09-27-2005, 06:55 PM
I was a big fan of it. The graphics were quality and the battle system was fantastic. really took a dump over turn based rpgs. now im finding it hard to go back and play them without feeling a tad bored. One thing Square would have done well to do was a greater World Map. I really enjoyed running the world map in most if not all final fantasies upto 9. but thats just me. Some of my friends considered it tedious and enjoyed the system in FFX where you simply select what village or city youd like to go to and BAM youre there.

Im interested to hear what other people thought of it. let me know

09-27-2005, 07:07 PM
This should be in the RPG section methinks

09-27-2005, 07:19 PM
oh sorry, I overlooked the RPG section posting this

Darth Revan
09-28-2005, 01:39 AM
I was a big fan of it. The graphics were quality and the battle system was fantastic. really took a dump over turn based rpgs. now im finding it hard to go back and play them without feeling a tad bored. One thing Square would have done well to do was a greater World Map. I really enjoyed running the world map in most if not all final fantasies upto 9. but thats just me. Some of my friends considered it tedious and enjoyed the system in FFX where you simply select what village or city youd like to go to and BAM youre there.

Im interested to hear what other people thought of it. let me know

I enjoy Star Ocean - Til the End of Time, and consider it to be one of my personal favourite RPG's. The World Map in this was more... for lack of a better word, elaborate, than that of Star Ocean - The Second Story. The combat system was slightly upgraded and even though the story has been used time to death in other forms of media, it still had that certain 'something' which drew me in.

If you enjoy RPG's, I recommend giving this a go, you may be surprised.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-28-2005, 12:52 PM
I enjoyed it for a little while, but lost interest in it somewhere on that one world where you're supposed to be mounting some dipshit attack using dragons and a cannon or something.

J. Peterman
09-29-2005, 05:44 AM
it was okay i guess no mvp baseball or madden but okay

09-29-2005, 05:51 AM
SOTEOT was alright..didn't beat it..didn't get every coupling..seemed like another extension of manga treading too close to straight scifi like (can't believe of all times..i mean who could forget Star Ocean's counterpart...whoever knows what i'm talkin about make just entry..u know..the one w/Kos-mos..and Junior..Chaos..) but yeah..worth the time if u can spare..but the whole inventing thing blew aside from the blondy workin' the communicator..

09-29-2005, 05:28 PM
SOTEOT was alright..didn't beat it..didn't get every coupling..seemed like another extension of manga treading too close to straight scifi like (can't believe of all times..i mean who could forget Star Ocean's counterpart...whoever knows what i'm talkin about make just entry..u know..the one w/Kos-mos..and Junior..Chaos..) but yeah..worth the time if u can spare..but the whole inventing thing blew aside from the blondy workin' the communicator..

the inventor girl... i wanted a piece of her. in a purely platonic sense, if thats possible. O.o

I beat the game, I cant remember what it was since it was about 6 months ago, but there was some move i learnt that really made it easy from that point onwards

Sir Dyne
09-29-2005, 09:36 PM
Blade of fury! or shotgun blast!

09-29-2005, 09:54 PM
well i liked it but it was a little boring near the end...i got Albel so strong that bosses were easy...

10-01-2005, 08:36 PM
Blade of fury! or shotgun blast!

must have been blade of fury. i think that ripped shit on everyone.

albel was the goods

10-01-2005, 08:42 PM
^^Albel's the best in SOTET

Albel the Wicked
11-12-2005, 12:19 AM
thats right keep talking fools

11-19-2005, 05:16 AM
I liked the melee fighting style. But I seriously needed a guide for that one. You know you need it when its THAT thick. I enjoyed the "spicy cake".

11-27-2005, 12:02 AM
I played it several times, and from what I've done I have never been able to get Albel in my party for the whole game, only Nel or Roger. Anyway, my favorite character is Cliff; his Fists of Fury move is awesome. It's pretty strong; well, each attack is pretty weak, but he does about twenty or thirty attacks when you sucessfully pull it off. If you add that and another attack and use the cancel bonus, you can get up to 1200 or so damage. I have Cliff up to about 87 now, so you could probably get up even higher.

I do have a question, though. How high can your level go? I know it can go up past 99, as I have had Fayt up to 121 before, but I was just wondering. Is it 999, perhaps?

must have been blade of fury. i think that ripped shit on everyone.

albel was the goods
I'm guessing from what you've said already that this was a move for Fayt. Anyway, I bet it was probably Air Raid or something like that, or possibly Dimension Door (I think that that is the correct name for the move). I mean Blade of Fury is one of the first moves you get, so it couldn't possibly be it.

11-29-2005, 02:17 PM
didn't hold my attention long enough for me to finish it. ;-( much preferred TSS, but it wasn't a bad game.

lone wolf
11-29-2005, 08:06 PM
I have to agree that albel was absolutly nuts and he did end up being one of my favorite guys thru the whole story, just cause h was so wicked, then when you pick up that demon sword from his king later in the game, dammit that was nuts. yeah, Cliff's fists of fury was pretty sweet, then if you got mirage, when see learns fits od fury, those two combined would eventully just rip thru anyone, including 100+ boss's. Bud i also have to say that the move i prefered Cliff to use was his lotus attack, it his like 15+ times and all hit for a moderate amount of damage. But over all, the greatest character ended up being Fayt, just for the fact he could use Etheral Blast, man, any move where you grow wings and attack with a blast is insane. hell of alot of work for it tho, not alot of fun, unless you like me and just really injoy getting killed alot ( just kidding, i went thru 2 controllers because of those dungeons)

lone wolf

lone wolf
11-29-2005, 08:07 PM
I have to agree that albel was absolutly nuts and he did end up being one of my favorite guys thru the whole story, just cause h was so wicked, then when you pick up that demon sword from his king later in the game, dammit that was nuts. yeah, Cliff's fists of fury was pretty sweet, then if you got mirage, when see learns fits od fury, those two combined would eventully just rip thru anyone, including 100+ boss's. Bud i also have to say that the move i prefered Cliff to use was his lotus attack, it his like 15+ times and all hit for a moderate amount of damage. But over all, the greatest character ended up being Fayt, just for the fact he could use Etheral Blast, man, any move where you grow wings and attack with a blast is insane. hell of alot of work for it tho, not alot of fun, unless you like me and just really injoy getting killed alot ( just kidding, i went thru 2 controllers because of those dungeons)

lone wolf

lone wolf
11-29-2005, 08:34 PM
I have to agree that albel was absolutly nuts and he did end up being one of my favorite guys thru the whole story, just cause he was so wicked, then when you pick up that demon sword from his king later in the game, dammit that was nuts. yeah, Cliff's fists of fury was pretty sweet, then if you got mirage, when see learns fits od fury, those two combined would eventully just rip thru anyone, including 100+ boss's. But i also have to say that the move i prefered Cliff to use was his lotus attack, it his like 15+ times and all hit for a moderate amount of damage. But over all, the greatest character ended up being Fayt, just for the fact he could use Etheral Blast, man, any move where you grow wings and attack with a blast is insane. hell of alot of work for it tho, not alot of fun, unless you like me and just really Enjoy getting killed alot ( just kidding, i went thru 2 controllers because of those dungeons)

lone wolf

Edit: sorry about all the posts, compter went ape-shit for a minute

11-29-2005, 11:38 PM
How do you get Etheral Blast? Or should I say, at what level do you get it?

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
12-07-2005, 11:23 AM
I do have a question, though. How high can your level go? I know it can go up past 99, as I have had Fayt up to 121 before, but I was just wondering. Is it 999, perhaps?

Lvl 255 is the highest you can go.

I enjoyed Til the End of Time quite abit. It was one of the newer RPGs that I could get into. Though there was quite abit of talking in it that sort of made me loose interest nearer the end, but I managed it though.

12-07-2005, 06:05 PM
Do you get any new moves between 121 to 255?

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
12-08-2005, 10:08 AM
I think so. But I don't think they are as crucial as say, Dimension Door. But I only managed to get my Fayt up to level 155, so past that I wouldn't know.

Trance Kuja
12-08-2005, 10:19 AM
Couldn't care less for the game. I felt it was pretty weak all-round. The music was enjoyable though, but so is all Sakuraba's work on the Star Ocean series.

12-08-2005, 11:23 PM
Can't say I enjoyed it. Couldn't hold my interest. I thought the story ( least as far as I got) was bland. But the graphics were alright, and the music good. The battle system rocked too...I might try it again in the future.

The Lost One
12-13-2005, 05:15 PM
One of my favourite RPG's ever made! I liked well... everything about it (except for the character graphics) and enjoyed every single moment of playing!

12-13-2005, 05:19 PM
In my personal opinion Star Ocean Till the End of Time is an awesome game, good game play, graphics, CG's, the story follows in a cool way, I mean it's a Square Enix game right?? Can't get any better than that when it comes from the makers of Final Fantasy !!!

12-13-2005, 05:28 PM
Oh yay. Another fanboy who happens to be immune to logical thought and thinks everything his favorite company releases is great, even though half of it is crap.

12-13-2005, 05:36 PM
In my personal opinion Star Ocean Till the End of Time is an awesome game, good game play, graphics, CG's, the story follows in a cool way, I mean it's a Square Enix game right?? Can't get any better than that when it comes from the makers of Final Fantasy !!!


My god, you won`t last long here.

01-02-2006, 07:15 AM
I have to say, I've always been a fan of the Star Ocean series, although I only got to rent the second one and didn't get far in it at all. SOTET is missing the something it needed to bring it on par with the first Star Ocean.. it definitely isn't as unique, but it still isn't very much lower. It's a great game, I really enjoyed it.. It's one of those games I'll never sell.

01-03-2006, 11:53 PM
I enjoyed the start, but I was stook on the same planet for ages. I think it was the medievil planet. Its nothing compared to the previous game.

Lord. C
01-04-2006, 05:10 AM
Star Ocean - Until the end of time? ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

Strife Lyengard
06-14-2006, 02:52 PM
I was getting sick and tired of the synthesis or w/e. you know that thing you had to do inorder to raise ur weapons attack? ya that. I had the holy sword with like 10 orichalum. Plus my defense was horrible. Other thatn that it was w/e. Good game.

06-14-2006, 03:03 PM
it's a good game...

but not the greatest rpg...

i love the invention part...umeboshi...

09-18-2006, 05:00 AM
just wide search and discover long walk or run make the game boring
fight is good story is fine characters are awesome but better than all
is invention and make items and weapons etc. are fun in game
i can believe it i always enjoy background scenes
when characters make food or weapon etc. in invention mode...

09-18-2006, 05:41 AM
Ten months and a necropost later, I must flip-flop on a posted opinion again. I finished SO3 about two weeks ago--while it isn't SO2 (can't say I've played the first one--hopefully I can download it to my Wii when I get it), it's quite good. I was rather surprised (and completely delighted) by the ZOMG big plot-twist. Voice acting wasn't so hot, but the graphics and music were alright. Gameplay (other than inventing) was excellent--SO3 definitely rewards exploration. I did find the final boss to be stupidly easy, but then again, I did play on the default difficulty level. Once I finish DQVIII, I may go back to it--if FFXII isn't out yet. To sum it all up, it's not SO2, like I've said, but it's definitely better than most of the stuff Squeenix has dropped on us in the past several years.

09-18-2006, 05:44 AM
FFX-2 is better, Radiata Stories is better, Grandia 3 is better

09-18-2006, 02:13 PM
Way to convienently ignore important words, ekinserge. Isn't selective literacy fun?

09-19-2006, 05:32 AM
haha SOTET is really a good game in my opinion

but not too great like the final fantasy series

09-19-2006, 06:11 AM
but not too great like the final fantasy series

Since XII isn't out in my neck of the woods yet, I can't comment on it, but X-2 and IX are the only two FF's released in the past decade that are at (in those cases, above) SO3's quality. Not that SO3 is that ZOMG good, but with the exception of FFT, the rest of the FF's released in that timeframe were average, at best. I think SO3's most definitely better than KH, and from what little I've played of KH2, better than it, too.

09-19-2006, 11:01 PM
I liked SOTET but its no SO:TSS ;( I was so pissed off with how they changed item creation.

I guess I loved TSS so much that TET didn't really hold up as much as I had hoped. Either way, it was still fun, and although I haven't beaten it yet (working on it), I still like it~

09-20-2006, 06:41 AM
The story is a wee bit uninteresting. I was very sick of Elicoor by the time I got to Peterny. Why the hell does Fayt continue to use swords once he's off that planet? I would've swapped to a disruptor rifle the moment I was no longer under "UP3." Apparently fisticuffs > laser cannons, as well. Maria was the only one using appropriate weapons out of the non-Elicoorians, and that irked me (it also does that with the FF series, but SO especially due to its actually being set in a time period specifically in -THE FUTURE-).

Actually I found the music outside of battle to be quite irritating, especially when the volume of the music exceeded that of the character voices (this happened constantly).

The battle system was fun to learn and had the correct level of challenge to it, definitely a strong point for the game. However, battle trophies were the bane of my gaming experience. Getting FAM was one of the most miserable tasks I've ever had to endure with my PS2. I doubt I'll ever get all 300 trophies. Getting 285 of them was a serious waste of life.

Item Creation, to put it bluntly, sucks. The idea itself was well-intended, but success rates are VERY low for any of the decent items, and there's no concrete way to determine which item you're trying to create even if you've made it before, requiring tons of soft resets and slowly damaging my disc tray. Squeenix: Put the damn items back in the treasure chests, enemy encounters, and shops where they belong, and keep this IC bullshit to yourself, plzkthnx.

The game is flawed, and not what I was expecting when I bought it. Oh well, at least it's pretty :( .

09-20-2006, 08:46 AM
Since XII isn't out in my neck of the woods yet, I can't comment on it, but X-2 and IX are the only two FF's released in the past decade that are at (in those cases, above) SO3's quality. Not that SO3 is that ZOMG good, but with the exception of FFT, the rest of the FF's released in that timeframe were average, at best. I think SO3's most definitely better than KH, and from what little I've played of KH2, better than it, too.


ffix and ffx-2 are far more better

even kh 1 and 2 are better than SOTET

whatever dude

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-20-2006, 12:46 PM
The only reason I've run across to pick this game up and play it again is that Lenneth Valkyrie is a boss at some point in the game, but even that isn't enough. :(

09-20-2006, 04:31 PM
the game is great.

09-20-2006, 05:29 PM
The game is flawed, and not what I was expecting when I bought it. Oh well, at least it's pretty .

The voice acting sucked anyway, LoL. At least the music was decent. At first, I hated IC, but once I got used to it, I thought it was pretty good. There's no point in bashing it because you didn't get it. I appreciated not being able to make items on the fly the way you could in SO2. By the way, there is a concrete way of determining what your creating, as it's always the same price. Granted, there are quite a few items that are really close in price, but not the same. As for SO3's plot, it was kind of boring for the most part until you actually got to putting together Aquaria's weapon. The big plot twist in the game rather surprised me (for a change), and I was quite delighted by it.


ffix and ffx-2 are far more better

even kh 1 and 2 are better than SOTET

whatever dude

I expected about as much from you. SO3's battle system is far better than KH's. For starters, there are multiple attacks and ways to chain those attacks, as opposed to X,X,X,X, and X in KH. Using a special attack didn't require wading through an unintuitive menu (like KH), and the majority of special attacks in SO3 were actually of some use. Setting up your party took more thought than, "hmm, when should Goofy chuck that Potion at me?" As for KH2, I only played it for about an hour, on a friend's save game with his uber characters, and I liked it even less than KH. The "menu" mechanic was even more muddled than before, and you seemed to need to use it even more, with the Limits and changes to the different Forms.

09-21-2006, 02:01 AM
By the way, there is a concrete way of determining what your creating, as it's always the same price. Granted, there are quite a few items that are really close in price, but not the same.

No, that's the problem, the price of an Original Creation has a base fluctuation of at least 5% regardless of the inventors involved, and even if that's not terribly significant (it is, actually, especially when trying to compound, cook, make machinery, or write), you need a BradyGames guide or something off of GameFAQs to list all of the possible different prices for you. Ugh.

There's no point in bashing it because you didn't get it.

That's just it, I DID get it, and it sucked, for the reasons I posted. Maybe "in serious need of repair" is more allowing.

09-21-2006, 04:19 PM
No, that's the problem, the price of an Original Creation has a base fluctuation of at least 5% regardless of the inventors involved, and even if that's not terribly significant (it is, actually, especially when trying to compound, cook, make machinery, or write), you need a BradyGames guide or something off of GameFAQs to list all of the possible different prices for you. Ugh.

So you can't make exactly what you want, when you want? Most (if not all) SO players point to SO2 as a totally awesome game (which it is)--you had even less control over what you created in SO2--you said "create," and the higher your characters' creation skills, the better the item. Also, Original Creations aren't really necessary. Yeah, you can make slightly better weapons than what you can find/buy, but once somebody invents Orichalum, it's all about modifying your existing weapons.

09-22-2006, 12:37 AM
I quit after the zomg plot twist that was really really stupid imo. Right before it I was unable to touch anything else in battle without dieing (is that intentional?) and I was just sick of it. The music drove me insane. I have no interest in touching it ever again.

J. Peterman
09-22-2006, 12:58 AM

09-22-2006, 12:28 PM
I Liked the game up to the point where I keeped getting killed at that celestis fellow in the Kirsala dungeon. Up to then I had looked past the bad Graphic's and Voice acting, But now I hate them ever so much.

09-23-2006, 08:03 PM
Bad graphics? They're actually pretty decent till near the end--with all the big creatures, there tends to be slowdown in the field. The voice acting is so bad that it's humorous in places, though.

09-25-2006, 02:18 PM
LOL Star ocean. I played like 20 hours still on disk 1, lost disk 1, found it 2 years later, tried to remember what happened, couldn't, played from the start again and failed horribly. It's just too boring to play again.

11-05-2006, 07:57 PM
Well as i'm new here and not been following any discussions about SO3, byut i've just read some posts..

I can't really see how one can think that FF X-2 is better than SO3. Girls, that can change clothes during battle to be a mage or gunner or trainer etc. etc.??
I'm playing X-2 right now and done so all this weekend,i can't say that this game impressed me..As i'm now at the very end of the game i can give my opinion about it.

This is by far the easiest Final Fantasy game ever made, once you get Dark Knight Dressphere nothing can stop you?! And you get them in Chapter 3.. I looked through some WT's on gamefaqs, and all talk is about wich combinations of dresspheres yopu should use ..blah blah blah, but i play now with 3 Dark Knights fully leveled abilities, and theUnerring Path garment grid on everyone , jsut to make it easy to use speciel dresspheres when necessary, and then i have fully leveled the White and black mage's dresspheres with all 3 characters in an early stage of the game, and i have the white lore accessorie equipped on Yuna , to be able to use all white magic i got with the white mage dressphere, and a black lore equipped on paine , so i can use some black magic when necessary.. This Combo kicks ass , but sadly it makes the game quite simple..To simple for me to enjoy it..

The thing i liked with star ocean 3 is all the sidequests you can do and all different endings you can get. The game was quite challenging until you get those killer moves like dimension door, shotgun blast etc..

I personally think SO3 is way better than X-2, but still that is of course because it takes a hell of a lot more time to get 100% game completion in SO3...

Mostly Squares RPG's are good and fun games, but the best FF game must be IX, I can't help it, but when i got my hands on it i fell for it in a nanosecond..

But the greatest rpg game ever , i can't really say since i haven't played all rpg's , but one of my absolute favourites must be Chrono Trigger!"!

Well probabl�y not much of a read , but still here it is. :P my opinion on this.

11-05-2006, 09:20 PM
I enjoyed it for a little while, but lost interest in it somewhere on that one world where you're supposed to be mounting some dipshit attack using dragons and a cannon or something.

Thats exactly where i lost intrest. Right when you have to climb up that mountain and there where those weird dragon things that were like 3 times my level.