02-19-2002, 12:57 AM
i dont much info about this anime, but i saw the main character and it looked like it was full of action.....anyone see it? maybe i should buy this before trigun....

02-19-2002, 02:32 PM
I don't know if it is better or anything than Trigun... Maybe get both? :D
I liked Iria, although I did find the ending rather unsatisfying... There were some points that I would have changed, I hate this gloomy atmosphere.
The character design, that�s something I really love! Iria and all the others wear beautiful clothes, have great hair... *laughs* It is a very pretty anime!

It�s a Science Fiction/ Action anime, I�d say. The main character (Iria, doh) is fighting against an apparantly immortal monster. I am afraid this is all of the plot, so to speak. At least without spoiling.

You cannot really do anything wrong with Iria. At least, well, don�t consider it a comedy.

rude inverse
02-19-2002, 06:31 PM
Eh, it's an okay anime... It's got lovely character designs in it (Iria herself is gorgeous)... I think it's worth watching for that, though...

02-19-2002, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by Misao

I hate this gloomy atmosphere.

is fighting against an apparantly immortal monster. I am afraid this is all of the plot, so to speak.

1. I like gloomy atmospheres, in fact i love them

2. i dont need a complex plot to be entertained, how many eps are there? or is it a movie?

02-20-2002, 04:43 AM







Iria is trying to save humanity from annihilation by an alien threat, while the whole time, humanity's destroying himself. The conflict is a combonation of external and internal struggles.

When you get down to it, Zeihram is attacking the humans out of revenge for them capturing and performing experiments on him. If you were a being of higher existence, and you suddenly find yourself captured by overintelligent, yet still stupid, primates, who want to poke and prod you in countless, indignified manors, if you were kept for years, in a small box, wondering what these primates are going to do to you next, you'd be pissed too once you finally got the hell out of their box. You may very well want to kill every last one of those primates for the preservation of the rest of the universe. Zeihram wanted revenge. He may well have been insane. You try keeping your sanity after being locked in a box, you previously thought you'd never fit in, for a decade or two.

And why were the humans poking and proding him? They wanted to figure out how to make him into a weapon. Zeihram is a concrete representation of the abstract yet very real consequences of our human flaws.









02-21-2002, 12:53 PM
ok so i know about the gloomy atmosphere, but whats the setting?

02-21-2002, 05:36 PM
The setting is a science fiction world. But it has its very own feeling, design, its technical devices that almost seem a bit... uhm... not modern... Watch yourself. The setting�s good.

02-21-2002, 08:59 PM
how many episodes are there?

02-22-2002, 06:44 PM
get irai first ive seen both and there both good but id have to say get irai first its like 13 episodes i believe

02-28-2002, 03:46 AM
dude Iria rools.i LOVE this anime.i dont have any episodes(me=poor) but i have seen it and im a huge fan.The plot is fairly decent and the character designs are gorgeous.My favorite characters are Iria herself and Fujikuro.I am especially fond of the backgrounds.To get an idea think Blade runner meets ancient china and there you go.

03-03-2002, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by Wesker
dude Iria rools.i LOVE this anime.i dont have any episodes(me=poor) but i have seen it and im a huge fan.The plot is fairly decent and the character designs are gorgeous.My favorite characters are Iria herself and Fujikuro.I am especially fond of the backgrounds.To get an idea think Blade runner meets ancient china and there you go.

kind of like "Akira", or like "Fifth Element"?

03-03-2002, 08:52 PM
Think of those with a distinct asian influence and there ya go.

03-24-2002, 02:30 AM
b4 i get into it more, theres one thing i have to know. Is Kei annoying?

03-24-2002, 04:39 AM
Well shes there for comic relief.But dont worry its not to the point of ruining the anime in any way.Even she has her serious moments.But it wont get to the point of you wanting to throw a brick at the tele.

03-24-2002, 05:40 AM
Iria is one of the best bad ass chicks I've seen in a anime. Its just to bad you always saw her in that armor (which she still looked good in ;) ).

Anyway, have you all noticed how much Outlaw Style copied Iria in terms of character designs, guns, machines, etc? I mean, its obvious that Outlaw Star was heavily inspired by Iria.

03-24-2002, 06:36 AM
Thats probably the reason why i got a huge hankerin for Iria every time i saw it.I heard a few Character and background artists from Iria helped in the making of OS but nothing has been confirmed.But yes i do agree with you on the similarities.

03-24-2002, 02:36 PM
can someone give me a picture of kei or any other of the characters

and i see the Kayin has iria in his sig and avatar