sorry, but I loathe and dispise these two FF games, which is a shame because the earlier FF's were great. Still, what do you expect from Square after they fire Hironobu Sakaguchi, creator of the FF series (and who saved Square's collective ass in the '80's.).

Basically what I'm saying is this : I'm willing to give any game a go... sometimes I'll keep it and add it to my collection... other times, I return it to the store I bought it from and demand a refund.

10-12-2005, 10:51 PM
If you ask me, the most important thing in a game is the actual gameplay. If it isn't fun to play, there's no point in playing it. It's the reason I hardly ever touch the FF series these days, but play the crap out of every platformer I find.

A good story is nice, but it's rather worthless if it's the only thing a game has going for it. Gnashing my teeth in frustration as I plow through a boring game in order to reach the next bit of story progression just isn't for me. Same thing goes for characters.

Graphics, on the other hand, are a bit more important to me than a lot of people make them out to be. Absolutely nothing is capable of giving a game more personality than its visuals. Conversely, I consider music to be one of the least important elements of a game. Music is at its best when it stays in the background and sets the mood without trying to dominate your attention.

10-12-2005, 11:30 PM
i never thought id say this, i agree with prak. gameplay should by far be considered the most important part of any game. in the end games are made to have fun, not to rip your hair out in frustration then throw your controller through the tv screen. sure nice visuals and audio is a bonus, but that is all it should be. as for characters and storylines, people overrate them way to much. a game doesnt need a story to be good. who can honestly say the original mario would be better with a story instead of just going out, taking some shrooms, and jumping on flying turtles. even some of today's best games have a very limited backstory, and can just be enjoyed for what it is, ie. tekken, MK, halo, etc.

10-12-2005, 11:45 PM
i was soooo proud when i posted this

It all depends in what sorta timeframe your in.

When i first got my hands on FF7 every single FMV innit was like this HUGE reward to me.
Besides that it was also my first epic RPG i played and defined what i think of RPG's today.
Sadly FF7 had one of the most engrossing story's, some of the greatest charakters, best music and fun batlles ever to hit a console so i never got any rpg that gave me such an experience again.
But that aint really the truth, its my truth.

So now when i check out a new RPG and it doesnt have quirky litlle charakters on the overworld to explore and kickass grown up manga desings in batllemode.. it always feels a bit wrong.

But yeh i want great graphics, i want polished and well balanced out gameplay, i want hi res nipples in DOA, i want a Squarepusher soundtrack to some hyperspastic followup to Rez, i want to experience a game that has an ever better tought out ending then ICO's, i want a mmo based on Sid Meiers pirates and conquer the world, i want Metal arms 2 with Zombiebots as my pets, i wanna chill out in animall crossing and bitchslap people with my Butterflycatcher, i want another Waverace that makes me gasp for breath and makes me wanna pull a lifejacket on when the storms kicks in, i wanna join a gang and rape a turtle in the next generation of GTA's!!

J. Peterman
10-13-2005, 04:48 AM
I enjoy a game by breaking it with a hammer.

Swedish Fish
10-13-2005, 03:39 PM
as long as the game has a good story line and characters i enjoy then its a good game in my books, better graphics is just a bonus

10-13-2005, 03:46 PM
For me, gameplay is essential because as many of you said before, there is no point in playing if it isn`t enjoyable.

I don`t exactly want a great and engrossing story most of the time though, although i would prefer something with a bit of a backstory. And sometimes RPGs seem like a bit of a tall order when you just want to have a bit of fun. The only game that comes to mind that has the right CV for my gaming pleasure would be GTA. It has a geat story, chacters, voice acting, graphics, music etc...

Although, different moods call for different games and thank the lord Atom there is always a hefty selection.

Neo Xzhan
10-14-2005, 10:46 AM
The story and character backgrounds are usually what does it for me, but I supose most importantly is the gameplay. No matter how good the music is, the graphics are and the plot might be, if the game plays like shit, I won't lay a finger on it.

10-23-2005, 10:08 PM
The story I normally go for when I play games, that's why I hate racing games so much, I want to take something from a game whenever it may be something that happened in the story or a character which was amazing but what the hell do you get out of racing games oh I can come first in every race I do.

10-24-2005, 04:45 AM
Gameplay is the key factor is all games. Without it, what is the purpose of playing it?

The Second key element (overall) is customization. When you can focus on different things with the same character, then you have done a part of your job right.

10-24-2005, 02:31 PM
Everything in one

You can't make a game good by just focusing on the Graphics or Sound, You have to have to have a cocktail of everything, to be sucked into the game and really enjoy it.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-24-2005, 03:07 PM
Everything on this page.


Swedish Fish
10-24-2005, 09:43 PM
A bit off topic, but, I have a little brother, who like many little kids these days, are trying to mimic people they know. He, and many of his friends find fighting games, and of course Pokmon games, with good graphics to be the best. It really disturbes me that they are willing to spend 50$ on a game with a shit everything except graphics. They just can't understand the reason I would play a 16-bit Zelda game, or FFI. I appreciate good graphics, but simple fun is the best.

10-27-2005, 05:04 PM
I go for story. which is why I buy games such as The Suffering or Killer7 despite other features (such as violence).
If a story is gripping enough to read in reviews, I'll buy it.

Graphics are unimportant, however, music is a big factor in a game that will enhance my playing experience or not.

10-27-2005, 05:42 PM
Of course, it depends on what kind of game it is, but I go for story and - unfortunately - graphics to some extend. For instance, we recently bought FF-7, and I still have a hard time getting used to the grapics. This is of course due to the fact that FF-X was the first FF I ever played, which - in my opinion - has jaw-dropping graphics.
I go for story, characters, atmosphere and "innocent" violence (not showing blood or having splashing sound effects).
And for all the reasons above, that is why I have fallen totally and utterly in love with FF-X.

11-06-2005, 01:30 AM
I dont mind what the game graphics are like as long as it has a good story line. But its always nice to have some good graphics just to make it look more realistic.

11-13-2005, 01:40 PM
I think it's a collection of elements that come together to create an overall ambience and magical spark. Don't phone the police, i'm not 'on' anything i swear! Really though, the mgs2 theme still makes me want to play through it again, as does the ocarina theme - so i'd say that music is vital.The graphical style is important too, often defining a game, like viewtiful joe, or killer7 of late. Obviously, if the game handles like shite your going to wipe your ass on the disc - so gameplay elements (in my opinion) are most important.

11-13-2005, 04:46 PM
I consider gameplay to be most important when buying the game, but if the story is awful, i tend not to put much effort into playing it and it eventually ends up gathering dust. Graphics and a good soundtrack are a welcome bonus though

11-13-2005, 07:05 PM
To me a game which has an original and intriguing storyline/characters is what tends to catch my attention along with graphics quality, and it's also important to me that the gameplay isn't awkward to use.

I'm not one of those who is fussed by music quality and don't tend to think much about it although I do enjoy a tune that sets the atmosphere every now and then.