09-27-2005, 10:57 PM
I watched the film a couple of times and i gotta say i wasnt really that impressed with it. Sure the graphics are great and the story is pretty good too.

However i always feel that if something is legendary already, just leave it alone. The bullshit with Kadaj becoming Sephiroth and then returning to Kadaj to die just stinks of money making scheme.

" yea lets throw in some new characters then kill them all off at the end so none of our main heroes is harmed!!! FOR THE FRANCHISE! "

i would be much happier if they just left FF7 alone, they milked it for ehrgeiz too which was a crock of shite.

on the whole i enjoyed AC, but its just left a nagging aftertaste that really annoys me. At least its not another FFX-2 though

09-28-2005, 01:06 AM
Ehrgeiz wasn't canon though and AC really just didn't continue FF7. It's just a side story and as such, it shouldn't be taken as a straight on addition to the FF7 story but rather just a universe.

All in all, FF7 was great, all of these side stories are going to be great and I'm just glad, especially with Advent Children and Last Order, that it is much more than really just milking money. They could have done a lot worse... I mean look at the Matrix and Enter the Matrix. You see what I mean.

09-28-2005, 03:20 AM
i was happy with it ^_^ well i hope they did a gj on the subtitles cuz i watched it in jap >< (i am jap btw) gatarj was basicly saphrah (omfg i cant spell :( ) he just didnt have the jenova cells >< ya they did keep emphasizing the jenova cells and the "reunion" but i wouldnt like some bad guy that looks like it can from dragon quest(or somthin<><>) and kill every1 -_- well i liked the movie and thats all that counts 0-0 cant wait for FFXII and Dirge of Cerebrus ><

09-28-2005, 07:59 AM
what you say maybe true, but my point still stands, they introduced a grand total of 1 new character that doesnt die at the end of the film, and hes just a kid. & like i say they have done alot worse, with ffx-2

Galahad McCloud
09-28-2005, 08:49 AM
I watched the film a couple of times and i gotta say i wasnt really that impressed with it. Sure the graphics are great and the story is pretty good too.

the ff7 movie far outdoes FF:TSW, nuff said

However i always feel that if something is legendary already, just leave it alone. The bullshit with Kadaj becoming Sephiroth and then returning to Kadaj to die just stinks of money making scheme.

kadaj was "MEANT" to turn into sephiroth, even the rest of avalanche knew that kadaj would be sephiroth, you also get to see it when kadaj is kneeling in front of rufus at the healing lodge

yea lets throw in some new characters then kill them all off at the end so none of our main heroes is harmed!!! FOR THE FRANCHISE!

that is the way things work, AND if you remember correctly.... the main character DID get hurt toward the end, both cloud and tifa both regulated on at some point in the movie, not to mention all those times Bahamut Sin nearly messed up avalanche

i would be much happier if they just left FF7 alone, they milked it for ehrgeiz too which was a crock of shite.

ehrgeiz was nothing more than cameo, i personally found that video they put when you beat the game as sephiroth pretty cool... it in NO way milked ff7 for ANYTHING... if that was the case, the same could be said of FFT or FF9 or any other game with ff7 cameo or things like that

on the whole i enjoyed AC, but its just left a nagging aftertaste that really annoys me. At least its not another FFX-2 though

to each their own...

09-28-2005, 10:12 AM
hehe i realise most people think its the best thing since the computer was invented, but i just didnt like it that much =)

in fact i just realised, it reminds me of the animatrix