09-13-2005, 12:32 AM
Hey guys, im new kinda but been on the final fantasy for bout 9 years now (phew)
Anyhoo, i was tld that they were going to release a "playable game" sequel to the prestigious FFVII, i know about advent children (who doesnt) but what about the playing side, they said it was the original with updated graphics and better gameplay, not that it could get better, but with more in the story like a link to AC.

oh well, some feedback would be nice

09-13-2005, 07:07 AM
Rumours of a hypothetical 'update' of FFVII have been doing the rounds on the net for many years now, and stemmed from a throwaway quote uttered by FFVII Producer Yoshinori Kitase in a magazine interview in which he mentioned he'd like to remake FFVII, but as he was working on too many projects on at the time, it would probably never happen.

Really, Square Enix is milking FFVII for it's worth now, with spin-offs, sequels and prequels being announced all the time (Advent Children, Last Order, Dirge of Cerberus, Before Crisis, Crisis Core etc), so much so that any talk of a possible remake of the original is irrellevant.

As for other spin-off games, there are plenty of spin-offs:

FF Tactics series (FF Tactics for PSX and FF Tactics Advance for the GBA) - these tie in loosely with the upcoming FFXII (which is still in development)
FFX-2 (sequel to FFX)
FF Mystic Quest for the SNES
FF Crystal Chronicle for the Gamecube
Animated releases such as FF The Legend of the Crystals, FF Unlimited and the FF movie FF The Spirits Within, not to mention the upcoming FFVII Advent Children and FFVII Last Order.

There are also other games whch are not actually part of the FF series, but feature characters and other elements from the series in cameo roles:

The 'Chocobo' series (consisting of Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon I and II, and Chocobo racing)
Ergheiz (3-d fighter featuring a number of FFVII characters.)
Kingdom Hearts (over-rated collaboration with Disney, which features FFVII, VIII and X characters interacting with characters and worlds from Disney films).

There are others too, but what I have covered is only the tip of the iceberg.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-13-2005, 01:27 PM
And lets not forget the rumors sparked by that FF7 tech-demo for the PS3.

09-13-2005, 02:24 PM
Last Order.

What? Since when???