10-03-2005, 03:46 PM
This is probably my favorite character of mine. His names Onion Boy.

Onion Boy�s Christmas

by: Mike Callahan

Christmas time for Onion Boy
certainly did not bring joy,
No presents to get,
No presents to give,
Lack of a reason, even to live.

Still Onion Boy set up a tree,
in hopes of getting something free,
and when he scampered off to sleep
Onion boy started to weep.
Instead of sugar plums in his head,
Onion Boy wished that he was dead,
and when he woke on Christmas morn,
Onion Boy�s heart was quite forlorn.

From his chimney came no red suit,
because it was used as a garbage shoot.
The chimney gave a rumble and in a flash
the room was filled with Christmas trash.

Sighing, holding back his tears
Onion Boy began to clear,
but in the rubble sat a tattered bear
One eye missing and worn from care.
Picking up the discarded toy,
Onion Boy felt Christmas joy,
Although no more Christmas ever came,
Onion Boy never complained.

This is a more recent one.

The Tragic Youth of Death.

Death had a lonely childhood
He was always a little misunderstood
All the kids luaghed in his face,
becuase in their world he had no place.
It could have been his fatal touch,
that didn't help his image much.
Maybe he was just too thin,
or perhaps it was his lack of skin.
His teacher took away his scythe
and told him not to play with knives.

Death wanted to have a lady friend,
which didn't pan out in the end.
No matter how hard Death would try,
the girls would always pass him by.
Untill he asked that Peggy Lee Sue,
"Can I be sweet and kind to you?"
Now Peggy Lee Sue its plain to see,
she's not as nice as you or me.
She crinkled up an evil grin.
And brought to mind a snobby sin.
"Sure you can call me anytime!
my numbers 333 4629!"
You and I surely would have known,
those wernt the numbers to her phone.
So Death tried to write down what she said,
but found his ballpoint pen had gone dead.
Peggy Lee Sue was evil in the past,
and karma now was moving fast.
Death tried his best to remember
but he could not recall the number.
Politely Death tapped her on ther back.
and dead she fell like an empty sack.
Death felt terrible, oh life's so cruel!
It was no surprise Death was banned from school.

Lamenting the loss of his only chance,
at having a childhood roamance.
Death let out a painful moan,
understanding he must be alone.
The rest of his life he grew bitter and cold.
Loosing his love for the young and old.
His scythe in hand, and his heart made of stone.
He teaches the world with Death we all are alone.

Oh and incase you are feeling sorry for Peggy Lee Sue, heres the poem in which she is the bad gal.
Bubble Wrap Beth

Though she was a fragile girl as some would say
She was cute and pretty and she got all A's.
She wore a cute skirt, and she wore a cute bow
and a cardigan vest, if you really must know.
She wore little shoes that went clickity clap
It was Beth, the girl made of Bubble Wrap.
Beth had a lot of acquaintances, a whole slew or two.
But when it came to real friends she had only a few.
And in this small crew that little Beth knew
Her most closest friend was Peggy Lee Sue.
Peggy Lee Sue, wasn't as nice as me or you.
And getting her way was all she wanted to do.
Peggy Lee Sue, wanted to own Little Beth's shoes
that went clickity clap, as her little feet flew.
So Peggy Lee Sue, thought in her mind of vice
if she wanted those shoes she'd have to be nice.
She was as nice to Beth, and she could possibly be,
but still, she just wasn't as nice as you or me.
On occasion Peggy Lee Sue would say something cruel
And Bubble Wrap Beth would feel like a fool.
And when this happen, she got nervous and popped
Until Peggy Lee Sue, said she was sorry and stopped..
One day Peggy Lee Sue thinking of a mean thing to do
ask if she could just borrow those clickity clap shoes.
And Bubble Wrap Beth hadn't the heart to say no
But she caved in hesitantly and took them of slow.
Once those shoes were in Peggy Lee Sue's clutch
she told Bubble Wrap Beth, she didn't care for her much.
She said "I was using you just to get these shoes
and now that I have I no longer need you".
And poor Bubble Wrap Beth started to pop
and since Peggy Lee Sue left she just couldn't stop.
Well, Im lying eventually little Beth did stop,
but only because she ran out of bubbles to pop.
At school the next day, Beth didn't look pretty or cute.
And she was trudging around in a pair of old boots.
Her bubbles where gone, she felt quite ashamed,
as they where what seem to be her claim to fame.
What a terrible fate for such a lovely young lass
To have a friend like that, whose hearts made of glass.

And this ones always popular with the internet crowd.
To reality, she became blind,
the Internet had stolen her mind.
Her name was Tina, and she failed to see,
that her feet had ceased to be,
Where they were, was something new
A brand new pair, of C. P. U's
A top her head, a wiry mess,
and a strip of outlets down her chest.
Her arms, a mouse and keyboard set,
Her mind the fastest hard drive yet.
but still inside she had a heart,
it was her only human part.
Sadly one day she became obsolete,
there were faster computers than her feet
And as her world began to crash,
she realized she was in the trash.
Her heart now broken, began to bleed
and bloods the last thing computers need.
The humming fans stopped in her feet,
and her human heart gave up its beat.
And so the Internet set her mind free,
so that she had to die in reality.

If you want more I can certainly post them, but it all depends on if you like or hate them. Gimme some feedback either way though.

10-03-2005, 08:06 PM
Okay, first I've gotta say that this was a little too long for my attention span. Any post that goes over fifteen to twenty liner are. Secondly, I kinda liked these. I did not, though, fin them depressive. I actually laughed out loud a couple of times, but that might say more about my sense of humor than about the poems. The last poem was kinda funny. Hah.

Now, let the slaughtering begin.

10-03-2005, 11:06 PM
Well, its tough, becuase they are more rhymed stories than poems. So the length is due to that. I have shorter ones, maybe I should have started with them. I think the most depressing one is about suicide, its called the incredible sulk. Thanks for reading them though.

10-04-2005, 07:32 PM
To tell you the truth i liked them, its always a joy to read good poetry, no matter how long. Mabye you'l all be lucky enough to sample mine some day ;)

10-06-2005, 06:00 AM
haha thanks, I'd read some of your stuff, is it in a similar vain?

10-06-2005, 05:54 PM
I suppose most of it is, i might post some stuff tonight actually!

10-20-2005, 12:34 AM
That is really good, Callahan. If you clean up the rythmic devices a bit, you've got a fair shot at being published.

Gentleman Ghost
10-20-2005, 09:07 AM

10-25-2005, 01:56 PM

10-25-2005, 03:19 PM
That is really good, Callahan. If you clean up the rythmic devices a bit, you've got a fair shot at being published.

I couldn`t agree more.

Great job there Callahan. Were too used to reading horrible emo poems.