10-05-2005, 08:11 PM
Ok ive beaten the game three times now and i still dont truly understand the ending. Once you kill ultimecia and you see everyone wandering around in the nothingness and yelling and whatnot right?.. Then it goes to squall whos in darkness wandering. Then it cuts to that kid looking for his sister and then a background comes in and eda is there? where are they? i understood that the little kid is squall in the past and he somehow went back in time but then ultimecia comes outta left field.. Did she go back in time as well? Isnt that bi*ch dead? wtf>? then eda's all oh snap gimme ur powers? and then this is where i get really confused. Squall goes back to darkness and then hes on some wasteland with the funky sky. Is he trapped in some sort of time warp? Then he walks himself retarted and he turns around and hes standing on like a 10X10 piece of can someone explain this? did i miss something? "shrugs" then theres the whole riona thing where she finds him all of a sudden and boom the grass and sky and all that jazz. And then theyre at the garden? i give up

10-05-2005, 11:01 PM
Since there in compressed time, they are going through there thoughts and feelings. that's why laguna tells you to always remember eachother so they can return to there own time in compressed time. confusing isn't it? anyway, now that is over, have you ever wondered what happends after the game is over? If your intristed, I am righting a story about it. a fan fiction if you will. e-mail me at [email protected] if you would like to read it.

10-05-2005, 11:53 PM
First off, the party went to the future to beat Ultimecia. After they defeated her, they were supposed to go back into their time. All the other were able to make it safely back to their time but Squall got lost. I believe that he fell in one of the time warps when he was a kid, and when Ultimecia was dying and Edea took over her powers because she didn't want any of the children to take over Ultimecia's power and be harmed.

Now after that, after Edea took over Ultimecia's power, he told the older Squall to go back in his own time. Then, now, Squall was trying to go back in his time(When he walks in this place that looked like a desert.) but he wasn't able to and he gave up. He got weak and so on. Remember the scene when Squall caught this angel feather? I think it was something that has to do with Rinoa and he started to see images of Rinoa and the others and so on. I think it means that time was being mixed up. Then, he saw an image of Rinoa in space that is dead. This caused him to faint and lost consciousness.

After that, I think he made it back in his time and Rinoa found him in Edea's garden or something like that(If you'll remember, Squall promised to Rinoa that if she comes to the Edea's garden, she'll find him there.). After Rinoa found Squall, everything was back to normal and the happy ending is on.

Anyways that's what I think that happened in the ending.

10-06-2005, 12:57 AM
wait when did they go into the future?

10-06-2005, 01:00 AM
glad to finally understand the ending. I thought it was just like a big time warp and it got me all confused. I had forgotten about that scene where squall talks to riona about edas garden.

Swedish Fish
10-06-2005, 02:07 AM
Did you pay any attention in the game, or did your brother/sister/mother/father/grandmother/grandfather finish the game and have the pity to tell you the basics of the game?

BTW- Arent you a noob?

10-06-2005, 05:38 PM
yeah its been a while since i played the game through im re-beating it right now but my disk/ps isnt working it freezes up at the cut scene in the missle base.... i had the same problem with a different set of disks at the garden when its under attack :( too bad they dont sell new copies anymore

10-06-2005, 05:46 PM
Ah, who could forget 'eda''s immortal line, 'oh snap gimme ur powers?'.


10-06-2005, 05:52 PM
the name pwns_nubs was my name in ut2k4 i just used it here to save time. Yeah i definetly have a long way to with my knowledge of ff. I just got 1-6 working :)

Heero Avaren
10-06-2005, 06:04 PM
Who the hell cares about FFVIII? You beat the game, now just be glad you can stop playing it and that FUCKING RETARDED CARD GAME!!!

10-06-2005, 06:06 PM
if you dont like ff8 what the hell are you doing in the ff8 forums?

Tidus 66
10-06-2005, 06:09 PM
Also i liked Triple Triad, best card game than Tetra Master

Heero Avaren
10-06-2005, 06:29 PM
if you dont like ff8 what the hell are you doing in the ff8 forums?
If you own noobs then why the hell are you a noob?

10-07-2005, 01:48 AM
wait when did they go into the future?
After they have defeated Sorceress Adel.

Who the hell cares about FFVIII? You beat the game, now just be glad you can stop playing it and that FUCKING RETARDED CARD GAME!!!
You know, if you respond to the forums like that, other people will call you a n00b. Don't ask why, because you should know the reason.