09-04-2005, 06:27 AM
I remembering reading an interview where they said that all the FF games from now one, would be online, is this true?

09-04-2005, 06:35 AM
Obviously it is not true, as Final Fantasy XII is an offline game.

You could have Googled this easily enough =/

09-04-2005, 11:19 AM
Well if this was true, the Square guys would be hanging from their necks before they had finished the sentence in which they announced it.

09-04-2005, 08:26 PM
Will they make another FF online game? hopefully it won't a number, it should have been it's own series in the first place.

Tidus 66
09-04-2005, 09:07 PM
I don't want to pay monthly fees and the game, it's pure robbery

Guitar Woman
09-04-2005, 10:00 PM
Play Guild Wars, it doesn't have a monthly fee :D

09-05-2005, 01:10 AM
Play Guild Wars, it doesn't have a monthly fee :D

yeah play guild wars...it's a good game too :D and I hope SE doesn't make another online game b/c FFXI was pretty bad for me.

09-05-2005, 01:11 AM
No one said you have to play every game S-E makes.

Tidus 66
09-05-2005, 01:12 AM
I'll try finding the game, thanks for the info

09-06-2005, 10:53 AM
I don't want to pay monthly fees and the game, it's pure robbery

Paying fees isn't robbery - it pays for the hundreds of staff that Square Enix need to hire to keep the game world running smoothly. It pays for the web servers streaming thousands of megabytes all over the world. It pays for developers constantly adding content to the game world, expanding it with new items, new places to explore, and new quests constantly.

An online game is not a purchase, it's a service - it's no more robbery than paying every month to use the internet, or electricity. It's something that needs to be constantly maintained and the company has a right to not lose money.

Tidus 66
09-06-2005, 10:58 AM
That's why i don't like and don't have FFXI, maybe when i get my own money i'll buy on-line games but now i just keep the old fashioned that only need to be purchased, i said that without thinking, thanks for pointig that out, since i don't play the game i can't complain much...

09-07-2005, 03:05 AM
Not all FF games are going to be online. I hope they don't make any more online ones, I didn't like FFVI so much because WoW was alot better than it.

09-07-2005, 07:37 PM
Since when was FFVI an online game?

09-08-2005, 06:14 PM
I think he meant XI.
I dont mind them bringing out online FF's but they should keep it out of the main series. E.G Just call it Final Fantasy Online.

09-08-2005, 10:33 PM
Why? Can you seriously name one good reason for that? Square-Enix's business decisions are not subject to your personal prejudices, you know.

11-13-2005, 01:23 PM
Well a number of FF fans are going to feel that way as not everyone is lucky enough to have regular access to the internet, though they might have a games console, so as a result bringing out online Final Fantasy games as part of the main FF series, is going to mean a number of fans are going to miss out. Thats not my personal prejudice, but a fact as i know many FF fans who have to rely on library computers to access the net and only for short periods at a time. As a result for them using a games console is alot more convenient.

Of course this doesn't mean it's a compulsory thing for Square Enix to alter their ideas, but it's always worthwhile for any company to take into account different customer wants if they put products like that on the market and expect them to be successful. That's how they make profit after all, by keeping existing interest at the same time as well gaining new interest.

Still sounds to me like Square Enix are on the right track from what i've been reading :-D

11-13-2005, 02:29 PM
This thread was dead for over two months. :(

But anyway, the company isn't making games inaccessible to people with consoles, silly. They're making the franchise available to people who prefer a different type of game altogether. No one is losing out. An entirely different group of people are gaining from it.

11-13-2005, 02:37 PM
I totally agree with you there. I think SE are on the right track with making online games but undertaking projects such as FFXII at the same time =)

I was just saying why I think some gamers might prefer the online games to be marketed as an alternative rather than as part of the main FF series as otherwise some gamers, although not all, are going to miss out i.e Final Fantasy XI. Alot of fans I know can't play that game as they aren't lucky enough to have an internet service at home.

11-13-2005, 02:40 PM
Because it wasn't made for them in the first place... It isn't marketed as a mainstream FF title anyway.

11-13-2005, 03:26 PM
Thats what I mean. It's because of that it's a great opportunity for regular internet users who are happy to try out a new gaming style, but not for other FF fans who don't fall into that category. As it's marketed as FF11, the next game on from FF10, there will be fans out there who will feel their gaming requirements haven't been met as customers as naturally they wanted to see the next sequel. The technology gaming change will be a welcome one for many, as internet technology is very much the present and future, but at the same time it's not going to be for everyone as these things always take a period of adjustment.

Still SE have the right idea in mind by bringing out games such as FFXII as this gives fans, who rely on consoles, the chance to adapt from old gaming techniques to new ones and continue to enjoy the FF games without being made to feel it's compulsory for them to use the internet in order for them to do so.

11-13-2005, 03:35 PM
Quick point: If they don't buy the game in question, they don't count as customers in any significant context.

And anyway, if you think that's wrong, you have to also think it's wrong for them to make an FFVII spinoff for PSP because not everyone has one. Then there's the movie, which not everyone can play because they lack a dvd player. Or how about the older FF games? Is rereleasing them on GBA wrong because not everyone has a GBA? They are part of the numbered series, after all.

See my point?

11-13-2005, 04:34 PM
I do see where you are coming from.

I agree that if those who have previously been keen customers of SE games choose not to go with the online games and give up on the FF series, then as a result they will no longer count as customers. Still as a result that will equal customer loss and game interest amongst a number of previous loyal fans. I'm not saying that will be the case with everyone or that I think that's what ought to happen but realistically that situation will occur.

Of course anyone could argue that the number of fans who choose to play the online games will exceed the number of those who choose not to in the future, so as a result SE have nothing to worry about there which is fair enough, but then again it is also possible that the reverse effect could happen, going by my knowledge of how popular this online idea is with FF fans in general as most of the feedback i've had on the idea hasn't been very positive.

I agree it's the same situation with any technology change e.g as with films. It didn't suit everyone to have a DVD player when they first came out as some were happy to stick with tapes. Others were happy to forget tapes and get a DVD player. Still initially that wasn't popular with everyone, although now of course no one gets much choice as video tapes/video players are virtually impossible to find nowdays.

Still I am just saying that in those situations not everyone is going to respond in a positive way to new technology ideas if it's not the most convenient choice for them when they've already been used to something else, and to explain why certain FF fans might not agree with online Ff games being counted as part of the main series as a regular thing, whilst still being put on the market at the same time for keen online gamers.

11-13-2005, 04:43 PM
In other words, you're saying that I'm correct on a common sense level, but many people who play the FF games are retards? True enough.

11-13-2005, 04:52 PM
Not quite.

I'm not calling anyone a retard.

However I can see where you are coming from with the points you previously made at the same time as where certain fans are coming from when they say they aren't bothered about playing online FF games even though personally i'm happy to play both online and offline FF games as i'm a big fan and am lucky enough to have both the internet and a PS2 =)

11-14-2005, 08:47 PM
Its Not True No Final Fantasy From Now on won't be online one's Enough

11-15-2005, 02:39 PM
And thank-you S.E. I love Final Fantasy but I am not a hardcore player with any point to prove against others. I also love the game for the intelligent stories - something which is stretched in FFXI. I would rather not pay a subscription fee because I often like to come back to the game after some time - finding my character deleted because I didn't keep paying fees - no thanks. Anyway I'm sure that debate has been carried out elsewhere.

It's been a long time for offline players since X (X-2, and other series don't really count do they?) And its a long way from now until then. I feel at this point that 12 will take some of the better points from 11 and fuse it in with other elements in a true single player environment. Thankyou S.E. - now could you just scrap the planned release schedule and get the English and PAL languages versions done pretty soon. I promise I'll buy all your other games if you do.

11-15-2005, 05:06 PM
yeah....and some of us can't really afford to play online...i can't even afford broadband at the moment.....besides I'd rather have an extremely good offline game than a half baked online one.

11-17-2005, 01:30 AM
yeah....and some of us can't really afford to play online...i can't even afford broadband at the moment.....besides I'd rather have an extremely good offline game than a half baked online one.

My god shut your mouth before I close it for you.

How is FFXI "half baked?" Vana 'diel is somewhat 10 times the size and the difficulty compared to any other FF I have played.

If you wish to fully master the game you would need plenty of free time due to the thousands upon thousands of items specified for particular jobs,quests,missions and the like plus the ever evolving gameworld,story,missions and online memberbase.

Partying with other "real" players is a highlight - no more annoying npc or character scripting, plus the fact the member base is so friendly and friends are easily made.

Alot of people have even rushed back to FFXI after WOW due to the complexity envolved in FFXI as it is a real masterpiece of a game.

Get off your high horses assholes, and just admit you hate Online gaming because your to cheap to try it!

(/emote) Katrona slaps anti-onliners