09-16-2005, 06:03 PM
SPOILERS AHEAD like you didnt figured that out xP

Did anyone else think that the ending should have just ended at the Lifa tree with Zidane and Kuja and just faded to black without Zidane surviving?
This might sound depressing to some but seeing as zidane was a bit of a selfish charakter i tought it would have been great to have an ending where in he eventually sacrifised himself knowing he probably wouldnt have made it and well.. didnt

I know it sounds a bit dumb but eh that was the one thing that would have made FF9 perfect for me.. that and Daggers singing scene cutted.. and a Stiltzkin minigame xD

09-16-2005, 06:21 PM
I see where your coming from but the way i see it, FFIX was always so uplifting that a "sad" ending would have put a cloud over the rest of the game. It`s a very pleasant ending that never leaves the player with questions. Because, it`s ending.

Tidus 66
09-16-2005, 06:27 PM
It has it's questions like Vivi's kids but it's a good ending if not one of the best

09-18-2005, 03:51 AM
No, I like FFIX's ending, it keeps you guessing and then it surprises you at the end --- at least it surprised me. And "Melodies of Life" is the best FF vocal piece, except maybe, just maybe, "1000 Words (Orchestra Version.)" Besides, I like Zidane.

09-18-2005, 03:53 AM
I think the ending was fine as is, infact I was very happy with it. If it had of ended at the scene you mentioned, I would have felt disappointed, so I'm glad it didn't.

09-18-2005, 04:43 AM
aaaah but the impact it would have had *shakes fist*
we've seen this hollywoodm00sh too much :]
i would have liked to have seen Dagger in the end as a woman who could stand by hereself and who lead her people and restored her town instead of that ffx2 womanizing crap
people would have talked about it for.. a very very VERY friggin long time!
ok Freya didnt get back with her ol bfriend.. that was kinda the biggest drama we had no?(they didnt get back did they? i should replay the game) but she was already a pretty strong woman to begin with so that wasnt all that dramatic :1
speaking about Freya ()
beautifull fanart i picked up on

ugh i should shutup and go to bed
maybe i just wanted sumthing to tear with T-T
i'm such a hopeless romantic
ah well..
i love FF9
and when you get rpg perfection for almost 4 discs
you think you have bought a dream come true
anywho dumb to start a topic about something wich has been set and cant be changed so i'l stop my rambling.. for now :]

09-18-2005, 05:09 AM
Wrong. Freya and Fratley did get back together, although he still hadn't regained his memory.

Fratley: Freya, you're leaving soon, are you not?
Freya: Yes. I can hardly wait to see everyone.
Fratley: Alexandria... I went there many years ago. How long will it take to rebuild Burmecia...?
Freya: I don't care, as long as I am with you.
Fratley: ...I love you, Freya.
Freya: (...Yet he still doesn't remember our past.) I just want to cherish our time right now.

09-18-2005, 05:28 AM
he really said
Fratley: ...I love you, Freya.

cant believe i dont remember :x

09-18-2005, 09:28 PM
Yes, he really said it.

09-19-2005, 01:35 AM
No, I like FFIX's ending, it keeps you guessing and then it surprises you at the end --- at least it surprised me. And "Melodies of Life" is the best FF vocal piece, except maybe, just maybe, "1000 Words (Orchestra Version.)" Besides, I like Zidane.
I agree with everything exept "1000 Words"

09-19-2005, 11:26 PM
Something else I think I should mention --- the part of FFIX where Zidane reveals that he's alive was voted (Thread 12615) the best Final Fantasy scene in the General Final Fantasy Rumble a while back, so it's definitely something that has some staying power in a lot of peoples' minds.

09-20-2005, 12:36 AM
buh 8vs5
what a beating, if i woulda been here it woulda been 8vs6 :d
we already had a happy uberhollywoodending with FF8
it would have been friggin awesome that the last FF for psx not only summed up all the great things of all the older games but also would go with a really unconventional ending.. imo

btw just to check, did any of the main chars in ff 1-6 die at the end?

09-20-2005, 01:47 AM
buh 8vs5
what a beating
But do you vote in the rumbles? What you have to remember about the Rumbles is that for that scene to make it that far, it didn't just have to win that battle. It had to win four battles before it against other great scenes in order to advance to the final battle.

btw just to check, did any of the main chars in ff 1-6 die at the end?
I wouldn't talk about that here, a thread in the FFIX section about the ending of the game implies possible spoilers for that game by default if you ask me, but people have a right not to see spoilers for other games in here.

09-20-2005, 01:13 PM
i dont think he was selfish he was very caring and looking out 4 other ppl he went to the lifa tree to save kuja but even though it fell on top of them as kuja died zidane survived by singing daggers/garnets song (dont ask how i didnt make the game) but i thought the ending was gr8!!! even though it made me cry bvut wih happyness!!!!! thee hee

09-21-2005, 01:04 AM
"zidane survived by singing daggers/garnets song"

what? where did you get that from?

Actually I think it's weird that is takes so long for Zidane to get back to alexandria, Garnets hair has grown back, so it must have been a long time. They didn't see each other all that time. Was he hiding in lindblum all that time?

09-21-2005, 01:22 AM
Zidane was "Alone for a while, searching through the dark" just like the song says. Dagger asked Zidane how he got back and he said something like "I sang 'our song'" and "He had to come back"

09-28-2005, 11:20 AM
I liked the ending how it was, very good clear up of the story, and showed how everyone finally found peace in a way, I wouldn't want it to be changed..

09-30-2005, 01:10 AM
Oh right, now i think about it, it was a while ago since i saw the ending...

ive only seen the ending twice and that was the same day.

Dark Mage626
10-02-2005, 03:23 AM
I liked the ending, but the ending you suggest also sounds very interesting.

10-26-2005, 02:56 AM
I loved the ending, it wrapped everything up so well. It was (in my opinion) the best FF ending I had ever seen. I would not change it
HOWEVER, Zidane dying would have made it interesting. I actually thought he did because they didnt show him for awhile, and it seemed that everyone carried on with their lives. Oh well...