09-03-2005, 04:31 PM
Ok, I have seen many threads saying who do you think is the best/sexiest character, but i have never seen any saying who is the worst character.

I think the worst character was that head master Cid

Sir Dyne
09-03-2005, 05:13 PM

09-03-2005, 05:29 PM
Oh wow... where to start.

Cloud - Absolutely no redeeming value here. A flat, one-dimensional character with no definition but his questionably written history.

Vincent - Same as above, for the most part, except his backstory was slightly more clear. He still suffers from being nothing more than a personality archetype.

Squall - A boring emo kid.

Rinoa - Do characters get any more generic?

Amarant - Such a pointless character should never have been a party member. It seems he's merely there to fill the same personality archetype that Vincent did in FFVII.

09-03-2005, 06:39 PM
Vincent - Same as above, for the most part, except his backstory was slightly more clear. He still suffers from being nothing more than a personality archetype.

First, i`d have to totaly disagree. I really found him very compelling and i`m looking forward to the Dirge of Cerberus to find out more about his past. Plus, not that it means much story wise, i thought his character design was great. From the original Yoshitaka Amano paintings to the finished character designs, Vincent in my opinion stands out. But hey, merely a difference of opinion.

Worst character?

Quina and Eiko from FFIX always stood out as quite annoying and worthless characters, so i`ll go with them. And i`d like to give a quick mention to the following:

Rikku, yuna, Rinoa, Selphie, Caith Sithand Sabin.

Tidus 66
09-03-2005, 06:39 PM
Amarant- In the end of the story i still don't know shit about him...

09-03-2005, 09:31 PM

Sabin is not from FF VII - X-2 like the OP wanted.

That being said, don't make threads in general final fantasy about non-general things.

also: there's other threads like this.