09-23-2005, 03:12 PM
Ok this generation isnt really over and there are still some great games that we will get later this year and even next year(Starcraft ghost, Zelda, Shadow of the Colossus) so just gimme your current top 5 games of this generation(dreamcast incl) and some comment of

1)Metal Arms glitch in the system
I'm a sucker for cheesy hardcore action games with a good sense of humor(MDK, Serious Sam, Blood) and the overal desing of this game was just pure genius(Zombiebots r the greatest enemy's ever!)
2)F-zero GX
Best and purest racer this generation, mindbending trackdesing and possibly one of the most challenging games this generation.. i cant believe people consider Forza or Gran turismo even racegames nowadays with the so called sim bullshit.
This one got me teary eyes.. beautifull directing and probably one of the greatest endings in videogame history.
4)Resident Evil 4
At first i hated it since it was too much action and severely lacking in the horror department but in the end it balanced out nicely and turned out rather addictive(Mercenaries!)
5)Chronicles of Riddick
Well i never thought i would like a game with Vin Diesel's name onnit but this shit just blew me away.
Great atmosphere and a true cinematic experience.

Darth Revan
09-23-2005, 04:12 PM
I'll list my top 5 in reverse...

5: Star Ocean - Til the end of time (PS2)
Not a lot of people I know like this game, which is a shame I think because it is a good game. Gameplay is easy, and the story , while a little overused from other games and anime and such, is still a good one.

4 : Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and Vice City (PS2)
Vice City is a great game, IMO, as it brings back memories of an old 80's TV show called Miami Vice. Great 80's soundtrack and a great cast providing vocals (Ray Liotta as Tommy Vercetti for example.). San Andreas improves on what made Vice City great.

3 : Shenmue 1 and 2 (Dreamcast)
On what I personally consider to be one of the greatest consoles ever made, the Sega Dreamcast (of course, that's just MY opinion.). It felt, to me, like I was watching an interactive movie, what with having the speech in Japanese with english subtitles for example. Both of these games are awesome and deserve to be in any Dreamcast owners library of games.

2 : Knights of the Old Republic (1 and 2) (Xbox)
Two great RPG's, set of course in the Star Wars universe, specifically in the Old Republic. I enjoyed the control system and even the menu sections were laid out and each had their own theme. Of course, the soundtrack to it was pretty good as well.

and of course, in the number one slot (No surprises here)

1: Dynasty Warriors series/Romance of the Three Kingdoms series (PS2)
The DW games are basically hack and slash games, but to me there is still something to these games which I love. Probably the mindless slaughter and such. The ROTK games are more strategy based, but still have the same characters which appeared in the DW series. Gameplay for both of these are easy and straightforward to use. The only thing which can be slightly annoying, is the voices in the DW games. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoy them.

09-23-2005, 08:37 PM
5. Timesplitters 2 - Great game, decent deathmatch and a change from the tense but slow Halo multiplayer, has some great arcade modes and challenges, and thus a huge lifespan, it's just a shame about the story mode.

4. Tony Hawks 4 - I dislike THUG and THUG 2, but if we're talking about this generation, TH4, because its the last great game before the series slipped, and it has a great soundtrack. Oh, and TH3 didn't really work for me on PS2.

3. Fable - Well, this game I could hardly leave. Every night, or as close to anyway I was hooked to this game for hours on end and my friends' house. The music, the environments, and the (surprisingly restricted, but still amazingly unrestricted gameplay).

2. Shenmue - Can't get over how much I love this game. Graphically fantastic, still good even now, decent story, huge amount of interaction and freedom. Just generally immersive and addictive stuff.

1. Final Fantasy X - Just love it. Not as good as 8 and 7, imo, but I still think its awesome. The story is great, Tidus is a bit of a tit, but you get used to him. This has been (even though very very very close) the most enjoyable current gen console game I have played.

Right, I much prefer the Zelda series to the FF series, so I'll put this upcoming Zelda at well, "above 1st". It looks amazing, I've read nothing but great previews, the graphics look well, nothing on current consoles looks better, the interaction level looks high, while I was a little annoyed about the delay, I more than welcome improvements. Words cannot say how much I am looking forward to this game (god that sounds corny).

09-23-2005, 08:57 PM
I'm too lazy to say why I like each individual game in-depth but I'll give a short review of each one;

Ratchet & Clank (all)-These games are some of the most fun I've had this generation. The games have a nice mixture of humour, platforming, idiocy and blowing stuff up. It's just a pity the later levels in each game are packed full of enemies

Prince of Persia:The Sands of Time-An absolute joy too play. Never especially taxing but just brilliant.

Metal Gear Solid:Twin Snakes-Just better than MGS3 imo. Twin Snakes(for those who don't know it) is a remastered version of MGS1 and is excellent in almost every department

Final Fantasy X-The best Final Fantasy since VII. The games combines stunning visuals and a beautiful, if a little clich�d, story perfectly.

Resident Evil 4-An absolutely glorius game. Coming away from the Umbrella story strand, the game completely re-invents the way Resident Evils are played. The camera system has recieved a complete overhaul as has the combat and the pre-rendered backgrounds are gone. A completely absorbing game although some traditional Resi fans don't like it...

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-05-2005, 02:29 PM
5. Gran Turismo 4. 'nuff said.

4. Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War. 'nuff said here, also.

3. Ultimate Spiderman. Even though old-school spidey universe purists won't like the storyline, the game mechanics are just plain fun and I love how they modified the mission system so that you didn't have to walk up to random people on the street and hit the punch button to start a mission.

2. Lumines. Play it, you'll find out why.

1. Legacy of Kain: Defiance. Sorry folks, but this one will likely remain at the top until MGS 4 comes out and I get my hands on that. God I hope they make the next installment of this game for the PS3.

10-05-2005, 11:52 PM
1. WoW - I.. can't.. stop.. playing

2 - 5. There are other games?

Swedish Fish
10-06-2005, 02:18 AM
1. Legacy of Kain: Defiance
Runs into kitchen, gets knife, and slits own throat
Are you serious? That game is ok for a stress-reliever, but #1?

10-06-2005, 03:32 AM
5. X-Men Legends II
4. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
3. Dragon Quest VIII
2. Street Fighter Alpha 3(DC)
1. Shenmue 1 and 2
Right now both Shenmues are the most engrossing games for me, especially cause Japanese version rocks.

hb smokey
10-06-2005, 06:06 AM
In no particular order:

Resident Evil 4 - Check my game review somewhere around here and that should tell you why.

God of War - Probably the best PS2 game, in the vast majority of PS2 owners. But not me.

Final Fantasy X - You either hate the game, or you love it. I loved it.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - While the movement is glitchy throughout the game, the presentation of the storyline was top notch.

Ninja Gaiden Black: Even though it came out not too long ago, it's better than the original Xbox version.

iconoclastic pastry
10-06-2005, 09:05 AM
No particular order:

Resident Evil 4

Metroid Prime

Soul Calibur (original)

Advance Wars


10-06-2005, 01:29 PM
Ok heres mine

5. Guardian heroes. An old adventure game for the sega saturn. It had some good characters and a long playability as There are multiple characters And also multiple routes and options 2 pick along the way. Plus the versus mode on that game was unrivaled

4. Vandal hearts. One of the first games I owned for the psx and still one of my favorites. Again londg playabiity because of different classes making it more/less challange depending on how u play it.

3. ssx 3 I love them all but this was ny favorite of the 3. It had some intersting levels and the fact you could dress your characters up. Plus listening to Kaori(my fav char) speak makes me laugh so much

2 Final Fantasy 8. Not much needs saying. Good characters and an interesting story. I also liked the junctioning system as opposed to Materia

1. Suikoden 2 My all time favorite game. Its a game which is acctually pretty short but there are a lot of side missions and such on the way. Plus trying to collect 108 characters provides you with a lot of people to play the agme through with

10-06-2005, 01:47 PM
Top 5 games this generation

10-06-2005, 02:38 PM
Ah well. No matter. FF8 should be up there anyway.

10-06-2005, 03:28 PM
along with yo momma?

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-06-2005, 03:54 PM
Runs into kitchen, gets knife, and slits own throat
Are you serious? That game is ok for a stress-reliever, but #1?

Yes, for the reason you listed.

10-06-2005, 04:33 PM
5. Half-Life 2 - First Person Shooter - PC, Xbox
The yard-stick for every FPS to follow - Half-Life 2 has an indepth storyline, amazing visuals and unlimited replayability thanks to the dedicated mod community.

4. Final Fantasy X - Japanese Role-Playing Game - PS2
The best Final Fantasy game - an enchanting storyline, and the fastest flowing combat system in the series. A work of art.

3. Jade Empire - Western Role-Playing Game - Xbox
BioWare's live action follow up to Knights of the Old Republic introduces their new IP - a beautiful eastern world. Very similar in style to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Jade Empire as a blast to play, but suffers from an extremely short play time.

2. Knights of the Old Republic - Western Role-Playing Game - PC, Xbox
The best Star Wars game of all time. The best single-player RPG of all time. BioWare's KOTOR world is the most realistic Star Wars universe ever depicted in a game, and it's set 10000 years before the movies. Star Wars Galaxies could learn a lot from this game.

1. World of Warcraft - Massively Multiplayer Online RPG - PC
WoW is...the biggest, most detailed RPG environment I have ever encountered. The sheer number of NPCs and Quests is staggering, and the variety of gameplay - PvE, PvP, Instance runs, Battlegrounds, hell, even Auctioning - is staggering. Blizzard have truly created a game for the ages.

iconoclastic pastry
10-06-2005, 04:37 PM
I just want to voice my opposition to FF8's inclusion on any list, anywhere.

10-06-2005, 04:45 PM
I just want to voice my opposition to FF8's inclusion on any list, anywhere.


It should join FF:MQ on the 'thanks but no thanks' list.

10-06-2005, 05:00 PM
FF8 was good and even great at moments but WTF @ Disc 3
Squaresoft: so what do we do with the story from here on out?
random fuck: just like.. make everyone connect..


10-11-2005, 10:11 PM
Speaking of FFVIII, I didn't like that game much either when I first completed it... but in an amazing twist of fate, it's become one of my all-time favourite games! :-\

Well anyway, here's my top 5 games for this current generation:

5. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
With a graceful mix of excellent sword-fighting and mind-blowing acrobatic platforming, this is the best platformer I've played this generation.

4. Resident Evil 4
Not only does it have the best graphics on any current console, it also has enough excellent and inventive gameplay to go with it to make this the best game of the year (so far).

3. Final Fantasy X
This one should be self-explanatory, since most of you should have played it by now. It's got some very addictive gameplay to go along with an excellent and emotional storyline, as this is probably the best RPG I've played this generation.

2. Shadow of Memories
An unknown story-driven 3D graphic adventure by Konami, that plays along the lines of Shenmue, but better. It has one of the best storylines I've seen in a game, a complex, non-linear time-travel plot that can have many different outcomes depending on the different choices you make. A true gem that went un-noticed along with the earlier batch of PS2 games, I think this is the second-best game I've played this generation.

1. Metal Gear Solid 2
This game was one of the most over-hyped, yet one of the most under-rated, games this generation. The gameplay was superior to its predecessor in every way, while the plot was ridiculed by many for being too complex and philosophical. Well I say screw them, because this game has the most intelligent and thought-provoking storyline I've ever seen in any game. I think this is the best game I've played this generation.

And that's all folks!