09-27-2005, 01:46 AM
So who is? talk about it but remember to put spoilers!

09-27-2005, 05:25 AM
How can anyone possibly spoil a game that isn't out yet?

Anyways, the demo was pretty awesome, if short. I really like how alive the levels are - the trains constantly running through were a constant source of amusement for me.

I'll definately be getting it - I need a good RTS to tide me over until the new Star Wars one arrives.

Evil Moogle
09-27-2005, 01:58 PM
AoE 3 Looks really neat and i played the demo and really REALLY enjoyed it, But i just feel that there is something missing... I dunno if it can be the fact that the game isn't in the middle ages or that it dosen't go over any of the times i'd like them to go over but I will be getting it just because its AoE^^

09-28-2005, 02:50 AM
man i've been DREAMING of aoeIII!

believe it or not, i was actually imagining what III would be like based on what I and II have been based on. (now this is when i had no idea they were even making a III). and the very things i imagined would be the ages following the imperial age. then i tried remembering history class, and colonial times totally came into view. and man was i surprised when i saw videos on it, I WAS RIGHT! they do go through colonial times in the game. so awesome. i haven't seen much more of it. but my dream is it spans all the way across at least WWI. but i really don't know. anyone have any info on all the ages?

i'm a hardcore fan of II. i always joke about, even though i've played the game for years, and STILL suck at it, i still love it. :p

Evil Moogle
09-28-2005, 07:37 AM
man i've been DREAMING of aoeIII!

believe it or not, i was actually imagining what III would be like based on what I and II have been based on. (now this is when i had no idea they were even making a III). and the very things i imagined would be the ages following the imperial age. then i tried remembering history class, and colonial times totally came into view. and man was i surprised when i saw videos on it, I WAS RIGHT! they do go through colonial times in the game. so awesome. i haven't seen much more of it. but my dream is it spans all the way across at least WWI. but i really don't know. anyone have any info on all the ages?

i'm a hardcore fan of II. i always joke about, even though i've played the game for years, and STILL suck at it, i still love it. :p

O.o Psychic man ahead stear clear!

Oh and everybody sucks at AoEII;)

09-29-2005, 01:18 AM
oh cool. i was worried. cause i always get beat in online games.

ok. i found the official website. OMG THE CIVI'S ARE COOOL. can't wait to try out the germans and the russians. awesome. no info on ages though. :(

Evil Moogle
09-29-2005, 07:14 AM
oh cool. i was worried. cause i always get beat in online games.

ok. i found the official website. OMG THE CIVI'S ARE COOOL. can't wait to try out the germans and the russians. awesome. no info on ages though. :(

I actually played AoEII so much (in a row) that the disc nearly broke:P Yeah they'll be in the colonial ages. You've played the demo right? It gives this really good feeling in your heart when you play. ^^

09-29-2005, 10:42 AM
I loved the first two, but most modern (aka 3D) RTS piss me off...so Im not too sure about this one.

09-30-2005, 02:58 AM
I loved the first two, but most modern (aka 3D) RTS piss me off...so Im not too sure about this one.

i totally have to agree with you. what i hate the most is how you seem to be way too close to the world and units. the camera is just not far away enough for me to play confortably. like in battle realms, and empire earth II. both of which i can't get to like. plus they always look like they move too slowly. as if my vid card was slow. when its not!

but these are the creators of aoe though. which i consider to be the greatest rts ever made. so i have hopes and i think they will make a good one. perhaps the only GOOD 3d rts.

Evil Moogle
09-30-2005, 10:35 PM
i totally have to agree with you. what i hate the most is how you seem to be way too close to the world and units. the camera is just not far away enough for me to play confortably. like in battle realms, and empire earth II. both of which i can't get to like. plus they always look like they move too slowly. as if my vid card was slow. when its not!

but these are the creators of aoe though. which i consider to be the greatest rts ever made. so i have hopes and i think they will make a good one. perhaps the only GOOD 3d rts.

Have you tried any of the Total War RTS's? They are extremley good! I'm currently in love with TW: Rome. Those are my substitutes from AoE, oh and add warcraft in that list^^

Tidus 66
09-30-2005, 11:06 PM
I'm looking forward for it, i'm playing now Age Of Empires II and i don't suck.... but i use always the Aegis cheat...oh well

10-01-2005, 06:05 AM
Have you tried any of the Total War RTS's? They are extremley good! I'm currently in love with TW: Rome. Those are my substitutes from AoE, oh and add warcraft in that list^^

you know. the warcraft series is totally something i have never gotten the chance to play. i played starcraft though. and since its all blizzard, i assume its at least somewhat similar. buti hear great things about it. so i'll definately give it a try.

total war i'm not familiar with though.

10-01-2005, 02:29 PM
I've always heard that warcraft and starcraft are the originals. are they really that good. were they first games like these, or was C&C?

10-01-2005, 03:34 PM
I might pick up Age of Empires III at some point but at the minute I'm not playing games a lot so it wouldn't make sense for me to buy it when it comes out. Besides I have Rome Total War and Warcraft 3 to keep me occupied when I want to play a strategy game

Evil Moogle
10-01-2005, 11:08 PM
I might pick up Age of Empires III at some point but at the minute I'm not playing games a lot so it wouldn't make sense for me to buy it when it comes out. Besides I have Rome Total War and Warcraft 3 to keep me occupied when I want to play a strategy game


I've always heard that warcraft and starcraft are the originals. are they really that good. were they first games like these, or was C&C?

I'm not sure though=/ BUT Starcraft and Warcraft are brilliant:) Offcourse you have to count in the fact that they are what? 10-15 years old? And thats a long time. Comps and games have evolved so much so you really cant put the new games up against them.

10-02-2005, 05:24 AM

I'm not sure though=/ BUT Starcraft and Warcraft are brilliant:) Offcourse you have to count in the fact that they are what? 10-15 years old? And thats a long time. Comps and games have evolved so much so you really cant put the new games up against them.

ha!. imo, these older games have yet to be topped. that's why i'm hyped for aoeIII.