08-30-2005, 12:17 AM
I had lots of questions (I was gonna make a couple of threads) but I decided I had so many I'd bring them together in one thread.

1. In Madain Sari (Disc 4) you see Lani where Eiko and the Moogles ate dinner. If you walk by her, she jumps up over the house. Can you follow her or is it just there? (I tried forever to find her again >.>;;; )

2. Is Question#1 Linked to finding out Garnet's real name? (If not, how do you solve that?)

3. What are the changes in the Endings? I got the hammer and didn't see one effing change.

4. When you're about to fight Trance Kuja, and he is talking to Zidane, there is a black line where you can see his skin. Is that his butt, or did they over accentuate his spine line? oO

5. Do Golden Frogs serve any purpose?

Thanks in Advance.

08-30-2005, 04:41 PM

1. You need to approach Lani without Garnet or Amarant in your party. If either of them are currently in your active party, Lani will just run away.

Once they have been removed, speak with Lani again to start a very long but interesting quest that ultimately uncovers Garnet's real name as well as also explaining about Eiko's past, the origins of the Summoners and how Eidolons are created.

Basically it involves heading over to the Eidolon Wall (the view has now changed so you can inspect the murals on the Wall), and uncovering the history of Summoning. The process is too long and complex to type here, but check out Game FAQs if you need help with it (I had a strategy guide to help me).

2. Yes it is. See above.

3. The Hammer adds a short, extra scene into the play I want to Be Your Canary in the ending sequence - it's a scene that fits in straight after the scene where Blank knocks out Princess Cornelia (Ruby). In the scene, King Leo (Baku) encounters Blank. Blank supposedly predges alliegence to Leo, but Leo sees through Blank's charade and kills Blank with his sword for his trecheary. The scene then shifts to the final scene with 'Marcus' waiting for Cornelia on the dock which occurs normally. Nothing else is added.

And, contrary to popular belief, having Save the Queen does absolutely nothing to the ending - only the Hammer adds that single extra scene to the ending.

4. ???? I think perhaps you're paying far too much attention to the visuals of the game instead of paying attention to the story (most likely it's a graphic glitch that wasn't fixed properly).

08-31-2005, 01:58 AM
1. You need to approach Lani without Garnet or Amarant in your party. If either of them are currently in your active party, Lani will just run away.

Once they have been removed, speak with Lani again to start a very long but interesting quest that ultimately uncovers Garnet's real name as well as also explaining about Eiko's past, the origins of the Summoners and how Eidolons are created.

Basically it involves heading over to the Eidolon Wall (the view has now changed so you can inspect the murals on the Wall), and uncovering the history of Summoning. The process is too long and complex to type here, but check out Game FAQs if you need help with it (I had a strategy guide to help me).

2. Yes it is. See above.

3. The Hammer adds a short, extra scene into the play I want to Be Your Canary in the ending sequence - it's a scene that fits in straight after the scene where Blank knocks out Princess Cornelia (Ruby). In the scene, King Leo (Baku) encounters Blank. Blank supposedly predges alliegence to Leo, but Leo sees through Blank's charade and kills Blank with his sword for his trecheary. The scene then shifts to the final scene with 'Marcus' waiting for Cornelia on the dock which occurs normally. Nothing else is added.

And, contrary to popular belief, having Save the Queen does absolutely nothing to the ending - only the Hammer adds that single extra scene to the ending.

4. ???? I think perhaps you're paying far too much attention to the visuals of the game instead of paying attention to the story (most likely it's a graphic glitch that wasn't fixed properly).

on my save i was on the second disk when my memory card died, now i'm stuck at gizalaluks grotto:puppydog:

08-31-2005, 08:21 AM
And the point in that post was? It's not answering any of the questions........

Question 5: I haven't noticed any extra bonuses they grant you, but I may be wrong, Enkidoh is the authority on FFIX around here, you'd be better waiting for a reply

08-31-2005, 08:26 AM
Golden frogs cause the frogs to breed faster or recover to full number faster.

Frogs on viagra, RAWR.

08-31-2005, 04:56 PM
Yeah, that is the main beniefit of having Quina eat them.

I'm not quite sure exactly, but I seem to recall that eating the Golden Frogs will boost up Quina's 'Frog Drop' Blue Magic spell much more than normal green frogs will (assuming you actually have already learned that spell of course). Whether that is true or not though I am not certain.

09-01-2005, 02:24 AM
Thanks everyone <345