Dark Mage626
09-24-2005, 06:00 AM
Does anyone like his movies? He has done movies such as, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Monoke, The Cat Returns and Porco Rosso.
I really like the film Spirited Away, and I absolutely can't wait to go and see Howl's Moving Castle (His newest movie)
So how about everyone else?

09-24-2005, 06:42 AM
I love Studio Ghibli and own most of their movies.
Nausicaa is by far my favorite and the manga is even better.
I've seen Howl's Moving Castle in theatres btw ^______________^

Dark Mage626
09-24-2005, 10:11 AM
Was Howl's Moving Castle good?

09-24-2005, 01:55 PM
I've always liked Miyazaki's movies as a general rule, but I tend to prefer the more lighthearted ones. Anytime he tries to direct some kind of epic, it seems terribly pretentious to me.

I think my favorite of all his movies is probably Porco Rosso, although I'm really fond of Kiki's Delivery Service.

masturbating penguin
09-24-2005, 03:29 PM
I had to drive 40 minutes to Philly with friends to see Howl's Moving Castle on it's opening night because no local theaters were playing it.

It fucking pwned.

Dark Mage626
09-29-2005, 05:38 AM
I saw porco rosso last night. That is also a very good movie.

09-30-2005, 03:08 AM
i own the following dvd's

spirited away
porco rosso
the cat returns

i recorded kiki's delivery service off of the disney channel

and i got a recorded copy of princess mononoke from a friend who recoreded it from the starz movie channel.

i want to get

my neighbor totoro
and anything i might be forgetting.

so basically. yah, the guy rules.

09-30-2005, 03:12 AM
yeah, i havent watched many of the movies but i loved spirited away

Dark Mage626
09-30-2005, 04:06 AM
i own the following dvd's
spirited away
porco rosso
the cat returns

I thought the cat returns wasn't one of his, just a ghibli movie.

09-30-2005, 04:19 AM
Miyazaki didn't direct The Cat Returns, but he is credited as an executive producer.

09-30-2005, 05:59 AM
Kiki's Delivery Service
Porco Rosso

top three from what I've seen. I didn't like Nausicaa, and thought Mononoke was Ok. Laputa was good and Spirited Away was good though.

The Cat Returns is my littlest of sisters favorite movie. All of the Miyazaki films I buy are for her. She considered Porco Rosso unwatchable. She also told me I have to rebuy DVD versions of the movies that I had gotten for her on VHS because she wasn't old enough to manage disks yet.

09-30-2005, 06:17 AM
Princess Mononoke is my favorite. I can't pick second or thirds though. I guess it would come down to a choice between Totoro, Kiki, and Laputa, SINCE YOU GUYS ALL INSIST ON CALLING IT "LAPUTA" EVEN THOUGH WE ARE ENGLISH SPEAKING PEOPLE.

But yeah, he is great, and everything I've seen by him has been great.

09-30-2005, 06:18 AM


09-30-2005, 06:59 AM
ick. Princess Mononoke. ;-;; I totally never got why people were so crazy about that movie.

I liked totoro and spirited away and kiki's delivery service quite a bit though !

09-30-2005, 01:52 PM


yeah, what are we supposed to call it?

09-30-2005, 03:31 PM
Of the Miyazaki's movies I have seen:
Totoro, Laputa, Spirited away, princess Mononoke, Porco Rosso, Nausicaa, Castle of Cagliostro and Kiki's delivery service.
Princess Mononoke or Cagliostro were my favourites. Totoro is my childhood's best movie though.

Yah, basically I like all of his movies and am probably going to see Howl's moving castle soon too.

10-01-2005, 12:31 AM
Why don't you just say Castle in the Sky then >=O

10-01-2005, 01:04 AM
Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro ^^

10-01-2005, 03:16 AM
Is Grave of Firefilies just a Ghibli movie, or Miyazaki too?

Anyways, I like it, as well as Princess Mononoke, and my favourite is Spirited Away. Those are the only ones I've seen

There's another four of them screening in then next few weeks on TV here, so I'm getting my mum to tape them back home.

Plus I'll probably see Howl's Moving Castle sometime soon. I love me some Studio Ghibli films.

Dark Mage626
10-01-2005, 03:23 AM
Yes, that's right. The movies that are coming on are

Laputa: Castle in the sky (5th oct)
Nausicaa of the valley of the wind (12th oct)
Kiki's Delivery Services (19th oct)
Spirited Away (26th oct)

Those are all the movies which will be on bigfoot, incase you didn't know. They all start at 10pm. ^_^

10-01-2005, 01:09 PM
Bigfoot, Grave of the Fireflies wasn't directed by Miyazaki, but I still figure it's the best movie Ghibli has ever made.

Dark Mage626
10-06-2005, 11:33 AM
I saw Laputa: Castle in the sky last night. I absolutely loved it. But Spirited Away is still my favourite ya know. Next week I get to see Nausicaa of the valley of the wind. I wonder what that one will be like. But the one I really wanna see is kikis delivery service, which will coming on T.V in 2 weeks time.

10-06-2005, 04:46 PM
All his movies are too polished :S

I prefer the animation quality in that of GTO and BPS, sort of cheaper, but easier on the eyes. Everything in his movies looks like plastic.

10-06-2005, 05:07 PM
Go back to watching DBZ, Paul.

I saw Howl's Moving Castle at the cinemas a couple of weeks ago, and I didn't enjoy it as much as I did Mizayaki's other creations. All his films suffer from a meandering plot, but Howl's was one of the worst offenders.

Spirited Away would have to be my favourite - there is just something about that movie which appeals to me. Princess Mononoke is also excellent. I have yet to watch Laputa: Castle in the Sky (WHICH IS THE FULL TITLE TK), but I intend to sometime in the near future (after exams and Naruto.)

10-06-2005, 05:53 PM
Castle in the Sky would be the name if Miyazaki could change it
Laputa means THE WHORE in Spanish and he stated in an interview that had he known, he would have never included the word Laputa.

All his movies are too polished :S
this must b the dumbest thing i've read this year

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-06-2005, 06:01 PM
You obviously haven't been reading that much, then!

10-07-2005, 04:50 PM
Go back to watching DBZ, Paul.


I like the meandering plots though.

straightforward plotting is for losers.

10-09-2005, 06:23 AM
I also really like Miyazaki's movies. Laputa and Mononoke Hime are my favourite ones, because I tend to prefer the more epic ones, especially Laputa, which had a nice mix of light-hearted entertainment and epic values. Laputa (1986) was very inspiring to later fantasy anime, aswell as the RPG genre (most 90s RPGs had similar plot elements to Laputa, including Chrono Trigger and the earlier FFs). Mononoke Hime on the other hand is a lot darker than Miyazaki's usual movies, which is why it's one of my favourites.

Overall though, I think Grave of the Fireflies, though not a Miyazaki film, is the best Ghibli production to date. It was actually directed by Isao Takahata, who deserves more credit for this masterpiece, which was probably the most realistic anime I've seen, easily comparable to the works of some "art" directors (like Yasujiro Ozu and Satyajit Ray).

10-09-2005, 09:02 AM
Is Grave of Firefilies just a Ghibli movie, or Miyazaki too?

Anyways, I like it, as well as Princess Mononoke, and my favourite is Spirited Away. Those are the only ones I've seen

There's another four of them screening in then next few weeks on TV here, so I'm getting my mum to tape them back home.

Plus I'll probably see Howl's Moving Castle sometime soon. I love me some Studio Ghibli films. You're talking about SBS's Miyazaki marathon going on right now? It ****ing pwns, I taped Castle in the Sky on Wednesday night, I loved it even more than Spirited Away (which I also hold in high esteem, btw).

10-09-2005, 03:35 PM
I also thought Laputa: Castle in the Sky was better than Spirited Away but since it's so old, it's not as popular as Spirited Away.

10-09-2005, 10:25 PM
I saw Laputa: Castle in the sky last night. I absolutely loved it. But Spirited Away is still my favourite ya know. Next week I get to see Nausicaa of the valley of the wind. I wonder what that one will be like. But the one I really wanna see is kikis delivery service, which will coming on T.V in 2 weeks time.

All of Miyazaki's movies are so wonderful, it's too hard to pick just one >_> I personally thought Nausicaa was one of his best, so I hope you enjoyed it! Kiki is a classic (I remember watching it when I was little)!

Heh, I saw Howl's Moving Castle 4 times aready. Talk about a dork.

10-10-2005, 12:16 AM
laputa and totoro are the best ><

*i hated spirited away*

grn apple tree
10-10-2005, 03:33 AM
princess monoke and spirited away, i've seen. i like the few movies he's done. i should get around to watching more of his movies sometime.

10-10-2005, 04:30 AM
Make sure you watch Laputa: Castle in the Sky, which I think is one of his best (and definately my favourite). Don't miss it, no matter what.

I also forgot to mention Miyazaki's virtually unknown but excellent Future Boy Conan, a TV series that was made way back in 1978. Although it's got really old 70s animation which put me off at first, after watching it some more, I thought this was one of the best Miyazaki anime I've seen (better than Spirited Away or Nausicaa in my opinion). Laputa re-used a lot of elements from this old series, and a lot of other fantasy anime and RPGs also seemed to have borrowed a lot from this series. If any of you can track this gem down, make sure to get it by whatever means possible.

10-10-2005, 11:44 PM
I had never heard of Future Boy Conan before, but I'll certainly make an effort to track it down. Thanks for the heads-up on that one.

10-20-2005, 07:53 AM
Grave of the Fireflies wasn't directed by Miyazaki, but I still figure it's the best movie Ghibli has ever made.

It sure was, hell it is easily the best anime I have ever seen.

And as for Miyazaki...what can I say? Spirited Away was an excellent movie. I love his style.

10-22-2005, 02:19 AM
Was only introduced to the legend of miyazaki a few weeks ago with porco rosso on sbs (Aust Tv would be sad with out sbs, dark mage), followed by kiki's delievery service, nausica and castle in the sky. From this handful, there is a god, and my journey has just begun, with hopefully Howls moving castle tonight.

Like Prak said earlier, his movies don't have to be "epics" with intricate plots and themes to pull us anime lovers in and leave us satisfied and speechless...

for me anyway

10-22-2005, 05:10 AM
Mononoke Hime was the one that "wowed" me the most
the little forest spirits... or when the big one makes an entrance
I was watching in awe at its beauty...
Kiki's delivery service is my runner up I think, very charming, magical tale
Grave of the fireflies (tho directed by Isao Takahata; when u say Miyazaki you say Ghibli) cant be denied offcourse
Laputa, Spirited Away, Nausicaa... too many great films

damn, almost forgot Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro
it was hella fun!

10-27-2005, 05:32 PM
Spirited Away is one of my favourite films ever, and definitely my favourite Anime film of all time.

I plan to try and find more Miyazaki films. Any good recommendations?

10-27-2005, 08:36 PM
I have a good anime ordering site but it is based in Auckland, however it has got all of his movies. Its just a long way to travel to Scotland :(

11-02-2005, 02:11 AM
Spirited Away is one of my favourite films ever, and definitely my favourite Anime film of all time.

I plan to try and find more Miyazaki films. Any good recommendations?

Naussica of the Valley of the Wind and Laputa: Castle in the Sky are both masterpieces.

If you want something more "childish" (but definately as good, if not better than the ones listed above!) go for My Neighbor Totoro or Kiki's Delivery Service.

Once Howl's Moving Castle comes out on DVD, definately rent it!!

(Hope that helps a little ^^')

09-06-2009, 05:57 AM
Naussica of the Valley of the Wind and Laputa: Castle in the Sky are both masterpieces.

If you want something more "childish" (but definately as good, if not better than the ones listed above!) go for My Neighbor Totoro or Kiki's Delivery Service.

Nausica� is my favorite of Miyazaki and his manga of it was the first I ever read. I'm 25 and still loved My Neighbor Totoro. It's a timeless classic fit for any anime lover.

poptart fantastico
09-15-2009, 12:10 AM
I've always liked Miyazaki's movies as a general rule, but I tend to prefer the more lighthearted ones. Anytime he tries to direct some kind of epic, it seems terribly pretentious to me.

I think my favorite of all his movies is probably Porco Rosso, although I'm really fond of Kiki's Delivery Service.

Yeah I agree with you. Kiki's a good film, although I need to sit down and watch it in Japanese one day...

09-16-2009, 05:53 PM
i watched most of his anime. they're not bad. i think some of them are just a tad bit overrated. he's one of the most famous anime authors in the world but i just think there are a lot of lesser known guys in japan who are pretty good as well.

grave of the fireflies is one of my favorites from Ghibli, however depressing it may be. Castle in the sky, is my second favorite. Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle were okay... they're new movies so at this time I'm sort of expecting a little more.

09-17-2009, 01:27 AM
i watched most of his anime. they're not bad. i think some of them are just a tad bit overrated. he's one of the most famous anime authors in the world but i just think there are a lot of lesser known guys in japan who are pretty good as well.

grave of the fireflies is one of my favorites from Ghibli, however depressing it may be. Castle in the sky, is my second favorite. Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle were okay... they're new movies so at this time I'm sort of expecting a little more.

This is the third post of yours I've read today and man, it seems everything is overrated to you. My brother was the same way about things, if something was popular, it must be overrated.

09-17-2009, 12:28 PM
This is the third post of yours I've read today and man, it seems everything is overrated to you. My brother was the same way about things, if something was popular, it must be overrated.

what else did i say was overrated? i mean it just so happened that i think miyazaki is a bit overrated, and then i posted in the "most disappointing anime" thread. that's as far as it goes though. it's just a coincidence... i wasn't calling naru from love hina overrated in the sexiest anime girl thread and i wasn't calling the titles i recommended for "anime that deserve more attention" overrated.

i apologize for my negativity, but hayao miyazaki is good but not that great. again, my favorite title from ghibli(grave of the fireflies) isn't even his work, and i just like castle in the sky a lot more than spirited away, and howl's moving castle, yet the latter two are usually ranked as his best two works. i did enjoy spirited away, it's just not his best.

Tom Toonami Tunes
09-24-2009, 06:45 AM
<a href="http://s834.photobucket.com/albums/zz261/View_Meister/Miyazaki/?action=view¤t=1238797820076.jpg" target="_blank">

First one I saw was Spirited Away.
After that I rented My Neighbor Totoro from the free kids section on a mom & pop video store.
Then Turner Classic Movies had Miyazaki as there director of the month were every Thursday was it?, played Princess Mononoke, My Neighbor Totoro, Porko Rosso, Pom Poko, Wisper of the Heart, Only Yesterday, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, & Castle in the Sky.

I missed Nausicaa & Castle in the Sky but I got to see everything else.

I loved all of them except Only Yesterday, compared to everything else the story was boring and unlike all the other movies, witch were aired first in the English dub than late night in Japanese with subs Only Yesterday was just subtitled. That wouldn't be a problem for me but the text was small, fast, often the same color as the background. A bad setup for a dialogue heavy movie. After an hour into Whisper of the Heart with no fairies or monsters or aliens or anything like that I was starting to not like it but by the end I thought it was a really sweet romance told in, at least my experience a unique way.
And finally I rented Howl's Moving Castle. (Next time you watch Dark Knight imagine Batman saying "I see no point in living if I can't be beautiful!")

09-26-2009, 07:45 AM
Yeah, that was really awesome when TCM showed the Miyazaki movies. The first one I saw was Princess Mononoke, and once I saw Ashitaka leaving his village with "Journey to the West" playing, they had me hooked.

12-06-2009, 05:36 AM
Hayao Miyazaki good stuff. I have seen most studio ghibli's works, and I enjoyed most of them. I currently have.

Castle in the sky................Future boy conan
Nasuica............................Pom poko
Porco Roso........................Grave of the fireflies
Howl's moving castle...........Lupin III-Castle of Cagliostro
My Neighbor Totoro............My neighbors the Yamadas
Only yesterday..................Panda go panda
Spirited away....................Tales from Earthsea
The cat returns.................Whisper of the heart

Nausica and princes Monoke' are a toss up for my top faves, I didn't like Kiki though, I thought the story was to cutsie.

I have to admit how ever. Some of these titles I got for my nieces. Ha ha to currupt the youth into future anime fans.

Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki earn my official seal of badassitude.

12-06-2009, 07:41 AM
What about Ponyo on the Cliff by The Sea?

Tom Toonami Tunes
12-06-2009, 07:56 AM
That's good shadowtheman Miyazaki movies make for great entry level anime; you don't need to watch an entire series just 1 movie at a time, there's no extreme sex or violence, the dubs are good so if they don't like reading subtitles that's no problem, and the Japaneses cultural stuff flows naturally in a way that doesn't feel overwhelming.

I think Myazaki doesn't call castle in the sky "Laputa" anymore becouse it means "whore" in spanish or dutch or something.

12-06-2009, 08:01 AM
I thought it was Rapyuta (or Lapyuta). "La puta" does mean "the whore" in spanish so I could see "Laputa" being an issue, but with the y it only sort of sounds like it.

12-06-2009, 08:48 AM
I'm just waiting for Ponyo at the moment. Like they say good things come to who wait.

As for titles I prefer to use there origanal version if I can. On what one word means in another language. It only takes a mature mind to filter out the bs. Laputa castle in the sky

Argus Zephyrus
12-07-2009, 07:46 AM
I like most of miyazaki's stuff. n__n
Spirited Away was what got me into it.

12-20-2009, 11:20 PM
Oh i love Hayao Miyazaki ^_^ I've bought all his movies and went to go see Ponyo this year at the theatre. Not many people were there ; ; but that's okay I enjoyed it & was glad to see it on the big screen *I dont know if I can pick a favorite* ; ; because I really love his movies not to mention the music too < Joe Hisaishi >