02-18-2002, 03:48 AM
If you are a part of the writing contest please post your story in this thread by at least the 27th of February. If you forget I will have to send ya a PM and me don't wanna do that so sdo remember the due date. Good luck to all contenters.
Me and the other judges will need at least a week to make the final choices so please wait a while. I will PM the winners ASAP. Us judges are looking for great stories so make sure yours is of high standard. Anyway,please post your stories if you are ready. Thankies in advance.:)
Please PM with any more questions you may still have and I will try to answer them ASAP.:)

02-18-2002, 10:35 AM
Ok, i fixed the problem up in record time. Now, be prepared for a VERY VERY long post. *crosses fingers* hope i do well. Enjoy:D

FF8 Story!!! Made especially for the writing contest. Made entirely by me, Cloud/Kie � 2001/02

Disk 1
Pt 1- Battle with Seifer to Balamb Garden
Setting: Unknown, but Squall and Seifer are fighting.
Squall-Kick ass time!!!
Seifer- Yeah for me.
Squall-Yeah for����no! for me I meant!
Seifer-Enough talk!
Seifer slashes Squall on the face to make that cool scar.
Squall-My face!
Squall slashes Seifer�s face to make the other cool scar.
Seifer-Cool! I made your face look better so you made mine look better. Thanks.
Squall-I guess it�s cool.
Seifer-Man I�m tired of fighting for now.
Squall-Same, wanna go to the pub and get some cold ones?
Seifer-Sure, let�s go.
So they go to the nearest pub and get totally shit-faced. They get so drunk that they don�t remember how they got back to Balamb Garden and that�s where they are now.
Later on��
Setting: No!!! Not a-fucking-gain!
Squall-FUCK! I�ve got a huge hangover.
Doctor Kawaski-Yeah, you and Seifer were wasted last night heh heh.
Seifer walks in.
Seifer-Cool night huh?
Squall-I���don�t remember. Probably.
Seifer-Oh well. See ya later man.
Squall-Yeah, see ya.
Kawaski-Wow! Seifer nearly smiled! You should rest a bit though Squall.
Squall-Naaaah, I�m off. See ya.
Squall goes to the 2nd floor of Balamb Garden.
Setting: WORK IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quistis-You�re late dick-head!
Squall-Don�t shout! I�m hung over.
Quistis-You�re too young to drink.
Squall-I didn�t drink. Seifer sort of��shoved it down my throat I think.
Quistis-Whatever, come in class now.
Setting: Oh god no!!!!!��������In class.
Seifer-Still hung over man?
Squall-You better believe it.
Seifer-Same man, I�m fucked!
Squall-Anything you say baby!
Quistis-Shut up! We�re off to the Fire Cavern today remember?
Squall-Ooh, hot baby!
Quistis-Shut up pervert!
Seifer-HA HA HA HA!!!!!!! Squall, you got a big �F� FAILURE!!!!!!!
Squall-I do better than you could.
Quistis-(oh god) Remember to meet at the front gate when you�re ready.
Squall-Oh I�m ready alright! But are you ready for my sword? Hardened!
Quistis-You disgusting freak! Just be there!
Class ends.
Squall-Alright!!! Me and the babe all alone in a hot place. Time to get some!
Garden Faculty-QUICK!!!! A person�s just been run over by a truck in Balamb!
Faculty-Uhhhh, Zell Dincht.
Squall-He�s dead? Cool!!!! He�s gay.
Seifer-Yeah, he was a chicken-wuss! Ha ha.
Squall-Huh? Chicken-wuss???
Seifer-I don�t know! That�s what I say in the game!
Squall-Oh ok!
Faculty-Well, he�ll be dead by now. You took too long.
Squall-Cool beans! We meant to do that so he did die!
Squall walks on.
Selphie-Whoa, sorry.
Squall-Watch where you�re going you fucking���another babe!!!
Squall-Never mind.
Selphie-I only know Seifer here. Could you give me a tour around here?
Squall-Sure! When Seifer smiles.
Selphie-But he never smiles.
Squall-That�s the point dumbass.
Selphie-But, he�ll never smile.
Squall-Someday he might.
Selphie-I�ll know this place by then!
Squall-Too bad then huh?
Squall heads to the Fire Cavern.
Setting: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha�������������NO!
Quistis-Ok, here we have to fight Ifrit.
Quistis-He�s a GF.
Quistis-A Guardian Force.
Squall shrugs.
Quistis-Stupid. Now, remember, he�s good so don�t kill him ok?
Squall-It�s ok, I�m not that dumb I can remember that!
Ifrit-So, what this time? A nerdy babe and a hangover prick. Not up to much eh?
Squall-Say that again faggot!
Ifrit-Ok, a nerdy babe and a hangover��
Squall-LION HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Squall kills Ifrit in a VERY cool scene.
Quistis-DAMN YOU DICK-HEAD!!!!!!!!!!
Squall-What?������oh yeah, I wasn�t supposed to kill him huh? I forgot.
Quistis-He could have been useful to us.
Squall-Wait wait. He might be alive�����uh����ah!!! Here�s a finger!!
Quistis-Uh huh? Um it�s not alive Squall.
Squall-It might be.
Quistis-No way! It�s done for man! You failed.
Squall-SHUT UP!!!! You�ll hurt the finger�s feelings.
Squall-Everything has feelings.
Squall-Especially chairs! I love chairs!
Quistis-Riiiiiiiiggggggggggghhhhhhhhhtttttt!!!! Let�s just go now.
They head back to Balamb Garden for their next mission.
Pt 2- Dollet to SeeD promotion
Setting: I DON�T KNOW!!!
Squall-Hmmmmmm, now what the hell do we do?
Quistis-Time for your first mission.
Squall-No assisstance?
Quistis-Yeah, Zell and Seifer.
Squall-Didn�t Zell die?
Squall-So what now? I�m just with Seifer. What if we need 3 people at one stage?
Quistis-�����������Well we�ll worry about that when we come to it ok?
Zell-Who died man?
Squall-You died!
Zell-You know, that doesn�t make much sense man?
Seifer-Man you suck Zell.
Squall-Finally, someone else thinks so.
Zell-Hey, shut up.
Quistis-We�d better get to Balamb Garden now.
Squall-In that car? It sucks ass.
Seifer-Yeah, totally.
Seifer-Shut up chicken-wuss.
Squall-What kind of last name is Dincht anyway?
Zell-Hey, I�ll kick you�re a����
Quistis-Fine, we�ll walk to Balamb City.
Later on��
Setting: Balamb City Dock
Squall-Let me guess, we�re going to Dollet by ship?
Seifer-How�d you work that out?
Quistis-Hurry up dicks!
Squall-This ship sucks balls.
They ride to Dollet.
Setting:��������������Fuck off.
After the cool FMV of Squall.
Squall-So Galbadia�s taken over here?
Quistis-That�s right! And you guys are Team �B�. You kill stuff.
Seifer-�B�??? What about the �A� team?
Quistis-That�s for SeeD only.
Squall-Are we ever leaving the beach or not?
Seifer-I�m the captain and I�ll decide when we go!
Zell-How about now?
Seifer-NO!!!�������������������ok now.
Later on��
Setting: Dollet Town Square
Squall-Well, we�ve killed stuff. Now what?
Seifer-This is boring. I�m off up there.
Zell-The Communication Tower? Quistis said to wait.
Seifer-Well, that�s just too bad. I�m off.
Zell-You suck Seifer!
Seifer kills Zell.
Squall-Let�s go man.
Later on��
Setting: Outside Communication Tower
Seifer-In we go!
Squall-Wait man! Awwwwwwww.
Selphie-Finally. I finally found you. You�re Team �B� right?
Squall-Yeah, so. Huh? You�re that babe from Balamb.
Squall-Look, Seifer will smile one day. I�ll give you a tour then but let�s go inside now.
Selphie-Is Seifer inside?
Squall-Yeah. And Zell died again.
Selphie-Again??? That doesn�t make sense you know.
Squall-So people keep saying.
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Debris comes flying from the tower.
Selphie-You�re fucked up man. Chairs don�t have feelings!
Squall-It�s dead!
Selphie-Uhhhh (better comfort him). You know, god makes everything and takes them away.
Selphie-So, if god can take away a chair, he can bring it back.
Squall-That�s fake.
Selphie-And if god can do anything, then your chair will be back.
Squall-Man, you sure like god huh?
Selphie-Yeah, and if god���
Squall-���Gets mentioned once more I�ll send you closer to him.
Later on��
Setting: Communication Tower
Selphie-Let�s get to the top.
Setting: Top
Biggs-What the fuck?????
Squall slices Biggs in half.
Wedge-CRAP!! Uhh, I surrender.
Squall also kills Wedge.
Selphie-Why don�t you ever use the gun part of your gunblade?
Squall-Because I don�t�����know how.
Selphie-Ha ha! Lame!
Seifer-You guys are blind! Here comes something else!
Elvoret-Ha ha ha! I�m killing myself so you can�t get Siren off me!
Seifer-Go ahead! It�s not like GFs do much in the game!
Elvoret kills itself.
Squall-That was easy. Let�s go home now.
Setting: Outside the Communication Tower.
Squall-HUH??!!!! What the fuck is THAT?????
Selphie-Hmmmm, oh yeah! It�s X-ATM 092.
Seifer-Ha, nerd. We could�ve just used scan anyway.
Seifer-NEVER!!!! DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seifer kills X-ATM 092.
Seifer-Now let�s go home.
They leave Dollet City.
Later on��
Setting: Balamb Garden
Quistis-You dick Seifer! You�ll never be a SeeD!
Seifer-Huh??? Why not?
Quistis-You left your post and disobeyed orders. Whether you saved Dollet or not is irrelevant!
Seifer-DAMN YOU!!!! Balamb sucks ass!!!!!!
Later on��
Setting: 2nd Floor Lobby
Garden Faculty-I will now read the new members of SeeD.
Squall-I know who won�t be SeeD. Seifer!
Faculty-The new members are: Squall, Selphie, Zell even though he�s dead, and this other guy. Please report to headmaster Cid on the 3rd floor now.
Setting: Awwwwwwww Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!
Cid-Congratulations new recruits. We are holding a party tonight in your honor.
Other Guy-Yeah!!!
Later on��
Setting: Par-tay
Squall-This party sucks ass.
Rinoa-Hi, I�m Rinoa. Are you a new SeeD?
Squall-Yeah. I�m in love. I mean I�m Squall.
Rinoa-Wanna dance?
Squall-Naah, I suck too much.
Rinoa-Ok then see ya.
Rinoa leaves and Squall heads to the balcony.
Squall-Shut the fuck up!
Quistis-Let�s talk. Not here but at the area behind the training grounds.
Squall-Ok, see ya then.
Squall never shows up there and if you are familiar with the actual story. Squall is supposed to save Ellone but he�s not there to save her so she dies L.
Pt 3- The Timber Battle
Squall-Cool, I got a new room!
Zell-Mine�s better.
Squall-No way! You�re lucky to be a SeeD.
Zell-Whatever, let�s just go to the front now.
Setting: Front.
Cid-You took your sweet ass time.
Squall-Whatever, what�s the mission?
Cid-You are to help a group called Forest Owls get Timber back in order.
Zell-Forest Owls? What a gay name.
Selphie-Let�s just go.
Later on��
Setting: Balamb City.
Squall-Let�s take the train to Timber.
Zell-How else would we get there?
Squall-By ship but never mind. (You suck man)
They get on the train.
Setting: Never mind
Selphie-Open the door quick! I love trains.
Squall-So? I like chairs but you don�t see me askin for one.
Zell-Come on man! We got a private cabin.
Selphie-That does it!
Selphie breaks a wooden chair that just happened to be there.
Squall-Noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! You bitch!
Squall chucks Selphie out of the train window.
Squall-You fool!
Zell-Dude, you�re fucked up!
Squall-Yeah, I know.
They go into the private cabin and fall asleep.
Setting: Forest outside Deling City.
Laguna-Mission accomplished. Let�s go to Deling now.
Kiros-Alright!! A rest.
Later on��
Setting: Deling City.
Laguna-We�d better head off to the hotel now and rest.
Setting: Deling Hotel
Kiros-Ha, gonna watch Julia huh?
Laguna-Shut up!
Ward-Don�t get a hard now ha ha ha!
Julia starts playing the piano.
Kiros-Go see her man.
Ward-Yeah you go girl��I mean guy.
Laguna walks over there but he gets a cramp and stumbles back.
Kiros-Oh man that�s classic!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
Julia-Wanna come up to my room and talk privately?
Laguna-Uhhhhhhhhh���YEAH sure!!!
Squall-This guy�s a faggot!
Selphie-I think he�s cute.
Squall-?????? How the fuck are you here??? You�re dead!
Selphie-Doesn�t make sense huh?
Squall-Nothing does anymore.
Laguna-Hey, can you guys hear voices?
Ward-Yeah, they�re up my ass!!! You�re a faggot.
Squall-See, someone else thinks so!
Kiros-Hahaha!!! Go the voice! Laguna is a faggot!
Laguna-That voice sucks!
Squall-Come up here and say that.
Laguna-I would if I could!
Squall-Ha ha ha! Suck faggot.
Laguna-That voice is really starting to piss me off!
Julia-Man, you guys are nuts! Coming or not Laguna?
Laguna-Sure! I�ll get my revenge on the voice later.
Squall-I�d like to see you try!
Zell-Calm down and shut up Squall!
Laguna-Squall huh? Revenge will be sweet.
Julia-Man, you�re fucked up!
Selphie-Yeah so are you Squall. My granddad told me of this guy who was as much fucked up as you. But then he went into the lifestream whatever that is, and got well again.
Squall-As fucked up as�����������ME???
Laguna-Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kiros-Ha ha! Suck.
Laguna-I�m gonna kick your ass Squall.
They wake up.
Squall-Man, Laguna sucks!
Zell-No point saying it now. Laguna can�t hear us anymore.
Laguna-I hear all!
Squall-You�re a faggot!
Laguna-I�ll kick your ass man. Bring it on!!!
They arrive at Timber.
Setting: Obviousness can�t be good for the brain.
Squall-Now what?
Watts-Come here SeeDs!
Zell-Ahhhhhhh!!! A pedophile!
Zone-Watts! You poof, don�t sexually harass the SeeDs!
Watts-But they�re so sexy!
Zone-Shit man, learn to like women for god�s sake and ours.
Squall-Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggggggggggggggggggg gghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhttttttttttttttt!!!!
Zone-We�re Forest Owls. What�s the password?
Zell-What a really gay name.
Zone-Correct! Good guess. We�ve been meaning to change the password though.
Squall-It�s cool. And true.
Zone-Let�s discuss the plan. Get the princess will you?
Squall-Yes, oh sahib!
Setting: Rinoa�s room.
Squall-Hi again baby.
Rinoa-Man, you suck.
Rinoa-Well, that�s what you said earlier.
Squall-Whatever. Anyway, Watts and Zone need you now.
Rinoa-No, Watts is gay. He doesn�t need me. He needs men. Zone needs me.
Squall-No! I meant they want you with them.
Rinoa-What???? You�re disgusting!
Squall-Just come with me!
Squall-Everything I say to you is taken disgustingly! Isn�t anything normal to say?
Rinoa-Let�s go.
Later on��
Zone-Ok, the plan is basically this. We capture President Deling and kill him.
Squall-Cool, let�s do it then.
Watts-Wait, we�ve been planning for years now and we�ve found a way to do it. First we��
Squall-Awwwwww, that�ll take a year to explain. Watch this.
Squall jumps out of their train and onto the other train tracks. The other train with the president on sees him and swerves. It crashes and blows up, killing everyone on board.
Watts-(All those years of planning, and he does that off the top of his head) Uhh, that�s���certainly original.
Rinoa-Back to Timber then.
Later on��
Squall-That live broadcast will be going on soon, let�s head to the T.V station.
Rinoa-It�s behind the pub.
Zell-Off to the pub then!
Setting: Nup, I quit! For now.
Drunk-I said, I ain�t moving!
Rinoa-Come on!
Squall-Look, I haven�t got much patience right now so MOVE!!!!
Drunk-I already said! I ain�t����
SLICE!!!!!!! Squall slices up the drunk.
Rinoa-That wasted time Squall!
Squall-Actually, it saved a lot of it.
Setting: T.V Station.
Zell-It�s starting.
President Deling-Hello peoples! It�s been over 20 years since a live broadcast has been on.
Rinoa-HUH??? The other one must�ve been a fake!
Deling-And now I will kick everyone�s ass!!!
Seifer-Wanna bet?
Seifer captures the president.
Quistis-No Seifer!
Squall-This is pretty fucked up right here.
Quistis-Timber team. Get here NOW!!!!
Later on��
Setting: Inside T.V Station
Squall-Seifer!!!! You need help. Uh, wanna beer or something?
Seifer-Not this time bud.
Zell-You�re fucked up bad this time.
Seifer-And you suck ASS!!!
Seifer slices his gunblade straight through Zell.
Rinoa-Nooooooooo! Seifer!
Seifer-Hello baby!
Squall-That�s my line.
Seifer runs into the next room.
Seifer-Who are you, bitch?
Edea-I am your master now.
Seifer-Yeah baby!
Edea-Come to me!
Squall-Geez, I thought I was fucked up.
Rinoa-Someone�s always more fucked up. Seifer�s probably gonna get killed now huh?
Squall-Yeah, but life goes on���for him anyway.
Rinoa-Man you suck!
Pt4- Timber again to the Tomb of the Unknown King
Setting: Timber Station
Squall-Let�s try to get to the next Garden.
Quistis-That�s Galbadia Garden.
Zell-Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Selphie-Let�s get to East Academy first.
Later on��
Setting: World Map
Squall-Galbadia Garden�s just through this forest.
They go in and fall asleep.
Setting: Esthar Forest and Excavation Site.
Laguna-Man that sucked before.
Kiros-That was funny.
Laguna-Julia kicked my ass! That�s not funny.
Ward-Yeah it was! I liked the part where she shoved her shoes down your throat.
Laguna-Shut up Ward.
Julia-And when she made you eat grass on all fours.
Laguna-Shut up Ward!!!
Ward-And then the part where she kicked your balls! Your face was all blue and���
Laguna-SHUT UP WARD!!!!!!!!!! GEEZ!!!
Kiros-He was just trying to make conversation.
Squall-Yeah Laguna you suck!
Laguna-Squall again!
Squall-You suck at getting girls!
Selphie-You can have me!
Zell-Shut up Selphie.
Laguna-When I find you, I�ll kick your ass.
Squall-Just try it!
Laguna-We�re outta here.
Laguna, Kiros and Ward eventually get through the excavation site.
Laguna-Huh? Ward, you ok?
Ward-Uhh, you punched my throat earlier on. I can�t talk much.
Squall-Ha! Suck Laguna!!!!!!!
Laguna-SHIT!!!! Uhh, sorry.
Kiros-I guess we won�t be hearing from you then huh? Ha ha ha!
They wake up and head to Galbadia Garden.
Setting: I�m not gonna start this again!!!
Squall-Man, Laguna really does suck.
Zell-Poor ward though.
Rinoa-You guys are weird.
Selphie-?????? Didn�t you fall asleep?
Quistis-No, but we watched you.
Squall-(perverts) Now what?
Quistis-Well, I�m off to see the headmaster.
Later on��
Setting: Same place
Squall-You took your sweet ass time.
Quistis-Well, here comes the headmaster now.
Martine-Ok, Cid has asked you to go to Deling City.
Squall-The place with Laguna?
Martine-Anyway, your job is simple: To kill Edea.
Selphie-The sorceress???? How the fuck do we do that?
Squall-Yeah, we�ll walk up to her and ask, �can we kill you?� and she�ll say yeah.
Martine-Uh huh. (??????) No, you�ll need the help of a sharpshooter. He�s very good.
Selphie-In bed?
Martine-Yes in���NO!!! Not in bed, how would I know whether he�s good in bed or not? Anyway, he�s horny but good. He�ll assist in any way possible. General Caraway will give you the info on how to kill Edea. You just have to show up. The sharpshooter�s name is Irvine Kinneas.
Irvine-Yes sir! I�m here now.
Selphie-Hiya (WOW!)
Squall-He looks���like a girl!
Zell-Are you a guy?
Zell-You don�t look like one.
Irvine blows Zell away.
Irvine-I�ve got a short temper.
Squall-Same man.
Rinoa-He�s cool now.
Quistis-Let�s get to Deling now.
Irvine-Hey baby! What�s your name?
Selphie-I�m Selphie Timmit, who are you?
Irvine-(She must be blonde underneath) Uhh, I�m Irvine Kinneas.
Selphie-Ok then.
They get to Deling City by train.
Setting: Deling City (Caraway�s Mansion)
Squall-Hey punk! Where�s Caraway�s Mansion!
Guard-Sir, I�m a guard and this is Caraway�s Mansion.
Squall-Well, get outta the way! I want in now!
Guard-General Caraway asked you to bring back a number on a gunblade from the Tomb of the Unknown King.
Irvine-Awwwwww, I haven�t even seen him yet, but General Caraway is gay!
They leave Deling City.
Later on��
Setting: Tomb of the Unknown King.
Squall-Look, the code. 723 huh? Crap.
Selphie-Let�s go now.
Squall-No, let�s go further in. It looks cool in here.
Rinoa-Yeah, let�s go!
They go further in and eventually find Sacred.
Sacred-You disturbed me! You guys suck. I�ll kill you now.
Squall-I don�t mind. We�ll just kill you easily.
Sacred-I know your weakness ha ha ha!!!!
Sacred boots away a chair.
Selphie-Ooooh, you�re fucked now.
Sacred blows the chair up.
Squall slices up Sacred.
Minotaur-Noooo, bro!!!
Squall also slices Minotaur up.
Quistis-Why�d ya do that?
Squall-Awwww, sorry. They all look alike anyway.
They get back to Deling City.
Setting: Caraway�s Mansion
Irvine-Dude, the password is 723.
Guard-Correct! Caraway is waiting now.
Squall-Yeah he�s waiting for me to kick his ass after this mission which is what I�m gonna do.
Rinoa-Yeah, wait a minute. He�s my dad!
Squall-That�s his problem.
Rinoa-God, you do suck.
Selphie-Are we going or not?
Irvine-Yeah, let�s go.
Pt5- Deling City to End of Disk 1
Setting: Rinoa�s House (basically)
General Caraway-Hi Rinoa, go to your room now!
Rinoa-DAMN!! Already.
Squall-Hmmmm, how come Rinoa went out the front door to get to her room?
Quistis-It doesn�t make sense huh?
Caraway-That�s what she does in the game so stick to the script.
Squall-Fuck the script.
Caraway-Whatever, Here�s the mission: You are to first seal off, then capture Sorceress Edea. First, Irvine and Squall will wait for the gates to open at the Presidential Residence. When the gates open, you head straight to the Clock Tower place and wait until exactly 20:00 (8pm).
Squall-Count on us!
Caraway-Then, Zell, Quistis and Selphie will go to the huge arch thingy and head to the top. Close the gates down at exactly 8pm.
Caraway-Until 8pm, everyone just lie low ok? Then at 8pm, Irvine grabs the sniper rifle and takes an open shot on the sorceress and BIFF, POW, ZAP!!! It�s all over. That�s the plan. Let�s start.
Later on��
Setting: Same place.
Squall-Why did Caraway have to give a full tour of the plan. That sucked and wasted time.
Zell-Yeah, what a waste of time.
They start to leave again.
Rinoa-Wait! I�m coming!
Quistis-Get fucked! You�re staying here. It�s too dangerous.
Rinoa-I can handle it!
Zell-No way! Stay here.
Rinoa-Fuck, shit, gay, crap etc�
Later on��
Setting: Presidential Residence.
Caraway-You 2 stay here and keep low.
Squall-Sure. See ya.
Caraway-Get to the Arch thingy you 3.
Zell-Sure, let�s go.
Quistis-One sec. Maybe we were too hard on Rinoa guys.
Zell-No way. She deserves it.
Quistis-Nup, let�s go back and apologize.
Zell-Awwwwww, no way.
Selphie-Do it. Come on!
Quistis-Come with us or it�s bye bye SeeD.
Zell-That�s bloody blackmail.
Setting: Caraway�s Mansion
Quistis-Rinoa!!!! Where are you.
Selphie-She�s gone.
Zell-Huh? The door�s locked.
Quistis-WHAT???? The celebration�s already started too. SHIT!!!
Somewhere else at the same time.
Setting: Edea�s Float.
Rinoa-Edea buddy!
Edea-Shut up bitch!!! I got a crowd to please and a president to kill. And you�re coming.
Edea walks out.
Setting: Outside gates watching the float.
Squall-There�s Edea.
Irvine-What a babe!
Squall-Dude! God.
Irvine-?????????? Isn�t that Rinoa???
Squall-SHIT!!!!! What the fuck??
Irvine-We gotta save her.
Squall-Wait a sec. How? Let�s keep watching for now.
Setting: Edea�s Float
Edea-Peoples! I am the new ruler of Galbadia from now to forever.
Edea kills President Deling.
Rinoa-You bitch!
The gates open.
Irvine-Let�s go Squall.
Squall-NOT YET!!!
Edea kicks a chair out of her way as she sends Iguion at Rinoa.
Rinoa-Shit!!! Iguion! Help!
Squall-The CHAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let�s go!
Setting: Caraway�s Mansion
Quistis-I�ve got an idea. How about we pick up this glass and put it on this here statue?
A secret passage opened.
Selphie-That was obvious. Did we really need the glass though?
Zell-Probably not but let�s go through.
Setting: The Sewers.
Selphie-You said it.
Zell-(those 2 bitches! Why am I here anyway? Oh yeah I know why!) Bitch! �Ooooh, Zell, say goodbye to SeeD if you don�t come. Yeah right. If we fail this mission. I�ll say goodbye to it anyway.
Quistis-Don�t be gay.
Setting: Edea�s Float.
Rinoa-Thanks for saving me Squall.
Squall-That�s fine. I like chairs too much to let Edea get away with kicking one.
Irvine-Uh huh. Let�s get to the Clock Tower now ok?
Setting: Clock Tower place.
Squall-What now?
Irvine-I can�t do it. I can�t kill her.
Squall-Oh you horny, gay, weak, lame, fuck wit.
Setting: Sewers.
Zell-That took a while.
Quistis-We got through though didn�t we?
Selphie-Let�s climb that ladder.
Setting: The Arch Thingy
Selphie-What luck!
Quistis-And now we wait.
Setting: Celebration.
Edea-This is cool.
Seifer-Yeah! You�re the best. But I need a beer.
Edea-Yeah! ???????? What the?
Edea and Seifer are trapped in. Seifer shoots wildly and kills Zell.
Setting: Clock Tower place
Squall-Now Irvine!
Irvine-I can�t!
Squall-You pussy! Give me that gun!
Squall shoots one sniper pellet and gets Edea right through her neck.
Irvine-Wow. Why am I here if you can do that?
Seifer-You dick!!!
In a cool FMV, Squall gets in a car and gets to Seifer.
Squall-Good to see that you�re alive man. Let�s go for a beer.
Seifer-Sure man. I could really use it about now. And afterwards, we could have a good time with Rinoa!
Rinoa-Yeah, let�s go! I know where a great place is!
So the three go off and have a great time with smiles all around. Except Seifer who never smiles.
End of Disk 1

Disk 2
Pt1- Winhill to Desert Prison
Setting: Home in Winhill
Laguna-Aaaaargh, I�m awake now.
Ellone-Ah, you�re awake now Uncle Laguna.
Laguna-No shit Sherlock. Man that was a good night last night. Me and Raine, oooooh!!
Ellone-You were totally pissed.
Laguna-Oh well.
Ellone-Raine�s waiting in the pub. Go see her.
Squall-What the hell??
Laguna-Not Squall again!
Squall-Ha ha. You fell off a cliff! You gotta be pretty dumb to fall off.
Laguna-How�d you see that?
Squall-I see all!
Laguna-Well, go away.
Squall-You cried like a baby.
Laguna-Fuck off! You ruined all chances I had with Julia.
Squall-Settle down man. You found someone else anyway.
Laguna goes to see Raine.
Setting: Pub in Winhill
Raine-Good night huh?
Laguna-The best.
Kiros-Good huh? Why wasn�t I invited?
Laguna-Cause I couldn�t find����������KIROS!!!!!!!!!!! It�s been a year!
Squall-Hah! Laguna�s been a loner!
Kiros-Huh? Squall is it?
Laguna-I know. He doesn�t talk for a year and then he talks and you rock up!
Kiros-Weird huh?
Selphie-And gay!
Squall-What the? Selphie?
Selphie-Hi Squall! Not dead yet? Where are you?
Squall-Don�t know.
Laguna-Shut up! Where�s Ward Kiros?
Kiros-He�s like, a janitor in some far away prison.
Squall-That�s where Zell is then.
Selphie-Yeah, cause Ward�s there, that means we won�t be talking to him then.
Kiros-He never did get his voice back.
Laguna-That was Squall�s fault.
Squall-I didn�t punch his throat.
Laguna-Only cause he laughed at something I did because of you!
Selphie-That really doesn�t make sense.
Laguna-Look at Disk 1 dumbass!
Laguna and Kiros go on Laguna�s daily monster check and get back to the pub.
Setting: Not a-fucking-gain.
Laguna-I�m reporting on today�s monster check.
Raine-How�d ya do?
Laguna-I killed����2 monsters!!!
Raine-WOW!!! 2 monsters!! We�ll kill all of the monsters in about 3000 years at that rate!
Squall-Ha ha ha!! Lame!
Laguna-I�m gonna totally fuck you up when I find you!!
They wake up.
Setting: Desert Prison
Zell-Awwwwwwwwww, yawn.
Quistis-Ahhhh, you two are finally awake.
Selphie-We�re in a prison?
Quistis-Sucks huh?
Zell-Huh?? This is the place that Ward worked at.
Selphie-How is he? Laguna and Kiros are fine.
Zell-I don�t really care how Laguna and Kiros are. Ward sucks. He can�t talk and he�s got the lowest job ever. Janitorial work.
Rinoa-That bad huh?
Zell-Yeah, where�s Squall?
Selphie-He�s alive. I talked to him.
Zell-That doesn�t make much sense you know.
Rinoa-Cool, where is he?
Selphie-He doesn�t know.
Zell-That�s a start. Uhhh, how�d we get here?
Rinoa-Well, me Squall and Seifer got kinda really drunk and got arrested. Except for Seifer because he works for Edea and Edea came back to life.
Selphie-Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhttttttttttttttt.
Rinoa-And now we�re doomed here for killing Edea.
Zell-Squall did it!
Quistis-Nice shot too.
Rinoa-Speaking of shots, where�s that wuss Irvine?
Selphie-He probably wussed off.
Quistis-Now we need to escape. Zell, you know the place so get our weapons.
Zell-Yes, your majesty.
Quistis-Sarcastic prick.
Zell-How do I get the weapons?
Zell-I know! You 3 lie there. GUARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mean Guy-What? Hey wait, Rinoa is to be set free.
Rinoa-Sweet! See ay guys.
Rinoa leaves.
Mean Guy-Now, what is it?
Zell-The girls are sick.
Mean Guy-Where? Let�s have a look.
PUNCH!!! BIFF!!! ZAK!!! Zell knocks the Mean Guy out.
Zell-Wait here. Back in a flash.
Zell-Got em!
Quistis-Great, let�s go.
Biggs-Huh? You guys again?
Selphie-You guys again?
Biggs-I was demoted to lieutenant after you killed me.
Zell-What�s lower than that I wonder.
Zell kicks the crap out of Biggs and Wedge. Then he rips their hearts out in a Mortal Kombat way.
Quistis-Biggs and wedge huh? Kinda sounds like names from other games too.
Selphie-Whatever, let�s go find everyone.
Later on��
They finally get to level 13.
Setting: I DON�T KNOW!!!!!!!!!!
Zell-Hey, how�d we pick this Moomba up?
Quistis-Don�t ask me! It just tagged along. It�d be better if it could talk.
Selphie-Hey I found a door.
Zell-That wasn�t hard. It�s right in front of you. What do you want? A medal?
They go inside and���
Squall-Shit!! Thank god for you guys. If I had to be asked one more SeeD question from Seifer, I would have killed something, even chairs! He tortured me.
Zell-Let�s go.
Squall-Laguna??? Where?
Quistis-The thing CAN talk!! It thinks you�re Laguna.
Squall-Me?? I don�t look or sound like that faggot! Let�s get to the bottom of this prison and escape now before I kill something. The bottom is the way out.
Quistis-Alright!! Zell, you control that grabby arm thing to take us down.
Zell-Yes oh queen of queens! (bitch, I always do the gay stuff!)
They get to the bottom.
Selphie-We�re underground?? Great Squall!!! Oh, the bottom is the way out huh?
Quistis-Shut up. We�d better get up again.
Zell-Shit!! Why couldn�t I have gone in the grabby arm too? I have to walk huh? This sucks.
Guards-You�re fucked.
SLICE!!! SLICE!!! SCHWING!!! Squall kills the guards���and Zell by accident.
Squall-Oh, well. Zell will be back next part.
Squall-A lot of people keep sayin that.
Rinoa-Quick, over here.
Guards start shooting at them.
Irvine-Shit! Ok, I�ll take care of these guys. You go on ahead and���
BLAST!!!! Irvine gets blown away.
Squall-Quick! To the top!
Later on��
Setting: Level 15 of the Galbadia Desert Prison.
Squall-We�re outta here.
Rinoa-This prison�s rising!!!
Squall falls off into the sand below.
Quistis-Let�s jump too!
Setting: World Map
Squall-Damn it!!!! Balamb Garden�s gonna get stuffed!!!
Selphie-We can still save it.
PTEW PTEW PTEW!!!!!! The missiles fire.
Rinoa-I heard that they�re hitting Trabia Garden first.
Selphie-Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Well, I�m goin to the Missile Base.
Quistis-I�ll go too. I gotta save Balamb Garden.
Squall-Then Rinoa and me will go to Balamb garden to evacuate.
Selphie-Don�t you think we can save Balamb?
Squall-It�s just a precaution. Hey Rinoa, is that contract still valid between us?
Rinoa-Until Timber is returned to normal.
Squall-That�s gay. Fuck off.
Rinoa smashes a chair.
Squall-Hmmmmmmmmm, not only is your contract gone, so are you!!!!!
Squall slices his sword right through Rinoa in a traditional Aeris dying way.
Squall-See ya.
They go their separate ways to save Balamb garden. Trabia Garden was destroyed. L
Pt2- The Totally Fucked up Part
Selphie-Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, now what?
Irvine-How about�����going in?
Quistis-That could work.
They go inside.
Selphie-Hey, there�s a guard.
Quistis-Now let�s be careful not to����
BLAST!!!!! Irvine blows the guard away loudly.
Quistis-����get noticed. You dick-head.
Selphie-QUICK!!!! Into the Control Room.
Setting: Oh, dear god no.
Guard-What the hell?
The guard is dead.
Selphie-Ooooooooooooooh!!! Buttons!!
Quistis-Oh boy.
Selphie-Oooooooooooooooooooooooooh!! What does this button do?
Selphie presses the button and they get transported to���
Setting: Ancient City in FF7
Selphie-What the??
Irvine-I believe it�s an Ancient City.
Quistis-How�d ya figure that one out?
Irvine-That sign over there that says �Ancient City�.
Quistis-Huh? I hear yelling.
They get to the yelling and���
Cid-Ready to go again?
Irvine-Uhhhhh, guys?
Cid-Who are you guys?? And babes!!!
Selphie-We�re from FF8.
Cid-Well, you�re in FF7 now.
Irvine-Whoops, wrong game.
Quistis-Why would Galbadia make a teleporter that leads to another game?
Selphie-It doesn�t make any sense huh?
Irvine-Nothing ever does anymore. Well, we�ll leave you 2 guys to fight.
Vincent-See ya. Now where were we Cid? Oh yeah, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
They walk on as Cid and Vincent are *sigh* still fighting.
Squall-Hi guys.
Selphie-What the hell????
Rinoa-We just got teleported here.
Selphie-My bad. Sorry.
Zell-Now what?
Cloud-Awwwwwwwww, man!!!
Squall-What the???
Tifa-We just came to mourn the anniversary of Aeris� death and find this place to be a fucking tourist attraction!!! People these days!
Squall-Who are you?
Cloud-I�m Cloud Strife and this is my wife Tifa.
Squall-The Cloud Strife??? The one who used to be fucked up??
Cloud-Yeah, used to be.
Squall-Well, I�m fucked up now and I need your help. How can I be un-fucked up?
Cloud-Just fall into lifestream. It works every time.
Squall-We don�t have lifestream in FF8.
Cloud-Too bad then.
Tifa-God made 2 of em. I bet Squall kills something every part too.
Cloud-Riiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh tttttttttt.
Zell-Excellent! Cool! But that won�t get us outta here dumbasses.
Cloud-Who said we were helping you outta here?
Tifa-Oh god!! Those 2 aren�t still fighting are they?
Cloud-Cid and Vincent!!!!!!!!!! Stop fighting!!!
Cid-Get fucked!!!!
Tifa-They�ve been fighting for 20 fucking years now!! Get a life!!!!!!!!!!!
Vincent-Fuck you!
Red XIII-Hi guys.
Cloud-Awwwwwww, not you!!!!
Zell-Finally, someone else who knows my pain. You get killed in every part too huh?
Red XIII-Sure do bud.
Cloud-Awwwww, god made 2 of THEM!!!!!!!!!
Squall-Yeah, let�s kill em!!!! LION HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cloud and Squall team up and totally slice up Zell and Red XIII because they suck.
Cloud-Still got it!
Barret-DAMN!!! Too late. You already killed Red XIII. If Yuffie hadn�t have stopped for a leg wax, I would�ve helped.
Tifa-You wax your legs Yuffie?
Yuffie-You don�t?
Everyone looks at Tifa�s legs.
Everyone-Ewwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUK!!!!
Irvine-That�ll turn me off girls for life!
Barret-What is THAT???
Tifa-You don�t wanna know.
Tifa puts trousers on.
Cait Sith-Sorry we�re late guys, but Bugenhagen wanted one last go before we left.
Selphie-Ewwwwww, they�re gay!!!
Quistis-That�s worse than unshaved legs.
Bugenhagen-Shut up!!
Barret-You 2 are disgusting.
Cait Sith and Bugenhagen kiss.
Squall-Awwwwwwwwwwwww, here comes my lunch!!
Squall throws up.
Cloud-God damn you 2! Get a room.
Reno-What the hell�s been goin on here?
Barret-Hi man, Cait Sith and Bugenhagen just kissed.
Heidigger-They kissed again???
Cloud-Heidigger??? Fuck off!!
Heidigger-Rufus is coming.
Rufus-I�m already here. The President of NSW.
Rinoa-Does that mean New Shinra World?
Rufus-No bitch, it means New South Wales. Of Course it means New Shinra World dumbass.
Rinoa-Sorry, we�re in the wrong game.
Rufus-That�s acceptable then.
Cloud-How are you man?
Rufus-Fine Cloud. My good buddy.
Squall-Shut up!!!!!!
Rufus-That is all for today.
Rufus leaves.
Heidigger-Wait up.
Barret-Oh no you don�t!! You suck too much to live!
Barret blows Heidigger away.
Headmaster Cid-Whoa man, watch where you�re goin.
Rufus-Sorry man. Who are you?
Cid-I am Cid, headmaster of Balamb Garden.
Sephiroth-Hey, it�s the whole gang.
Cloud-Shit, now Sephiroth�s here. This is getting crowded.
Quistis-You�re telling me? We were here first and we just wanna get home.
Aeris-Well, go home then. Everyone else is here to mourn me.
Cloud-Hi Aeris.
Aeris-Hi guys.
Irvine-Ok, this is pretty much totally fucked up right here.
Vincent-Could you guys shut up??? Cid and I are trying to fight!
Headmaster Cid-Another Cid??
Cid-Another Cid? Fuck off. There�s only room for one Cid here!
Headmaster Cid-You fuck off!
Biggs-Everyone from FF8 fuck off!!
Barret-Hey, it�s Biggs, Wedge and Jessie!
Quistis-I knew those 2 names were from other games too.
Wedge-Really? Another Wedge??
Cloud-Shut up!!
Rufus-This really doesn�t make any sense at all.
Squall-That�s for sure.
Zidane-Hello peoples. We�re from FF9. Me, Garnet, Steiner and Vivi.
Vivi/Garnet/Steiner-Hi guys.
Cloud-For fucking fuck�s sake!!!!
Locke-Hi everyone!
Squall-Now what?
Terra-Man, it sure is crowded here.
Sabin-Yeah, for sure.
Cloud-Can everyone fuck off????
Tidus-No, we just got here.
Cloud-This is our game. Not yours.
Locke-Don�t whine. You wuss!
Seifer-Hi, I was just walking around and I heard��������Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Seifer stares at Squall, Selphie, Irvine, Quistis, Rinoa, Cloud, Tifa, Barret, Yuffie, Cid, Headmaster Cid, Vincent, Rufus, Cait Sith, Bugenhagen, Locke, Terra, Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Steiner, Tidus, Yuna, Biggs, Wedge, Jessie, Sabin, Reno, Sephiroth, Aeris and the dead bodies of Zell, Red XIII and Heidigger.
Seifer-Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggg gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhtttttttttttttttttt tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.
Squall-Hi Seifer.
Seifer-Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, hi.
Selphie-I think it�s time to go now.
The FF8 characters get teleported back to Balamb garden. As for the Ancient City����
Cloud-Fuck off everyone else!!!!!!!!!!!
Locke-What exactly are you gonna do if we don�t huh?
Cloud-OMNISLASH x5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the best scene ever, Cloud kills all non-FF7 characters in the Ancient City.
Cloud-Now, this was really fucked up right here! I�m outta here.
Setting: Balamb Garden.
Cid-Well, that sucked.
Squall-SHIT!!!!!! We forgot about the storyline.
Selphie-Uh oh, we didn�t stop the missiles.
Quistis-Let�s get to the Missile Base quick!!!!
Squall-Where�s Seifer?
They are just about to go to the base when���BOOOOOOM!!!! KABLAMO!!!! BANG!!!!! Balamb Garden is destroyed by the missiles, and everyone in it is killed. Except����
Setting: Just outside Balamb Crater.
Seifer-Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Not Garden!! Oh, well. I guess me and Edea will rule the world ha ha ha!!! Man, I need a beer.
Note- Even though Balamb Garden was destroyed in the last part, I assume you�ve read the FF7 Story and know that anything that happens in previous parts of the story, won�t affect the future parts and therefore, Balamb Garden is back and everyone�s alive again.

Pt3- Fisherman�s Horizon to Shumi Village
Setting: Fisherman�s Horizon
Selphie-That sucks!
Quistis-Yeah, I can�t believe that Cid asked Squall to lead SeeD!
Selphie-Well, I don�t really care, so let�s just find that mayor.
Squall-Hey, lighten up! We saved Balamb Garden didn�t we?
Zell-Yeah well that was easy. Now we have to kill Edea.
Rinoa-But to kill here for sure, we have to get her into her true form. (see FF7 Story)
Squall-Awwwwwwwwwwwwww, man!
They finally find the Mayor.
Setting: Mayor�s house
Mayor-You gotta hurry SeeD. Galbadia�s attacking F.H. (Fisherman�s Horizon) for some reason. Look!
They all look out at BGH251F2 attacking F.H.
Squall-What the hell??? How�d they get a huge tank across those small railroads?
Mayor-Beats me, but you�d better beat it.
Zell-Fine, let�s go.
Setting: Outside
Squall-Now let�s get���
Master Fisherman (MS)- Hold it! Look at this mess!
Selphie-Yeah, so you�re dirty, what about it?
MS-You made it! You clean it up!
Squall-Look, we�re SeeD, we�re not janitors. You clean it up.
MS-Look, I respect Balamb Garden and all, but I don�t like you dumping trash here!
Squall-Look, you�re trying my patience, we�re here to attack something. Now beat it!
MS-And look at this dirty ocean. God, you make me sick.
Squall does an almighty kick and boots the MS into the dirty ocean below.
Zell-Now, let�s get em!!!!!
Later on��
Setting: Amphitheatre of F.H.
Squall-That baddie was easy!
Selphie-Time for the Garden Festival.
Zell-Yeah, time to par-tay down!
Zell starts boogying.
Squall-Don�t be gay!!!
Squall slices through Zell again.
Selphie-Always with the killing.
Irvine-Yeah, let�s go out Selphie.
Quistis-I�m outta here too.
Rinoa-Guess that leaves you and me Squall.
Rinoa-Soooo, uhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Squall-Hmmmmmmmmmm. Ahhhhhhhh.
Rinoa-Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Ahhhhhhhhhhh, Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Squall-Wanna just have sex?
Squall and Rinoa had a�� well uhhhh, remember when Cloud and Tifa had that night in FF7 Story? Yeah, it�s the same type of night as that.
Note- Normally, Rinoa and Squall were supposed to just have a night of boring talking but I made it a little more interesting just for you.
Later on��
Setting: 3rd level Balamb Garden
Cid-Hi Squall. I�ve found something out about this place that I never knew.
Squall-That it sucks?
Cid-Besides that. But watch this.
Cid makes Balamb float up into the air like a huge helicopter.
Squall-The fuckin thing can fly???????????? Coooooooooooooooool!!! Uhhhhhh, so?
Cid-So, we can now move around and attack Galbadia.
Squall-Coooooooooool, why?
Cid-Cause dumbass, Edea�s there.
Squall-Well, let�s go.
Cid-Not yet, for some reason, you need to go to Balamb City.
Squall-Awwwwwwwwwww, ok.
Cid-See ya later then.
Later on��
Setting: Balamb City
Quistis-Why did we have to come along? You volunteered.
Squall-No I didn�t. Anyway, I feel that we might have to fight here.
Rinoa-But you can handle it. You easily kill anything that pisses you off.
Squall-Look! It�s Raijin and Fujin, the gay people.
Raijin-Us, gay? Time to fight!
Fujin kicks a chair out of the way to clear the battlefield.
Squall-Huh?????? Leave this fight to me.
Fujin-Ooooooooooh, tough guy huh? Well, bring it����
SLICE!!!!!! Fujin is in pieces.
Raijin-What the?
Squall-She shouldn�t have kicked the chair.
Raijin-I�ll show you chair!
Raijin breaks the chair�s legs off.
Selphie-Ooooooh, you�re fucked now. You did not want to break the chair.
Squall-Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhh hhh!!!!!!!!!!!
Squall also slices up Raijin.
Rinoa-(sigh) Always with the killing stuff huh?
Selphie-Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, disgusting!!!! Here comes my lunch.
Selphie throws up all over Irvine.
Irvine throws up on Selphie.
Quistis-Stop that!!!
Squall-Let�s just go now.
Later on��
Setting: Balamb Garden
Selphie-Hey, I know. Let�s go to Trabia Garden now.
Squall-We have nothing better to do.
Cid-What about killing Edea?
Squall-Ahhhhh, where�d that fat guy come from? Oh, it�s just Cid.
Cid-We have to kill Edea.
Squall-Uhhhhhhhh, maybe later.
Cid-Come on.
Cid-You can see Trabia later.
Squall-I stand by my disappointed groan.
Selphie-Come on, let�s go.
Cid-No! I won�t let you.
Squall-Well, die then!
Squall slices up Cid.
Quistis-Oh bravo, very well done Squall.
Later on��
Setting: Trabia Garden gate
Squall-I�ll climb over and see what�s there. Wait here.
Squall climbs over and without looking down, jumps off.
Squall-Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggg ghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Rinoa-Great, just kill him too why don�t ya?
Squall-Owwie, hey I ain�t dead. I just fell a bit. It�s deeper than I th������ought.
Squall-Uhhhhhh, isn�t there supposed to be like, a Garden here?
Selphie-Yeah, why?
Squall-Well, there ain�t one.
Selphie-Huh? What do you mean???
Squall-I mean, there�s no Garden here. See for yourself.
Squall opens the gates from the other side. The others look in.
Selphie-What the fuck???????
Rinoa-Bummer. It was destroyed. Oh well.
Irvine-Yeah, let�s go.
Selphie-No way!! I�m staying!
Squall-Dude, it�s����������a crater. Just a crater. You wanna live here?
Squall-Then do it!
Squall kicks Selphie into the 1 km deep crater. (he just missed falling in there when he first landed.) Selphie goes splat.
Irvine-Off we go then.
Later on��
Setting: Shumi Village outskirts
Rinoa-Tell me again. Why the hell are we here?
Squall-I already said: I don�t know. Let�s just go in.
Setting: In Shumi Village
Squall-What the?
Irvine-Hee hee hee. They look like Yoda.
Quistis-Yeah hee hee.
Squall-Let�s try this house.
Setting: Elder�s House
Rinoa-Oooooooh, the Elder.
Squall-And another Moomba.
Squall-Not a-fucking-gain!!!!! Laguna sucks!
Elder Shumi-You do look like him. Maybe he�s your dad.
Squall-Paaah!! Yeah right. He couldn�t get some if his life depended on it!
Elder-He did it with Raine.
Elder-Laguna�s coooooool!! We�re making a statue of him. It�s taken a while but it�s nearly done.
Squall-What??? Must destroy.
Squall heads to the statue and smashes it to bits.
Apprentice-You dick-head gay, fucking fuck-wit!!!
Squall slices up the apprentice.
Squall-This sucks. Let�s go.
Elder-You dicks! Don�t ever come back.
Squall-The only way I�m coming back to a dump like this is if you ever make another gay statue like that again. And I�ll destroy more than a Shumi and the statue next time.
They leave Shumi Village.
Rinoa-Did you really have to do that?
Squall-Yes, you wouldn�t understand though. Only Selphie and Zell would. And they�re dead!!
Selphie-Wanna bet? I finally got out! You thought I went splat but I didn�t and I�m back!!
Squall-Uhhhhhhhh, (slices Selphie through the heart) as I was saying, only they would understand and they�re now dead.
Irvine-Man, you are a dick-head.
Squall-Thanks. I�m also fucked up and weird too.
Rinoa-That�s for sure.

Pt4- Centra Ruins
Setting: Centra Ruins Entrance
Selphie-Tell me again why we�re here.
Squall-Look, it�s the same with Balamb Garden, I don�t know. I just feel something here.
Rinoa-Hey!! Get your hand outta your pants! And stop staring at me!
Squall-Ok ok. Geez.
Irvine-We might as well go in anyway.
They go in.
Zell-Now what?
Voice-You�re here finally.
Squall-You�ve been waiting for us?
Voice-Yeah, and you took your sweet ass time too!
Quistis-Who are you? And where are you?
Voice-Paaaah! Questions. I�m Odin and I�m somewhere in these ruins. Find me if you can.
Zell-Hide and seek? Lame.
Squall-I like hide and seek. Let�s look.
They go up the stairs.
Squall-Puff puff. Man, I said one stair was too much today, how many were there?
Zell-Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, there was 6.
Squall-Ahhhhhhhrrrrrrrggghh, too many. This is boring, let�s play I spy.
Selphie-Ok, you start Squall.
Squall-Right, I spy with my little eye, something beginning with D.
Zell smacks Squall on the head.
Zell-This is childish.
Odin-What are you doing???
Squall-Playing I spy.
Odin-Find me!!!!!!!!!! Before I find you!
Squall-That wouldn�t be playing by the rules if you find us. I was gonna say Demi Zell.
Zell-Demi? That sucks. I stand by Dingus.
Odin-Oh boy.
Later on��(much later actually)
Setting: Odin�s Chambers
Squall-I think this is Odin�s Chambers.
Zell-How�d you work that�����Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww you read the sign Dingus!!!
Quistis-Stop saying Dingus, Dingus!
Zell-Dingus is a cool word. Don�t knock it!
Quistis-I�ll knock more than the word if you don�t��
Odin-Shut up!!!!!!!!!!! Are you gonna battle me or not?
Squall-We�re supposed to battle you?
Odin-Yes!!!! And you�re right next to me and still taking you�re sweet ass time! DIE!!!!!!!!
Squall-You�re boring.
Squall easily cuts one of Odin�s legs off.
Odin-My leg!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will it grow back?
Squall-Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, sure it will.
Rinoa-Now who�s wussy!
Odin-I didn�t say you were.
Squall-You�re stupid Rinoa!
Rinoa-Shut up!
Squall-Sorry man, watch the sword.
Odin-You�re gonna heal me?
Squall-Sort of.
Squall runs and slices Odin�s head off.
Zell-You stupid DINGUS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quistis-That does it!
Quistis throws her whip through Zell�s throat.
They�re about to leave the ruins when���
Squall-What the hell???
Quistis-I think it�s a Tonberry.
Irvine-What the fuck is that?
Quistis-It�s a��
Irvine-I know it�s a Tonberry, but���what the hell?
Tonberry brings out a small knife.
Squall-Hee hee, look. That looks even more like Yoda than the Shumi did.
Rinoa-And look at that tiny knife. So cute!
Squall-Hey, it can speak English.
The Tonberry lashes out at Squall, almost slashing him.
Squall-Hey!!! You think that�s a knife, this is a knife!!!!
Squall brings out his gunblade.
Squall slashes the Tonberry apart.
Squall-I reckon if we kill enough of these, the king will come. He might be a challenge.
Selphie-But, we need to go and fight Galbadia Gar��
Squall-Shut up! There�s one.
Much much much later on��
Squall-Fuck, I didn�t know there was so many of em. Wait, here comes the King. Finally!
King Tonberry-What the?
The King looks at all the dead Tonberrys lying dead all around.
King Tonberry-You dicks!!! I�ll kick your ass!
Squall-Hello King Yoda, some army you�ve got. I killed all of em on my own.
The others back away leaving Squall and the King.
King Tonberry-Then you shall die first, then the rest.
Squall-Ok. What are you gonna attack me with though, not a small knife is it?
King Tonberry-Uhhhhhh, not anymore! Demi 3!!
It easily misses Squall. The King picks up a cool chair. (The hovermatic2k1)
Squall-If you do anything to that chair��
King Tonberry breaks off the beverage holders.
King Tonberry-Want more?
The King breaks the chair in half.
Squall-Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! You shall die!
King Tonberry completely smashes the chair.
Squall-BLASTING ZONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the cool way, Squall kills king Tonberry.
Squall-I�m outta here.
Squall leaves and finally heads to Balamb garden to go to Galbadia Garden for the final part of Disk 2.
Pt5- Garden Battle
Setting: In Balamb Garden next to Galbadia Garden.
Cid-Squall, look it�s Galbadia Garden.
Squall-it�s just����standing there.
In another cool scene, Seifer directs the Galbadian soldiers to attack Balamb.
Quistis-SHIT!!!!! Let�s go Squall.
Setting: Balamb Garden theatre.
Zell-SHIT!!! FUCK!!! GAY!!! I know I�m gonna die in this part, and they�re gonna kill me.
Irvine-Who cares, let�s get em!!
Rinoa-Hey, where�s the other 3?
Later on��
Zell-Whoa look at that drop.
Rinoa-Whoa�������huh? I�m falling. Ahhhhhhhrrrrrrrrggggggghhhh.
Rinoa falls off and grabs onto a cliff face. Balamb Garden lands.
Irvine-Well, this just keeps getting better and better.
Zell-Don�t worry Rinoa, we�ll get help.
Selphie-Squall! Finally.
Squall-You? Aww, where are the others?
Zell-Squall! Rinoa fell off a cliff.
Squall-Paaaaah, that�s original. Why�d ya let her do that?
Zell-She fell on her own!
Squall-I�d kill you right now but we�re busy, so go away.
Quistis-Squall! Rinoa might die.
Squall-So? She�ll come back in the next part.
Squall-Stop saying Squall!!! Ok, we�ll save her god damn it.
Quistis-We�ll go upstairs first and help Balamb garden.
Squall-Awww, man. You do it! I�m getting a beer or 10. I saw Seifer earlier on. We�ll be back in an hour or so.
Selphie-Oh no you don�t!
Squall-Fine fine whatever. You owe me a beer though.
Setting: 2nd Floor Balamb Garden
Squall-Die guards!!!!!
Squall kills all the guards except one who backs Squall into a wall.
Guard-Got you now!
The guard pushes Squall out of Balamb Garden but Squall pulls him out too. After a cool aerial fight, the guard falls to his death. Squall amazingly steers the rope that he�s on to Rinoa and saves her. They land between the Gardens.
Setting: Figure the fucking thing out yourself!!!
Squall-Let�s get into Galbadia Garden and KILL!!
Rinoa-Always with the killing eh?
Setting: Galbadia Garden I think!!!!!!
Squall-Hey it�s everyone else!
Selphie-Hi you two.
Irvine-Come on, we�re in a hurry.
Squall-Ok, just one thing.
Squall-You know Zell.
Squall slices Zell�s head off.
Squall-Revenge is so very very sweet.
Rinoa-Edea must be on the top of this place. Let�s go.
Squall-Up stupid. Even I knew that.
Irvine-And that�s saying something.
They go up to level 2.
Raijin-What the fuck???
Squall shoves his sword through Raijin�s heart.
Fujin-Huh??? Hey, we�re not enemies this time.
Rinoa-Whoops sorry. Soooooooo��
Fujin starts walking away. She trips over a chair.
Squall-You said it.
Squall slices up Fujin.
Later on��
Setting: Main Hall
Squall-Phew, we finally got those 3 card keys and����what the hell is that????
Selphie-And why is it just standing there.
Irvine-Hey dude, who are��
SLASH!!!!! The creature slashes up Irvine.
Cerberus-I am Cerberus, a GF.
Cerberus-A Guardian Force.
Quistis-Here we go again. Squall I�ll explain later.
Squall-Man, 3 heads are better than one here huh?
Cerberus� Head 3-Not really, we argue a lot.
Squall-Uh huh.
Cerberus� Head 1-No, you argue! I never!
Head 3-No, you do!
Head 1-YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cerberus� Head 2-Shut up, I�m trying to sleep.
Head 1-You suck number 2.
Head 2-Fuck off.
Selphie-Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhht.
Quistis-This is pretty much fucked up right here.
Head 2-Die number 1.
Head 1-You die!
They start fighting. A whoosh sound is heard and Cloud walks in.
Selphie-It just got more fucked up Quistis.
Squall-Cloud!!!!!!!!! Help me get un-stuffed up.
Cloud-Get stuffed!
Squall-I am.
Cloud-Well, get fucked then. I�m here to prevent another Cid vs Vincent fight.
Squall-Oh, go ahead.
Cloud-FINISHING TOUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Squall-I�ll help. ROUGH DIVIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In a quite cool scene, Cloud and Squall team up to kill Cerberus.
Rinoa-Men. Always killing. You suck.
Cloud-Oh yeah! How about this then!
Cloud slices Rinoa up.
Squall-HEY!!!!! You dick. That was my bitch!
Cloud-Wanna fight huh?
Seifer and Edea walk in.
Edea-You guys are taking your sweet ass time getting to us.
Seifer-What the?? It�s that guy from FF7.
Squall/Cloud-Hi Seifer.
Edea-Bring it on!!!
Squall-Hmmmmm, let�s kill her first.
Cloud-Yeah, she�s gay. Let�s just use weak stuff though. We gotta save our strength.
Squall-Alright, but don�t kill Seifer. He�s cool.
Cloud-Of course. BRAVER!!!!!!!!
To cut it short, Edea dies.
Seifer-That was cool beans!
Selphie-Man, the storyline just took a nosedive.
Seifer-Well, I�m off for a beer, anyone coming.
Quistis-Me and Selphie will come, those two are gonna fight for a bit.
Seifer-Ok, whoever survives, come to Balamb Garden for a beer.
Squall-See ya.
The rest leave.
Cloud-Time to fight.
Squall-And time for you to die.
After a very loooooooooooooooooong and cooooooool fight, Cloud finally gets the better of Squall and slices his sword through his heart. Cloud heads to Balamb garden and Squall dies.
End of Disk 2

Disk 3
Pt1- Balamb Garden to Balamb City
Setting: Balamb garden
Squall-YAWN!!! Edea was easy. Now for a good days rest and�����
Voice-Could Squall and Zell please come to the Infirmary now?
Squall-��relaxation. Awwwwwwww, for fuck�s sake! No rest for the wicked eh?
Zell-Come on Squall. Let�s go.
Squall-Awwwwww, all those stairs.
Zell-There�s only 3.
Squall-Well, 1 is too many today.
Zell-Come on, we�re going to see Rinoa.
Squall-Rinoa? What�s she doing in the Infirmary?
Zell-Let�s find out.
Later on��
Setting: Infirmary
Squall-Whoa, what happened to her?
Doctor Kaw��Kaw��awwwww I forgot-She got stuffed up by Edea.
Squall-Oh yeah. So what?
Zell-So, she can�t fight.
Squall-Uhhhhhh, sure she can! Look.
Squall lifts Rinoa�s hands and chucks it forward posing it as a punch. Rinoa falls off the bed.
Squall-See, she can fight. She�s just a bit dizzy.
The Doctor leaves.
Zell-Shall we have sex with her while she�s sleeping?
Squall-What?????? That�s called rape stupid. I got a better idea.
They carry Rinoa into the elevator, take her up to the 3rd level and put ketchup on her. Then they put her on Cid�s elevator that leads to the cockpit.
Squall-Ha ha ha!!! Uhhhhhh, hey I�m sleepy.
They fall asleep.
Setting: Trabia Canyon
Laguna-Ok, I�m so broke that I have to act to get money. What�s wrong with that.
Squall-Huh? More than you know.
Laguna-Oh dear god no. Not again.
Squall-Yes indeedy.
Laguna-Can you get the fuck outta my life???
Squall-I�d love to, but I can�t.
Director-Come on Laguna. Stop talking to air and do the next take.
Laguna-Ok. Errrrrr, I�ll save you Princess.
Squall-You suck at acting.
Squall-What the?
Zell-Yeah I know. Why am I Kiros?
Squall-I dunno. You just are.
Kiros-Shut up.
Laguna-Hey director, that�s a real dragon.
Director-Huh? Oh shit it is!!!!
Laguna-I thought it was Kiros.
The dragon chases Laguna and Kiros.
Squall-Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!
Laguna and Kiros easily kill the Ruby Dragon. Squall and Zell wake up.
Setting: 3rd level Balamb Garden.
Squall-That sucked!!
Cid comes down.
Cid-Rinoa�s dead!!!
Zell-No she ain�t. Take her to the infirmary.
Cid-You do it. I�m taking Balamb Garden to Edea�s house cause she�s good now.
Squall-Want a medal? Let�s go Zell.
They go down.
Squall-Phew that was close.
Later on��
Setting: Edea�s House (original huh?)
Squall-Hi Edea.
Edea-What the???
Squall-Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you really shouldn�t have hurt Rinoa bitch.
Edea-It wasn�t me. Ultimecia was controlling me.
Zell-Yeah, that�s what they all say.
Everyone looks at Zell.
Squall-Who�s Ultimecia?
Edea-An evil sorceress who hates SeeD and is trying to destroy the world from the future.
Selphie-What should we do now then? We need to heal Rinoa.
Edea-Well, go to the White SeeD ship and ask them how to get to a place called Esthar.
Zell-Ok. Let�s go.
Later on��
Setting: White SeeD Ship.
Squall-Well, that took some finding.
Guard-Hey, this is private. Push off.
Squall-Fuck you, we�re here to ask for directions. I�m the head of SeeD here.
Guard-Shit sorry. Go right through.
Quistis-Thank you.
Zone-Well well well, look who�s here? Hi Squall.
Watts-Hey Squall. You�re looking pretty sex�
Squall-Say it and die you paedophile.
Zone-Yeah shut up. Hey where�s Rinoa, Squall?
Squall-Rinoa Squall? Oh yeah her last name is the same as my first.
Zell-Not again.
Squall-Riiiiiiiiiggggggggghhhhhhhhht. Well, Rinoa got stuffed up by Edea.
Zone-Remember what I said earlier, about killing you if anything happened?
Squall-We both know you wouldn�t be able to kill me if I had no limbs. You suck.
Zone-Just go to the captain.
Setting: Captain�s Room
Squall-Hiya Cap.
Captain-Squall? What do you want?
Squall-Edea said you knew the way to Esthar.
Captain-To the East is all we know. Just head there.
Zell-Let�s go to Balamb Garden then.
Zell-Cause there�s a train there. It might take us to Esthar.
Squall-Wait, let�s take this ship there.
Captain-No, this is my ship!
Squall-I�m the head of SeeD, it�s mine!
Squall-That does it!
Squall brings out his blade.
Irvine-No! Don�t kill him! We�ll be arrested. Let�s just go.
Squall-Can�t the ship accidentally sink?
Later on��
Setting: Balamb City
Zell-Uh oh.
Girl-Hi Zell. Remember me?
Squall-Got a girlfriend huh Zell?
Zell-No way! I don�t like her.
Girl-Hey! That�s not what you said on that great night!
The girl brings out a knife and throws it into Zell�s head, killing him of course.
Squall-Oh well, let�s try the station then.
Setting: This just keeps going doesn�t it?
Quistis-Hey, can we get on this train?
Squall-Oh? Know that I can kill you in a second.
Guard-They�re closed, I can�t help you there.
Squall-Yeah you can.
Squall slices the guard up.
Selphie-Great stupid! Now they�re gonna chase us. Let�s get back to Balamb Garden now.
They head back to Balamb Garden.
Pt2- Balamb Garden to Lunatic Pandora
Setting: Read the line above.
Squall-Hey, let�s try Fisherman�s Horizon. It�s close to Esthar.
Cid-Fine, let�s go.
Squall heads to the Infirmary. It�s night time now.
Squall-I gotta get Rinoa out of here on my own. The others suck too much.
Squall picks Rinoa up and heads to the F.H train tracks. He sits down at the tracks.
Squall-Phew, she�s not the lightest person in the world.
Zell- Squall!!!
Squall-Oh boy.
Zell-Selphie noticed that you and Rinoa had gone. We knew you�d try it on your own.
Quistis-You weren�t trying to get to Esthar by yourself were you?
Everyone there-Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!
Irvine-Good luck.
Squall-thanks. See ya.
Selphie-Hey, he didn�t mean it like that.
Squall-Fuck you! Go away.
Edea-I�m helping too.
Squall-Awwwwww for fuck�s sake! You caused this!
Edea-No, Ultimecia did.
Squall-No you did! Stop saying that Eltymeciay did it.
Edea-It�s Ultimecia stupid.
Squall-Whatever IT is, you�re not coming.
Much later on��
Setting: Great Salt Lake
Squall-God damn it she�s heavy.
Edea-Hey look, a black hole just sitting there.
Squall-Why are you still here? And it�s floating there not sitting.
Edea-Shut up. I�m here to make up for what I did.
They jump through.
Setting: Mystery Building
Zell-This building is a mystery���I think.
Squall-Yeah, and it�s also black. And you�re stupid.
Quistis-That looks like a ride.
Selphie-Well, let�s go then.
Squall-Maybe it leads to Esthar.
Zell-Awwwwwwwwwww naaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!
Squall-That does it. Someone push him off. I�m carrying someone.
Irvine-My pleasure.
Irvine shoves Zell into the blackness below. SPLAT! Everyone gets on the ride and heads to Esthar. They fall asleep.
Setting: Lunatic Pandora Laboratory
Guard-Hey you! Get to work!
Laguna-Geez you suck!
Kiros-I hate it when little things say their own name.
Laguna-Shut up Ward.
Guard-Hey! You shut up!
Laguna-You shut up!
Squall-BOTH OF YOU SHUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kiros-Squall???? Oh, those voices.
Laguna-He�s real!!
Laguna blows the guard away.
Squall-That sucked.
Laguna-God damn it fuck off!!!
Squall-I can�t.
Selphie-And me.
Laguna-Huh? Zell and Selphie too? Shit.
Kiros-More voices.
Laguna-Shut the hell up Ward.
Squall-Zell? How are you still alive?
Zell-Beats me, guess I�m speaking from the dead.
Squall-Well, it sucks. It doesn�t really make much sense either.
Laguna-Shut up. Let�s escape.
They head up the elevator.
Setting: Odine�s Lab
Dr Odine-What was that sound down below. Go check it out.
Captain-Yes sir.
Odine leaves the lab. Laguna, Kiros and Ward enter and blow the guard away.
Laguna-Wasn�t he supposed to say other stuff then?
Kiros-Maybe, let�s just go.
Squall-Man, you suck Laguna.
Laguna-Shut the hell up!!!!
The alarm goes off.
Squall-Ha ha!!!
Kiros-Good one.
Laguna-Hurry, to the other building.
They run outside.
Squall-Run Forrest run!!
Laguna-What part of �shut up� is too hard for you?
Squall-All of it heh heh.
They run into the other building.
Laguna-Hey, a ride. Let�s sit.
Squall-That looks like the one we�re on.
They get on and end up above the previous room. They see Ellone captured.
Laguna-Look, it�s Ellone.
Squall-Mr Obvious is awake today!
Kiros-Stuff the controls up.
The controls get stuffed and Ellone escapes.
Laguna-Time to go.
Squall-Hey, we�re waking up. See ya Laguna.
Laguna-Yeah fuck off.
Squall and co. wake up in Esthar City.
Pt3- Esthar to the Lunar Gate
Squall-man, this place is HUGE!
Selphie-Yeah, where should we go?
Zell-How about the Presidential Residence?
Irvine-Ok, but where is it?
Zell-I don�t know!!
Squall-Well, you suck then.
Quistis-Let�s start looking.
They walk around the next corner and someone smashes into Squall and Rinoa.
Squall-Owww, hey I�m carrying someone here. I�ll kick your��huh?????
Cloud-You again? Huh, fancy that. Now I�m in your game.
Squall-Awwwwwwwwwwwww, go back to FF7!
Cloud-That�s the thing, I can�t.
Irvine-Why not??
Edea-Hey you killed me!
Cloud-I�ll kill you again if you interrupt.
Cloud-Anyway, we can�t get back to FF7 cause the stupid Lunatic Pandora ship has like a magnetic thing that stops us getting back.
Rufus walks up.
Rufus-I�m stuck here too.
Squall-Oh god! Listen, if all of your little FF7 buddies are here, I don�t CARE!!! Go away.
Cloud-No, it�s just me and Rufus. Gay huh?
Squall-Yeah whatever, hey, where�s the Presidential Residence?
Cloud-Uhhhhh, I don�t know!! This place is bigger than Midgar!
Selphie-Look, a sign! It says: Presidential Residence, right here.
They all look up and see the Residence.
Zell-Well, it�s easy to miss ain�t it?
Cloud-Yeah, when you don�t know what the hell it looks like. We�ll come in with you.
They all head into the Presidential Residence.
Setting: This is gonna get worse before it gets better.
Squall-Hey, we wanna see the President. NOW!
Secretary-Too bad. He�s busy.
Squall-I�ll busy him!
Everyone-Ewwwwwwwww, you�re disgusting!
Dr Odine-What�s the problem here?
Squall chucks Rinoa onto the ground.
Squall-Man, she�s heavy! Uhhh, Edea fucked her up. Can you help?
Odine-Maybe, Ellone is currently on the Lunar Base, she�ll help Rinoa out.
Squall-Ellone? From Laguna�s thing.
Zell-Hey Squall, ain�t he from Laguna�s thing too?
Squall-Oh yeah. Well, that�s Laguna�s problem. Not mine.
Cloud-Hey, I�ve been thinking. What the hell kind of name is Squall? It sucks.
Squall-No it doesn�t! Cloud sucks!
Zell-You both suck.
Zell�s head is off in an instant. Too quick to tell who killed him.
Squall-Zell�s hell gay.
Quistis-And Selphie ain�t so good either.
Selphie-Hey, you suck. What kind of name is Quistis?
Irvine-Yeah, Quistis is gay.
Quistis-Irvine is just lame.
Edea-Edea rocks!
Everyone looks at Edea.
Squall-No it doesn�t. Trust me.
Rufus-What about Rufus and Seifer?
Cloud-Pretty cool.
Rufus-And Rinoa?
Squall-Hey, I�ll kick your ass.
Cloud-I kicked your ass not too long ago. I�ll kick it again.
Rufus-Actually, we�d better go.
Cloud-Yeah, no time for you.
Squall-See ya dick-head.
Cloud-Later faggot.
They all leave for the Lunar Gate except Zell, who�s dead, Cloud, who heads with Rufus to nowhere and Rinoa, who Squall has lost.
Squall-Hey, where is Rinoa?
Odine-She�s staying here for safekeeping.
Squall-Oh no she�s not. You�ll rape her.
Odine-Damn, well it�s your choice.
Squall, Rinoa and the rest head to the Lunar Gate.
Setting: Told ya it was getting worse.
Squall-Damn, we gotta trail the world just for her.
Quistis-Hey, what�s that Squall?
Squall-Dunno, a ring I found. I�ll put it with the weird lamp I found at Balamb Garden.
Selphie-Ok, let�s go in.
Piet-Hello everyone. I�m Piet and will be accompanying you to the Lunar Base. Come in.
Squall-Mmmmmmmmmmmm, pie.
An Esthar scientist puts Rinoa into a tube. Squall goes in too.
Squall-See ya.
Piet-There�s room for someone else too.
Selphie-I�ll go!
Irvine-Ok, we�ll head back to Esthar. See ya.
Piet-Off we go.
Pt4- Lunatic Pandora to Ragnorok
Setting: Esthar City (not too obvious this time)
Quistis-So, where do we go now?
Irvine-Uhhhh, I don�t know. Edea?
Edea-Uhhh, how about Dr Odine�s lab? I believe we might have to get rid of the Lunatic Pandora for another reason.
They get to Odine�s Lab.
Setting: Oh boy oh boy oh boy. This sucks. L
Edea-Dr Odine!! We wanna know about���whoa!!! What�s that??
Dr Odine-Oh dear god. It�s the Lunatic Pandora.
Zell runs in.
Zell-Found you finally! This guy said he saw a cowboy looking down his daughter bra so I knew it was you guys.
Everyone looks at Zell.
Irvine-Hey I�m a guy, what ya expect??
Edea-What a shame you�re a guy. You might just be good if you weren�t.
Irvine-Shut up.
Odine-Can we please get back to the matter at hand? You need to get into the Lunatic Pandora somehow and shut it down.
Zell-Alright then, let�s go. We�ll get rid of Cloud too if we do this.
Quistis-Hey, Cloud�s cool.
Edea-Whatever, let�s just go there then.
They run to the centre of Esthar and sneak aboard the Lunatic Pandora.
Setting: Lunatic Pandora
Zell-Phew that was close.
Irvine-Well, let�s go and destroy this place.
Zell-Hey, what�s this?
Edea-It� appears to be a magazine.
Zell-A mag? Oh yeah, hey what�s up with these crap things?
Quistis-They suck, you know like Timber Maniacs.
Edea-Yeah and Occult Fan.
Zell-All of em suck. Including Weapon�s Monthly.
Irvine-And Pet Pals too. What have you got?
Zell-Combat King. Man, there�s too many mags.
Quistis-Combat King V huh? Read it.
Zell chucks the magazine and his final limit break away.
They finally get to the end of the Pandora.
Zell-Let�s take the middle path.
Edea-They all suck anyway.
The go through.
Quistis-What the fuck is that??
The weird monster throws everyone out of Lunatic Pandora, except Zell who it kills.
Setting: Outskirts of Esthar
Zell-Fuck!! Shit!!
Quistis-Damn, I wonder if Squall is having better luck.
At that time, Squall, Selphie, Rinoa and Piet have reached the Lunar Base.
Setting: Awwwwww, you do it
Squall-Huh? Oi we�re here wake up!
Squall kicks Selphie.
Selphie-Oww, hey stop kicking me I�m awake.
Squall-Awwwwwww, I gotta carry her again. Shit, why does everything bad always happen to me? She gets a free ride.
Piet-Follow me.
They go to the medical area.
Piet-Put her here. Ellone will heal her. She�s upstairs.
Squall-Okie dokie.
Squall and Selphie head up to the 2nd level.
Squall-Awwwwwww where is that bitch. Come out!!!!!!!!
Selphie-Maybe she�s in that room?
Squall-Miss obvious is awake today.
They go in.
Ellone-Yeah? Squall??? What are you doing here.
Squall-What? You know me??
Ellone-Uhhhhhh, never mind. Man, do you look like Laguna.
Squall-No I don�t. Don�t you start!! Could you just look at Rinoa?
Ellone-Ok, they told me she was coming.
The lunar base starts rumbling.
Squall-What the??
Piet-Uhhhhhh, could Squall please go to the Medical Area now?
Squall-Ok then. Uhhhhh, wait here guys.
Ellone-Actually, we�ll head to the control room.
Squall-Whatever, I don�t care.
Setting: Med lab
Squall-Damn, I can�t reach her. Hey, she�s leaving the base.
Piet-Quick! Go after her.
Squall-Naaaaaaaah, I�m too lazy. Besides, she�s outta the base already.
Ellone-Uhhhhhh, look out the window.
They watch in a cool FMV as Rinoa releases Adel and the Lunar cry takes places. Stacks of strong monsters hit the Earth. The Earth should�ve been destroyed there and then cause a LOT of monsters went to the Earth but it wasn�t destroyed.
Squall-Whoa, this is pretty much fucked up right here right now.
Piet-We gotta escape and get to Earth.
Squall-Uhhhhhhh, wouldn�t it be safer here?
Piet-No, this place is just about to be destroyed.
Ellone-Everyone else has left. There�s one escape thingy left. Let�s go in.
They all go into the escape �thingy�
Ellone-I think I�m supposed to show you a flashback now.
Squall-Naaaaaaah just skip it. It sucks anyway.
Piet-Man, Rinoa�s probably dead now.
Squall-Yeah, but she�ll be back in the next part.
Piet-Not really. If they die in space, they�re dead forever.
Squall-����������oh shit!!!!!!! I gotta get out there.
Piet-That�s nuts.
Squall-Fuck you, I�m outta here.
Squall grabs a spacesuit and heads into space.
Selphie-Dick-head. Well, he�s doomed.
Squall-Oh crap! I forgot my air supply. Well, at least in RPGs I can only die in battle.
Adel-The time has come. Kick ass time!!
Squall-Aaaah shut up.
Adel-Hey, you shut up!
Squall-You shut up!!
Squall-Want me to kick your ass?
Adel-Maybe later, aren�t you supposed to be catching someone.
Rinoa spins past Squall.
Squall-Whoops. We�ll fight later Adel.
Squall hooks Rinoa�s spacesuit with his gunblade.
Squall-Where do you think you�re going?
Squall and Rinoa float for a while. There�s an emotional scene that I�d like to skip and they get to the Ragnorok.
Setting: Inside the Ragnorok
Rinoa-Fresh air.
Squall-Huh? You talked!
Rinoa-Yeah, I did. Guess I�m cured then.
Squall-Yeah but you just released great evil on the Earth.
Squall-A monster huh? I�ll use scan.
Squall scans the Purple monster.
Squall-Hmmmmm, Propagators huh? It says kill them all in their colour pairs. Gay.
Rinoa-Well, better get to it.
Much much later on��
Squall-Final-fucking-ly. Let�s head to the control room and get to Earth.
In the control room��
Squall-Now, how do I control this thing? Hey a microphone. Testis, testis one, two, three??
Rinoa-Like a child.
Voice-Huh? What the hell?
Squall-Hey Rinoa, someone�s talking on the other end of this.
Voice-Ragnorok? Is that you?
Squall-No, this is Squall, we�re in a red spaceship.
Voice-Yeah, the spaceship is the Ragnorok.
Voice-Man, we thought that ship was lost forever. Thanks for finding it.
Squall-You�re welcome. Now can you help us before we crash it into you?
Voice-Sure, we�ll teach you.
Rinoa-Teach me, Squall can�t learn.
After a while (and supposedly a love scene of some sort) the Ragnorok lands on the Esthar Plains. Then some weird Esthar guys come and take Rinoa away to be sacrificed or something.
Pt5- Sorceress Memorial to Research Centre
Setting: Esthar Plains
Squall-Just my day, I get blasted into space, Rinoa stuffs everything up and gets taken away to be killed.
The others come running.
Squall-This day just keeps getting better and better doesn�t it.
Zell-Hi Squall. How was it? Where�s Rinoa.
Squall-Rinoa�s being sacrificed for releasing Adel and a whole lot of harder baddies on the Earth.
Quistis-Why kill her?
Squall-I don�t know! Maybe to save the Earth but I�m getting her outta there.
Irvine-So, you�re gonna sacrifice the Earth to save Rinoa? But she�ll die anyway.
Squall-But she�ll live for a little longer.
Selphie-Well, you can go, but I�m not gonna destroy the world.
Squall-Ok, see ya.
Later on��
Setting: Sorceress Memorial
Guard 1-What do you want?
Squall-To rescue Rinoa.
Guard 1-Ok, go through.
Squall goes in.
Guard 1-Wait a minute!
Squall-Hi Rinoa, how�s it going.
Guard 2-Hey, get him!!!!!!
Squall-Huh? LION HEART!!!!!!!!!!!
Squall easily destroys the elite Esthar guard force. And rescues Rinoa.
Rinoa-Thanks, now let�s go.
They escape and find the others again.
Zell-Now what?
Squall-I don�t know. But let�s go to Balamb Crater, cause there�s this annoying alien I�ve been meaning to kill.
Irvine-Nothing better to do.
Rinoa-What about getting to the Lunatic Pandora and stopping Ultima��
Squall-Shut up. Let�s go.
Later on��
Setting: Balamb Crater (obviously)
Squall-Time for some mini-quests.
Squall-Never mind.
Pupu comes out from a bush.
Irvine-What is that?????
Pupu-Me Pupu. Hi.
Squall-It looks hurt or something. We come in peace.
Pupu-Gimme elixir.
Squall throws an elixir to Pupu, who drinks it.
Quistis-Awwwww, ain�t it cute?
Pupu-Thank you. Gimme another.
Squall-Hey, I�m doing you a favour not killing you here.
Pupu-Gimme more!!!!!!!!!
Rinoa-No Squall. Let it live!!
Pupu-More!! Give me more!!
Squall-Urrrrrrrggghhhh. I�ll give you more!!!!!
Squall slices Pupu�s head off.
Zell-Oooooooooooh, you know it dead.
Rinoa-Yuk!!! Squall!!
Squall-Now for another mini-quest. To Obel Lake!!!
Later on��
Setting: No more!!! Oh dear god no more!!!!!
A shadow appears in the water.
Black Shadow-You hummed?
Squall-No. I said Hmmmmmmmm, not hum.
Black Shadow-Oh, ok. Hey can you kill a monkey for me?
Squall-Easily done.
Squall throws his blade at a monkey walking past. It slices through its head.
Black Shadow-Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, not that one.
Squall-Oh, sorry.
Squall slices another monkey.
Black Shadow-Quit it!!!!!
Black Shadow-Kill the monkey that throws rocks at you. It�s pissing me off.
Squall-Where is it?
Black Shadow-Well, he can be found at Hasberry Plains, Mandy Beach, Eldbeak Peninsula, Rinaul Coast, Monterosa Plateau and right here.
Squall-Awwwwwwwwww, screw those other places. I�ll kill him here. COME OUT!!!!!!!!
The monkey ditches a rock at Squall�s head.
Zell-Here we go again.
Squall-You stay outta this!
Squall throws Zell into the lake.
Black Shadow-Mmmmmmmm, lunch.
The shadow eats Zell.
Squall-I�ll deal with that shadow later. Monkey time.
Squall grabs Selphie�s nunchuckers.
Selphie-Hey, they�re��
Squall-Shut up!
Squall ditches the nunchuckers at the monkey�s head. It falls into the water shouting, uhhhhhh, profanities and gets eaten.
Black Shadow-Thanks.
Squall-Why? You�re about to die. Meteor!!!!!!
Squall sends meteors flying into the water, killing the Black Shadow.
Rinoa-That was���weird.
Squall-Now for the last thing. The bottom-left part of this planet has a Research Centre.
Squall-So, let�s go.
Irvine-Why are you choosing where to go?
Squall-Cause I can kill all of you in a single slice. That�s why.
Later on��
Setting: The Deep Sea Research Centre
Selphie-So, is there a reason for this escapade.
Squall-No, I just have a feeling.
Rinoa-God, get your hand outta your pants again. And QUIT looking at me.
Squall-Sorry, I forgot. Let�s just go in.
Quistis-Oooooooooooooh, blue.
Irvine-It�s a core. Move only when the light doesn�t spin.
Squall sprints to the core, shedding up Ruby Dragons everywhere. He gets to the core and��
Voice-So, you wish to challenge me?
Squall-Yessiree bob.
Squall-Never mind.
Selphie-You�re supposed to say: �it�s not our will to fight.�
Squall-Screw the script. I like fighting. Bring it on.
Voice-Fools. Why do you wish to fight?
Squall-I just said, cause I like��
Quistis-It�s our nature. (Squall, this guy�s a GF. Let�s get him.)
Squall-GF?? What was that again?
Bahamut-I am Bahamut, the king GF.
Quistis-A GF is a Guardian Force Squall.
Squall-No, that�s what it stands for, not what it is.
Quistis-Oh dearest god. They�re your protectors.
Squall-But, this one�s trying to kill us. Maybe he�s a baddie in disguise.
Quistis-He�s a GF dammit!!!! You have to prove yourself to me.
Bahamut-Pay attention to me!!!!!!!!!!!
Squall slices Bahamut�s head off.
Quistis-�����without killing one for once!!!!!!
Squall-I�ve never killed one before.
Quistis-Really now? Ifrit, Tonberry, Cerberus, Siren, Bahamut, even Odin. You�re probably gonna kill more later too.
Irvine-Hey a shaft. Let�s go down there.
Selphie-Got nothing better to do.
After working out the boring combinations, they get to���
Setting: The very very hard and extremely annoying baddie staircase.
Squall-Holy shit!!!!!!!!!!
Rinoa- That�s a LOT of baddies.
Squall-Most of em can�t swim or fly, how�s they cross the ocean?
Quistis-Don�t ask me! How do we get down?
Squall-We kill!!!
Selphie-Yeah, let�s kick ass!!!
After a lot of killing and that, they get to the bottom.
Squall-Phew, that was longer than I thought. Now what?
SLICE!!!!!! Irvine is sliced in half.
Squall-Hmmmmmm, no loss. But what the hell did that?
Ultima Weapon-I am Ultima Weapon! You shall DIE!!!!!!
Squall-That answers my question.
Rinoa-Kill it Squall!
Squall slices at Ultima���CRACK!!!!! His gunblade breaks.
Squall-Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Awwwwwww well, I always keep a spare.
Ultima slices up Selphie.
Rinoa-Hurry up Squall.
Ultima knocks Squall�s blade away.
Squall-Gotta chuck something. I know! Those two weird items.
Squall chucks the Salamon Ring and the Magical Lamp at Ultima. Out come Doomtrain and Diablos.
Squall-More like weird. They�re GFs huh?
Squall-Funny, I don�t see em in battle. Probably cause I kill them before they start fighting.
After a looooooong and cool fight. All 3 monsters are tired out.
Squall-Awwwwwwwww man this sucks.
Diablos-Man, I�m tired.
Ultima-Let�s fight again.
Squall-No way, I�m not that patient.
Squall jumps up and slices through Ultima�s weak spot, the neck. He dies.
Quistis-Great job Squall!! And you�ve got two GFs of your very own that you can��
Squall slices up Diablos and Doomtrain.
Quistis-��train. Not a-fucking-gain!!!!
Squall-Tired GFs are useless GFs.
Quistis-You�re useless. You can heal GFs dick-head!!!!
Squall-Well whatever, let�s get outta here.
Rinoa-We�ll head to Edea�s house. She�ll help us.
Squall-Ok, let�s go.
So the 3 go off to Edea�s House for the final part of Disk 3!! (it gets more exciting than a crappy little house though.)
Pt6- Edea�s House to the Lunatic Pandora
Setting: Oh no no no no no no. Not again!!!
Squall-Hey look, ain�t that your dog Rinoa?
Rinoa-So it is. Let�s follow him.
They find Edea.
Zell-Hi Edea.
Edea-Listen, there�s something I need to tell you.
Squall-Ok, this shouldn�t take too long.
3 and a half hours later (because that part is too long and boring and I can�t think of anything to make fun of that part either)
Squall-Ok, so it was longer than I thought. So we were all here as kids. Even Seifer?
Zell-Man, that�s pretty much all fucked up.
Selphie-For sure.
Quistis-And Ultimecia took over you and Rinoa. Now she�s taken Adel over.
Rinoa-Maybe she should stop taking people over!
Squall-What do we do now?
Edea-You must go to Esthar. The President there shall help you.
Squall-Ok, see ya.
Later on��
Setting: Presidential Residence of Esthar.
Squall-Hey, we need to see the president NOW!!!
Secretary-I told you before, you can�t.
SLICE!!! You know what happened.
Setting: President�s Room
Squall-Hello President.
Laguna-That voice. I know that voice. SQUALL!!!!!!!!!
Laguna turns around and slices off one of Squall�s arms.
Squall-Laguna????? Oww, you suck.
Laguna-DIE!!!!!!!!! What nerve you have coming here.
Squall-I didn�t know you were the president.
Kiros-What the???
Laguna-Told you guys.
Squall-Shut up Ward!!
Selphie-Hi Laguna!!! Uhhhhhhhh, sorry.
Laguna-Don�t worry, I only hate Squall, not you guys.
Laguna-Squall, you ruined my life, but I still became president. Man, you look like me.
Squall-I don�t look gay!!!
Laguna-Ok, time to settle.
Like in FF7, you�ll only get one multiple choice. Here it is:
a) If you think that Squall and Laguna are going to make up and be friends- You�re dreaming, fuck off you sensitive weirdo.
b) If you think they�re gonna find Cloud and Seifer and go to the pub go beers- You�re getting warm, but not quite. You�re quite the alcoholic, quit reading and get some Vodka.
c) If you think they�re gonna kick the shit outta each other- You are correct, enjoy.
Rinoa-We�ll explain to Kiros and Ward why we need your help. Enjoy killing each other.
Laguna-Will do.
Selphie-God, always killing.
Everyone leaves except for Laguna and Squall.
Laguna lunges at Squall and kicks his balls. Squall falls, coughing up blood. He then punches Laguna�s balls hard. Laguna also falls. Now they�re just kicking each other�s balls. Oh god.
2 hours later��
Zell-Ahhhh, there you are.
Squall and Laguna walk in holding their balls, it doesn�t look too good.
Laguna-We�ll continue the fight later.
Squall-Owww, yeah. Time to save the Earth.
Selphie-Alright, but let�s head to Shumi Village first.
Selphie-Cause I think the Shumi would like to see Laguna before Squall kills him.
Laguna-He�s not gonna kill me but let�s go anyway.
They head to Shumi Village.
Setting: Just go away
Squall-These things don�t like me.
Laguna-Hello Shumis.
Elder-Laguna!!!! We made a statue in your honour. It�s next door.
Squall-Another statue??? I warned you.
Squall leaves.
Laguna-Where are you going Squall?
Elder-Squall?? Laguna, are you with that statue-wrecker?
Laguna-No, we�re enemies.
Squall runs back in.
Squall-Now, there�s no statue again.
Elder-DAMN YOU!!!
Squall-Your assistant was surprised to see me, so I killed him.
Laguna-You suck Squall.
Rinoa-(sigh) Let�s go.
They leave the enraged Shumi Village.
Laguna-I think we should permanently shut the Lunatic Pandora down now.
Squall-Yeah, then Cloud go piss off.
Laguna-You must hate Cloud as much as you hate me.
Squall-Naaaah, you really suck. He just sucks.
Rinoa-And he�s stronger and cooler than you too.
Squall-Shut up. Let�s just go.
They get into the Ragnorok and head to the Lunatic Pandora for the final battle (or so they think)
Setting: Lunatic Pandora after the cool FMV
Squall-That was a cool FMV.
Quistis-Hey where�s Laguna and that?
Irvine-He said he�s guarding the Ragnorok with Kiros and Ward. He said also that he�s too old for this and to tell Squall that he sucks.
Zell-Hey, there�s Raijin and Fujin.
Raijin-Oh crap! Those guys!
Fujin-Don�t be scared. We�re stronger now.
Squall-Ain�t it weird how everyone except us can have over 9999 HP?
Rinoa-Yeah, but they�re still weaker than us.
Raijin-Whatever, let�s get em!!
Squall-Oh boy.
SLICE SLICE!!!!!!!! Squall effortlessly kills Raijin and Fujin.
Squall-Rookies paah.
Zell-Let�s head on.
Biggs-Ahhhhhhh not you guys again.
Squall-Huh?? I�ve got better things to do than kill you weaklings.
Wedge-Yeah, we don�t wanna get demoted again.
Squall-See ya.
They start to leave.
Squall-Uhhhhrrrggh, I can�t take it anymore. I�m walking past easy kills.
SLICE SLICE!!!!!!!!!!! Squall slices Biggs and Wedge up.
Rinoa-Couldn�t help it could ya?
They go through a couple of elevators and hallways and��
Zell-Huh??? It�s that baddie that killed me last time.
Quistis-And threw the rest of us out.
Squall scans the monster.
Squall-Hmmmmmm, Mobile Type 8. DIE!!!!!!
Even though he�s only got one arm, he can still kick ass. He slices the hell outta Mobile Type 8.
Quistis-Let�s go down that there hall.
They go down the hall and in the next room, they find��
Squall-Seifer??? Coooool.
Seifer-Huh. You�re not going any further.
Squall-Whatever, wanna beer? I brought a couple along.
Seifer-Not this time bud.
Squall-Hmmmm, you said that at the end of Disk 1.
Rinoa-What do you want?
Seifer slices straight through Irvine�s eyes. He also slices up Quistis and Selphie cause they�re all gay characters.
Seifer-Hmmm, how�d that chicken-wuss get here. NO MERCY!!!!!!!
Seifer uses his only limit break to kick the crap outta Zell and basically kill him.
Seifer-Now, I need Rinoa.
Rinoa-I don�t wanna have sex with you!
Seifer-No, I have to take you to Adel. He needs you.
Rinoa-I don�t wanna have sex with him either.
Seifer picks up Rinoa.
Seifer-Just come anyway.
Seifer-Follow me if you want Squall.
Squall-This just keeps making less sense all the time.
Seifer runs off with Rinoa to Adel. Squall chases after them for the final disk of FF8. Phew, that disk was the longest I�ve ever done.
End of Disk 3

Disk 4 (almost done)
Pt1- Lunatic Pandora to Card Queen
Setting: Still the Lunatic Pandora
Squall-Gotta follow Seifer and find Rinoa.
Zell-We�re helping.
Squall-Oh, you guys are alive again huh?
Quistis-Yeah, let�s go.
They head upwards following Seifer and then get to Adel, who holds Rinoa captive in him.
Squall-Awwwww shit.
Adel-Ha ha ha.
Selphie-Hey, where�s Seifer.
Zell-Dunno, but Squall, if you kill Rinoa here, she�ll die for good.
Irvine-And how the hell would you know?
Zell-I�ve played FF8, it happens on the game.
Squall-Ok then.
Adel-Ha ha ha.
Adel kills Zell somehow. I had my back turned when he killed him.
Squall-He�ll never live till the end of a part.
Adel-Ha ha ha. Chair Meteor Shower!!!
Selphie-I�m really getting annoyed by that laugh.
Squall-Chairs?? I haven�t seen any break in a while. I�ve been building up strength for this.
Adel sends a Meteor Shower or chairs that continuously break.
Irvine-I bet this makes up for all of those parts without chairs in them.
Squall-Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
Squall jumps up and slices Adel�s head off. Adel dies and Rinoa is released.
Squall-Man, I wish I could do it that easily on the real game.
Quistis-You�re not the only one.
Rinoa-Thank you Squall.
Squall-I did it for you������and the chairs.
Selphie-Let�s just go and stuff this place up.
Ellone walks in.
Ellone-This place is stuffed up. It�s gonna crash into the ocean in a couple of minutes.
Squall-Where the hell did you come from???
Ellone-Never mind. You won�t be able to make it out in time, so I�ll compress time. This way!
Squall-Compress time???? Man, I thought I was stuffed up!! This storyline beats all.
Ellone-Well, compressing time is how Ultimecia got here.
Selphie-She�s here.
Ellone-Look out of the window.
They all look out of the window and see a huge chain leading up to a huge castle. Everything�s huge.
Squall-Fuck!! That�s fucking huge!!
Irvine-Shit yeah, but why compress time?
Ellone-To get outta here. Quick, into the next room.
In the next room��
Squall-So many save points.
Ellone-No time for that. Quick, into the weird portal.
They all go through. They go to a lot of cities and fight weird sorceresses which Squall easily kills. Including the stronger, uglier one, then they end up at��
Setting: Edea�s House
Squall-What the hell??? Hey, that was cool, killing all of those things.
Irvine-Hey, where�s Ellone?
Quistis-Don�t know. Hey, we�re right next to the huge chain.
Rinoa-And 3 portals. Let�s go through the middle one.
They go through the middle one and end up near the Centra Ruins.
Setting: World Map
Squall-Hmmmmmmmm�������ok, where�s that Ragnorok?
Squall scans the Earth with his state-of-the-art binoculars.
Squall-Hey, all of the cities have gay barriers around them That sucks balls. Hey, there�s the Ragnorok. It got blown to the Kashkabald Desert. Let�s go.
Selphie-Stupid barriers.
After some walking, then some more walking, then even more walking, they magically end up on an island.
Setting: Cactus Island
Selphie-Why couldn�t we go through the desert instead of around? The Ragnorok�s in the desert you know.
Squall-Too hot. Besides, we can see it now and����what the fuck is that?????
Jumbo Cactuar comes out of the ground.
Squall-Let�s kill!!
Quistis-No!!!! This is the last possible GF you can get.
Squall-Hmm? I forgot again what a GF was, but this is just a cactus.
Quistis-No, this is a GF!!
Squall-Too late! BLASTING ZONE!!!!!!!!!!
Squall slams the blast down on Cactuar. Even though it reaches the Earth�s atmosphere and into space, it only slices Cactuar in half.
Quistis-Man, you suck.
Squall-Shut up. Let�s get to the Ragnorok.
They finally get to the Ragnorok and fly to Fisherman�s Horizon.
Squall-Huh??????? Where�s Balamb Garden???? Now all of the Gardens are fucked up.
They fly towards where the Lunatic Pandora crashed.
Squall-Hey, who�s that babe just standing there?
Irvine-Yeah, what a babe. She looks like Aeris a bit.
Rinoa-Hey!! Oh yeah she does!! But she ain�t��is she?
Selphie-Let�s land and find out.
They land the Ragnorok and walk up to the girl.
Setting: Abadan Plains
Squall-Hey, who are you?
Card Queen-I am the card queen. Master of the card game.
Irvine-Well, she ain�t Aeris.
Card Queen-Of course not. Wanna verse me?
Squall plays her 15 times and wins each time.
Card Queen-Ahhhhhh that�s the 15th straight win!!
Squall-I guess you�re not the master of cards then. I am the King of cards!!!
Card Queen-Whatever.
Selphie-We�d better head to Ultimecia�s Castle now. See ya.
Squall-The urge is coming back.
Card Queen-Yeah, goodb��
SLICE!!!!! Off with her head. J
Rinoa-God, could ya quit killing stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!
Squall-Ok, I shall. Now let�s go up that chain.
They head up the big chain and go into Ultimecia�s Castle for the final battle.
Pt2- Ultimecia�s Castle to the End of Disk 4
Setting: Awwwwwwwwwww, it�s Ultimecia�s Castle alright????
Squall-Let�s beat that bitch!
Rinoa-Well, finally.
Zell-Let�s head up those stairs.
They go up.
Squall-Whoa!!! What�s that?
Sphinxaur-I am Sphinxaur. DIE!!!!!!
Rinoa-Slice it up Squall!
Squall-What? But you told me to stop killing.
Sphinxaur slashes off Irvine�s head.
Rinoa-Ok, you can fight now.
Sphinxaur-Resistance is futile! You will never defeat��
Squall-Got him.
Rinoa-Man, this is gonna take a while. There are a lot of bosses here and this place is huge.
Squall-Well, better get started.
They go down the shaft.
An extremely loooooooooong time later on��
Setting: Art Gallery
Quistis-Phew. That Catoblepas guy was hard.
Squall-Maybe for you, but I sliced off his����well, you know.
Zell-Yeah, hey look! A bell. Let�s ring.
Squall-You have fun ringing. Rinoa and I are looking for Ultimecia.
They leave.
Zell-Ringing time!!
Zell-Hey, it�s hard to ring.
Selphie-I�ll help.
The 3 ring the bell. Squall and Rinoa have just reached the Chapel.
Squall-Oh god, what now?
Omega Weapon-You shall die now. Omega Weapon shall kill you.
Squall-Where�s Omega Weapon? What does he look like?
Omega-I�m Omega Weapon!! I was referring to myself in the 3rd person. Are you stupid?
Squall-Yes indeed I am. Now, you said something about killing us?
Omega-Oh yeah sorry. DIE!!!!!!!
Omega uses Meteor.
Squall-Quick Rinoa. Break RPG rules and hide underneath Omega before the attack hits.
Meteor misses.
Squall-Now what have you got? You�re strong.
Omega-Uhhhhhhh, that�s the only move I got.
Squall-Oh dear god no.
Squall cuts off Omega�s legs.
Omega-Owwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!! That hurt.
Squall-Yeah, it kinda meant to.
Omega-Bring it on!�
Squall-I just did. Wanna go again huh?
Squall slices upwards into Omega.
Omega-Owwwy!!!!!! Stop it!
Omega starts to cry.
Squall-Awwwwwww come on!
Omega-My boo boo hurts bad.
Squall-How do you win fights??
Omega-Meteor always used to kill them. I�ve never gotten this far in a fight before.
Squall-Whatever, but you�re an enemy so��
Squall slices Omega�s arms off.
Rinoa-Uhhhhhhh, aren�t you supposed to���fight in a fight.
Squall-That does it!
Squall slices off Omega�s head.
Squall-Let�s just get to Ultimecia.
Zell-Wait for us! We wanna�����huh????
Squall-Oh, that was just a huge dick-head that didn�t wanna fight.
Selphie-So, you now kill helpless things now?
Squall-Everything except chairs.
Rinoa-Whatever, let�s go.
They head up, then up, then further up and get to the legendary door with save point.
Squall-Knock knock!!!! Hellooooooo???
Ultimecia-Who is it?
Squall-People with murderous rage, waiting to kill you.
Ultimecia-(sigh) Come in.
They go in.
Squall-Wicked chair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ultimecia-SeeD? You should�ve said you were SeeD.
Squall-SeeD is full of murderous rage too. Same thing.
Ultimecia-You�ve come far enough.
Squall-Well, we can�t really get any further now.
Quistis-Except if we kill you!
Ultimecia-We�ll see. DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Squall-Bring it on.
Ultimecia-Screw the other weak forms. I�m going into my true and strongest form.
Squall-That�s more like it.
Ultimecia goes into her ultimate form.
Rinoa-We can kill her now. She�s in her real form.
Zell-She�s real ugly.
Ultimecia-Die forever SeeD!!!!!!!
Ultimecia uses Apocalypse that kills Quistis and Selphie cause they suck.
Rinoa-Get her Squall!
Squall-Yeah. I�m serious this time.
Rinoa-It�s a miracle.
Squall-4 disks, 70 hours, it�s getting too boring. It�s been too long. Time to end this!!
Zell-Yeah Squall!
Ultimecia-Oooooooooh, tough eh? How do you like this then?
Ultimecia breaks the very cool chair.
Squall-That�s done it for me! MEGA LION HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Squall slashes the hell outta Ultimecia.
Ultimecia-Owww, not bad. Not good either, for you.
Squall-Oh����������shit�����it didn�t do much.
Zell-We�re doomed.
Ultimecia-Time to kill!
Ultimecia gets ready to use Hell�s Judgement to finish them off when����SLICE!!!!!!!
Ultimecia-What the hell?
Squall-Wasn�t me.
The blade comes out (here�s the suspenseful part�����������������ok, that�s enough) The blade sliced through her neck. Ultimecia finally dies.
Squall-Huh?? Seifer!!!!!!
Seifer-Hey, I�m SeeD too. She really did suck.
Squall-Yeah!!! That�s the end of that chapter.
Seifer-You bet. What the hell??? What�s chicken-wuss doing still alive?
Zell-Don�t know. Hey, maybe I�ll finally live to the end of a par���
SCHWING!!!!!!!!! Classic Aeris death style.
Seifer-There, now what?
Laguna walks in.
Laguna-Hey guys, the barriers have disappeared. Balamb Garden�s back too.
Squall-Where�d you come from?
Seifer-Cool, the pub�s back then! Outta the way Laguna. We�re going for some cold ones.
Laguna-Great, can I come?
Laguna-Whatever. You guys suck anyway. I�ll go live with the Shumis.
Squall-Yeah, go live with Yoda, I don�t care, but if they make another statue, I�ll be back.
They�re all just leaving when.
Cloud-Hello all.
Squall-Awwwwwww what? You�re still here?
Rufus-Yep, we�re just leaving though.
Squall-Yeah, fuck off.
Cloud-Well, see ya later.
Cloud and Squall shake hands.
Squall-You�re not so bad man.
Cloud-Well, you�re still gay to me. We�re heading to FF9 to piss off Zidane.
Squall-See ya there then.
Cloud and Rufus head to FF9, Squall, Rinoa and Seifer head off for a beer at the nearest pub and Laguna, Kiros and Ward go to live with Shumis.
Pt3- Aftermath of FF8
A year after Part 2 ended, everyone lives in Balamb Garden (well, nearly)
Setting: Awwwwww man, I�m glad this is almost over
Squall-Everyone, this is deputy principal Squall speaking. Uhhhhhhhhh, no comment.
Cid-Riiiiiiigggggghhhhhhhhht. Thank you Squall. Man you suck, wait, the speaker�s still on. Oh shit. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh���
The speaker cuts off.
Squall-See ya later.
Squall goes to the first floor.
Rinoa-Hi Squall!
Squall-Hi Rinoa, let�s head to my room now.
Quistis-Hi you 2. Where are you off to?
Squall-Uhhhhh, my room. Anyway, how are you and Seifer doing?
Quistis-We�re engaged.
Zell-Damn, I wanted you.
Quistis-Bad luck there.
Seifer-Hi babe, hi Squall and Rinoa, fuck off Zell, you suck.
Seifer-HEY!! I�m the head of SeeD now with Quistis, so shut up.
Zell-Well, I am the best SeeD recruit.
Seifer-Not anymore.
SLICE!!!! I think you all know what happened there.
Squall-He was the only that didn�t get anywhere after FF8. I�m deputy principal, Rinoa�s the best of the magic users and leads them, Selphie runs the Garden Festivals and events, Irvine made a sniper department and runs it but he�s still gay.
Seifer-Well, we need a clean up on first floor, Zell�s starting to smell.
Selphie-Hi guys! Oh, Zell�s dead already. Ok.
Squall-Hi, where�s Irvine?
Selphie-Uhhhhhh, he�s shooting birds with his sniper team.
Seifer-Shooting birds sucks. Ha ha ha!!
Seifer actually smiles.
Selphie-He smiled! Now you gotta show me around this place.
Squall-You still don�t know your way around??
Selphie-Uhhh, no.
Everyone in Garden-Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quistis-You suck.
Irvine-Hello peoples.
Squall-Well, if it ain�t the new husband. That wedding was funny. You got drunk and fell of the 2nd floor balcony.
Irvine-Shut up Squall.
Squall-Then you started hitting on every girl at the party.
Irvine-Shut up Squall!!!
Squall-And then the best part-When you stripped off and ran around Garden for three hours, and you got arrested by the cops ha ha ha��
Irvine-SHUT UP SQUALL!!!!!!!!!! GEEZ.
Rinoa-Yes, well it was an���interesting celebration.
Quistis-Speaking of which. Are you and Squall gonna get married?
Rinoa-Maybe later.
Squall-Yeah. Alright Selphie, I�ll show you around the place (sigh)
Selphie-Cool, let�s go.
Rinoa-Do anything with Squall and I�ll kill you.
Squall-Don�t worry, we�ll meet in my room in an hour ok?
Selphie and Squall leave. Rinoa heads to Squall�s room.
Irvine-Well, I�m gonna go shoot some more birds ok?
Quistis-Man, that�s lame.
Seifer-Well, let�s go for a beer baby.
Voice-Attention SeeD. We have a situation. Some sorceresses are attacking Timber.
Seifer-Rookies. We�d better get em.
Seifer and Quistis head to Timber.
Setting: Shumi Village.
Laguna-This is living.
Ward-And they cured my stuffed up throat.
Elder-Anything for Laguna.
Laguna-You�d better not get gay on me!
Assistant-We�ve rebuild the statue finally.
Laguna-Great, I�ll take a look.
Squall runs into the next house and breaks the statue for a 3rd time.
Laguna-Damn you! I�ll never get to see that statue huh?
Squall-See ya.
Setting: New Shinra World building in FF7.
Reno-Uhhhh, I really don�t think they�re coming back.
Cait Sith-Quit saying that. They�ll be back.
1st class SOLDIER guy-We�ve killed Red XIII again.
Reno-Great job. Keep killing him every part. Wait! Send him to FF9 now. Someone else can keep killing him instead of Cloud and Rufus.
Setting: Ancient City
Cid-Ready for round 1,739,596?
Vincent-Uhhhhh, I was thinking. Maybe we should fight in a different place now.
Cid-Like FF8?
Vincent-Naaah, further. Like FF9.
Cid-Alright. Let�s get there somehow.
Cid and Vincent delay their fight to get to FF9 and fight again.
10 years after Part 2 ended (which is actually 9 years after what just happened.
Setting: Balamb Garden
Squall-This is Headmaster Squall speaking. Uhhhhhhh, man I�m not good at this.
Seifer-Deputy Seifer here. Man, you do really suck Squall.
The speaker cuts off.
Rinoa-Uhhhhh Squall. Little Cloud is fighting monsters again.
Squall-Cool, what about Bob?
Rinoa-Yeah, him too.
Squall and Rinoa now have 2 kids, Selphie and Irvine have 3 kids, Seifer and Quistis have 1 kid, the FF7 characters have just got to FF9 and Zell is still gay and dead cause this part hasn�t finished yet. Wait a sec, yeah it has.
The End

Man, even i think that's long. Well, hope you enjoyed it and good luck to all of the other contenders still to come. Now, i just gotta sit back, and wait.:D

Setsuna Yuna
02-19-2002, 08:39 AM
Cloud that's a really funny story. Well anyway, my story has different parts and I doubt the whole story will be done (it's intended to be a series), and my Diary of Rinoa Heartilly isn't nearly complete, so if it counts, I would just like to post the first book of my FF8 Fanfic, entitled: Lionhearts. I realize the chapters are short and some thoughts aren't finished, but I had to finish it in a hurry (I have school and all) so this is what came out. Hope you all enjoy it.



It�s hard to believe that it�s been almost three years since we had defeated Ultimecia in the time-compressed world. But it�s not like we defeated evil forever. It�s just not world threatening anymore. I just don�t see it as a great accomplishment, I guess. Balamb Garden is still in business, even though we had completed our destiny. Irvine and Rinoa are juniors at the Garden. Quistis regained her instructor rank. The rest of us are SeeDs. I�m the Headmaster of Balamb Garden. It�s strange really; I can�t imagine being called Headmaster Squall, so I asked everyone not to call me that. I still go out on missions with the gang (Irvine, Quistis, Rinoa, Selphie, and Zell). I made them all elite SeeDs, so they go out on the most important missions with me.

Galbadia Garden is back where it belongs and Martine is the Headmaster again. Seifer is missing�no one knows were he is, not even Fujin or Rajin. We made peace pacts with Galbadia so now we have no major enemies. I feel though, that something is out there�something that is as evil as Ultimecia herself.

The reason I said almost three years is because the New Year�s Festival will mark the beginning of our third-year anniversary of the defeat of Ultimecia. The New Year�s Festival is in a month. It is also for the juniors who become SeeDs on that very same day on their SeeD Field Exam. Another thing too. It is when I plan to ask Rinoa�the big question. We have been together since Ultimecia�s defeat and I don�t know about you, but I think it�s time. I�m ready to ask her�sort of. Okay, I�m nervous out of my mind. Big deal.

�So Squall,� Quistis said as she sat down at our table in the cafeteria, �I heard you might be proposing to Rinoa at the festival.� �Whoa really?� Selphie looked at me, a shocked expression on her face, �Oh my gosh! That is so great! Are you really going to?� �Of course he is,� Irvine said. He looked at me. �Am I right?� �I don�t know,� I said, looking away. I really don�t want to talk about it. �Well I think you should,� said Zell, eating a big plate of hotdogs. �Should do what?� said a voice behind me. I looked up. It was Rinoa. She sat down next to me. �What are you guys talking about?� she asked Zell. Zell stared at Rinoa with his mouth open, not knowing how to cover up the subject. �Zell thinks I should go on the next mission with all of them, but I�m busy so I can�t,� I said. Zell kept his mouth open, but only so he could eat his hotdogs as fast as he could, since Selphie would steal them out of fun. He didn�t think it was very funny though. �Oh okay.� Rinoa didn�t seem to believe us, but she didn�t ask anymore. That was too close. I thought. The end-of-lunch bell rang. We all stood. I left immediately. �Bye Squall,� Rinoa said, watching me leave with a slightly worried expression. She knew something was wrong I guess. I said bye and left.


How am I going to propose? What should I say? �I don�t know what to do�

I laid in my bed, listening to the silence all around me. I was thinking about Rinoa. I still wasn�t sure if I would propose to her at the festival, but I really want to. What if she says no? I felt a small feeling of uncertainty�of fear. I sighed. Rinoa what have you done to me? I�m so�soft. But still�

I don�t know if I like how I�ve changed. I depend on my friends when I never used to depend on anyone and I show my feelings instead of hiding them. But if she hadn�t changed me, I wouldn�t feel the feelings that I have for her. I yawned. This was too much to think about at midnight. I closed my eyes, hoping that I would figure out everything tomorrow.

Chapter 1 ~ Rinoa
Is it just me, or is everyone hiding something from me? I wonder what it is� I thought about lunch earlier that day, trying to remember their expressions so maybe I could figure out what they were saying about me. I had no clues to go on, so I just dropped the subject and went to my next class. I�m studying to be a SeeD now. I�m also taking a private class for sorceresses. There�s only one other sorceress besides me who takes the same class with me. Her name is Jessie Smith. It�s a strange name, but she is so nice and kind and she makes me feel like I�m not alone, so her name doesn�t matter to me. We learn our own special talents with our powers. For instance, I can become an angel, wings and all, and Jessie can become almost invisible for a short amount of time. We play small pranks on people with our newfound powers and have so much fun. I made Jessie promise not to play pranks on Squall since he couldn�t take a joke. Well maybe someday�

�Hello Rinoa,� Instructor Aki said as I walked in, �It seems that Jessie is sick and can�t take her classes, so you�re on your own today.� �Oh okay.� I sat up in the front row. Instructor Aki�s class is a big one, so I felt so small in its space. (I�m sorry, but my lessons have been edited out for security reasons. I hope you understand.)

After my S-class (as it is called), I walked to my dorm, hoping to see Zell coming from that direction. I really had to know what they were talking about, so when I saw Zell I waved and walked up to him. �Sup Rinoa. How was S-class?� �It was fine. Hey Zell?� I asked. �What?� �Um�what were you guys talking about during�� �Uh, you know, I gotta go right now.� Zell said, interrupting me. Before I could finish, Zell headed off, saying, �See ya!� and he was just gone. I frowned. It must be a really big secret for Zell to just blow me off like that. I thought. I sighed and headed to my dorm. Maybe a short nap will help, I thought as I lay down on my bed, feeling really tired out.

Chapter 2 ~ Quistis
I sat at my desk, correcting written tests and reading my fan mail. I am quite glad to be an instructor again. I�ve been doing my best ever since I was promoted back to instructor. I became Best Instructor of the Year this year. Silly, isn�t it? My fan club has grown larger than its previous years as well. I don�t know if that is a good or bad thing though. As I corrected, I came across one of Rinoa�s written tests. It reminded me of the New Year�s Festival that would be in less than a month now. That is when Squall plans to propose to her�

�I�m sorry. It just seems so strange that Squall is going to propose to Rinoa, don�t you think? It feels like time has passed us by. I�m going to be 21 in October�oh my, I feel so old. I guess I am a bit jealous of them. I don�t have anyone that I could really care about that way, and it makes me feel so lonely sometimes. I have admirers, but no one who I can really communicate with. I always seem to know what to say when my friends have love-related issues though. Oh well, maybe someday I will find someone that I love.

While I thought about my love life, Rinoa walked in. I didn�t see her at first until she said hi to me. �Oh Rinoa! I�m sorry I didn�t see you there. I was lost in my thoughts. Sit down please.� Rinoa pulled a chair up by my desk and sat down. She seemed a bit stressed. �Are you okay?� I asked her. �Oh I�m great, but it bugs me that you guys won�t tell me what you all were talking about at lunch a few weeks ago.� She looked at me apprehensively. �What was it about?� I hesitated. I knew that I couldn�t tell her, but I didn�t want to lie. I just decided to say the truth. �I�m sorry you�ve been so stressed about that, Rinoa, but I honestly can�t tell you.� The sadness in her face moved me to add, �You will know soon enough, though. It�s not a bad thing, if that helps any.� She sighed. �Yeah I guess that helps,� she said in a half-sarcastic tone. She stood. �Thanks anyway, Quistis. Bye.� �Goodbye Rinoa.� And she left.

If only she knew, then she would be happy instead of sad. I thought as I gathered my things and headed out the door. Rinoa has so many good things�but I have my own accomplishments and shouldn�t be jealous. I should help out as best I can, right? I should be happy for Rinoa�I am to some extent, but there is jealousy there too. What am I going to do?

Chapter 3 ~ Squall
There's been a lot happening in the past few weeks, but for my sake, I'm going to shorten everything. Zell is now dating Arya (the girl that always wears a pigtail). They are compete opposites; Zell being the loud and hyper one and Arya being the calm and quiet one, but they seem to fit together perfectly. We received one hundred new juniors a week ago, and ten SeeDs were promoted to instructor rank. ...Yeah that's about it. I know I said a lot has been happening...but since I summed it up like that, it doesn't seem like much.

The New Year's Festival is in a week, and I'm more nervous than ever. I think Rinoa is slowly understanding, but she doesn't know yet, at least I don't think she does. I hope not, because I want to surprise her, you know? Zell and Irvine were giving me all sorts of advice yesterday on a small mission we had. Most of it was either too stupid or too mushy, but they were trying to help and I guess I learned something from them.

I was just walking around, thinking about the festival, when I spotted Quistis. She seemed to be her normal self, but since I've known her since we were kids, I knew something was wrong by the way her eyes looked. She seemed frustrated with something. She saw me and walked over. "Hello Squall," she said, smiling her normal smile. "How has your day been?" "It's been fine. Hey something wrong?" She laughed, but then her sad anger showed. "I remember a few years ago when you'd never ask that or even notice. Well yes Squall, I am quite stressed about something, but it's a small thing that really amounts to nothing. I can take care of it, and I'll be my old self again in a few days. Really nothing to worry about." "Okay if you say so." "Yes I do," Quistis said, her voice strengthening, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a class to teach." And off she went.

Something must really be bothering her, I thought as I walked on, I don't think I've ever seen her like that. Is it me? Or something else? I don't even have a clue... I decided to forget about it for now. It would be wasting time, especially since I had no clue of what was wrong. Right now, I had to worry about the festival. Selphie actually got a few people on the committee to help her, so it should look great. Only a week left...I don't know if I can take it anymore...

Chapter 4 ~ Rinoa

I woke up early and sat up in my bed. Today was the SeeD Field Exam. I had already passed all my written tests and passed the Fire Cavern. Ifrit isn�t there anymore; there is a Ruby Dragon. I know it sounds hard, but I was the only one who tried it and won. You could have just fought five Bombs instead.

I dressed in my junior uniform and headed out to the front gate. I mentally calculated how well I was doing so far for my SeeD Ranking. I had seven seconds left when I beat the Ruby Dragon, defeated around 40 enemies, and I haven�t escaped any battles. That�s really good, I thought. I wanted the highest SeeD Ranking that I could get. I want to be an elite SeeD, so I could go on missions with Squall.

I saw Quistis waiting, a clipboard in her right arm. She smiled and waved when she saw me. �So what Squad am I in?� I asked her. She looked at her clipboard. �You are in Squad B�you are the captain of Squad B.� Quistis said, looking up at me. �Really?� I asked. She nodded. �That�s so great! Who else is in Squad B?� ��Irvine Kinneas and Arya Waqui (Zell's girlfriend). Hey we know both of them.� �Yeah�� I smiled, shaking my head, �Squall is so silly, putting me with people I know. I wanted a challenge, but�oh well�it will still be challenging anyway.�

More juniors came and Quistis told them what squad they are in. Irvine came and then Arya with her two friends. They came by me. �So you�re the captain, huh? Congratulations.� Irvine took off his hat and took a bow. I laughed. �Irvine stop it. Thanks though.� �I don�t think I could be a captain if they made me one,� Arya said, smiling at the image of it in her mind, �I�m glad you�re the captain.� �Thank you.� Quistis marked down all the juniors in her clipboard. �Alright let�s go,� Quistis said when the last person was accounted for. We all followed to the parking lot and climbed into the Garden cars. Since we had defeated Ultimecia, the monsters from the Lunar Cry were more aggressive than ever. This applies greatly to the mission we were about to take, which was to eliminate the threat in Winhill. The monsters seemed to have been placed there, Xu had said, but no one could think of whom, since Galbadia was its old self again, and there really wasn�t anyone else that would do such a thing. Not a great mission, of course, but there wasn�t much else.

We arrived at Balamb and took an assault vessel to Winhill. The Ragnarok was busy making repairs in Trabia, so it couldn�t be used. Selphie suggested it and Squall submitted. I�m glad for it too. Trabia is looking just like it used to, at least that�s what Selphie says. She isn�t so tired anymore. She used to be a year ago. No one knew what made her depressed for small periods of time. She never wrote it in her online diary either. She finally told us. I smiled a bit, since it was such a small thing, and she should have told us since we would�ve helped her in any way possible. Xu briefed us on our mission. �Squad B and C are to go through the town to the Town Square and eliminate all monsters possible. Squad B�s white magic user no. 1, Arya Waqui, will escort the townspeople to safety with the accompaniment of Irvine Kinneas and Rinoa Heartilly, the captain. Squad C, just keep going on ahead and destroy all the monsters you can on the way. When you get to the town square your novice white magic user, Ifalna Gast, will help the townspeople as best she can. Then destroy all the monsters in the Town Square.� Not too complicated�

Arya is the first junior to try an experiment invented some time after the attack from Galbadia. It was an experiment to see if humans could use magic without the help of a GF. Only white magic has been successful, and she was one of the firsts to master it. Veteran SeeDs and others (like me) can�t. We fail horribly and have gotten some serious wounds in the training center. So we�ve all been instructed to keep a diary. It�s really funny since the Garden Staff always reminds us to write in our diaries every night. I don�t mind it; I�m actually good at it, and after a year of reminding, I�ve put in an entry every night automatically. I like to read through it too. We are always reminded to read our diaries every 1st of the month. It�s scary when I read through them too. I find things in it that I don�t remember for the life of me. Sometimes I wish I could be like Arya, but I only hope that the future generation of juniors never have to worry about it until there is a proven way to use GF�s without the worry of memory loss.

Arya put in her best effort to help the victims while Irvine and I kept the monsters away. She�s mastered the best protective spells known, and she used them only on large groups of people because it was very hard to cast the barrier spell over and over again. That�s where we came in handy. We warded off the monsters until she got the barrier up, then we focused on one enemy at a time. Arya�s not very strong physically, so when she got too tired to cast, I cured her and then took her place for as long as I could while Irvine protected her. She doesn�t like depending on people since it makes her feel like a burden, so she helped Irvine as best she could with her nunchaku. We eventually got everyone out and made it to the Town Square. Squad C had the situation under control, so we took our time finishing off all the monsters there. I was very tired from casting Protect magic and so was Arya. Irvine cured us, but nothing can really cure tiredness, so we did our best until a messenger came and said that we had to get back to the vessels in 20 minutes. Squad C�s captain said they�d take care of the rest since we were exhausted, so we left them and got on our vessel home.

�Good job, all of you!� exclaimed Quistis, who came with us as our instructor, �I wouldn�t doubt a bit that you all became SeeDs. But be humble about it, so if by chance you didn�t become a SeeD you wouldn�t feel stupid for saying that you knew you were.� I sighed and fell back into my seat, breathing hard. I looked over at Arya, who was sitting next to me in a similar position, and she smiled. I smiled back. Irvine, of course, said it was all too easy, and that he could�ve done the mission by himself and all of that stuff that Irvine says. I was just glad we did it.

Chapter 5 ~ Squall

This is it. I'm actually going to do it. I stood right in front of Rinoa's room. Tonight was the New Year's Festival. I told Rinoa I'd pick her up, and well, here I am. I wore my SeeD uniform like all the males were supposed to.

I calmed myself as best I could, then I knocked. "Just a minute," was the answer. I waited. Then the door opened. Rinoa looked up at me, smiling. She had her new SeeD uniform on. "Ready to go?" she asked me. "Yeah." I crooked my arm and she put her arm through. As we walked to the ballroom, I didn't feel nervous. I felt numb all over. I couldn't believe I was actually going to do it. It was kind of exciting, but frightening.

The ballroom looked its best in all the years I had seen it at parties. The chandelier was polished and shined the candles on it all through the room. Circular tables were covered in white linen, with a small glass vase with a red rose on each one. The music was already playing; couples could be seen dancing all over. Selphie spotted us and walked over to us. She smiled. "Doesn't this look great? I'm so glad I got people to help this time!" "Yeah it looks awesome!" Rinoa remarked, gazing up at the chandelier. "We're all sitting over there," Selphie said, pointing to a table, where I saw Zell and Arya, "Come over afterwards, okay?" I nodded.

The music ended and a new song began. "Let's dance, Squall," Rinoa asked me. I hesitated. She smiled. "You can't say you don't know how to dance because I know you do. Come on!" Rinoa took my hand and pulled me out onto the dance floor. I had no choice but to dance. Luckily, the music was one I recognized, so I danced without bumping into anyone. After awhile, I got the hang of it and remembered all the steps from previous parties. I could tell Rinoa had been practicing because she danced in an almost different way than last time. "I learned some new moves just to keep you on your toes," Rinoa said as we danced, "You know, you could be a really good dancer if you tried hard enough."

As the song ended, I held onto Rinoa for a little while longer. Now was the time. "Rinoa," I said, "I have to ask you something." "Sure Squall, what is it?" "Well, I..." I took out the ring Zell made for me to give to Rinoa from my front pocket. It's an exact replica of Griever, but small enough for her hand. I slipped it on her finger. She looked up at me with tears starting to come in her eyes. " you. I don't know how else to say this, but will you marry me?" She laughed suddenly and threw her arms around me. "Yes Squall," she said, hugging me tight, "You don't know how happy you've made me." I hugged her back. All my fears and anxieties disappeared, and all I felt was absolute happiness. Selphie and the others saw us and came over, cheering and hugging us both. Rinoa blushed and hugged Arya, Selphie, and Quistis while I talked with Zell and Irvine.

"Alright you did it!" Zell said, "I didn't think you really would." "Yeah, wasn't really expecting you too, but you did," Irvine said, "That makes you more braver than me." "What?" I asked, confused, "You didn't think I would?" "Well sort of," Zell said, "Hey don't get mad. You're engaged! You should be happy!" "Yeah, well thanks anyway," I said, feeling kind of stupid. I guess I'll never understand them. But now I'll be with Rinoa for the rest of my life. I looked over at her and she smiled with so much happiness that it was hard to not smile back.

Yeah that's it. Maybe after the competition I'll have the second book done. I won't post it unless everyone that reads it at least sort of likes it.

02-20-2002, 04:01 AM
I LUV it!!! That might possibly even win the contest Setsuna Yuna. It's GREAT to put it simply.:)

Bahamut ZERO
02-20-2002, 04:14 PM
Okay, here's my entry. It's a little long, but as there was no limit on the length...





The wind blew across the town of Icicle Inn as the merchant of the town stood shivering on the porch of his shop. He�d only stepped out to check the time of day by the angle of the sun and already his hands were shaking, and his eyes were getting clogged with snow. This had been the coldest winter in the merchant�s memory, having spent close to five years running the store since the last resident moved out.

The merchant shook his head and walked back into the warm. Ever since that fateful day five years ago when Meteor was destroyed, the whole world had been in a daze. They were directionless without the Shinra Company to help point them in the right direction. Midgar had almost been levelled by Meteor, and was run as a shantytown, with the strong preying on the weak.

It wasn�t until a mysterious benefactor appeared that life begun to slowly crawl forward once more. The figure, whose identity was still unknown, drew together the strands of power left over from Shinra and begun to form a new empire. Still using the Shinra name and the capital at their disposal, Midgar was rebuilt from the ground up, with even the slums having a face-lift.

Midgar and Shinra seemed to go hand in hand. When one prospered, the other also did so. The physical damage that Meteor had done was repaired, but the Mako reactors were still down. The figure in charge didn�t seem too bothered to get them fired up until only a few months back when Reactor number 3 became operational once more, and Mako energy begun to flow freely about the city.

There were many mutterings about the globe about this act, and there were a few who were quick to condemn the action, including the leader of AVALANCHE, Barret Wallace. There were talks of more fighting between Shinra and the people when the leaders of the groups vanished one night. Few spoke of Shinra in a bad light again.

The merchant sat in a half doze at the desk of his shop when he heard a snuffling noise coming from the foot of the entrance. Unconcerned at first, the merchant turned to a stack of paper he�d been meaning to sort out for a while. The noise at the door had stopped and the merchant thought nothing of it.

There was a loud bang outside the shop and the merchant stood in sudden shock, the hair standing on the back of his neck. Going to the wall, the merchant pulled down a stout dagger and put it in his pocket, before walking towards the door.

The wind was howling outside and the merchant had to close his ways as it took his breath away. He gasped for air before the wind suddenly stopped and he lost his footing, staggering forward. He would�ve fallen had it not been for the person stood in front of him who caught him.

A sudden chill ran through the merchant at the touch. He looked up and saw that the person�s face was covered. The chill running up and down his spine made him grateful that that was the case. The person wore a black cloak that covered him from head to feet. His hands were gloved, his feet bore heavy black boots and there was a sword around his waist. The merchant quickly backed away from him.

�Wh... What happened?� The merchant asked.
The person didn�t respond, merely turning away and beginning to walk past when the merchant stepped in front of him, though his mind screamed for him to run back through the door.
�Are you deaf? What was that crashing sound?� The merchant demanded.

The person carried on seemingly ignoring him, but stopped walking. It slowly turned its head to look upon the merchant, who fell to his knees in its gaze. Finally, the person turned his head back to face forward, lifting a gloved hand and pointing northward. The merchant turned his terror-stricken eyes reluctantly away from the person to look to what he pointed at.

�Oh Gods!� He breathed frantically.
The sky was alight with shades of orange and red, almost as if it was on fire. The further north that the merchant looked, the stronger the colours and the more ferocious it seemed to swirl in the air. He begun to almost feel the heat, sweat standing on his forehead and in the palms of his hands.

The sensation was suddenly gone, and the merchant was on his knees in the middle of the snow, chill settling into his tired limbs. He looked up to the sky and saw that it was beginning to cloud over. There was no sign of the vivid flame that had been scorching it earlier. The merchant got to his feet and looked around for the person who�d been standing in front of him. No one was in the vicinity, and the merchant was out alone.

Shaken, the merchant turned back to the entrance to his store and walked forward when something caught his attention from the corner of his eye. Looking to his left, the merchant spied a fragment of a sword blade. He picked it up, cutting his finger on the corner of the blade. Examining it closely, he took it to be from a Masamune sword. Turning the blade over, the merchant found three very clear and distinct words on the fragment before it shattered in his hands.

�They are coming.�


�Marlene! Rimika! Time for dinner!� Tifa called at the top of her lungs.
�Coming mother!� Rimika called back, climbing down from the well in the centre of the town.
�Hurry before it gets cold!� Tifa scolded her son gently.
�Come on Rimika! Let�s not annoy Auntie Tifa more than needed,� Marlene smiled, jumping down from the well.

Rimika grumbled, annoyed that his game had been disturbed. He reached the bottom of the well and then ran after Marlene back to the big mansion in the town. Rimika quickened his pace before jumping over the wall and landing smoothly on his feet in the garden, before cutting across Marlene�s path and entering the house first. He laughed as Marlene picked him up and carried him to the table.

�Where�s father?� Rimika asked Tifa after he�d finished his first plate.
�He�s out around the old reactor,� Tifa replied, �one of the town folk reported another monster nearby. You know what your father�s like when he hears about monsters.�
�Father can take on anyone,� Rimika said proudly, �after all it was him who destroyed Meteor, right?�
�In a manner of speaking,� Tifa replied with a smile.

Rimika beamed, and Tifa shook her head. They were so much alike, Cloud and his four-year-old son. Although young, Rimika had shown an abnormal level of intelligence for one his age and he idolised his father, wanting to follow in his footsteps. Already nearly three feet tall, Rimika�s hair was a sandy blonde and his eyes were full of life and mischief. He already had a good sense of right and wrong that Cloud had taught him, but also his mother�s kindness and heart.

The door to the mansion swung open and Cloud walked in. His clothes were blood drenched and there was a nasty graze running down his left arm, but otherwise he was unharmed. Tifa flew out of the chair and into her husband�s arms as he smiled, putting his arm around her waist whilst leaning on the Ultima Weapon sword he�d come into ownership of.

�You�re hurt,� Tifa said, looking at the wound.
�It�s only a scratch,� Cloud replied, letting out an explosive breath, before putting his sword to rest at the door, �those monsters seem to be getting stronger and stronger.�
�Sit down and let me look at it,� Tifa said in a tone that offered no argument.

Cloud sighed and plodded across the room and slumped into the chair. He bowed his head as Tifa fussed over the wound before bandaging it after applying a potion to take away most of the sting. Cloud rose his head to look to his son, who was obviously concerned at seeing his father wounded.

�Hello Rimika. Have you had a good day?� Cloud asked.
�Fine thankyou,� Rimika replied, still looking at the blood.
�I�m okay son. I�m not going anywhere,� Cloud said.
�I know father. No one can stop you. You�re invincible!� Rimika replied.
�Well, that�s probably going a bit too far,� Cloud muttered to himself.

After dinner, Marlene and Rimika left the house again to meet up the other children. Cloud still sat in his chair and looked to his hands, worn by the constant use of his heavy battle-sword. His eyes, that had once been youthful and full of life, were now hardened by years of constant fighting in the mountains of Nibelheim. This place that had been his home before the incident with Sephiroth had once more become his home now in his adult life.

Tired and weary after the Meteor crisis had been absolved, and Midgar had been all but destroyed, the party of eight had stood on the deck of Highwind, considering the options open to them. All of their energies and emotion had been poured into stopping Sephiroth from coming to power, and now they had no-where else to go.

One by one the party had begun to split apart. The first stop was Cosmo Canyon, where Bugenhagen informed Red XIII that one of his kind had arrived at the town. Red XIII and the female met and became close friends, and as a result Red XIII had stayed behind at Cosmo Canyon to take his hereditary place back as guardian of the town.

Vincent had remained with the party until they�d reached Nibelheim, where he left late one night, claiming that he was going to try and find Lucrecia to inform her of the truth. To Yuffie, Cloud handed the least important materia he could spare, and bade the ninja goodbye as she returned to Wutai. Cait Sith had ceased functioning after the destruction of Midgar, which hinted to Cloud that whoever was behind the controls had perished among the rest of the citizens.

Finally, Cid had come to Cloud and told him that he was heading back to Rocket Town. Cloud received a letter a couple of months later inviting him and Tifa to the wedding. Already four months pregnant, Tifa, Barret and Cloud had made the journey through the Nibelheim Mountains to Rocket Town. There, the party of eight who�d so valiantly fought to save the world met each other for the last time in five years, on the day when Cid and Shera became man and wife.

After the wedding, Cloud, Tifa and Barret had cleared out the old Shinra mansion and converted it to their new home. Marlene joined them in the house, and five months later Rimika was born. The five co-existed fairly peacefully, receiving letters from their friends, promising visits and reunions that never occurred as their paths begun to slowly part.

The residents of Nibelheim had changed considerably since Cloud had returned. They were now openly acknowledging that they weren�t the original occupants of the town, and that Shinra had been paying them to live as the town. Cloud and Tifa were relieved that their memories were correct, after all the worrying before hand.

It was a year previous that news finally arrived in Nibelheim that the Shinra Corporation had been reformed and that Midgar was being rebuilt. Barret was furious for the first couple of days, before Tifa pointed out that as long as the Mako reactors weren�t in use, the person in charge might use the power wisely and help bring the world back together.

�We�re all petrified at the moment. We suffered a near death experience with Meteor, and everyone is walking around depressed and unable to think clearly. Maybe this person in charge of Shinra can bring us together and motivate the people to go on with their lives,� Tifa had said.

At first her words had rung true, as Midgar became a prosperous business centre and the world begun to live once again. Then the person in charge of Shinra had done the one thing Barret couldn�t forgive. He powered up one of the Mako reactors. Outraged, Barret had stormed out of Nibelheim to gather together as many armed men as he could to reform AVALANCHE and take down Shinra. He was last seen in Junon, where he went missing and wasn�t seen again.

That was just two months ago, and Marlene had been distraught at her father�s disappearance. Now eleven, she was beginning to grow up into a sensible and sensitive individual. She adored Rimika and the two were literally inseparable, people often believing that they were real life brother and sister. Cloud and Tifa had stepped in to fill the void created by Barret�s disappearance, but there was nothing they could do to calm the girl.

�Is your arm okay Cloud?� Tifa asked, sitting beside him and disturbing his thoughts.
�What? Yes, I�m fine thankyou,� Cloud replied, bending the arm up and down.
�You stupid idiot!� Tifa cried suddenly, �you shouldn�t go into the mountains alone!�

Cloud smiled and put his hands over Tifa�s.
�I was fine,� Cloud said, �it caught me by surprise. Once the initial shock had gone, I was able to deal with it with ease. Stop worrying so much.�
�It�s just that... If you go aswell, I�ll have no one else to turn to,� Tifa replied.
�Nonsense,� Cloud replied, �you�ll always have friends here, and around the world, willing to help you when you turn to them.�

Tifa sniffed, and Cloud reached into his pocket, where the Tissue that he�d been carrying around for ages suddenly came of use. Tifa thanked him and dabbed her eyes.
�I know we�ve spoken about it before,� Tifa said, �but what are we going to do about Barret?�
�I don�t know Tifa,� Cloud replied, �I thought about going to try and find him, but that would mean leaving you and the kids here. Everyone else is busy at the moment.�

There was a knock on the door and Tifa stood to answer it. Cloud stretched his tired limbs as he listened to his wife�s sweet voice talking to the person at the door.
�Cloud,� A strong, mysterious voice spoke from the hall.
Cloud immediately sprang to his feet and looked to the source of the voice. Standing in the shadow, his face still covered by the red mask and his eyes still shrouded in mystery, Vincent stepped forward.

�Vincent! What are you doing here?� Cloud asked.
�A man can�t drop in to say hello to an old friend?� Vincent replied.
�Well, we haven�t seen or heard from you since Cid�s wedding,� Cloud said.
�Yes. I know. And I apologise for that,� Vincent replied, �I have been busy on my quest.�
�How is it going?� Tifa asked.
�Not very good,� Vincent replied sadly, �I checked the cave where we first found her, and found nothing. I can still sense her presence somewhere on this planet. I fear she is searching for her son.�

Cloud started and Vincent rose his hand.
�I know we told her Sephiroth was dead Cloud, but it seems that she adores that child who she never knew,� Vincent said, �and it�s consumed her. She needs to find him in some shape or form.�
�What a poor woman!� Tifa exclaimed.
�What do you propose to do?� Cloud asked.
�I do not know Cloud,� Vincent replied.

The door to the mansion opened again and Rimika re-entered with Marlene. Vincent turned sharply, his hand reaching for the pistol in his belt, before relaxing slightly.
�This your son, Cloud?� He asked.
�Yep. Rimika, say hi to Vincent. He�s a friend of mine,� Cloud replied.
�Hello,� Rimika said shyly.

Vincent looked at the boy with a frown, before his arm suddenly whirled around. Cloud didn�t blink, but he still didn�t see his son�s arm shoot out and grasp the object that Vincent had cast at him. Rimika looked at the apple in his hand with a frown as Vincent�s eyes widened. He walked to the boy and looked to him before laughing softly and ruffling the boy�s hair.
�What a wonderful child!� He said.

�There�s some people outside father,� Rimika said finally, still looking at Vincent.
�Who?� Cloud asked, looking over Rimika�s shoulder to Marlene.
�Shinra,� Marlene replied.
Cloud looked accusingly at Vincent, whose calm eyes looked back with the same puzzlement. Finally, Cloud walked across the room and picked up the Ultima Weapon, before leading his family outside.

The villagers had taken cover inside their houses as a troop of Shinra soldiers stood by the fountain, a man dressed in a suit leaning idly against the corner of the house directly in front of the mansion entrance. Cloud approached cautiously, the wound on his arm still flaring slightly in pain. The man in the suit spread his hands to show that he wasn�t armed.

�Cloud Strife? Former Shinra soldier?� He asked.
�I am,� Cloud replied calmly.
�My name is Rikijan. I am one of the directors of the Shinra Company,� The man in the suit said, looking behind Cloud to the rest of the group, �hello Vincent. Didn�t realise you were still alive.�
�Rikijan,� Vincent replied coldly.

Rikijan chuckled and then looked back to Cloud.
�We are not here to cause any trouble. We heard that someone had occupied our mansion, and were investigating who it was,� Rikijan said, looking around the town, �seems that you are a hero here Cloud. Protecting the people from monsters. After the work you did at the northern crater aswell, slaying Sephiroth and releasing that spell which countered Meteor. Shinra are in your debt.�

Rikijan stood up straight and walked forward. Cloud rose Ultima Weapon, out of habit more than anything. Rikijan continued to advance, seemingly unafraid of Cloud�s threat.
�Shinra would like in some way to thank you for your troubles,� He said finally, �all charges of terrorism against you and your friends are dropped. Furthermore, the mansion behind you is now legally yours.�

Cloud lowered the point of his sword and Rikijan looked at him. The man had short black hair and pale blue eyes. There was a sparkle in the eyes that hinted Mako energy infusion.
�Does Shinra know what happened to Barret Wallace?� Cloud finally asked.
�Barret? No. Shinra heard that he was slightly annoyed with the Mako reactor coming back online. Since then, we�ve lost all track of him,� Rikijan replied.

�Who�s in charge of Shinra now?� Tifa asked then.
Rikijan looked to her and then shrugged.
�I wish I knew. I get paid, that�s all I care about,� He replied, before looking to Cloud, �just a word of warning. Don�t get in Shinra�s way.�

Before Cloud could reply, Rikijan turned his back to him, whistled to the soldiers and led them out of Nibelheim. Cloud sheathed his sword and whistled.
�That was weird,� Cloud said, looking to Vincent, �how�d you know him?�
�I used to be in Shinra, remember?� Vincent replied, �he was the first Turk, before taking a back seat to the other members as they joined. He was always behind the scenes at Shinra. We called him The Shadow, as no one knew what position he was, or his job description.�

�It seems strange that you should arrive just before he does,� Tifa said.
�I am your friend, Tifa Strife. I do not wish any harm of any of you,� Vincent replied harshly.
�What was he doing here then Vincent?� Cloud asked.
�I assume he just wanted to meet you Cloud,� Vincent replied simply, �it was rumoured that you were dead. Shinra must know that you are a thorn in their side.�

�But enough on that. I come here bearing news graver than that of Shinra,� Vincent said, �about a week ago, in the Icicle Inn, a merchant went insane. Through his mutterings to the townsfolk, he spoke of fire in the sky and a black cloaked figure.�
�Black cloaked figure?� Cloud asked.
�Yes. Much like that of the clones that followed Sephiroth to the north crater before falling to their doom,� Vincent replied.

Cloud blinked and then shook his head.
�What does it mean?� He asked.
�I do not know, but I have a bad feeling in my bones about this,� Vincent replied, �it�s almost as if you can hear the planet crying out in pain again.�

Vincent sighed and looked down to the smiling Rimika.
�Yet there is always hope in this planet. Even after all it has endured,� Vincent said, �Cloud, I need your help. We need to visit Bugenhagen in Cosmo Canyon.�
�I�ll go Vincent,� Cloud replied, �although I�ll be damned if I know what the hell is going on.�
�All will become clear in time,� Vincent replied...


There had been a few protests when Cloud had suggested that Tifa remain at home with Rimika and Marlene. Tifa steadfastly refused to be removed from Cloud�s side, to the extent that she was willing to drag the children along with them on the journey. Vincent stepped in to stop the domestic at the start.
�You shall come along. All four of you,� He said, �it�ll do the children good to meet some of their parent�s old friends.�

Rimika was still a little scared of the masked man. He seemed strong, but within there appeared to be an evil that could burst out at any moment and engulf the strong person. Cloud had reassured him that Vincent would never hurt him, but that still wasn�t enough for the child. Only he had seen Vincent�s hand move to throw the apple at him, and catching it had been relatively easy. The look in Vincent�s eyes had scared Rimika more than anything else about him.

The party left the next morning travelling by foot. Cloud took the lead, the two children behind him with Tifa walking almost in between them, and Vincent walking quietly at the rear. There was little trouble on the way to Cosmo Canyon, with Cloud only having to slay one pack of wolves that came too close to them.

They were greeted at the foot of the Canyon by Red XIII and another of his race.
�How�d you know we were coming?� Cloud asked with a frown.
�Vincent passed by before he went to see you,� Red XIII shrugged, �I�d like you to meet my mate, Lalenia.�
�Greetings, noble comrades,� Lalenia said with a nod of her head.

Rimika�s eyes bulged almost out of his skull.
�A talking animal!� He exclaimed.
�Indeed we are. And we are not,� Red XIII replied.
�We�re a unique race young one,� Lalenia said then, �only Bugenhagen knows all of our secrets.�
�Which can be a problem in some respects,� Red XIII said.

Red XIII led the party up to the main entrance of Cosmo Canyon. The place hadn�t changed that much since Cloud had last visited. The residents still lived in apparent bliss, isolated from the rest of the world in their study of the stars and the ways of the planet.

Bugenhagen was still alive and bouncing full of energy. He greeted Cloud with a lot of courtesy, and awe. Cloud frowned at the old man, before placing the Ultima Weapon in the corner.
�So! It�s true! The planet HAS chosen you!� Bugenhagen said.
�Sorry?� Cloud asked with a frown.
�That sword? It is from Weapon, is it not?� Bugenhagen asked.
�Yeah. I obtained it when Weapon died,� Cloud replied.

Bugenhagen bounced past Cloud to his telescope.
�Ho! Ho! Ho! Weapon didn�t die at your hands. The planet chose to extinguish its life in order for you to obtain its power! You are now the Protector of the Planet!� Bugenhagen said.
�Is this why you dragged us all the way here?� Cloud asked Vincent.
�No. Bugenhagen will explain,� Vincent replied, taking a seat.

Cloud sat down and Rimika came to him. Unconsciously, Cloud lifted the child to his lap and looked to Bugenhagen, whose eyes twinkled looking at father and son.
�Things haven�t been going well since Meteor came,� Bugenhagen said, �you may have noticed the population of the planet has been unmotivated since that incident?�
�We�ve noticed,� Cloud replied.

�Ho! Ho! Ho! It�s not only the people living on the surface of the planet. It�s the whole planet itself. Every living creature, and the Lifestream, is in complete shock at what happened. Meteor was one of the worst things that could�ve happened to it. And it could take it a long time to heal, especially with the northern crater still open,� Bugenhagen said.

�So we could be stuck in this rut for a while?� Tifa asked.
�Maybe,� Bugenhagen replied, �something that I can�t determine is good or evil has started. Something within the Earth has begun moving. Around about the time that the Mako reactor was initialised.�
�So Shinra is killing the planet!� Cloud exclaimed.
�Ho! Ho! Ho! The Lifestream is opposed to the use of the Mako reactor, but it cannot physically stop it,� Bugenhagen said, �the planet is on its last breath Cloud, and something else is happening.�

Bugenhagen walked back towards Cloud, looking at him through his wise eyes.
�There is one more thing you need to see, Protector of the Planet,� He said.
Cloud nodded and followed Bugenhagen up to the top of the conservatory area. Cloud looked around and then spied what Bugenhagen had been talking about.

�The huge materia!� Cloud cried.
The huge materia were now less than huge. They were all around the size of normal materia, and had lost the glitter they had once held. Cloud walked over to the red materia and it flashed a couple of times, almost in recognition to him.

�The huge materia is linked to the vital energies of the planet,� Bugenhagen said, �the bigger they are, the more vibrant the planet is. Once they shrink and disappear, the planet is dead!�
�This is worse than we thought,� Cloud replied, �even when Meteor was right on top of us, the huge materia was bigger than this.�
�An unseen evil is worse than one that we can see,� Bugenhagen replied.

Cloud stepped away from the materia, before turning his back and walking towards the exit. He felt something hit him in the back and he cursed, turning around to find the red huge materia bouncing weakly against him, almost pleading to follow him.
�This is new,� Cloud said.
�I suggest you take it with you, young man,� Bugenhagen suggested, �and the rest of them, they could come in use. Install them on the blade of the Ultima Weapon.�

Cloud gently lifted each piece of materia and replaced them in his sword. After he�d placed in the last of the four pieces of huge materia, the sword rumbled in his hand and begun to hiss. The blade then seemed to glow on fire in his hands. Cloud�s eyes widened in awe.
�Ho! Ho! Ho! Now the Ultima Weapon is complete!� Bugenhagen cried.

Cloud fell to his knees. There was a sudden pain in his body, and he could hear the planet screeching inside his head. The Ultima Weapon�s blade went from glowing a pure white to a sooty red. The floor underneath Bugenhagen and Cloud had begun to rumble. Several objects crashed to the floor and shattered as Cloud closed his eyes, the screech of the planet intensifying within his mind.
�Fight it Cloud!� Bugenhagen cried, �otherwise it�ll destroy everyone here!�

At those words, Cloud reached into his inner strength. He wouldn�t let any harm come to his son, even if the whole planet was against him. Arms trembling and legs limp, Cloud pushed down on the hilt of the sword and used it to lift himself up. His face was covered in sweat, and his body was like jelly, but Cloud looked down at the Ultima Weapon and took in a couple of deep breaths.
�You will NOT conquer me. I am the boss here!� Cloud panted.

The rumbling passed and the blade of the Ultima Weapon slowly changed colour from dark red, to light pink and then finally back to white again. Cloud stood, unable to move, unable to do anything other than breathe, before he finally wrenched the sword up from the ground and sheathed it on his back. He then fell to his knees once again.

�What happened?� Cloud choked, �it�s never done that before.�
�Evidently it detected something that it didn�t like about you and tried to destroy you,� Bugenhagen replied, �you are very much like Sephiroth, and it was Sephiroth who tried to kill the planet to be God.�
Cloud swallowed, his mind still reeling from the onslaught, but his body beginning to recover. He stood once more.

�I thought, after that day five years ago... I thought that I would live the rest of my life out peacefully,� Cloud said to the old man.
�Evil still hides in the planet,� Bugenhagen replied sagely, �and as long as the Ultima Weapon is yours to bear, you will be the Protector of the Planet.�

The two went down the stairs where Cloud saw Tifa clutching the two children fiercely in her arms and Vincent knelt on the floor bracing himself. Red XIII and Lalenia were crouched down together, and there were broken glasses and scattered parchment everywhere. Tifa�s eyes were smouldering when Cloud approached.

�What were you doing up there?� She demanded.
�The planet and I were having a disagreement,� Cloud replied.
�The planet has chosen Cloud to be her protector,� Bugenhagen said, �without the Cetra, there are no born protectors. Cloud is the next best thing. However, the planet cannot reverse her decision, and she felt something in Cloud that she didn�t like.�

Tifa�s eyes widened in shock.
�Jenova!� She said.
The room noticeably darkened and Cloud felt a slight chill run down his body. The sword in his hands began to shudder once again. Cloud planted it hard in the ground and the darkness subsided and the sword remained calm.

�What of Jenova?� Bugenhagen demanded.
�Cloud carries Jenova�s cells within him,� Vincent replied, �they were used to rebuild him after Sephiroth had all but killed him ten years ago.�
�So! That is what the planet detects within you! The cells of her greatest enemy!� Bugenhagen said.

Cloud looked to the Ultima Weapon, and spoke to it as if it was alive.
�Just because I bear the cells of your enemy does not mean I am your enemy. I have slain Jenova, and it has been put to rest. I am here to help you, not destroy you,� He spoke very clearly.
The Ultima Weapon stopped shining and went back to the normal colour it had been before Cloud had inserted the huge materia. He sheathed it and looked to Bugenhagen.

�Ho! Ho! Ho! You are stronger than anyone would�ve thought Cloud. Though the planet fears you, it will do as you ask,� Bugenhagen said.
�This still doesn�t explain why Shinra have powered up the Mako reactors, and why there are black cloaked men abroad again,� Vincent replied.
�The answers to those questions may be one and the same. The source of the answer is well known to you,� Bugenhagen said.

Cloud nodded slowly and then looked to Vincent.
�We need to go to Midgar,� He said finally...


�Provisions packed should last us for two weeks,� Cloud said, looking at the chocobos he�d just captured, �we can reach Nibelheim within a day, and carry on through the mountains to Rocket Town. There, we�ll need to borrow Highwind from Cid.�
�Do you think he�ll let us use it?� Red XIII asked.
�He�d better,� Cloud replied.

Rimika had assumed a place on the back of a chocobo. The creature had taken an instant liking to the boy, and had lost all signs of shock and fear of being captured. Rimika was able to cluck to the chocobo and it reacted to the boy�s commands. Marlene�s chocobo was less sure of its rider, but noted the response of the chocobo carrying Rimika and responded in kind.

It was the break of dawn as the party set out. Cloud once again led the party, the three chocobos and Tifa in the middle and Vincent at the rear. Red XIII and Lalenia patrolled both in front and behind them. They stalked the area for enemies, and found none. The chocobos settled down after an hour, fully used to their masters.

Cloud was in a foul mood throughout the morning. The confrontation in the observatory had left him shaken up, and Tifa�s words about Jenova�s cells had left him feeling dirty. He hadn�t thought about the alien cells in his body before. Now he felt as if he could feel them creeping inside his blood vessels, multiplying and spreading like a disease. Engulfing him to be the Second Coming of Jenova, or Jenova itself. Cloud shuddered at the thought.

They reached Nibelheim just before dusk, and all went straight to the Shinra mansion. Cloud was tired, and after making sure that Rimika and Marlene were safely asleep, he collapsed into his bed and fell sound asleep...

... It was in the middle of the night when Cloud suddenly shot awake, a tingling feeling running up and down his spine. He turned over to see Tifa still asleep, apparently undisturbed. Moving slowly, Cloud edged out of the bed and got dressed. The Ultima Weapon stood in the moonlight, glittering gently. Cloud reluctantly put his hands on the hilt and walked out of the room, the sensation of wrongness still pulsing through his body.

The rest of the house seemed asleep. Cloud edged through the bedrooms and found the children undisturbed. Vincent wasn�t to be found in the room he�d been given, and the basement door was slightly open. Cloud frowned and pushed the door leading down to the library. He walked down slowly, his footsteps light and his eyes wary.

The basement was still cold and damp. The stones in the walls had moss growing from them, and were beginning to decay from damp. Cloud checked the room with the coffin that Vincent had been asleep in. He then walked through to the library where he had been imprisoned within a cylindrical tube for five years of his life.

The library had been turned upside down, much like when Sephiroth had been there years earlier. Cloud picked up one of the texts and placed it on the table before walking through to the desk at the back of the library where Vincent was sat, reading intently and seemingly unaware of Cloud�s presence. Cloud sheathed the Ultima Weapon quietly and walked up to him.

�Couldn�t sleep either?� Vincent enquired without looking up.
�I felt something strange,� Cloud replied, �it woke me.�
Vincent turned the page of the text and shook his head.
�Junk,� He said, casting the book to the pile on the floor.
�What are you doing?� Cloud asked.

Vincent looked up to Cloud, his eyes alight with life.
�It occurred to me a few hours ago. Sephiroth was happy with his life until he saw the monsters created in the Nibelheim reactor. Then he read something in this library that convinced him he was a member of the Cetra. I�m wondering exactly what it was he read,� Vincent said.
�Don�t you ever sleep?� Cloud asked.
�It�s overrated,� Vincent replied.

Cloud sat down on the desk as Vincent continued to leaf through the texts.
�If you�re not going anyplace Cloud, grab a book,� He said, �it might help you calm down.�
�Okay,� Cloud replied, grabbing one of the books...

... It was early morning and Cloud was in a half doze when Vincent suddenly stood up.
�Got it!� He said triumphantly, �here, in Professor Gast�s study notes! �The woman bearing the child was injected with Jenova�s cells. This was against my initial wishes, but Hojo went through with it, knowing that it was his child who would be the One.��

��The cells within the mother�s body went straight to the foetus. Being small and not yet developed, the foetus was easily manipulated to the alien cell�s DNA. The baby was born, and christened Sephiroth. The mother will never know her child. Shinra shall care for it. My work with them is finished. This is not what I set out to do. We haven�t created a Cetra. We�ve created a monster,�� Vincent said.

Vincent closed the book and frowned to Cloud, who shrugged back.
�We all knew Sephiroth was a monster,� He said.
�Sephiroth believed himself to be a Cetra, did he not?� Vincent asked.
�My memory of those events isn�t the most accurate,� Cloud replied.

Vincent nodded and put his feet up on the desk.
�Sephiroth believed he was the son of Jenova, and in a way he was correct. His DNA was made partly from the alien creation called Jenova. Yet he was completely human. He was misguided,� Vincent said.
�This is all well and good. But I don�t see what it has to do with what�s going on now?� Cloud asked.
�Everything!� Vincent replied, �what if Sephiroth the person wasn�t evil? What if learning of his heritage caused him to become more like Jenova? What if the Jenova cells made him do what he did?�

Cloud was stunned at what he was hearing, before he grumbled and stood up.
�Sephiroth�s dead,� Cloud said to Vincent, �and so is Jenova. You were there when it happened.�
�They are,� Vincent replied with a nod, �you are right Cloud. I was just curious.�

Vincent stood up and begun to clear away the books. Cloud stood in silence for a while, the presence of Jenova�s cells in his body all the more evident in his mind. Vincent wasn�t telling him everything he suspected, and Cloud knew there was a reason behind this...

... The party left the mansion that morning and begun to walk through the mountains. The bridge held, though there were monsters waiting in the middle. Cloud and Vincent despatched of them in little time, after Red XIII and Lalenia had diverted the creatures� attention. Cloud felt warm inside after defeating the enemy, a surge of joy running through his body despite the trivial manner that the monsters were against the experience of the party.

The path looped back around onto the Nibelheim Mako reactor. Red XIII was leading the party at this moment, and he came to a sudden stop, his nose lifted to the air and his tail flat to his body. He curled his mouth back to reveal his razor sharp teeth.
�Someone�s up ahead!� He hissed.

Cloud crept up to Red XIII�s position and looked through the gap. The reactor was swarming with Shinra troops, and members of SOLDIER. Cloud cursed silently and walked back to the main party.
�Shinra�s routing around the Mako reactor,� Cloud said, �evidently they�re not happy with draining energy around Midgar.�
�Let�s go and have a talk with them,� Vincent replied, clicking his knuckles.

Cloud smiled viciously in reply, and he led Vincent and Red XIII down the tracks into direct view of the Shinra soldiers. They were within twenty paces when they were first spotted. Cloud was ready to draw the Ultima Weapon the moment that the trooper rose the alarm, but no sound came. Instead, the trooper turned to one of the members of SOLDIER, who nodded and beckoned for the three to approach.

�This is new,� Cloud muttered.
�This is promising,� Vincent said in reply.
Cloud walked up to the SOLDIER member, who stood impassive at the entrance. His arms were ripped with muscle, and he stood close to seven feet tall. His blonde hair was cut at the shoulders and tied in a ponytail. He bore a pair of short swords strapped around his waist and two daggers located in his boot tops. His eyes were deep brown in colour and glistened with Mako.

�Greetings travellers,� The SOLDIER member said, �let me reassure you on behalf of Shinra that we do not seek to restart the Nibelheim Mako reactor. We are here investigating reports of monsters.�
�That sounds familiar,� Cloud said.
�I am Eldrik, SOLDIER 1st Class,� The SOLDIER member said.
�I�m Cloud Strife,� Cloud replied.
�Aah! The infamous Cloud,� Eldrik said with a raised eyebrow, �maybe you could give us some help?�

Eldrik turned quickly and barked a quick command to some of the troops and they lowered their weapons and went back to the reactor.
�Shinra came here a couple of years ago and shut and locked the reactor forever, we hoped,� Eldrik said, �around two weeks ago, the sensor inside the reactor was disturbed. Someone or something has entered the reactor.�

�Why don�t you just destroy the reactor?� Red XIII asked.
�I think the leader wants to keep it intact. Why, I can�t tell,� Eldrik replied.
�So what�s the problem?� Cloud asked.
�Well. I sent a troop of soldiers in there and they haven�t returned,� Eldrik replied, �whatever went in there is still in there.�

�Okay, we�ll go in,� Cloud said, rolling his shoulders.
�I hadn�t suggested you should,� Eldrik protested.
�You were going to,� Cloud said, �Red, you drop back and tell the others what�s happening. Eldrik, Vincent and I will go and see who the intruder is.�
�Okay Cloud,� Red XIII replied.

Eldrik led Cloud and Vincent up the steps of the reactor before pushing the door open. Like a blur, Eldrik drew his swords and dived through the door, turning from side to side. Cloud followed him in, whilst the warrior relaxed his stance.
�Not in this part of the reactor,� Eldrik breathed.
�Don�t let your guard relax,� Cloud replied absently, walking across to the ladder leading down into the reactor, �the moment you drop your guard is the moment you�re in trouble.�

Eldrik sheathed one of his swords and followed Cloud down the ladder, Vincent being the last one down. They all drew their weapons as Cloud experienced vivid flashbacks of his own experience at this reactor ten years previous. He shook his head clear and pointed the glowing blade forward.
�Do you want me to lead?� He asked.
�Well, you have the biggest sword,� Vincent replied.

Cloud smiled and walked forward slowly, reaching the doorway through to the chamber where the monsters had been created. The tingling sensation was back, creeping down his spine like the feeling of cold water down your back. Cloud put his hand on the door handle and then quickly snapped the door open, before moving quicker than anyone could believe possible, his sword held combat ready.

The room was empty, although all of the cocoons that contained monsters had been opened. The lights were somewhat dimmer than before, and the air seemed heavier. Cloud beckoned Eldrik and Vincent through and Eldrik�s eyes widened.
�What the hell was going on here?� He asked.
�The scientist Hojo was experimenting on live creatures with Mako,� Vincent replied, �and it seems that someone has let them loose.�
�It explains why I�ve faced so many monsters recently,� Cloud said.

Eldrik begun to look around the cocoons as Cloud walked up the stairs. The door at the top was shut, the letters above it reminding Cloud yet again of the cells inside him.
�Jenova,� Cloud whispered.

There was a slight groan and the door in front of Cloud shuddered. He backed away slowly as Vincent and Eldrik quickly made their way up the stairs to stand behind him.
�What did you do?� Eldrik asked.
�I said Jenova, and that was it,� Cloud replied.
�Interesting,� Vincent said, �it appears the door reacted to the word and the presence of the cells in your body. That�s very interesting.�

Cloud walked through the new entrance, looking up the passageway to the place where Jenova had been suspended before Sephiroth released it. Just standing in front of the device was a man clothed from head to toe in black. Cloud took in a deep, hissing breath and the cloaked man spun around at the noise, his sword ringing in the air as he drew it from his sheath.

�You are trespassing Shinra property. Drop your weapon and be put into custody or face repercussions,� Eldrik said coldly.
The cloaked man lowered his sword point and begun the walk down the stairs. Cloud lifted up the Ultima Weapon ready, whilst Vincent drew forth his gun and fired off a few rounds.

The cloaked man reacted quickly. His sword moved and deflected each of the bullets fired at him scant moments before they would have struck him. He then pushed forward with his free left hand and Cloud felt his feet lose contact with the ground as he, Eldrik and Vincent were sent flying in all directions. Cloud landed awkwardly on his side, the Ultima Weapon skidding across the floor out of reach.

Cloud tried to get back up, but he couldn�t move. His legs were frozen straight and his whole body felt as if it was being held back by a huge weight. He writhed and struggled against the oppression, the effort so intense that water was running down his eyes. The cloaked man continued his slow paced walk down the stairs, looking at Eldrik on the floor. The SOLDIER member was struggling to get up, blood trickling down the side of his head. The cloaked man continued past Vincent, not even stopping to look, before he walked past Cloud.

Lightening fast, the cloaked man�s hand shot out and grabbed Cloud by the neck. Cloud gasped as he was wrenched off the floor and held suspended in the air, kicking frantically at the attacker. The cloaked man�s head was turned on Cloud, and he could feel the eyes burning on him from beneath the darkness. Wave after wave of fear spiralled through his body as the cloaked man squeezed at his throat, tightening the grip like a vice. Cloud�s strength was wavering. His body was beginning to suffocate and his limbs were going limp. His vision was blurring on the outermost edges and his mind begun to wander.

Then he was released. Cloud crashed to the floor, his body free of pain about the neck. He looked up and watched as Eldrik, once more armed, was attacking the cloaked man. Vincent too was on his feet, and his body was shaking. Letting out a primal scream, Vincent vanished and in his place appeared Chaos, the winged demon alter ego. Hand on hand, Chaos and the cloaked man fought out of the chamber and into the main entrance of the reactor. Cloud staggered to his feet and Eldrik caught him.

�We�ve got to help him!� Cloud said, collecting his sword.
Eldrik nodded and the two walked into the entrance, where Chaos was launching a direct and brutal onslaught on the cloaked man, ignoring the wounds inflicted by the snake like strikes of the enemy�s sword. The cloaked figure backed away, staring at the three enemies in front of him, all armed and ready for combat. Spinning, the cloaked man disappeared.

Cloud breathed a sigh of relief and then turned as Chaos landed to the ground with a loud thump. The form begun to fade and Vincent�s body became superimposed on top of it until Vincent returned. Eldrik�s eyes were wide with shock as Cloud knelt down beside Vincent. He examined some of the wounds closely before standing back up.

�He�ll be fine,� He said, �Vincent�s a fighter.�
�Who in the hell was that?� Eldrik asked, sheathing his swords.
�I was hoping you knew,� Cloud replied grimly.
�Whoever it was, it must have found what it was looking for,� Eldrik said, �otherwise it wouldn�t have left. It would�ve cleared the floor with us!�

Vincent groaned and then sat up slowly, looking to Cloud and then Eldrik.
�That hurt!� He said, shaking his head quickly in an attempt to clear it.
�You okay man?� Eldrik asked.
�I�m a little shaken, but fine,� Vincent replied, �it was lucky that I hit that state before that person could finish us off.�

Cloud nodded his agreement and turned to see Eldrik marching for the ladder.
�Where are you going?� Cloud called.
�I need to get back to Midgar to report this to my superior,� Eldrik replied.
Vincent and Cloud shared a long look before Cloud finally nodded.
�We�re going to Rocket Town to use the Highwind to get us to Midgar,� Cloud finally said, �it may be better if you travelled with us.�

Eldrik froze at the top of the ladder before looking back down.
�Really? Thanks! That would be helpful!� Eldrik grinned.
�We�d better make a move. We want to get to Midgar by tomorrow nightfall,� Vincent said...


The rest of the journey was uneventful. Eldrik and the Shinra soldiers proved a reliable escort, and monsters steered clear at the sheer number of people walking through the mountains. Rocket Town had recovered from the loss of the rocket, and was now a historical centre of interest. The Highwind was parked where the rocket had once been, and Cid had made improvements on it since the Meteor crisis.

Cid was his usual self, a little grouchy at being disturbed before dawn, but otherwise pleased to see that everyone looked well.
�Anyone would think we were having a bloody reunion,� He said, looking to Rimika and Marlene, �I�d better keep a hold on my tongue.�
�We need to borrow the Highwind,� Cloud said to Cid, getting to the point.

Cid looked up to Cloud with a frown and then nodded.
�That�s fine Cloud. But you�ll need to wait for me to straighten some things out here first. After all, you�re gonna need a decent pilot,� He said.
�Didn�t he almost get us killed last time?� Vincent asked.
�Well, we did have a ball of bloody blue fire propelling us upward!� Cid snapped, before looking to the kids and wincing again, �sorry Tifa.�

Cloud slept little for the remainder of the night, and spent the time filling Cid in on what had occurred. Vincent sat with them, his eyes still full of energy in spite of the injury done to him earlier in the day. Dawn finally broke and the party gathered themselves together and made their way east on the Highwind to Midgar...

... �This is incredible!� Cid exclaimed as the Highwind circled over the massive city, �how did they do such a good job in recreating the way the city was built?�
�Shinra have been busy working on the city,� Eldrik replied, �a lot of the troops have been assigned to building good living conditions for the slums. They�ve cleared out the monsters and a lot of the reactors have been completely dismantled. The plate stands once more, sector 7 is up and going and Midgar is not only back to normal, but also a lot better than before.�

Cloud looked down from the Highwind with a frown. Midgar did look different, less glum, livelier. The green glow that had surrounded the city had vanished. There was one reactor functioning, but it was firing intermittently. It looked as if Shinra was taking a step in the right direction in helping the world recover.

The Highwind landed near the town of Kalm, and Cloud looked around the party.
�I don�t think that all of us need to go to Midgar,� Cloud said finally, �Tifa, you should stay here with the children where it�s safe.�
�No Cloud. I won�t leave you behind,� Tifa said sternly, �Eldrik has assured us that we will be in no trouble. We should all go.�

Eldrik checked his swords over and looked to the party.
�Well, go or stay, we need to move,� He said, �follow if you�re coming, stay here if you�re not.�
And with that, the SOLDIER member turned and walked towards Midgar.
�Come on Rimika, Marlene,� Tifa said, moving to follow Eldrik...

... So they walked towards Midgar. Eldrik at the front, almost sprinting across the plains. Cloud just behind. Red XIII and Lalenia side by side. Tifa, Marlene and Rimika behind them, and Vincent and Cid at the back. Midgar was further away than it looked, and Cloud could sense the energy levels of the children beginning to waiver at the break neck pace Eldrik was walking at.

�Can we stop a minute Eldrik? The children need to rest,� He finally said.
�We haven�t got any time to stop. That person we met in the reactor could be the end of us all,� Eldrik replied, �if they can�t manage it, turn them back.�
Cloud�s eyes smouldered, and he stopped in his tracks, the rest of his friends stopping behind him. Eldrik continued to walk, before stopping and looking back to Cloud.

�Come on!� Eldrik called.
�Rimika, come here,� Cloud said quietly.
The little boy walked over obediently, and Cloud lifted him up on his shoulders. Cid walked forward and hoisted Marlene up onto his shoulders. Eldrik waited impatiently for the group to start moving again.

�What�s going on father?� Rimika whispered, �why are we following that man for?�
�There�s something going on with the world that I need to fix, son,� Cloud replied.
�Why is he being so nasty to us?� Rimika asked.
�He�s afraid that if we�re not quick, we won�t be able to stop it,� Cloud replied.

They finally reached the gate to Midgar, where there were a couple of Shinra guards waiting. Eldrik approached them confidently, spoke a few words to them, and then gained them entrance into the slums.
�We�ll need to go to sector 7 and take the elevator up to the plate,� Eldrik said.
�There�s an elevator in the slums?� Tifa asked curiously.
�That�s right,� Eldrik replied, �sector 7 is just around the corner.�

Rimika was sat in a doze for a lot of the journey across the plains, but in seeing Midgar he had come to life, pointing to things and asking what they were. Cloud happily explained what he knew, and deferred to some of the others about stuff he didn�t know. Rimika dropped down from Cloud�s shoulders and walked by his side, his eyes over all of the wonders in the city.

�Look!� He squealed with delight and ran to the side of the path.
�Rimika!� Tifa called.
�I�ll go,� Cloud said, going after his son.

Cloud gave chase to his son, and was stunned that he was having trouble keeping up with him. Rimika finally stopped by some rubble and then pulled out a small crystalline orb, green - white in colour. Cloud reached the boy and crouched down and panted.
�Don�t run off like that!� Cloud said between breaths.
�Why are you out of breath father?� Rimika asked.

Cloud slowed his breathing and looked to Rimika. The boy wasn�t even flustered in anyway, despite running as fast and as far as Cloud had done. Cloud swallowed and held out his hand.
�What have you got there?� Cloud asked.
Rimika jumped and sheepishly held out the object in this hand.
�It�s just materia, father,� He replied.

Cloud looked to the materia and studied it closely. It looked just like normal magic materia, but yet not so. It had a strange feel to it, and Cloud couldn�t ascertain the magical properties that it held. Rimika continued to stand there, looking up at his father waiting for his decision with the materia.
�You keep it son,� Cloud said finally, throwing it back to him, �you found it after all. Just never run away like that again! You nearly gave your mother a heart attack!�
�Yes father,� Rimika replied.

The duo came back to where the party stood, Eldrik pacing like a caged animal.
�Have you finished your little exploration?� He snapped, causing Rimika to jump and hide behind Cloud.
�DON�T raise your voice in front of my child,� Cloud said coldly.
Eldrik�s face suddenly went pale as he realised to whom he was speaking, and noted the huge sword that had dealt the deathblow to the great Sephiroth.
�I�m sorry Cloud. I�m just edgy at the moment,� Eldrik apologised, stumbling over his words.

Cloud nodded and the party moved on in silence until they reached the elevator. Cloud was surprised to find that it was open freely to the people in the slums. Eldrik explained that Shinra had learnt from its errors in the past, and Cloud couldn�t help but agree with him. The people seemed happier and more vibrant down in the former slum areas than before, no longer oppressed by the company, indeed, asked to help the company to its fullest.

�Once up the elevator, it�s a ten minute walk to the tower. There, I�ll see if I can arrange for us to speak to the president,� Eldrik said.
�You�ve seen the president?� Cloud exclaimed.
�No one has seen the president,� Eldrik replied, �he�s there in his office, but no one knows who he is. The desk he�s sat at is shrouded in darkness, and the room is too big for anyone to see him in that darkness. Come, we must hurry...�

... The tower was as it was when Cloud had visited before five years previous. There were areas which were newly built and thus shinier looking, but otherwise the structure and layout was more or less identical. Eldrik walked them in through the main entrance and led them up to the 61st floor. There was a desk located in the room, with a row of chairs against the wall. A woman sat at the desk going through paperwork as Eldrik approached.

�I need to talk to Rikijan. It�s urgent,� Eldrik said as Vincent took in a hissing breath at the sound of the name spoken.
�May I ask the nature of the urgency?� The woman enquired.
�The end of the world if we don�t act quickly,� Eldrik replied.
�I�ll try to get him as soon as possible,� The woman said.

Cloud sat down in the chairs with Rimika, looking around the room. The lights were bright, and the ceiling was painted white that enhanced the brightness. The walls had pictures of the Meteor and its destruction by Holy and the Lifestream. Cloud followed the telling of the story as drawn by an artist, and his breath was taken away by the accuracy of the drawings.

�Welcome back Eldrik,� A familiar voice said.
�Rikijan,� Eldrik replied with a nod of the head.
�Master Cloud,� Rikijan said, looking to him with a nod, �it seems that trouble seems to latch itself to your coat tails. Thankyou for coming along.�
�I want to get to the bottom of this aswell,� Cloud replied.

Rikijan nodded and looked to Eldrik, his face turning grave.
�The president�s granted you all a personal audience. Evidently this has got his attention aswell,� Rikijan said, �if you�d like to follow me.�
�Cloud,� Vincent whispered as they begun to move away.

Cloud guided Rimika to Tifa before dropping slightly behind to walk beside Vincent.
�I don�t think we should fully trust Rikijan,� Vincent murmured quiet enough so no one else could hear, �he�s a sly fox. He might just be using us to his and Shinra�s advantage.�
�Granted,� Cloud replied, �I don�t fully trust Shinra either, but we need to go along with them at least until we find out what�s truly going on.�

The party reached the top floor of the tower where Cloud could feel a presence at the far end of the darkened room. He stood beside Eldrik as Rikijan approached the desk.
�Mr. President, Eldrik from SOLDIER has returned from the Nibelheim reactor. Along with some other guests,� Rikijan said, �including one Cloud Strife.�

There was a moment�s oppressive silence, as Cloud could hear slightly laboured breathing coming from the desk. Finally, after an eternity, the voice spoke.
�Cloud Strife. Now there�s a name from the past,� It said softly.
Cloud felt a chill run down his shoulders as the person at the desk moved and walked forwards. Cloud could hear the moving of motors and electronics as the person approached. Cloud�s eyes widened. He knew this person well, for he had fought him once before. The president of Shinra was Rufus...

... �Relax Cloud. We did not lure you here to capture you,� Rufus said as Cloud drew the Ultima Weapon from behind him.
�What happened to you?� Cloud exclaimed, looking at the president.

Rufus looked down and nodded. His body was covered with metallic implants and cybernetic limbs. His face was horribly scarred on one side, one of the eyes replaced with a red light that seemed to act as an eye. His left arm was completely mechanical, the wires and the circuitry still plainly visible. It was as if one side of Rufus had been totally rebuilt out of cybernetics, and the other remained human, normal.

�You know what happened five years ago when Weapon attacked and destroyed my office. I wasn�t killed, I was maimed. Rikijan found me dying just before Meteor hit Midgar and secreted me to Junon. There, he got the best minds on this planet and had them build me this new body,� Rufus said, looking to his hand, �yes. It was worth it. It gave me a second chance. It gave me a chance to do what�s right. To make the world a good place.�

�Enough of my plight!� Rufus said then, �that happened to me was deserved. My living is a gift. I apologise to you all for how I treated you. I am sorry to put you through that. And I am grateful you were able to slay Sephiroth and save this planet.�
�Do you know where Barret is?� Cloud asked.
�Barret Wallace?� Rufus asked with some surprise, �the last I heard he was trying to hire some troops due to I powering up the Mako reactor. I did it with good reason, and it�s a temporary measure. If you�ll come with me, I�ll show you why.�

Cloud looked to Vincent, who nodded that they should follow Rufus. The party went down a couple of floors to the lab where Cloud had found Jenova and Red XIII. There was a centre pedestal standing in the laboratory, covered by a single black cloth. Rufus reached the pedestal and then pulled the cloth off to reveal a single black orb. Cloud reeled and staggered back, his mind suddenly swimming in images of the planet crying out for help as Meteor closed in. He turned his head away and walked away.

�Cover it! Cover it!� Cloud demanded.
Rufus did so quickly as Tifa came to the side of her husband.
�Are you okay Cloud?� She asked with concern.
�Do you know what that is?� Cloud demanded.
�I had my own thoughts,� Rufus replied, �your reaction has confirmed them. This is the Black materia.�

The party fell into shock. The summoning materia for Meteor stood mere feet from them, as if taunting them with its power. Cloud finally got control of his emotion and looked to Rufus.
�Where did you find it?� He asked in a trembling voice.
�Someone found it here in Midgar,� Rufus replied, �it appears that when Sephiroth summoned Meteor, the Black materia wasn�t destroyed. We know that Sephiroth was lost in the Lifestream. The Black materia was lost aswell. I guess that when all that Lifestream came here to Midgar, the Black materia was carried too and it dropped it here.�

Cloud could feel the Black materia, covered though it was, calling to him to take it to his hands yet again. To use it to bring chaos to the planet. Cloud took a firm grip of the hilt of his sword and the thoughts were suddenly drowned out by the soft, reassuring murmuring of the planet.

�We begun to experiment on the materia, tried to find a way to destroy it,� Rufus said, �conventional methods didn�t work. Explosives did nothing to it. A sword shatters when you try to hit it. The only thing which causes any reaction is Mako.�
�That�s why you turned the reactor back on,� Vincent guessed, �you were going to use a Mako induced explosion to try and destroy it.�
�Correct,� Rufus replied, �until now, we were trying to leave Mako well alone. But this was a serious threat. We powered up the reactor and are building up the concentration of energy as we speak.�

Vincent shook his head.
�It won�t work,� He said, �in my reading of Professor Gast�s books back at Nibelheim, I learnt that the Black materia is literally indestructible. Just like it�s counterpart, the White materia. The only way to destroy the Black materia is for a user of the White materia to use it to nullify the Black materia.�
�Are you sure Vincent?� Rikijan asked.
�Positive,� Vincent replied coldly.

�There is one other thing, Mr. President,� Eldrik said politely, before explaining what had happened in the Nibelheim reactor.
�That�s disturbing,� Rikijan said finally, �we know that Sephiroth walked around in a black cloak. Could it be him?�
�Sephiroth is dead,� Cloud said stubbornly, �I was the one who delivered the deathblow.�
�Yet this person has the same sort of power that Sephiroth had?� Rufus asked.
�He was very similar,� Vincent replied, �he would�ve killed us had it not been for the power that lays dormant in my body as we speak.�

Rufus turned to look to the Black materia.
�It appears that these cloaked figures appeared around about the time that I started up the Mako reactor,� Rufus said, his real hand twitching.
�It�s as if when you started the Lifestream to move un-naturally, you released something that you shouldn�t have done,� Red XIII replied.

Rikijan shuffled uncomfortably on the spot.
�We can debate about these cloaked figures as much as we like. THIS is the real trouble. We need to nullify it and fast,� Rikijan said.
�Aeris had the White materia before she died,� Cloud said sadly, �it was lost.�
�Lost?� Rikijan groaned, �great! What can we do now?�
�We know where it was lost,� Tifa replied, �maybe we can go there and see if we can find it?�

Cloud felt a sudden chill run through his body and he spun around, drawing the Ultima Weapon. There was a cloaked figure standing at the entrance of the lab. Cloud could hear Eldrik cursing as he drew his own weapons. The cloaked figure moved forward, drawing its own sword in response to Cloud and Eldrik, the aura stagnating the air and poisoning Cloud once more with fear and anxiety.

�Guards!� Rufus bellowed, knocking Cloud out of his thoughts.
The room was suddenly filled with Shinra soldiers, all carrying machine guns. Cloud and his party were quickly shielded from the cloaked figure as the troops lined up their target.
�FIRE!� Rufus commanded.

All of a sudden the room was in uproar. Cloud spun around to protect Rimika as bullets spewed into the direction of the cloaked figure. With incredible agility, the figure moved, ducked, dived, jumped and ricocheted the bullets as and when they got close to him. Soon, all of the machine guns were clicking, indicating they were empty.

The cloaked figure rose his hand and all of the machine guns suddenly snapped out of the grip of the troop holding them. They skidded across the floor to the cloaked man�s feet, where he clicked his fingers and they exploded into flame. He then rose his sword and begun to move towards the party.
�What is he doing?� Rufus hissed.
�He�s after the Black materia,� Cloud replied, suddenly making sense of the creature, �guard it!�
�All hands form a shield around the pedestal,� Rufus said.

Cloud looked to the glittering huge materia in his blade before stepping forward to meet the cloaked man. The man stopped within ten feet of Cloud and looked through the darkness of the hood. Cloud shuddered. He couldn�t see the face within the hood, and he was grateful for that. The cloaked man�s gloved hand twitched before he rose his hand again and struck the ground with his sword, which rang like a bell around the room.

Everyone fell silent as the lab begun to grow warmer. The ringing noise of the sword continued, the room echoing the sound louder and louder. It ended abruptly just as Cloud thought his eardrums were going to rupture. He lifted the Ultima Weapon up, feeling the energy of the materia starting to gather.
�Cloud! Look!� Vincent called.

Quickly spinning, Cloud looked to one of the other entrances. There was another cloaked figure, identical to the first, standing with its sword drawn. It began to move towards the other.
�And there!� Lalenia cried.
Cloud spun again to see a third cloaked form joining the others. Slowly, one by one, four others appeared until there were seven in a line.

There was an awful period of silence before all of the cloaked figures begun to approach at a slow, deliberate pace. The hair on the back of Cloud�s neck was standing on end. His palms were clammy from sweat, and his eyes were watering. A cold sense of dread flushed through Cloud�s spine as the figures reached within five feet of him.

�By all that is holy Cloud! DO SOMETHING!� Rufus bellowed.
Cloud couldn�t. He gasped as the figures finally reached him, looking down into his eyes as they reached him. His hands weakened and the Ultima Weapon almost fell out of his hands. Moving as one, they rose their swords slowly, taking more pleasure out of the fear of their victim than out of the act they were about to perform.

�NO!� A voice called out from behind Cloud. A voice which sent another chill up his spine.
�Stop it! STOP!� Rimika continued, moving forward away from the rest of the party.
The cloaked figures had frozen, for the first time showing some signs of weakness. Cloud felt the fear beginning to evaporate, before he let out a primal scream and swung the Ultima Weapon up. The cloaked man just ahead of him let out a terrible screech as its hand flew across the room, a red mist spraying out of the wound.

Then the rest of the party attacked. Lalenia and Red XIII took down one of the other cloaked figures. Eldrik and Rikijan doubled up on another. Cid and Vincent crowded a third for room. Then Rufus was beside Cloud and aiding him against a fourth. The Shinra soldiers begun to crowd the two that were uninjured. Slowly, inch by inch, the cloaked figures begun to back away.

�Cloud!� Tifa cried in fear.
Turning his attention backwards, Cloud saw Tifa standing just in front of the kids with the maimed figure from beforehand approaching them. A sudden flaring of pain set into Cloud�s shoulder as the cloaked figure scored true with his blade. Rufus stepped forward and caught the next blow, looking back to Cloud with gritted teeth.

�Go. Stop it!� He said.
Cloud quickly turned and ran, pain still running through his left arm. He arrived in time to step between his wife and the children. The cloaked figure stopped, and lowered its weapon. It then rose its good arm and Cloud felt his head begin to itch. The room begun to grow hazy and the noise of the fighting was lost to him.

He begun to move, turning to face some people. Brushing his way past them, pushing them out of the way. There was something in front of him. Hidden. He cast away the material binding it and took it into his hands. It felt familiar. Turning and ignoring protests from unknown sources, he walked forward to the kind man in front of him, the man with one hand. He offered out his hand and Cloud gladly dumped the item into it.

And then Cloud passed out...


Everything was dark, and existence was bleak. Pain was the central thing, and pain was in the heart. Everything had gone wrong since that day five years ago. Everything had collapsed. Even defeating Sephiroth and saving the planet had been a fluke. A lucky shot. Anger uncontrolled. And now it was back, haunting him again. His weakness. The inability to refuse an influence on his person.

Then in the darkness, there was a single light. A comfort. Something to reach to. The light grows. The light heals. The pain goes away. The bleakness seems less bad. The fluke seems less so, more assured. Sephiroth died at the hands of a skilled warrior. The event five years ago seems painful still, but less so. The light embraced him and he begun to breathe once more...

... Cloud opened his eyes and felt his shoulder, which was fully healed. He saw Red XIII with a green restore materia in his mouth and smiled his thanks, before looking across the room to the now empty pedestal. The smile dropped from his face as Tifa knelt down beside him and took his hand.

�I did it again,� Cloud murmured, �I did it again.�
�It wasn�t your fault Cloud,� Tifa replied calmly.
�Not my fault?� Cloud asked with a bitter laugh, �I blatantly handed the materia to them and now you�re saying it�s not my fault?�

Rufus rose his hand and Cloud suddenly felt the need to keep quiet.
�What�s done is done,� Rufus said, �they were too strong for us anyway. We would�ve lost the materia here anyway. What we need to concentrate on now is how best to go about stopping them.�
�You�re right,� Cloud said finally, �we have to stop whoever they are.�

Cloud climbed to his feet, and looked around the party.
�We need to go to the City of the Ancients Cloud,� Vincent said, �that was the last known location of the White materia. Rufus, could you send your men to chase the cloaked men?�
�Already done,� Rufus replied, �Rikijan�s on their trail. There is no one better. I�ll send a couple of units of SOLDIER to go after them aswell.�

Eldrik saluted the Shinra President.
�Sir, with your permission I would like to accompany Cloud and assist him with his quest,� Eldrik said.
�Is that okay with you Cloud?� Rufus asked.
�Sure. Eldrik would be a great asset,� Cloud replied, �I need someone to stop me from attempting to destroy the world.�

Rufus looked to Cloud, his good eye narrowing and his eyebrow arching over.
�Come with me Cloud,� He said.
Cloud frowned and quickly ran over to join the president as they marched up to the lift. Rufus swiped the keycard and they went down.
�Where are we going?� Cloud asked.
�Under the tower,� Rufus replied.

Cloud�s body begun to tingle apprehensively and he loosened the Ultima Weapon behind him. Rufus stood there patiently, lifting his mechanical arm to scratch his head. Cloud could hear the motors working inside the arm, and wondered if Rufus was in any pain. Finally the lift stopped and the doors opened. Rufus led Cloud out into what looked to be another laboratory.

�I remember standing at the top of my tower,� Rufus started to say, �there was a very powerful shield around the northern crater, and no one could get through. I made the decision to move the Mako cannon from Junon to Midgar. We fired it at the crater to destroy the shield, using the Lifestream�s energy. The planet countered and Weapon attacked Midgar, firing all it had at the tower.�

Rufus closed his real eye, the cybernetic one still looking at Cloud, boring a hole into him.
�I was still alive. But I was in pain. A lot of pain. I spent years with half of my limbs dangling off. I spent years not able to speak, not able to move. I wanted the pain to end. I wanted death to embrace me. I thought it would, as Meteor was still bright in our skies. Then a hero came and saved us. An angel through the darkness. You Cloud. You saved us. You rid us of Sephiroth. Of Shinra�s legacy,� Rufus said, �and now you doubt your ability?�

Cloud nodded solemnly, the president still locked in his melancholy stance.
�You look at me now, and you see a monster,� Rufus said, �that is why I haven�t revealed myself. It is best that no one knows who I am. Shinra needs to live for the planet, and not abuse the planet. At the same time, we need you to be strong to get us through this!�

Rufus looked up again and his eye was glinting.
�What are you afraid of Cloud?� Rufus asked.
�I am afraid... Afraid that I�ll become like him,� Cloud replied, �I have the cells of Jenova in my body. I was built in a similar way to Sephiroth. I am worried that those cells will consume me.�
�If that were the case, it would�ve happened by now,� Rufus said with a slight smile.

Cloud looked around where he was, and then to the Shinra president.
�Why are we down here for?� Cloud asked.
�I haven�t been entirely truthful with you Cloud,� Rufus replied, �I do know what happened to Barret.�
Another chill ran down Cloud�s spine and his response was to draw the Ultima Weapon. Rufus quickly spread his hands to try and alleviate the tension.

�Cloud. If I wanted to capture you, I wouldn�t have led you down here,� He said, �when Barret went missing, he�d actually gone to Wutai to see that ninja friend of yours. They came down here with a small army of sorts. I gave Barret and Yuffie an open invitation to meet me. They came up to my office with a small escort, and I explained my reasoning behind the Mako reactor being powered up. When I was explaining it to them, we were jumped by a cloaked figure much as those who we�ve just seen. He carved pieces out of Barret and Yuffie,� Rufus said.

Cloud continued to hold the sword as Rufus pointed behind him. Turning slowly Cloud turned to see Barret�s battered body suspended within a cylindrical tube filled with a viscous transparent fluid. His eyes were shut, and his wounds were clean but obvious. There was one in the side, one in the chest and one in the throat. Yuffie was suspended in an identical chamber next to Barret. Her throat, chest and side were also punctured.

�What have you done to them?� Cloud asked.
�They were dying Cloud,� Rufus replied sadly, �I had them frozen cryogenically until Shinra has the technology to revive them, or until you saw them. I didn�t want them to die, and have it on my conscience. It would�ve been bad, after the bad blood between us.�

Cloud walked forward and placed his hand against the chamber. His eyes were filled with tears as he remembered the big man and his huge heart to do what was right with the planet. He then turned his attention to the ninja, Yuffie. Although she�d led them on a merry chase for their materia, Cloud still thought of her as a friend, and her heart had made her stick throughout their journey into peril.

�Why are you showing this to me?� Cloud whispered.
�There�s a good chance that by the time Shinra has the technology to heal them, we would�ve all passed on,� Rufus replied, �I don�t want to be the one to pull the plug.�
�Dammit! You want ME to make the decision?� Cloud asked.
�I�m sorry Cloud,� Rufus replied through tears, �I couldn�t stop it from destroying them.�

Cloud closed his eyes and then looked back to his friends.
�I can�t choose Rufus,� Cloud said, �it is not my place to choose.�
�Very well. They shall stay here indefinitely,� Rufus replied, �come, you need rest before you leave on your journey...�

... Cloud didn�t sleep too well that night. His dreams were haunted. The cloaked men were moving closer and closer to the north crater. The Black materia was guiding them, but there was a greater mind there aswell. The collective mind was working together, for a reason.

Cloud woke up before dawn and found himself walking around the top floors of the tower. His mind drifted through his memories, focusing onto someone who he had been trying to forget.
�Aeris,� He murmured softly to himself.
�So you do still remember her,� Vincent�s voice said from behind him, causing him to jump.
�I swear you don�t sleep,� Cloud complained bitterly.

Vincent moved forward to join Cloud at the balcony, his eyebrows raised.
�You blame yourself for her death,� Vincent said.
�How did you know?� Cloud whispered.
�You were distant afterwards,� Vincent replied, �and then we lost you, and then found you in the Lifestream. You seemed to latch emotionally onto Tifa. Yet a part of you still seemed hidden from me. As if you were masking it.�

Cloud looked to Vincent and shook his head.
�I love Tifa,� He said simply, �I wouldn�t have married her if I didn�t.�
�Did you love Aeris?� Vincent asked.
�If I did or I didn�t, it doesn�t matter. Aeris is dead,� Cloud replied evasively.
�One day you�re going to have to make a decision,� Vincent said, �you�re split in two Cloud, and that could cause your demise.�

Vincent turned and walked back into the night. Cloud waited a couple of minutes before walking into the room where Rimika was asleep, curled in a ball with his thumb in his mouth. Cloud smiled and walked over to the bed and gently moved the thumb out, before sitting by the side of the bed and watching the peaceful, innocent doze of a young child...

... Dawn crept over the horizon, and Cloud gently roused Rimika. The boy didn�t complain as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. The rest had gathered in Rufus� office where they ate breakfast. The president was silent as they took food, watching each of them, the cybernetic eye piercing as everyone wilted under his gaze. Finally he looked to the children.

�If you would like Cloud, I can keep the children here safe,� Rufus said.
�Thanks Rufus, but I can take care of my kids,� Tifa replied before Cloud could speak.
�As you wish,� Rufus said and bowed his head, �will all of you go?�
�We will,� Cloud replied, looking across the table.
�Then I wish you the best of luck,� Rufus said, �and I hope you can find the White materia...�

... The Highwind was again boarded, as the party left to go across sea. Cid and Vincent, Red XIII and Lalenia, Tifa, Rimika and Marlene, Eldrik and Cloud. Cloud was silent most of the way, the wind blowing through his hair. He thought of the place where Aeris now rested, and how she had smiled at him moments before her death. A smile that told him that she had done it. She had not known that her life was to be taken away from her soon after. The Highwind landed on the outskirts of the city. The party followed the path from Bone Village down into the valley, before finally setting foot within the City of the Ancients.

Rimika had begun to feel abstract as he had walked at his mother�s side through the valley. He had begun to hear whispers, faint giggles in the air. The air around him seemed alive and fresh. Now in the city, he could feel something else. The voices still spoke, murmuring softly, but there was another voice, wailing, crying out for help. Desperate for someone to hear.

�This place hasn�t changed,� Cloud said.
�You really expect to see drastic changes in a deserted city?� Cid asked.
Rimika moved forward to walk beside his father, feeling reassured by his presence. His hand was clasped to his chest over the materia he had found, holding it against his heart.

They walked down the main path deeper into the city, through the strange shaped flowers and then past a lake. Rimika moved up against his father, reaching out with his hand. Cloud gently clasped it, and Rimika looked up, to see his father looking straight forward, avoiding the view of the lake. Rimika looked at it and saw that a bright light was shining on it from above. A light that wasn�t the sun.

They reached a set of stairs that spiralled upwards, Cloud�s pace quickening to a pace so that Rimika had to sprint to keep up with him. Rimika stopped at the centre and saw that Cloud was standing in front of a fish that was stood on a pillar in the centre of the stairway. He was shaking his head.

�It was here! The stairs were here!� Cloud demanded.
�We can�t get down,� Vincent replied, �we can�t get to where the White materia is.�
�This was pointless!� Cloud yelled, drawing his sword and slashing at the fish.
�Cloud! Stop!� Tifa cried.

Rimika balked. He had never seen his father like this before and it scared him. He walked up to him slowly and Cloud turned, his eyes burning. Rimika cried out, for he didn�t see his father at that moment, but a tall, thin, stranger with cold, powerful eyes, long silver hair and an overpowering aura of undeniable power that stank of evil. He turned his face away and started to cry.

At that noise Cloud suddenly froze. He looked to the floor and saw a defeated child, afraid of his own father. Cloud�s eyes welled up with tears and he turned and fled down the stairs. Tifa started after him, when Vincent blocked her with an arm.
�Tend to Rimika. I shall see to Cloud,� He said.

Tifa nodded and knelt down beside Rimika as Vincent ran down the stairs and out to the lake. He saw Cloud floating in the middle, the light shining on him and looking down into the darkness.
�Cloud,� Vincent called.
�What am I Vincent?� Cloud asked, �what are those cells making me?�

Vincent waded out into the lake before he was a few feet away from Cloud.
�You are not a monster Cloud,� He said softly.
�I scared my own child Vincent,� Cloud replied, looking up with haunted eyes, �I can feel Jenova... Growing inside me. It wants to engulf me, to make me like Sephiroth.�
�Cloud, you are not the only person to be bearing Jenova�s cells,� Vincent replied.

Cloud looked up and Vincent nodded.
�When Hojo experimented on me, he injected me with Jenova�s cells. My power is because of my heritage to Jenova,� Vincent said, �I don�t see myself as a monster. I see myself as being blessed with a gift. A gift that can be used to change the world for the better. You have to believe the same thing. You are here for good things. Otherwise you will become that which you paint yourself to be.�

The others begun to emerge from the stairway as Vincent led Cloud back to the shore. Rimika�s ears were suddenly filled with a cry, a word that was crystal clear. A name.
�Father! Someone�s calling for you!� He yelled.
�What?� Cloud asked, looking up to his son.
�There�s someone here who wants your attention!� Rimika called back.

The voice stopped calling for a moment and Rimika strained, trying to hear above the silence. Vincent and Cloud still floated in the middle of the lake, looking at the boy in a mix of confusion and wonder.
�In the lake! The person is in the lake!� Rimika called then as the voice came back to him.

Cloud and Vincent shared the same look before diving. Rimika closed his eyes as the voice continued to murmur encouragingly. The moments were agonisingly long, and it seemed as if the two were underwater for a long period of time. Finally Vincent emerged and took in a deep breath.
�It goes on forever! We can�t see that far down!� He called.
�What are you doing? Where�s Cloud!� Tifa cried.

Vincent shook his head.
�He must still be down there,� He called, �I�ll go and see if I can find him.�
Vincent dove under again, and the moments begun to creep forward once more. Rimika felt his heart hammer against his chest, wondering exactly what it was his father was doing. Everyone seemed to be holding his or her breath, the whole city was silent for the first time Rimika had entered it.

After what seemed like an eternity, Cloud finally re-emerged. Vincent had hold of him, half dragging him out of the lake, and in turn Cloud held another person. The voices in Rimika�s ears suddenly begin to sing, a pleasant sounding song of enchantment, as Vincent pulled them to the shore...

... Cloud collapsed to the floor, panting as Vincent pressed down on his back.
�Breathe Cloud! Breathe!� He ordered.
Finally Cloud breathed and water gushed out of his mouth onto the floor. He coughed and hacked as Vincent helped him to his feet.
�You okay? No heavy feeling against your lungs?� Vincent asked.
�No,� Cloud replied.

Vincent looked into Cloud�s eyes and shook his head.
�You are a brave man Cloud Strife,� Was all he said finally.
Cloud nodded and looked down to Aeris� still form. She was dead, that much was plain, yet her skin was intact, and her complexion was the same as it had been when she was alive. It was as if the water had preserved her, and the planet hadn�t wanted to accept her yet.

Rimika looked down at the lady on the floor and he knew exactly what he had to do. Moving to her side, he knelt down and placed his hand on her head.
�Rimika, come away,� Tifa choked, her face pale and blanching as she looked to Cloud, �we shouldn�t have moved her Cloud!�
�Can I have quiet, please mother?� Rimika enquired politely, before looking back to Aeris.

Moving slowly, Rimika reached to the materia by his chest. He lifted it out, and he heard a collective gasp. The materia was glowing white. He moved it down slowly and placed it against Aeris� forehead. The glow begun to increase and Rimika kept his hand to it, closing his eyes and focusing his thoughts. He could hear many voices around the city. Voices of the Lifestream. There was one stronger than the other, one that Rimika could easily identify from what he had heard from others about Aeris. He locked onto it and begun to drag it to the White materia.

The glow increased, becoming more fevered. The White materia flared like a newborn star, and everyone had to shield his or her eyes from the sudden light. Then it faded again, and everyone blinked, before looking down to the ground. Rimika was slumped against Aeris� chest, his eyes bleary and glazing over. Cloud watched and noted that Rimika�s head was rising and falling slightly at a constant rate. His own heart beat jumped.

�Aeris!� Cloud called.
There was a moment�s silence before there was a slight groan. Cloud took Rimika into his arms and handed him and the White materia to Tifa before looking at Aeris. Finally, her eyes opened and a smile spread across her face.

�Cloud!� She said weakly, placing her arms around his neck, �you came back for me. You remembered me after all this time.�
�I could never forget you Aeris,� Cloud whispered in reply...


There were a lot of tears and a lot of hugs and kisses, as Aeris looked around at the group, her eyes full of life and her smile big and enlightening. She greeted Eldrik with courtesy, congratulated Red XIII and Lalenia on finding each other, and then looked to the dozing Rimika.

�I owe you so much,� Aeris said softly to the boy, closing her eyes, �I am tired. There will be time for us to talk later.�
Cloud waited until Aeris was asleep before lifting her up and carrying her to one of the beds in the huts. He then sat by her side and waited...

... �This is a little weird,� Eldrik said, standing outside the hut sharpening his sword.
�I�m not used to people being bought back to life either,� Cid admitted, �least of all a four year old boy being able to bring someone back.�
�I�ve had my suspicions about the boy for a while,� Vincent replied, �I need to talk it over with Aeris.�

Rimika awoke about an hour later, and he was as lively as he had been before. He still bore the White materia in his hand as he came out of the hut. Vincent nodded to the boy and knelt down beside him.
�Is Aeris still asleep?� He asked.
�She is,� Rimika replied, �it took a lot of her energy away to come back to our world.�
�I guess we�ll have to wait,� Vincent said.

Rimika sat down next to Cid and closed his eyes, once again in a doze. He was experiencing a strange feeling, almost an awakening. Before he had felt complete, whole. Now there seemed to be something else moving inside him. The consciousness seemed to swirl around Rimika�s body, embracing him slowly but surely, altering him to its design.

�Where�s Tifa?� Red XIII asked as he walked around the corner.
Rimika stirred at the sound of his mother�s name and looked around with a frown, not knowing where she was. Vincent too was stirred from his revelry, looking across the courtyard.
�I don�t know,� He said finally, �I guess she went for a walk. Is it important?�

Red XIII shook his head.
�No. I just thought it would be a good idea to keep together when Aeris comes to,� He said.
�I�ll go look for her,� Cid said, �I need to stretch my legs anyway.�
Rimika watched Cid leave before looking up to Vincent.

�What�s wrong with mother?� He asked.
�Nothing�s wrong with your mother,� Vincent replied a little too quickly, �she�s just tired.�
Rimika didn�t say anything else, as Cloud walked out of the door with a huge smile on his face.
�She�s awake, and she wants to talk to us all,� He said...

... Everyone gathered in the hut around the bed where Aeris now sat upright. Cloud fussed over her like an overprotected parent over a child with a grazed knee. Aeris took it all with a smile, neither of the two noting the fiery glances bestowed upon them by Tifa.

�A lot has happened since I departed this planet,� Aeris said, closing her eyes, �Meteor was destroyed by the planet and by Holy. Sephiroth has died, and Shinra has become a respectful organisation, all for protecting the planet at all costs. And yet we face a peril greater than any that have been thrown at us before. A peril that has been Sephiroth�s plan from the start.�

Aeris opened her eyes and looked to each of the people in front of her.
�You have all seen the black cloaked men. The Seven who travel completely shielded from your vision. The Seven who inspire fear from their look alone. I can tell you that these Seven are Sephiroth,� She said, �when Cloud defeated Sephiroth, he dissolved into the Lifestream. We, the Cetra, tried to find his life source within the Lifestream, but it�s connected in some way to the Black materia. The Seven parts that were created were lost to us.�

�When Meteor was countered, the Black materia that we had valiantly held onto fell into the ruins of Midgar. Dismayed, we decided that it was for the best that the White materia would fall near by, hoping that someone would be able to piece the puzzle together. The materia lay undisturbed until Midgar was rebuilt. Then Rimika found the White materia, just like Shinra found the Black materia,� Aeris said.

�Sephiroth planned this all along! He knew that Cloud had the power to defeat him. He knew that Holy and the Lifestream would counter Meteor. He knew that this would further weaken the planet. He still plans to use the Lifestream to become a God. All he needs is to bring the Black materia back to the northern crater and reform the Seven to one. Then he can drain the planet of its life and become invincible!� Aeris said with dreadful finality.

Cloud shook his head, tears in his eyes.
�Sephiroth was manipulating me... Even in the final battle?� He asked.
�Sephiroth has always had the power to manipulate you Cloud,� Aeris replied softly, �you are of Jenova. Your cells are linked to his, but he is stronger. He was born with Jenova�s cells as part of his DNA. Your cells came to heal injuries. They are a fraction of his.�

�Yet there is hope,� Aeris said in a strong voice, her eyes suddenly fixed on Rimika as the boy felt the consciousness once more speaking to him, �there is once more one of the Cetra walking the planet. All of the Cetra in the Lifestream are with me in spirit. We can succeed, even if Sephiroth does reform. For the key to all his power now lies within the Black materia.�

The people left the room, all except for Cloud and Tifa.
�Stay a while please,� Aeris said to the pair.
Tifa sat down, keeping her gaze away from Aeris as Cloud looked to her, almost hanging onto every word that she spoke.

�It�s about Rimika,� Aeris said.
�What about my boy?� Tifa said sharply, finally looking to Aeris.
�He�s special,� Aeris replied, �this is going to be difficult for you to except, but when Sephiroth was born, he WAS a Cetra. The cells of Jenova merged perfectly with human cells and a living Cetra was created. Sephiroth twisted it around, thinking he was literally the son of Jenova. It was those twisted thoughts that are driving him through this.�

�What�s this got to do with my boy?� Tifa demanded.
�Rimika is also a Cetra,� Aeris replied calmly, �he is the perfect merging of a being with Jenova�s cells implanted within them, and a human. He found the White materia and was able to use it. That confirms it. The White materia is now his property, and only he can use it. It has passed on.�
�My little boy is a... Cetra?� Tifa asked, tears in her eyes.

Cloud shuffled uncomfortably on his seat, before lying an awkward hand on Tifa�s shoulder.
�He�ll be okay,� Cloud assured her, before standing and pulling Tifa to his feet, �I think we need to go and talk about how much to tell him. He�s still young, and we don�t want to scare him.�
�You�re right Cloud,� Tifa said, her voice much softer now.
�Thankyou for telling us Aeris,� Cloud said.
�Come back here when you�ve made a decision,� Aeris replied, �I am here to help tutor your son...�

... Aeris waited for five seconds after the couple had left before she turned her attention to the shadows.
�You can come out now Vincent,� She said in a stern, powerful voice.
There was a moment�s silence before Vincent stepped out from the shadow. His eyes locked onto Aeris, before he sat down on the chair by the bed.

�You knew that Rimika was a Cetra, didn�t you?� Aeris asked.
�I had my suspicions,� Vincent replied, �as I did with Sephiroth.�
�You knew also of the ability that Sephiroth has of manipulating people with the cells of Jenova within them?� Aeris asked.
�Yes. I know of five lifeforms with Jenova cells within them. Myself, Cloud, Lucrecia, Rimika and Sephiroth,� Vincent replied.

�Rimika is safe from Sephiroth�s manipulations, for he is a Cetra also,� Aeris said, �it is Cloud I am worried about. He has been manipulated before.�
�Do not worry about Cloud. His heart is strong,� Vincent replied, �it is what could happen between the two of you that I am worried about.�

Aeris suddenly felt Vincent�s eyes bore into her, and she felt afraid. This man who she had called a companion suddenly seemed very distant and very powerful.
�You know?� She asked, her face blanching.
�I know a lot more than I let on, Aeris Gainsborough,� Vincent replied, �it is good that you know too. I dread to think of the consequences if anything happens.�
�Nothing will happen,� Aeris assured Vincent, �I�ll see to it.�
�That is a good thing,� Vincent said.

The Vincent that Aeris knew returned and she felt relieved, glad that the tension in the air was gone.
�Should we go straight to the northern crater?� Vincent asked.
�We should leave with as little delay as possible,� Aeris replied, �I need to teach Rimika how to use the White materia to nullify the Black materia. I can do that on the way.�

Vincent nodded and took Aeris� hand, helping her up from the bed.
�What made you come back here Aeris? Why did you leave the Lifestream?� Vincent asked.
�I am the Cetra�s representative in this struggle,� Aeris replied, �I volunteered because I knew you all.�
�I see. Better to have someone that is already trusted than to have a complete stranger?� Vincent asked.
�That�s correct,� Aeris replied.

Vincent stopped for a while and closed his eyes. Aeris stopped too and looked to him with a frown.
�Vincent?� She asked.
�I can feel her. Lucrecia. She is coming to the crater also,� Vincent said, �Sephiroth is bringing all of his pawns together for this make or break moment.�
�What can we do?� Aeris whispered.
�Do? Nothing. She adores Sephiroth. She doesn�t believe that he could be evil,� Vincent replied, �she�d guard him to the end, unless I can reach her.�

Vincent stood silent for a moment longer, before continuing to walk on.
�Come. We should make plans for the upcoming battle,� Vincent said...

... The party made their way back to the Highwind via Bone Village. Cid was glad to give Aeris a guided tour of his pride and joy, which she accepted, with a lot of enthusiasm. Cloud and Tifa had taken Rimika aside and told him about the Cetra, who they were, what they had done on the planet and then had come crashing to a halt. Rimika had waited patiently, before replying to them.

�I know I�m a Cetra. There�s nothing wrong with that,� Rimika said, �and I know that the White materia is supposed to be mine now, and I need to use it to get rid of the Black materia. If you�ll excuse me, I need to talk to Aeris about how to do this.�
Cloud and Tifa had stood gaping as the boy left. It was a chuckle from Eldrik that caught their attention.
�You wouldn�t believe that boy was four years old from the way he acts,� He said.

The journey was spent mostly in silence. Aeris and Rimika had closed themselves within a room whilst Cloud and Eldrik discussed possible tactics with each other, settling for the wait and see option. Finally, Aeris and Rimika emerged from the room, and the boy�s eyes were set like steel. Aeris had a faint smile on her face as Tifa approached and fussed over him.

�There�s nothing else we can do,� Aeris said, �all we can do now is go to the crater.�
The Highwind travelled onward into peril...


The Highwind landed just outside of the crater and everyone disembarked. Cloud had spent ten minutes checking and double-checking his equipment, not wanting to leave anything behind. Everyone was quiet as they approached the edge of the crater, Aeris in the lead with Cloud not far behind. They came to a halt near the edge, Aeris raising her arm.

�We do not need to go back down there,� She said, �they will meet here.�
Cloud crouched down and leant against the Ultima Weapon. He closed his eyes and begun to breathe in slowly, tasting the air around him and setting his mind. He tried to think back five years and the calm that had engulfed his body just before he had fought Sephiroth for the last time.

The warriors stood ready and armed. The sky was beginning to cloud over. The air was beginning to cool. There was an eerie silence. Cloud could only hear the sound of his heart beating. Then there were seven dots in the horizon. Six walked with weapons drawn, apparently ready for the fight before it began. The seventh had only one hand, and in that hand glistened a black orb as dark as night.
�Eldrik, Vincent, Cid, go to the left. Red XIII, Lalenia, Tifa, go to the right,� Cloud said, looking to Aeris, �stay with the children. Don�t get hurt.�

Cloud approached the man with the Black materia. It looked up and suddenly Cloud felt himself paralysed. The Ultima Weapon dropped from his hands and he fell to his knees, the ground pulling him closer and closer. The reaction of his friends was the same. They were quickly disarmed and then neutralised by the power of the Seven. Cloud closed his eyes and tried to push up, but the more he resisted, the more the ground dragged him down.

Gasping, Cloud turned himself around to look on as the Seven walked to the edge of the crater. One by one they turned to the bearer of the Black materia and were slowly absorbed within it. Cloud continued to try and slide along the ground. Aeris, Rimika and Marlene stood frozen, unable to move in fear. Cloud let out a primal cry, trying to break free with all of his strength before hitting the ground with a thud as the second cloaked man was absorbed.

The sky began to glow a sooty orange. The clouds were starting to part and the crater itself begun to rumble like a volcano, gushes of Lifestream spurting out. A third figure was absorbed, leaving only three more. Cloud looked back to his weapon and reached for it, hoping he could make the scant inches needed to get hold of it. The fires in the sky begun to burn brighter, the air around Cloud warming up as he struggled, sweat standing on his forehead.

A fourth figure was absorbed and the planet responded with a renewed frenzy. A couple of cracks opened threateningly when Aeris shouted something in a language unknown to Cloud. The cracks froze as the fifth figure was absorbed, the evil presence in Cloud�s mind growing. He finally closed his fingers on the blade of the Ultima Weapon as the grip of the cloaked men was lessened. With a final cry, Cloud sprang to his feet and charged.

There was a blinding flash and Cloud was sent flying backwards. Smoke billowed out of the spot where the cloaked men had been gathering. Cloud coughed and noted that all of his friends were now on their feet. The smoke cleared and fear suddenly flowed up and down Cloud�s spine. Standing in front of them, Masamune blade in his right hand, Black materia in his left hand, was Sephiroth...

... �You did a good job Cloud,� Sephiroth said in his chilling voice, �you did exactly as I planned. Thankyou for bringing me to this position.�
�I�ve killed you once Sephiroth, I�ll kill you again,� Cloud replied, holding up the blade.
�Killed me?� Sephiroth laughed, �you think if I had been trying that you�d have been able to kill me? No chance Cloud. I could�ve parried each of those sword blows, as one would swat a fly.�

Cloud�s mind reeled. He couldn�t believe what he was hearing. His confidence had been shattered in that one statement. He stepped back as Sephiroth looked around each of the individual companions, stopping one moment to look at Eldrik, whose mouth was gaping, open at the sight of the greatest warrior in Shinra history.

�You are one of SOLDIER?� Sephiroth said, stepping forward, �I can tell by your eyes. Does Shinra still exist?�
�It does,� Eldrik stuttered, �but Shinra has evolved now. We no longer work to our own gain.�
�It is of no matter,� Sephiroth said disdainfully, �the life of this puny planet will end in a matter of minutes! I will use the Black materia to draw the Lifestream here, and embrace it to become a God. Unfortunately, you shall all die, but sacrifices need to be made.�

There were padded footsteps and Sephiroth spun quickly, his blade whistling in the wind. Over one of the many rocks came a woman. Her clothes were tattered, her hair dishevelled and her face dirty. Her eyes were constantly shifting and her head twitched. Cloud remembered her from before, recognised who she was. He could feel Vincent shuffled uncomfortably.

�You bear the cells of my mother aswell,� Sephiroth said to the woman, �yet I know not who you are.�
�Sephiroth. I need to find Sephiroth. I MUST see Sephiroth,� The woman replied.
�Lucrecia,� Vincent murmured.
�Silence!� Sephiroth commanded Lucrecia, and she fell to her knees and cowered, �I am Sephiroth. What will you have of me? Speak!�

Cloud could hear Aeris murmuring something to his son, as Lucrecia looked up to Sephiroth.
�You are Sephiroth? The Sephiroth? MY Sephiroth?� She asked.
�I am Sephiroth, although I do not know who you are,� Sephiroth replied.
�My baby!� Lucrecia cried, wrapping her arms around Sephiroth�s legs, �they took you away from me. Stole you from me when you were small. You are my Sephiroth! Vincent said you were evil. Vincent lied to me! You�re a good child, aren�t you, Sephiroth?�

The look on Sephiroth�s face was a mixture of amusement and disdain. He lifted Lucrecia�s face to look to this and he frowned down to her, causing her to cower once more.
�Woman, I don�t know who you are, nor what you speak of,� Sephiroth said softly.
�I am your mother Sephiroth!� Lucrecia wailed, �do you not know your own mother?�

The crater suddenly fell silent. Cloud could feel his knuckles squeezing as he held the Ultima Weapon tightly. He stole a glance over his back to see Rimika openly holding the glowing White materia. Cloud looked back to Sephiroth, who had planted his sword in the ground.
�You are not my mother,� Sephiroth said coldly, �I was born of Jenova, a being beyond your understanding. Though Jenova is dead, her son lives for her retribution. I will have my revenge.�

Like a bolt of lightening, Sephiroth�s hand snapped out and locked vice like around Lucrecia�s neck. She gasped and struggled as Sephiroth effortlessly lifted her and begun to tighten his fingers. Lucrecia kicked and struggled, frightened into sanity by the monster she had called son. Cloud went to move, but suddenly felt immobile once more, locked by his doubt of his skills.

�No!� Vincent yelled, leaping forward.
Sephiroth turned and his mind struck out and Vincent stopped in the air and collapsed to the ground. Sephiroth smiled at Vincent and took Lucrecia�s forehead in his free head. There was a sickening snap as he twisted the head one hundred eighty degrees around, before Lucrecia�s body went limp. Sephiroth cast the body down beside Vincent, who cried out and collected the broken body in his arms.
�A perfect end. A tortured soul dies knowing the folly of her ways,� Sephiroth smiled.

That did it. Cloud�s anger finally burst through and he forgot the fear in his own skill. He moved forward and challenged Sephiroth. Sephiroth�s eyes opened in shock and his face broke into a sneer. He pulled his Masamune out of the ground.
�You cannot challenge me boy! I am your superior!� Sephiroth said.
�I will not let you kill anymore,� Cloud replied.

Sephiroth frowned and then rose his hand. Cloud felt control of his limbs vanish, his body turning around against his will. His mind seemed shut down, unopened to response.
�You do not understand Cloud. Even after all this time. You are my puppet! You do as I bid! And if I want to kill your friends, I shall! Did you not learn that when I killed your precious Aeris?� Sephiroth said, �yes, I enjoyed killing her. She played her part well.�

�Don�t talk about me as being dead yet Sephiroth,� Aeris called.
Sephiroth froze, his shoulders tensing up as he turned around to see the source of the voice. He shuddered and lifted up his blade.
�So! The White materia HAS been found,� Sephiroth spat, looking to Rimika, �and you have a brat aswell, Cloud? My, we�ve been busy haven�t we? Who is the harlot that sired him?�
�That would be me,� Tifa said chillingly.

Sephiroth looked to Rimika and walked up to him, holding the Black materia in his palm.
�You dare to challenge me boy? You don�t have the power to stand up to me!� Sephiroth said.
�Maybe not,� Rimika replied, �but I�ll try. Better to try and to fail than to never try at all.�
�You are afraid, aren�t you boy?� Sephiroth asked, his eyes lighting up, �you�re afraid of dying so young? You know how much power I have. You do not wish to die.�
�It won�t work Sephiroth,� Aeris replied, �he is immune to your manipulation.�

Sephiroth scowled, and looked down at Aeris. She looked back, but Cloud could tell she was straining to fight him. Cloud stood up to respond and Sephiroth rose his hand the moment he felt Cloud move.
�Stay!� He commanded.
Cloud froze once more, locked and unable to move as Aeris buckled to her knees under Sephiroth�s deadly stare, a cry escaping from her lips as Sephiroth moved closer, his eyes burning brighter.

�Stop him!� Vincent cried in sudden anger, �don�t let him get away with his crimes!�
Eldrik was the first to respond, leaping into battle fearlessly, despite knowing he was outclassed. Sephiroth turned and his sword snaked out and bit deep into Eldrik�s hip. The SOLDIER member hit the ground hard and groaned as blood gushed out on the floor.
�Anyone else who attacks, dies,� Sephiroth said.

Aeris was down to her last strength, her eyes looking angrily at Sephiroth but her body being unable to respond. Sephiroth reached her with a smile and lifted his sword.
�I enjoyed killing you the last time. This time will be just as sweet,� Sephiroth said.
�You won�t get the chance,� Aeris gasped, before using her last ember of strength to swing her staff and send the Black materia spiralling into the air.

Sephiroth cried out and reached for the materia when he was struck by glowing flames, almost as hot as a new born star. He staggered back and looked at Red XIII. The air around Sephiroth then grew as cold as the vacuum of space as he was encased by Ice, before it shattered around him. Sephiroth fell to a knee but stood back up before he was struck by lightening, summoned from the heavy storm clouds up ahead. Red XIII was straining, but stood rigid, his tail straight and his fangs bared.

Cloud could still do nothing, and he could Vincent also struggling to move free. Cloud looked to his son, who had moved to where the Black materia was and now stood a few feet from it. He was chanting in a language unknown to Cloud, the White materia�s glow changing from white to green to black and back to green and then to white. The Black materia, in response to this, was also flickering angrily from black to white to black.

Sephiroth could see the change in the Black materia and he looked to Red XIII. There was a moment�s concentration before Red XIII was struck with Ultima, the spell sending him spiralling through the air and hitting the ground with an uneasy thud. Sephiroth turned his attention to Rimika and approached him at an unrelenting pace. Rimika looked up and begun to chant faster, the words tumbling out of his mouth. Sephiroth reached him and brushed him aside with a forearm swipe. He then picked up the Black materia and begun to chant in the same language that Rimika had been using.

Aeris was quickly at Rimika�s side, helping the boy up as the Black materia begun to grow, a beam of energy firing into the sky. The planet screamed and shook as Lifestream started to crack out and hit the Black materia. Rimika was a little groggy as he came back to his feet and Aeris was behind him, whispering words of encouragement as the boy begun to chant again. The White materia pulsed once and fired out a stream of white light at the Black materia which countered the gathering of Lifestream.

The two stood locked in the battle. Sephiroth straining to bring up all of the energy of the planet that he could. Rimika straining to stop the flow of the planet into the Black materia. It was a stalemate. Neither could counter the Will of the other, but Sephiroth�s stamina was that of a thirty-year-old man. Rimika was only four years old, and his body could not withstand that amount of strain.

Cloud watched on in pain. He loved Tifa and Aeris equally. Both of these women had given him everything, and he was as perfectly split between the two as one could get. Yet his love for his son was greater. Seeing Sephiroth attacking the boy with a view to destroy him made Cloud forget his heritage, forget the part of him that made it easy for Sephiroth to manipulate him. Moving sluggishly at first, but then with a greater speed, Cloud yanked free of Sephiroth�s control and moved up behind Sephiroth.

Sephiroth turned to look at Cloud and didn�t see the reject that he had once more. He saw an Angel of Death. Cloud rose his sword and cried out. Sephiroth rose his sword arm to protect his face, but the blow was not aimed there. Cloud�s blade came down on Sephiroth�s unprotected left wrist. Sephiroth cried out as he lost his grip on the Black materia. His sword clashed to the floor as he held the wound in pain.

Renewed with extra strength, Rimika stood upright and finished the incantation with powerful words that echoed around the northern crater. The Black materia burst into flames.

Sephiroth cried out in more pain now as the link to his power disappeared. Cloud could feel any control that Sephiroth once held over him drop away. Turning to his enemy, Cloud walked up slowly, flexing the Ultima Weapon in his hands. Sephiroth took one look at Cloud and for the first time, his eyes betraying fear for the first time. Moving quickly, Sephiroth grabbed his Masamune blade. He looked at Cloud one last time, before turning and fleeing.

Cloud went to chase after Sephiroth when Aeris called out.
�It�s okay Cloud! He cannot cause any damage to the Universe anymore,� She said, �the planet itself is safe from being destroyed for the time being. It�s only the people of the planet who are in danger now.�
�We need rest father,� Rimika replied, still clutching the White materia, �Sephiroth is hurting. He won�t do anything for a while.�

Cloud nodded and slumped to the floor and took in a deep breath.
�So it�s over for now,� He whispered...


�You were lucky with that blow,� Aeris noted critically to Eldrik as she applied the potion, �some of us aren�t so lucky with Sephiroth�s sword strokes.�
�Sorry,� Eldrik smiled weakly.
�You did well my friend,� Cloud replied.

Turning from Eldrik, Cloud walked up beside Vincent. The man had taken his mask off and revealed his face for the first time. He was stood by Lucrecia�s corpse, which was stacked upon a funeral pyre. His eyes were openly filled with tears as Cloud put his hand on the man�s shoulder.
�She didn�t deserve that Cloud,� Vincent said, �she deserved so much more. Sephiroth must die for what he did to her.�
�He will die Vincent,� Cloud replied, �I�m going to hunt him down.�

Vincent nodded and then looked to Red XIII.
�Do it my friend,� He said.
�Okay Vincent,� Red XIII replied.
The funeral pyre begun to smoke...

... �We�ll head back to Midgar and leave you there,� Cid said to Eldrik.
�There�s something else we need to do at Midgar,� Aeris replied, looking to Rimika.
�Okay. We�ll stop by and speak to Rufus again,� Cid shrugged.

The Highwind was boarded and Cloud looked back down at the scars where the battle had taken place. The sky had cleared and the fires burning in it had disappeared to leave a clear blue sky. Although tired, Cloud was satisfied in once again having diverted disaster...

... A shadow moved from behind the rocks, having seen the altercation that had taken place. Taking out his communicator, he waited patiently for his boss to respond.
�Hello Boss. Yes Sir, they were successful. Things worked out better than we could expect. The Cetra is back with us, and the specimen is still alive. Yes Sir. I will Sir. No, I wasn�t seen. No one knew I was here. I�ll be sure to give you a full report as soon as I get back. Thankyou Sir. Goodbye.�

The shadow turned and melted back into the background...

That's it! Thankyou for reading. Have a nice day.

02-21-2002, 07:40 AM
Oooooh, i didn't think i'd have such good competition. Well, i've done the best i could, so now i hope.

02-22-2002, 02:56 AM
i have one question... are we allowed to make up our own story at all???does it HAVE to be related to final fantasy???

02-22-2002, 04:09 AM
No, the story can be about anything. Final Fantasy's just easier.

02-23-2002, 03:02 PM
Some great stories so far...but I hope more people get there entries in!

02-24-2002, 11:36 AM
must it be a complete story? o_O

Fatal Divide
02-24-2002, 01:02 PM
Ok, here's my entry.

Tomb of the Souls

Rescue Party
Zell impatiently paced back and forth, stopping only to glance at the clock hanging on the metal wall of the Ragnorak. He frowned as once again he stared at the time, only to find out that it was twenty seconds since he last looked. Where were they?
The metallic whirr of the doors opening made him spin round, but it was only Selphie, who glanced nervously at him as she entered.
�Oh man! Where are Squall and Rinoa?� he gasped in frustration, punching his fists together unhappily. Selphie shrugged and walked over to Zell, who had turned and was gazing out of the nearby window.
�Never mind Zell.� she said, trying to cheer up her distraught friend. �I�m sure they�re fine. Squall wouldn�t let anything happen to them.� Zell hung his head. He was pretty sure Selphie was right, but the not knowing was driving him crazy. He hated just standing around while his friends could be in danger.
�But still...I shouldn�t have let them go off like that...� Zell spun again at the sound of the door opening again, only to see Irvine�s smiling face.
�What�s going on here then?� he chuckled. Zell turned, ignoring Irvine�s teasing and began to pace again. He wished they�d never met that guy in Timber...

* * *

Squall stood silently, as Rinoa �just had a quick chat� with an old friend. Wasn�t two hours a bit long for a �quick chat�? Turning, he decided to have a quick look round Timber. He�d have plenty of time, he thought, as he glanced at Rinoa who was still deep in conversation. Turning, he found himself face to face with Zell�s smiling face.
�Hey, Squall. Sup?� he asked cheerily. Squall remained silent, looking at the ground. But Zell was used to this by now.
�Rinoa still talking?� he asked glancing over Squall�s shoulder. Squall nodded, and tried to pass Zell, who turned as Squall passed him. He chuckled, and chased after him.
�Yo, wait for me!� he laughed as he drew level with Squall, who frowned. He wasn�t in the mood to talk to Zell right now, but he seemed intent on following him everywhere. Why didn�t he understand that he just wanted to be alone?
He paused, as Zell stopped and stared at a hot-dog cart nearby. He glanced eagerly at Squall, who shrugged at him. Zell leaped, punching the air with his fists, and ran at top speed for the hot-dogs. Squall remained silent, but decided to follow Zell
anyway. Somebody had to be the one to stop Zell from eating till he puked...
Standing next to Zell as he wolfed down the food, he became aware that the old man working at the cart was staring at him. Squall stared at the floor, but said nothing. It was the old
man who broke the silence first.
�You look like a strong, young man. Ever thought of going on an adventure?� he asked, his creaky old voice barely audible. Squall didn�t look up, but instead folded his arms.
�...Whatever.� he said quietly. The old man smiled, and reached into his pocket, pulling out a golden key that seemed to sparkle as the sunlight reflected off it. Squall glanced up, and gazed at the key. Even Zell had stopped eating and was gazing
at the key.
�This is the key to the Tomb of the Souls.� said the old man, proudly displaying his most treasured item. "And you can have it for free." Squall shook his head.
�And you�re just going to give it to us?� asked Zell, almost choking on a hot-dog. The old man nodded.
�I would go myself, but I am too old and frail. It would be such a shame to just let it get buried with me.� Squall frowned. Zell also looked a bit unconvinced, but said nothing. There was something strange about the old man. Something they both didn�t trust...
�Hey Squall. Why�d you walk off like that? I�ve been looking...� Rinoa stopped as she caught sight of the key hanging in the old man�s shrivelled fingers. �Wow!� she gasped, and she reached out for the key. But the old man pulled it out of her reach.
�You can have it for free. All you have to do is go to the Tomb of the Souls on Poccahari Island. Mystical treasure awaits you there...� he chuckled at the expression on Rinoa�s face. But Squall turned away, uninterested.
�We�re not treasure hunters...� he said, and started to head off. Rinoa reached out and grabbed his arm...

* * *

Zell frowned. He hadn�t trusted that old man since he first set eyes on him. And his story of a �mystical treasure� on Poccahari Island seemed like the biggest load of crap he�d heard in all his life. But Rinoa had seemed intent on searching for it, and
Squall being the hero as usual had agreed to go with her. And now here he was, eight hours later with no word from Squall or Rinoa...
�That does it!� yelled Zell, making both Irvine and Selphie jump. �I�m gonna go look for them!� Selphie clapped her hands together and jumped happily.
�Yay! I�ll come with you!� she laughed excitedly. Irvine stepped forward.
�I�ll protect you Selphie. I�m going too.� he said, putting his hand on Selphie�s shoulder. She blushed, and turned back to Zell who was already leaping about warming up.
�Alright, let�s go!� he yelled, charging towards the doors. They opened just as he reached them, and he collided with Quistis who was just entering. She fell backwards, and Zell clutched his head in pain.
�ZELL!� yelled Quistis angrily, as she got to her feet with Zell�s help, who smiled apologetically.
�Sorry,� he apologised, �I wasn�t looking where I was going.� Quistis sighed. She knew Zell was lively, but sometimes she disliked his hyper-activeness.
�That�s quite alright Zell.� she said calming down. �Where were you rushing off to in such a hurry anyway?� Zell punched his fists together, and put on his bravest expression.
�We�re going to find Squall and Rinoa.� he smiled eagerly. Quistis� face saddened, and Zell wondered what was wrong.
�So I don�t get included do I?� she asked sadly. Zell scratched his head, and wondered how he could have been so absent minded.
��Course ya do!� he lied, �We were just on our way to find you.� Quistis sighed, and shook her head.
�It�s ok, I�ll stay here and look after the Ragnorak.� Turning, she headed back out the door. There was silence for a bit, until Selphie walked up beside Zell.
�Poor Quistis...� she sighed unhappily.

Lost in the Tomb of Souls
Squall groggily opened his eyes. His head was stinging, and he moved his hands to hold it. But they wouldn�t move. Glancing up, he saw in shock that his hands were chained to the wall. He struggled in vain to free his hands, but the chains were
solid. He suddenly noticed how dark it was, and he tried to make out his surroundings.
The only source of light was a fire in the middle of the stony floor. Looking up, he realised that they were still underground, still in the Tomb of the Souls. There was no sign of Rinoa, or of anybody else for that matter.
Thinking back, he tried to remember what had happened. He could visualise walking through the Tomb with Rinoa. It was dark, and they could only just about see where they were going. Then...a door...he remember a door. They�d put the key in the lock...That was as much as he could remember...He wondered how he�d got into this place, and who had chained him to the wall.
He shivered as a cold blast of wind shot through the room, and he could hear a noise in the far corner of the room. It was too dark to see, but someone was there. Nothing moved, there was no noise apart from the breathing. Then footsteps, coming closer...Squall stared deep into the darkness, as Seifer stepped forward.
�Seifer...?� asked Squall in confusion. Seifer just kept on walking towards him, eyes straight forward. Squall was amazed to see Seifer again. It had been only a year since they had defeated the Sorceress, but Seifer hadn�t been since Lunatic Pandora. Everybody had assumed he wasn�t going to be seen again, some even suggested he was dead. But here he was, in the Tomb of the Souls.
Seifer stopped in front of Squall. �...Squall...of all the people...� he shook his head sarcastically. Squall shifted uncomfortably, he felt a bit defenceless and he didn�t trust Seifer. What was he up to?
Seifer drew his gunblade and swung it high above his head. Squall closed his eyes instinctively and waited for the impact. Suddenly he found himself falling, and landing on the ground with a thump. Opening his eyes, he glanced back at the wall, and saw that the chains holding his hand had been sliced by Seifer. Turning back to him, he stood.
�Ok listen up, Squall. �Cause I�m only gonna tell you this once. We�re locked in the Tomb of the Souls, so there must be something out there that captured us. I�d go myself, but if I get you out of here I can use it against you forever.� he said cockily.
Squall folded his arms.
�...Whatever.� he simply responded. He didn�t believe that was the only reason Seifer wanted him to go with him. Turning, Seifer headed towards the darkness.
�So, you coming?� he asked. But Squall was still stubborn. Seifer shook his head in despair. �We�ll stand more chance of surviving if we stick together.� Squall considered this. He wanted to find Rinoa, and he�d have more chance if somebody was fighting alongside him too. Turning to Seifer, he nodded, and they ran off to find Rinoa...

The entrance
Zell skidded to a halt, staring in awe at the mighty tomb dug into the cliffs. It was an incredible sight, as the rocks rose like giants from the ground reaching for the clear blue sky. He heard Selphie gasp as she and Irvine stepped up behind him.
�Wow!� she exclaimed in awe at the amazing sight. �It�s amazing!!� she gazed, still open-mouthed.
�So who�s gonna ring the doorbell?� he chuckled. Zell smiled, feeling happier now that he was closer to finding out why Squall and Rinoa hadn�t come back for so long. Jogging forward, they headed into the darkness.
It was pitch black, even just a few feet into the tomb. It was as if there was a blanket of darkness that engulfed the whole place.
�Yo! Don�t get lost!� yelled Zell into the echoing blackness, and he heard his concerned shout repeated several times. He heard Selphie�s voice yell back, though it wasn�t clear what she was saying. �WHAT?!� he called out, trying to figure out where Selphie was from her voice.
Suddenly his foot slipped, and he felt himself falling...He seemed to be hanging in mid air forever, and he was just wondering whether there was actually a bottom to the pit when his question was answered as he thumped into the ground painfully...

* * *

�WHAT YOU SAY ZELL?!!� yelled Selphie, feeling scared and helpless in the never ending darkness. There was no response, and she stopped and nervously glanced round. She couldn�t see anything but black...
She jumped as somebody bumped into her. Screaming, she lashed out frantically.
�OW! Cut it out Selphie!� yelled Irvine, trying to block himself from Selphie�s flailing hands. She stopped, and gasped happily.
�Oh Irvine! Thank god, I thought I was all alone and Zell�s gone and I don�t know where we are and you frightened me...� she rambled happily, hugging Irvine who couldn�t believe his luck. He smiled, and stroked her hair.
�Heh, calm down Selphie,� he said softly. Selphie took a deep breath and tried to control her breathing again.
The light took her by surprise, the sudden explosion blinding her. She shaded her eyes as they tried to adjust to the sudden change. It was amazingly bright now, and she felt Irvine move his hands up to shade his eyes too. As she gradually adjusted to the change, she gazed around.
They were in a small opening, with the rocky cliffs still surrounding them of either side. Looking up, she saw the roof of the tomb, with huge rocky spikes hanging dangerously.
�Hey look, there�s a door.� Irvine pointed out, and Selphie turned to look. It was an old wooded door, and it looked pretty solid. There was a key hole, which she guessed was where the key was supposed to be used.
�Hey, Zell! Have a look at this!� she yelled without turning. No response. �Zell?� she asked cautiously, turning slowly to look behind her. The tunnel stretched back into the darkness behind her, but there was no sign of Zell...

Seifer ran ahead, leaving Squall to catch up behind him. Squall silently glanced around as they ran down the dimly lit tunnel. Where was Rinoa? Why hadn�t he protected her? Gritting his teeth, he ran on.
Seifer stopped suddenly, and Squall slowed down, stepping up beside him. He wondered why they�d stopped, and looked at Seifer with a confused expression.
�Listen...� he said. Squall turned and looked back down the tunnel. There was nothing. Just the sound of a cool breeze blowing against them...
The roar caught him off guard, and he instinctively reached for his Lionheart. Seifer too had drawn his gun blade, as the two warriors watched the tunnel like hawks for any sign of trouble. The roar came again...
And then it appeared, charging towards them at full speed. A monster which Squall had never seen before. But it looked pissed, and Seifer pulled back, ready to fight. Just as Seifer began to charge forward to meet the beast, Squall stuck out his arm to stop him. He gazed in anger and shock, as he saw the monsters captive clutched in it�s hand.

Fallen friend
Zell stood slowly, clutching his arm in pain. It had a deep wound running down it, but Zell was more worried about where he was. He had fallen, so obviously he was far below the others. Putting his faith in this idea, he began searching for a ladder or something that he could climb up. He was feeling pretty uneasy at the moment. This place was getting worse by the second. Why hadn�t Squall listened to him and stopped Rinoa from going? He shook his head angrily, and carried on his way down the tunnel.
It was a creepy place this Tomb of the Souls. Not as creepy as Ultimecia�s Castle, but definitely creepy. He entered a thin corridor, with bronze coloured brick walls that seemed to be closing in on him. Nervously, Zell rubbed his arms to warm himself up. There was a strangely cold wind blowing against him.
Zell jumped in surprise as a roaring sound echoed down the corridor. Staring down the corridor, who could vaguely make out a large shape in front of him. Punching his fists together happily at the thought of a bit of combat at last, he sprinted down the corridor...

Squall watched the monster carefully, occasionally glancing at Rinoa to make sure she was ok. She was unconscious, but she didn�t look too badly hurt.
�So,� asked Seifer, interrupting Squall�s thoughts, �What�s the plan?� he asked, still holding his gunblade eagerly.
�We can�t let the monster take Rinoa...� he started, as Seifer turned and drew back his gunblade to fight. �...But, we can�t hurt Rinoa.� he finished. Seifer laughed.
�Easy, just watch!� he boasted, charging at the beast. Leaping high into the air, he brought down the gunblade with all his strength. It cut deep into the monster�s side, who howled in pain and swung at Seifer. Seifer dodged, and ran in again, only to be knocked back by the monster�s tail. He whacked into the wall behind him, and fell unconscious.
Shaking his head, Squall drew his Lionheart and looked for a way to free Rinoa. His eyes widened as suddenly, the monster rose Rinoa to it�s mouth. Furiously, he charged forward and with an angry slash of his Lionheart took of the monster�s
hand which held Rinoa. Landing, he caught Rinoa, and carried her over to the wall. Laying her down, he glared at the monster, and charging forward he performed Lionheart, leaving the monster shaking uncontrollably. It collapsed with a thud, and didn�t get back up.
Squall sheathed Lionheart, and turned back to Rinoa. She was still unconscious, and he stroked her dark hair. He shouldn�t have let anything happen to her. He should never let anything happen to her. Sighing, he sat next to her and tried to
think of what to do next.
A few minutes later, he heard footsteps approaching. Standing, he saw Zell sprinting towards him. He saw his eyes widen as he saw the chaotic remains of the battle, with a large monster lying dead on the floor, Seifer leaning against a wall
unconscious and on the opposite wall Rinoa also unconscious. He glanced at Squall in awe and confusion.
�Looks like you guys had quite a party!� he laughed in shock. Squall turned and headed over to Rinoa. Zell leaped over the monster and stared at Seifer. �I thought he was s�pposed to be dead?� he said in confusion. Squall looked up, and shrugged.
�What are you doing here anyway?� he asked. Zell turned to him, and looked embarrassed.
�Well, we kinda came to rescue you, but I sort of got lost.� he chuckled, scratching his head. Squall sighed.
�We? Who else came?� he asked, putting his arm around Rinoa.
�Me, Irvine and Selphie. �Cept I dunno where they are.� he started.
�We�re up here!� called a far off voice, as Squall and Zell tried to figure out who it was, and where they were calling from.
�Up here!� the voice yelled again. Standing, Squall stared up at the high ceiling. Just above them there was a hole, and through that hole was Irvine�s smiling face.
�Irvine!� yelled Zell happily. �Glad to see ya ok! Is Selphie with you?� Irvine nodded.
�Hold on, we�ll get you out of there!� he yelled, and he walked off. Moments later, a rope ladder was lowered down. Squall was the last to go, carrying Rinoa on his back. As he reached the bottom of the ladder, he glanced back down the corridor. Silently, he thought of everything that had happened, before climbing up the ladder.

Squall sat silently next to Rinoa. Glancing over at the other bed, he saw that Seifer was still unconscious too. The doors opened behind him, but he didn�t turn. Zell entered quietly, and tapped Squall on the shoulder.
�How�s Rinoa?� she asked worriedly. Squall didn�t respond. There was silence for a bit.
�Is that it?� he asked tiredly. Selphie shook her head.
�I�ve got good news for you. Headmaster Cid just sent us a message telling us that we�re to go back to Balamb Garden. Guess who he�s gonna promote to head of SeeD?!� she yelled, waiting excitedly for Squall to happily thank her. But Squall didn�t
respond. �Isn�t that great?! You head of SeeD! What an achievement!� she laughed again, trying to get some response from Squall.
�...Whatever� was all he said, still not turning from Rinoa. Selphie sighed, and turned leaving the infirmary on board the Ragonorak quietly. Squall gazed quietly as Rinoa, then smiled as she started to wake up.
�...Squall?...� she asked weakly. Squall held her hand, and smiled.
�Don�t worry. I�m here...�

02-27-2002, 12:18 AM
This is one of my only finished stories. I won't be finished any of the other ones I wanted so here it is.

TSW fanfiction.


He'd always vied for attention, especially from her. He never thought it would cost him this. It's amazing how long a few seconds could last.

His rifle nearly slipped from his hands in shock. It wasn't supposed to happen like this, never in a thousand years. This wasn't supposed to happen�

It had caught them unaware, because she was paying attention to him. The attention he'd so fiercely craved came at the wrong time.

Neil watched, eyes wide in terror, as the world seemed to take its sweet time in claiming another life. Not just another life.

Jane tried to remain indifferent to the inevitable. She looked determined and courageous, as though they hadn't won. The Phantoms could kill her, as they had so many others, but she would win. The tentacle-like� thing� that seemed to hesitate as it curled around her neck and across her chest. A second and the third already pierced her body, and she stood defiant as ever against them. No, more than ever.

She tried to smile, maybe as reassurance, but it came wrong. When their eyes met for the last time, the carefully crafted fa�ade fractured, and fear trickled through.

It was as though the Phantom had hesitated only because of Jane's will. When she faltered, when she feared it, when she knew better� the tentacles shifted and took her life. Her self torn from her body and absorbed in hatred, and her body falling to the ground.

Neil lifted his weapon uncertainly. He could still see the Shadow, the human spirit, being absorbed by the Phantom. If the scientists were right, if Dr. Ross and Dr. Sid knew what they were talking about� wasn't that Jane's spirit? If he took a shot and hit the Shadow, what would happen to Jane's soul?

It didn't matter. She'd always told him he was selfish, so what would she care? She wasn't here, so what did it matter to him? Neil swallowed and charged a shot. He watched only long enough to ensure that the Phantom was dead. He closed his eyes, feeling tired and sick. A strange noise brought him, or at least his instinctive mind, back to reality. He realized he'd hiccuped. Sound returned and other senses followed.

Sound brought with it orders, which he followed without question. He ran. The captain wanted a report; he wanted to know what happened. What had happened?

"Man down," Neil quietly repeated one of the phrases that had been drilled into him, and part of him waited for the repercussion that he knew would come for using those words in regard to that individual. It never came. That brought cognition back into his life.

He was being dragged up from the lift. Somehow he had never thought Aki was that strong, but she managed to pull him up despite his beliefs. Reality hit him hard as he was lying on the cold metal grating that was the floor.

"Captain," for once, words didn't come that easily, "Jane's� she's dead, sir. We got surprised�."

"Neil, it's okay. I know," the response came slowly and carefully, almost choked, "You did good, both of you. We'll take care of the rest."

Aki had drawn him into an embrace he couldn't quite find the strength to pull away from, even though he wanted to. He wanted to kick, scream, cry� he wanted to be told how much of a baby he was, how he was useless, incompetent, or� anything.

He could still see her when he closed his eyes. That final look, the failed smile, the fear� He'd carry that image with him the rest of his life. He'd cherish it until he the day he died.

02-27-2002, 01:21 AM
Many think that dogs have always been closely related to humans. They aided men to hunt, and allowed themselves to be kept domestically. This is not so. In actuality, dogs were once belonging only to the gods. Artemis in particular was fond of them, and she was the goddess of the hunt. One of the gifts she had asked her father Zeus for was some of his best hunting dogs. Before she left Olympus Aphrodite came to her and said: �These dogs are a wonderful creation. Zeus asked me to give them something special, a gift of some sort. I chose to give them love, and Zeus gave them loyalty. Athena gave them companionship to seek out those who need to be comforted. I bid you take good care of these creatures.�

To this Artemis replied, �Dear Aphrodite, this gift is indeed wonderful. I will cherish these animals as children of my own.� So she left with her group of hunting dogs.

These she tended for with pride, and she knew that they were the best that could be offered. However, she found that with her constant hunting she could not tend to her dogs as much as she would like. Her nymphs refused to dirty their hands with the dog�s care, and no god or titan would help her. She grew frustrated, and in her frustration turned her eyes earthward.

Nicos was a lonely farmer, who at the time was busy tending his crops. His farmland was in a state of disrepair, and he prayed. In his prayer he begged the Fates to help him recover from the brutal famine which had killed all his animals, and all his crops. The land was still withering, as though under a Gorgon�s stare. He was lonely, and sad too because he had lost his animals which he dearly loved, and also his son. He was alone, and tired and very hungry as well, because he had not eaten in several days. He gave up plowing his fields and sat down upon the brown earth. He began to talk aloud to himself.

�I wish I had my animals back.� He sighed. �I loved them so much, and my only son too, is dead. This has been a horrible month and I am so miserable� I wish the gods would simply end this suffering now, and maybe in Tartarus there are animals I might tend, surely even Cerberus needs a drink every now and then. Surely�?�

And from her place near Olympus she heard every word Nicos uttered, and realized that if he was kind and patient enough to even wish to tend Cerberus the demon which guarded the gates to the underworld, surely he would not pass up a chance to tend the magnificent dogs? She recognized his potential immediately and came to him. She appeared before him on the ground, with her silver bow gleaming and her shafts glittering like ice.

Nicos recognized her and knew that she must be the Huntress, the one who ruled the wooded areas and he bowed his head and did not speak.
�Rise up, mortal, and tell me your name. Who are you? You seem to have fallen onto troubled times.� Said Artemis as she surveyed the pitiful farm. �A good man, it seems, dealt a bad hand from the Fates. Such is the way of life.�
Nicos raised himself up on one knee and spoke. �Artemis, Queen of the Hunt, Ruler of the glades, please, I am your servant and I will do as you wish, merely tell me what I must do.�

�I am pleased by this show of loyalty human, and I am willing to grant you a job if you will take it. It is not easy, and will require the best of your skills with beasts, but the rewards will be worth your while. I will feed and clothe you, and let you have access to most of my residences. You, however, must care for my greatest hounds.�

Nicos agreed, though he had never seen a dog before, and he heard Cerberus the Watchful resembled a dog, and so he thought that hounds might be some sort of demon, but he was so hungry and tired he was glad that Artemis had helped him. He saw what he was privy to and was amazed at the splendor of Artemis� abode. He saw her several homes in the woods, and her mansion at Olympus and then thought that he had better be on guard, because gods often toyed with humans. Then he thought of the demons he might have to tend to, and began to doubt his loyalty to Artemis. But then, Artemis finally said to him, �Now I show you the animals I have entrusted to your care. Make sure they are always well fed, and clean, and have the exercise they need. Care for them as you would your children.�

Nicos took one look at the dogs, not the horrible monsters he expected, but beautiful and strong animals. He jumped to accept her offer. �Being in the same place as these wondrous beasts is enough for me my goddess!� he said, and forgot his hunger, and his fatigue, and also all the gifts and privileges he had been given. All his strength returned and he began his task with a will. He soon became very attached to these wonderful animals.
And so it was for many fine years, Nicos tended and readied the dogs, and he was in turn granted permission to enter the Immortal Realms, and tend the dogs and reap the benefits whenever he liked. He rarely vacationed however, preferring to remain with his animals and take care of them. He was fond of them all, and they in turn were very attached to him. But one dog was different from the rest, and Nicos loved him above all the others. His name was Canus. He was a strong dog, but slightly smaller than the others were. He showed a love toward Nicos that none of the others did, sleeping at his bedside and constantly staying around him.

One day, Artemis spoke to Nicos, and told him that she was going out for a splendid hunt, a long one, further than all the hunts so far. And for tougher prey, fast and lithe. Nicos asked her if some of the smaller dogs would be able to keep up, mentioning Canus. �Nonsense!� she replied. �My hounds can endure. They can outlast anything. Ready them Nicos!� And thus Nicos went and got them ready. But he warned Canus to pace himself; otherwise he would lose his breath and be out of the chase.
Before they left, Nicos cautioned her once more, but Artemis would not be swayed. Then she left, and Nicos was worried about Canus.

Later, Artemis was chasing a giraffe, and she wanted to catch it and hang its pelt across her fireplace, to show that she could catch even the fastest quarry. What she did not realize was that this giraffe was a Nymph, one who had recently been with Zeus, and Zeus looked down and saw what was happening. He gave the Nymph in her giraffe form the speed of a dozen giraffes, that she might outrun Artemis. And the Nymph used the speed to run faster than anything Artemis had ever chased did.
It was a good chase, and the dogs were right on it�s heels, but the giraffe was too fast, and the only dog that had enough breath to catch it was Canus, who was pacing himself as Nicos had told him to. Then he used his last sprint of speed to try to bring down the great giraffe. Canus reached it, and attacked it, but Canus was too short, and the giraffe too tall. The giraffe hit Canus and knocked him over, and it escaped, evading Artemis� shots after it. Artemis had, for the first time ever, failed to apprehend her quarry. This made her mad with rage, because she felt that no beast should be able to defy the Huntmistress, and blamed her dogs and cursed them. She brought them back to their kennels and demanded Nicos come out to speak with her.

Nicos came, and could tell that Artemis had failed. He knew her moods, and this was both a bad and dangerous one. �Nicos!� she yelled. �These dogs have failed! They are worthless!�

�They are not worthless My Lady, they ran far across a continent, and pursued surely a fast an animal as any, and they lost their endurance as I warned you. I blame only the distance for their loss.� He said calmly.

�Distance should not matter to them! It does not matter to them!� Artemis looked at Nicos, and the calm caretaker with his reassurances and wisdom suddenly became a villain in her mad eye. �Nicos, you are right. The dog�s fault it is not, it is your fault for their poor training, and weak muscles! I have never failed before, and now I fail because you badly trained my animals! You no longer deserve this position! Leave at once! You are disgraced!� She fumed at him angrily.

Nicos had never seen her like this before, and became afraid. He tried to reason with her, to calm her, but failed. Finally he, in his anger and shame at not being able to see his beloved hounds suggested that her own poor aim had been the reason for her failure. It was the wrong thing to say.

�Nicos� a lesser mortal would now be dead, but to you who have stayed with me so long I offer this final word to you, you will be locked in a room in this house of mine, and you will stay there for a thousand years to think on what you have done wrong! Perhaps I will let you return here someday, but for now, I bid you goodbye!� With that Nicos resigned himself to the fact that he would be locked in Artemis� tower forever, and went there. A huge lock was placed on the door, so Nicos could never escape.

Artemis was feeling worse than ever, because Nicos was an old friend and she did not want to lock him away, but had to teach him a lesson. Now she was angry at the loss of a trusted friend and her best caretaker. She needed someone else to rage on. She turned on Canus, the dog who had failed her. She did not realize that the Nymph had been virtually impossible to catch, and that Canus had proven to be her best dog. Instead she yelled at Canus, and beat him, something she had vowed not to do. Then she locked him in his kennel. Nicos heard this all from his tower.

Canus was stung by his master�s attacks, and wanted Nicos. He did not know that Nicos was locked away and couldn�t understand where he was. Canus was so desperate in his search for him, he broke through the metal kennel door, and ran. When Artemis heard this, she thought that Canus had deserted her, and her smoldering anger was renewed. She rounded up her other dogs and fetched her bow. She spoke to herself, �That little wretch Canus! A traitor just like Nicos, I should have known. They were always too close, and now I know why. I will erase Nicos� last taint on my hounds with the death of this one. So I shall cleanse my soiled name.� She said this bitterly to herself, and did not really believe it, but she was so angry she wanted to fight something, even her own dog.

Now Nicos in his tower heard her say this, and realized his lovely dog would die if he didn�t do something. He prayed to Zeus fervently, explaining, apologizing, and weeping. Finally Zeus heard his pleas, and thought back to the Nymph. He understood what had happened, and saw that he had done this faithful mortal a great wrong. So he spoke to Nicos and said �I should be the one apologizing. This was my error, truly. I will give you a chance to save your animal, but you will have to return to the mortal realms after this, as a price and a penalty of this wish. Do you still wish to be left free? Breaking Artemis� hold on you is a breach of law.�

�Yes, I do! Please let me out O King of the Sky, and I will be forever in your debt!� So Zeus granted his wish and appeared, and hit the lock on the door so it broke into two pieces. He bid him go now, to his dog.

Nicos ran to find Canus, and found him with help from Zeus, in the woods. Canus was happy and content; of course he did not realize the danger. Artemis quickly found them as well, and came up to Nicos and Canus. Zeus disappeared. Artemis said to him, �Nicos, you have broken my law. But I still have a heart of silver, I suppose, I am willing to let you return to the tower, but I must kill Canus, because he has run away from me.�

�No!� cried Nicos. �Please, don�t harm him! Instead take my life, the dog has done nothing wrong, and only ran to seek me out.�
Artemis nodded, and fitted a shaft into her bow and aimed. But Canus growled deeply in his throat, and leaped in front of Nicos, preparing to defend him. Only then did Artemis realize the true extent of the loyalty that was inside these hounds. Nicos tried to get the animal to sit, but he would not. Artemis knew that the dog perceived the danger now; had seen what the bow could do.

This display of loyalty touched her, and moved her deeply. Tears flowed from her face as she spoke.

�Nicos, I am sorry. Please return to me and help manage my dogs, I will not harm you in such a way ever again old friend.�

�I believe you, but I can no longer stay in this realm, Zeus commanded I must leave it if I broke your law, and this promise I will keep. Our conflict is ended goddess, but I must go back to the realm from which I came, I am sorry.� Nicos told her about what had happened, and sadly Artemis had no choice but to consent. However, back to the mortal realm with him she sent Canus and another, the female Shiva, in the hope that all such men be gifted with the wondrous beasts.

From Canus and Shiva came several lines of dogs, up to the ones we know today. And from Canus and Nicos, the very first friendship of beast and man, comes the reason why even today, dogs are man�s best friends.

02-27-2002, 04:17 AM
And right near the deadline, everyone posts their stories. Some are quite good actually, but i'm not the judge here.

02-27-2002, 05:53 AM
Ohhhhh, DAMMIT FUCK!!!!!!!! *cries* I spent 3 hours typing out my story out and then it all got deleted because something logged me out *cries* oh well... :( :mad: all my fucking work gone down the shit hole.

I won't make it to the dead line to re type it all so I quit out of this competition, I'm sorry :(

*goes into a dark corner*

02-27-2002, 06:15 AM
I already told you about this on MSN Des,but please stay in the writing contest. PM me if you have any more problems. Stupid Shrine!!:mad:

02-28-2002, 03:01 AM
Yeah, come on mum. Stay in.

03-01-2002, 10:44 PM
Are we going to do this by category or what...?

Setsuna Yuna
03-06-2002, 06:14 AM
I didn't get a PM so I don't think I won...has the winner been decided yet?

03-06-2002, 08:51 AM
The winner will be decided in the next fortnight i believe. People still have time to post stories though.

03-07-2002, 07:51 AM
The entry date ended ages ago and if you still haven't posted your stories too bad. I gave you a very long time. Anyways,here's the winners...

1st: Setsuna Yuna(It was just ruley!!!I will PM you ASAP).

2nd: Cloud(A long story which is also ruley).

3rd: Fatal Divide(Just ruley!)

If you would like to enter the next writing contest starting by tomorrow PM me ASAP or post in the writing contest thread. You know what to do,so do it! You have a month.
Also I will enter this one as I done judging and want a turn at writing. I have an idea too. Anyways,I would like to thank all contenders cos you're stories were all way ruley.
Do PM me if you still have any questions and the rules are still the same.

Fatal Divide
03-07-2002, 08:05 AM
Wow, third place? Thank you very much. I wasn't expecting it to be that high. Well, I'll start planning for the next contest I guess...

03-07-2002, 10:33 AM
Hmmm 2nd. I spose that's kewl. I almost beat everyone. Guess you can't win em all huh?;) Congratulations Setsuna. Good try Fatal Divide. To everyone who didn't get a place: It feels worse coming 2nd than 4th believe me.

Bahamut ZERO
03-07-2002, 03:48 PM
Congratulations to the three winners, and commiserations to all those who entered their work. It takes a lot of guts to put this stuff up for people to read. I'd like to thank the judges aswell for having to go through each person's work critically to come up with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed people.

Me? I'm back off to the drawing board (or Microsoft Word, as it'll actually be...)

03-07-2002, 08:10 PM
Very nice. Congratulations to the winners, well deserved :)

03-08-2002, 05:22 AM
Good for those winners!!
For everyone who practicepated(I know that isn't spelled right)

03-10-2002, 12:16 AM
I honestly think this was the most disorganized thing... ever.


1st: There were no rewards O_o. What you SHOULD have done was gone into the help thread, and 'contracted' someone to build you a small .gif or pic for the winners. Some sort of design with "_ Place winner in the writing contest" or something on it. Instead... nothing.

2nd: The scoring system was nonexistant. I mean... it all depended on who liked what stories better. Writing style and type had absolutely nothing to do with it. There were no guidelines or categories of any kind, even though I suggested it at least twice. I didn't get any response at all, and was completely ignored. Congrats to the winners but.... I just don't think you can be graded by appeal alone. O_o

3rd: The time limit was horribly off, and because you mentioned it so sporadically, it probably affected the quality of some people's work. My story was not part of that, but still. It was really screwed up of you to change the time half-way through. You a) should have given more notice or b) restarted the contest.

4th: Two separate threads... incorrect way to manage anything effectively. You should have gathered stories in PMs and posted them up yourself in a separate thread devoted EXCLUSIVELY to story posting and grading. All the stories should have been in one place, with no extraneous commentary. It distracts from the reading and influencing grading and appeal. It was horribly managed.

Listen... I hate to rain on this parade, but in my opinion the management was weak. Please, if you're going to do something like this in the future, try to do it at least a little bit more organized. I hope this doesn't piss off the mods here, and so I'll leave it to you next time I guess. It's just that with the forums I'm somewhat of a perfectionist, and this... was far from perfect.

Setsuna Yuna
03-11-2002, 07:02 AM
Tristan, I understand how you feel, but the writing competition was really only for fun, not something real serious. The next competition might be how you want it.

Anyways, congrats to everyone who participated! I'm so surprised I won. I can't wait to see the stories in the next competition! :D

03-11-2002, 07:41 AM
Yes,I do realize the last contest was a bit messy,but hey,I'm only human. It was very hard judging for your info,so give me a break. The last contest was just for fun.
You know,to get people used to it. This 1 will be a lot more serious. Anyways,here's the rules:

1. All stories will be judged according to their type of genre. Please put the type of genre before your story.

2. All stories have to be shorter than a 1000 words.

3. The entry date is now the 11th/10th of April.

4. Please PM/E-M/whatever your stories to a judge(I will PM all the contenders with the list of the judges in half a month)chapter by chapter to make it easierwho will then post up a thread for the stories and a place for judges to think about the winner. This also can be over a PM or 2.

5. PM me or a judge if you have any questions or comments about the contest. BTW,Tristan can you please PM me ASAP or I will PM you so we can talk about this. I really am sorry... :( :( :( :(

Bahamut ZERO
03-11-2002, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by Arwen

All stories have to be shorter than a 1000 words.


Considering that I on average write 40000 words (yeah, I know it's quality, not quantity, but still...) it looks like I'm going to be giving this contest a miss. Oh well, never mind. I shall continue writing for fun anyways. :D

03-11-2002, 08:23 PM
Let's make it 5000 as 1000 words is short anyways. Also all types of genre are allowed. Good luck for this 1 everyone!:)

03-11-2002, 11:17 PM
It's look fun :p

I'll join too(probably i'll lose).

03-11-2002, 11:27 PM
Look people. Make it easier on yourselves. If these are Short Stories, then make the limit 6-10pgs.(unless you have alot of dialouge, then extend it to 12pgs.) That's a typical short story size.
I should know, I'm taking a Short Story class:D.

03-12-2002, 07:43 AM
I'll play again.

03-12-2002, 08:39 AM
Yay! Anyways I will keep Vast's idea in mind when I write my story. I probably won't follow it through as I like writing long stories,but I will try.:o

Fatal Divide
03-12-2002, 08:53 PM
Sure, count me in for this one.

03-13-2002, 03:54 AM
Yay! Thankies for joining FD. Good luck.:)

03-13-2002, 04:28 PM
Listen, I'm not angry. Although I sound angry O_o

I'm just trying to give advice for the next time you do this sorta thing. That's all.