10-04-2005, 03:54 AM
How do you feel about Gundam Seed Destiny's Ending?

Personally, I thought it was a horrible ending. Everything is so repetitive...and doesn't even feel like an ending at all.
There are a few things I don't get, and a few things I found funny about the ending as well o_0


1) How the #%@!% did Mue survive after his mobile suit exploded? Does the clones have the ability to regenerate and breathe in space? o_0
2) Why did Kira go all the way inside the base just to point a pistol at the chairman...where he could have just destroyed the whole friggin place?
3) Funny how everywhere around the chairman was destroyed but his chair and himself are untouched....and he even did the "Mr. Burns pose" when he turned around, I laughed my ass off when he did that

10-04-2005, 03:56 AM
Mark spoilers, please.

Also, be more clear in the title. Some people may not know what GSD stands for and jump into the thread, thus seeing spoilers (unmarked ones!) that they never wanted to see.

Thanks for the fix, Ndi! :)

10-06-2005, 02:36 AM
If your a jap, go http://www.sunrise-inc.co.jp/news/index.php and read the news about GSD.