09-28-2005, 07:36 AM


I hope Sony goes down big time.

Evil Moogle
09-28-2005, 07:39 AM
HaHaHA! Sony is gonna get their asses whopped in court!

Neo Xzhan
09-28-2005, 05:53 PM
Apart from that, Sony's market share has been steadily declinening and they are forced to scrap about 7.000 jobs in the comming 5-10 years to compensate. So I've read a few days ago, it's quite disturbing.

Apart from that, they are being totally unreasonable about the PSP and the dead pixel problems. While there are lawfully forced to give a new PSP with as little as one dead pixel, Sony is refusing to do so unless the PSP in question has atleast 6 or more dead pixels. Was on the TV a few days ago.

09-28-2005, 11:09 PM
They are going to lose pretty badly..

09-28-2005, 11:27 PM
Apart from that, they are being totally unreasonable about the PSP and the dead pixel problems. While there are lawfully forced to give a new PSP with as little as one dead pixel, Sony is refusing to do so unless the PSP in question has atleast 6 or more dead pixels. Was on the TV a few days ago.

that sort of dead pixel warranty is pretty much standard with most lcd technology. it's like that with most monitors (some require as many as 15 dead pixels)

09-28-2005, 11:53 PM
It depends on the size of the screen, I don't think you should need that many dead pixels on the PSP screens to have it replaced

10-01-2005, 12:03 AM
They are going to lose pretty badly..

Assuming you are referring to Sony, I think you're probably wrong. More than likely, it's going to be a question of who has more money, and the answer to that is pretty obvious. I'm betting Lik-Sang will be out of business before long, which, while it doesn't have any impact on me, is pretty depressing to think.

10-01-2005, 07:02 AM
i've baught from lik-sang once before. got me a ps2 to usb adapter. so's i can use my ps and ps2 gamepads on my computer to play either ps roms or just snes roms. it works for everything. i even used it to play duke nukem: manhattan project. its a beautiful thing.

i'm more concerned with what would happen if sony did win. bye bye free international trading? what's next? if they did it with one thing, they could kill all exports and trading. imagine china or japan becoming isolated nations. O_o whao.

this is sony of europe though. surely even they speak to a higher power. (sony corp). what do they think? sony corp would prolly be like, "wtf? stupid, thsis is small time biatch! i didn't make you for this reason. get back to doing what i told you to do!" (Sony corp is global so i thought, they'd own them)

besides. a lot of times, with shit like this, the situation is as follows.

so like, the heads of sony that actually care, prolly don't even know. its prolly just a warning. who the hell knows.

10-01-2005, 08:28 AM
imports products pays taxes, it's a legal business... sony of europe doesn't have enought power to stop that.

this is sony of europe though. surely even they speak to a higher power. (sony corp). what do they think? sony corp would prolly be like, "wtf? stupid, thsis is small time biatch! i didn't make you for this reason. get back to doing what i told you to do!" (Sony corp is global so i thought, they'd own them)

that's right

10-01-2005, 03:07 PM
Sony: "We're suing you for exporting PSP's"

Lik-sang: "But that's what our business does, Okay, We're suing you for selling electronic goods"


10-01-2005, 03:28 PM
Assuming you are referring to Sony, I think you're probably wrong. More than likely, it's going to be a question of who has more money, and the answer to that is pretty obvious. I'm betting Lik-Sang will be out of business before long, which, while it doesn't have any impact on me, is pretty depressing to think.

TK is right, I'd like to point out that Sony have already won a very similar case

Evil Moogle
10-01-2005, 11:14 PM
i've baught from lik-sang once before. got me a ps2 to usb adapter. so's i can use my ps and ps2 gamepads on my computer to play either ps roms or just snes roms. it works for everything. i even used it to play duke nukem: manhattan project. its a beautiful thing.

i'm more concerned with what would happen if sony did win. bye bye free international trading? what's next? if they did it with one thing, they could kill all exports and trading. imagine china or japan becoming isolated nations. O_o whao.

this is sony of europe though. surely even they speak to a higher power. (sony corp). what do they think? sony corp would prolly be like, "wtf? stupid, thsis is small time biatch! i didn't make you for this reason. get back to doing what i told you to do!" (Sony corp is global so i thought, they'd own them)

besides. a lot of times, with shit like this, the situation is as follows.

so like, the heads of sony that actually care, prolly don't even know. its prolly just a warning. who the hell knows.

After Mossy's URL there I'm afraid of the fact that they will actually go all teh way with this law-suit. Oh and that Nintendo guy is my hero! I wanna be just like him when i get a job. oh and btw you read PA too?

10-02-2005, 05:21 AM
After Mossy's URL there I'm afraid of the fact that they will actually go all teh way with this law-suit. Oh and that Nintendo guy is my hero! I wanna be just like him when i get a job. oh and btw you read PA too?

trying to. one day i was bored as hell being on the internet. so i decided to read the entire archives from 8bit theatre, vgcats, and pa. i finished the first two in about a week or two. but i don't think i'm even half way on pa. theres a freaking lot of them. i lost my place. so i kinda stopped. :p

what i was trying to say about the link. was that whoever sent the lawsuit to lik-sang, was prolly just some idiot in their "pron" division. looking for any "illegal" distrobution of their products. :D damn idiots.

Neo Xzhan
10-02-2005, 01:13 PM
that sort of dead pixel warranty is pretty much standard with most lcd technology. it's like that with most monitors (some require as many as 15 dead pixels)

Except that one dead pixel on a way smaller screen counts for much more then 5 dead pixels on a screen 7 times it's size. As I said, it was on the TV and they were pretty much enforced to replace the PSP with as little as one dead pixel, which ofcourse totally sucks if you have 5 pixels (since they only give you a new one at 6 and up). Personally I think that 2 and up is way too much for a screen as small as the PSP one, as oposed to "standard 17 inch LCD screens".