08-29-2005, 05:53 PM
What did you guys think of Lain? I personally liked it but wasn't very good at paying attention.

09-02-2005, 10:59 PM
What did you guys think of Lain? I personally liked it but wasn't very good at paying attention.
although single and sight 3 capitulos is one of my favorite series, pardons ingles badly esque I I speak Spanish.

09-15-2005, 09:59 PM
This is the saddest topic ever....

09-15-2005, 10:22 PM
well its because Lain kinda sucks
i HATE anime thats so cheap that it could easily been done in live action
i wanna see animation, ideas that are not possible in live action and some great charakter desings
animation always has the advantage of being able to move at a greater rhytm and stylize details that would cost thousand of dollars in live action and yet in all the episodes i've seen(up to 9 i think, why i cared to watch it so long is still a mistery) there wasnt anything that made this a great show
i dont wanna see some social commentary about the cyberage with repetitive art at 2 frames/second
the only people i see liking Lain are pc nerds
the one that fantasize bout the hardware that will b avaible in the year 2050 and jack off at the tought of having multiple monitors and doing 12hour WoW marathons

grn apple tree
09-16-2005, 06:15 AM
lain... was kind of weird. i watched the first episode and just kind of stopped watching it. i didn't really understand what the point to it was really, except for the whole girl living in the computer thing. i'm sure that it's good in many ways though, i just wasn't able to find them.

edit: you're talking about serial experiments lain or something like that right?

09-16-2005, 05:54 PM
Well, it is for nerds but I liked it because it questioned humanity, like the
Matrix. You know the traditional crap like who are we why are we here,ect.

09-16-2005, 06:25 PM
I liked Serial Experiments Lain, but it has nothing on the series that inspired it, Evangelion. Probably one of the weirdest anime out there. And I still can't work out if Lain was a lesbian or not...

grn apple tree
09-17-2005, 07:37 AM
Well, it is for nerds but I liked it because it questioned humanity, like the
Matrix. You know the traditional crap like who are we why are we here,ect.
maybe i should check it out.. i know where to download it... it's just that i wasn't very interested after watching the first episode. but maybe know i'd give it a chance. i like whole 'who are we and why are we here' stuff.