08-27-2005, 05:26 PM
I have been thinking about buying some of the Gundam Wing anime, I've never actually watched it , but I have heard it's good. Is it worth my money or should I spend it on something else?

08-27-2005, 05:30 PM
Gundam Wing is quite possibly the worst Gundam series ever made. It dwells in the dark pit of shame along with ZZ Gundam and G Gundam. Definitely look for something better.

08-28-2005, 04:05 PM
Mobile Suit Gundam is happy happy funtime, though!

08-28-2005, 07:16 PM
i think gundam wing is the coolest of all the gundams shows.

mwaha ha. my evil plan worked. now he's confused and doesn't know what to think. mwa ha hah aha

(if only there was a way to preview an ep or two before buying....)

08-28-2005, 07:18 PM
Mobile Suit Gundam is happy happy funtime, though!


And yeah, Gundam Wing is a stinker. Don't even preview it!

08-28-2005, 08:30 PM
I finally saw an episode of gundam wing at my friends house, the dialouge was a bit too corny for my taste. I think I'm going to get a copy of Mobile suit gundam.

08-28-2005, 08:52 PM
8th Ms team is really good. But wing gundam is pretty good aswell in some parts.

Cloud Strife101
09-03-2005, 05:17 AM
i think that Gundam Wing is the coolest Gundam series well thats just my opinon

09-03-2005, 06:18 AM
I like the plop outline of wing gundam

09-03-2005, 03:21 PM
i think that Gundam Wing is the coolest Gundam series well thats just my opinon

And it has been duly ignored.

But if you want to try actually defending it, I'll be happy to debate the issue.

09-03-2005, 04:38 PM

09-03-2005, 11:30 PM
And it has been duly ignored.

But if you want to try actually defending it, I'll be happy to debate the issue.

the gundams rule. no other gundam in all the other series are as unique. except for that red/pink one in seed that can transform. and those beutiful looking female gundames in turnA and...bleh.

but yah. most of the other series have that basic "sword/shield" combo and that's boooring. no cool extendo arms like the nataku, no cool whips like the epyon or awesome curvy heated blades like sandrock, a multitude of chainguns from heavyarms and that badass scythe that the hell custom deathscythe carries. its just...COOL!

if you want to debate that. please use screenshots. thank you.

Sir Dyne
09-03-2005, 11:31 PM
Does prak have to be so nasty mmm. just a pleasant thought

Sir Dyne
09-03-2005, 11:33 PM
the gundams rule. no other gundam in all the other series are as unique. except for that red/pink one in seed that can transform. and those beutiful looking female gundames in turnA and...bleh.

but yah. most of the other series have that basic "sword/shield" combo and that's boooring. no cool extendo arms like the nataku, no cool whips like the epyon or awesome curvy heated blades like sandrock, a multitude of chainguns from heavyarms and that badass scythe that the hell custom deathscythe carries. its just...COOL!

if you want to debate that. please use screenshots. thank you.

have you tryed building the model sets it really helps you to appriaciate the sleekness of Gundam

09-04-2005, 10:42 AM
if you asked me all the seasons of gundam except seed were awsome

the gundams rule. no other gundam in all the other series are as unique. except for that red/pink one in seed that can transform. and those beutiful looking female gundames in turnA and...bleh.

but yah. most of the other series have that basic "sword/shield" combo and that's boooring. no cool extendo arms like the nataku, no cool whips like the epyon or awesome curvy heated blades like sandrock, a multitude of chainguns from heavyarms and that badass scythe that the hell custom deathscythe carries. its just...COOL!

if you want to debate that. please use screenshots. thank you.

very well put

09-04-2005, 04:00 PM
the gundams rule. no other gundam in all the other series are as unique. except for that red/pink one in seed that can transform. and those beutiful looking female gundames in turnA and...bleh.

but yah. most of the other series have that basic "sword/shield" combo and that's boooring. no cool extendo arms like the nataku, no cool whips like the epyon or awesome curvy heated blades like sandrock, a multitude of chainguns from heavyarms and that badass scythe that the hell custom deathscythe carries. its just...COOL!

if you want to debate that. please use screenshots. thank you.

They were too unique. Most of the mechs in that series didn't seem even remotely mechanical, so it gave the whole series more of a Voltron feel than a Gundam feel. Also, the Epyon whip was just a recycled version of a Gouf's whip, so that point is null and void in any case.

And if you want to argue about neat mechs, have you ever seen Big Zam from the original series? Perhaps the Zocks or Zeongs? Or perhaps the Psycho Gundam and Messala from Zeta? And how are the extending arms any neater than the pods on the Nu Gundam and Sazabi from Char's Counterattack?

Gundam Wing didn't have better mechs. They just made them more outrageous and unbelievable.

09-05-2005, 02:07 AM
i never said "better". i just said they ruled and COOL NEATO AWESOME! :p

and i'd believe you more easily if you used screenshots like i mentioned. i'm a visual learner. i like pictures. how else can i compare the whips. or agree with you with the big zam. which by the name, really does sound cool. but i'd have to see it. i have no idea what it looks like.

i want piccies! :p

09-05-2005, 02:29 AM
Most of these are hard to find pictures of, but I'll do my best.

Big Zam ()
Gouf with Whip (
Crappy pic, but that's the Psycho Gundam ()

As for the pods on the Nu Gundam And Sazabi, the best I can relate that to is the Dragoon system on the Providence Gundam near the end of Seed, although I thought the originals were better executed.

09-06-2005, 03:09 AM
lol gouf with the whip looks weak. epyon would slaughter it easily.

the psycho gundam looks boring as well. its just bigger. but very boring. all the features are the same as any old gundam. theres nothing unique about its shoulders or its torso. its head is bleh.

like someone mentioend earlier about gumdan models, yah. i own 4 out of the 5 gundams from the endless waltz. i'm just missing the nataku. and when building them. i noticed a lot of very neat unique things that made all of them diffrent. from shoulder design, to arms and legs and head. everything.

but all gundams in the old series are all clones. and blocky too. the only other one i think was cool was that hella huge boss gundam from gGundam. i think it had snakelike thingsy here and there. i barely remember. but it was HUGE. that was cool.

like i said. its all about the cool factor. how easily they make me drop my jaw in awe and just plain bad-assness. all the gundams in Gwing did that to me. but only a few sparce gundam in all the other series do that. heck. even the mass produced military mechas in Wing were unique. from leo to virgo they were all really interesting.

feel free to post more though. :p i like piccies.

ps. big zam is a broken link

09-07-2005, 12:20 AM
The gouf is a mass-production model, so it's not going to be as powerful as any gundam. =/ The point is that the whip was done before. The Epyon copied it right down to the electricity running through it.

The Psycho Gundam is a lot more impressive in the show than any picture I've found online shows.

Regarding the gundams in the original series, you really couldn't expect much at the time. Budget limitations kept it from being very detailed. Practically every series/movie since then has looked more impressive.

Big Zam works for me. =/

09-07-2005, 12:35 AM
I think the mechs in wing look pretty neat too.

I just don't think the story is very interesting.

09-07-2005, 12:41 AM
The Gundams in Wing were just flashy machines to match up with the pilots. Cheesy "gee whiz!" style(Wing actually has wings at some point, right? I don't remember) supported by bad animation, plot, and fights.

I like the simpler old designs, which should surprise no one.

the gundams rule. no other gundam in all the other series are as unique.

G Gundam is full of all kinds of wacky Gundams.

09-07-2005, 01:33 AM
Of course, G Gundam sucked about as badly as Gundam Wing. All these wild designs simply detract from the atmosphere that made the early Gundam shows so great.

09-07-2005, 03:28 AM
but its the new flashy ones that will win over the new generation. so enough already you old geezers. give me my pretty colors!

*sucks his thumb knowing he won* ;)

but i know what you guys are talking about though. the thing is, i don't feel for gundam the way you feel. instead, those exact same feelings you have for gundam, i instead have for my robotech. it just...captured my heart. and i love the series to death. and i personally hate that new macross zero they made. so stupid. they're fucking it up. i love the old one. i remember all their names. rick hunter, roy fokker, lisa hayes, max sterlin, and then his dauther in that later series dana sterling. those episodes are epic. beautiful storyline. i'm sure tha'ts how you guys feel for the old gundams. i think that's great. wouldn't dream of taking that away from you guys or even debate it if that's the point you guys were trying to make.

i only just realized that now. i guess i just fell in love with a diffrent series. in another time, it might have been Gforce. :p

The Ricky
09-07-2005, 06:16 AM
I didn't like Gundam Wing all that much. I thought it was a little stale to be honest. I much preferred Mobile Suit Gundam. I could actually feel for the characters in that one.

09-07-2005, 11:05 PM
but its the new flashy ones that will win over the new generation. so enough already you old geezers. give me my pretty colors!

*sucks his thumb knowing he won* ;)

but i know what you guys are talking about though. the thing is, i don't feel for gundam the way you feel. instead, those exact same feelings you have for gundam, i instead have for my robotech. it just...captured my heart. and i love the series to death. and i personally hate that new macross zero they made. so stupid. they're fucking it up. i love the old one. i remember all their names. rick hunter, roy fokker, lisa hayes, max sterlin, and then his dauther in that later series dana sterling. those episodes are epic. beautiful storyline. i'm sure tha'ts how you guys feel for the old gundams. i think that's great. wouldn't dream of taking that away from you guys or even debate it if that's the point you guys were trying to make.

i only just realized that now. i guess i just fell in love with a diffrent series. in another time, it might have been Gforce. :p

There's special option number three, of course:

Liking Macross while realizing that Gundam Wing is a stupid show that sucks for jerks.

09-08-2005, 02:25 AM
nah. i'll stick with option 2.

feel free to call me a jerk. macross ownz them all anyway. :p

09-08-2005, 02:35 AM

09-08-2005, 02:36 AM

09-09-2005, 03:23 AM

09-21-2005, 04:06 PM
1. Wing Gundam Zero: Ridiculously overpowered, heck Strike-Freedom just dominates but still gets damaged every now and then. And it's just a Zeta Gundam w/ a uber cannon.
2. Heero "ROBOT" Yuuy, comparing him to a more complex lineup of characters like Kamille, Kira, Amuro, and also Judau, He's shit compared to the rest.

All in all, Wing sucks, it doesn't even compare to the trainwreck known as SEED Destiny.

09-22-2005, 12:02 AM
*whisper whisper*

the thing this person doesn't know is, after all is considered, its still just an opinion!

shh! our little secret ok? :D

i swear. some poeple just never quit.

even after i admitted it was all about the COOL GUNDAMS OMG! lol they still trying to convince me theres some deep plot character bullshit in the other ones. if i want a fucking drama, i'll watch a shoujo. thank you fucking much.

09-22-2005, 12:08 AM
even after i admitted it was all about the COOL GUNDAMS OMG!


I think the fellow understands you quite well! Anyways, a random new person making fun of Gundam Wing in a random Gundam Wing topic doesn't necessarily mean they're responding directly to a Tact. Maybe you'll understand that in a few years when you're older.

09-22-2005, 05:50 AM
Ummm.... If you like Cool, Ask Kira: He pawns 25 MS and 3 Ships in 2 Minutes like nothing happened.

I know My Gundam and don't compare the Bishonen Infested Series called wing, at least in SEED, there's something called Character Development

@Prak:I know, but recenctly Destiny's having a big problem towards the end. A big clue: Old vs. New cast

09-23-2005, 06:21 AM
I liked it to some extent. Very slow moving though.

And the meche designs have nothing on Evangelion...

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-23-2005, 01:18 PM


09-23-2005, 01:55 PM
Actually, I can name Gundams even more powerful than Wing Zero Custom...

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-23-2005, 02:56 PM
Devil Gundam or God Gundam, mir?

09-24-2005, 03:13 AM
I think the fellow understands you quite well! Anyways, a random new person making fun of Gundam Wing in a random Gundam Wing topic doesn't necessarily mean they're responding directly to a Tact. Maybe you'll understand that in a few years when you're older.

yah your right. i was hoping nobody would notice but i did kinda direct that general post unto myself...directly. :p

and damn you for calling me young/ignorant. (implied) i think your the only one who could do that and i can't say anything about it because you really are older than me. if you were younge than me i'd flame you and kick your ass in real life. but since your older, i have to give in take it.

curse you! as much as i wish i was 15 again, i personally don't like it when poeple tell me to grow up or "you'll understand when you get older" as if to say i'm some young idiot! so confusing when, again, you take into account how i long to be young again. lol

oh well. should make for funny convo's hopefully. ah. i swear. you don't realize how sweet you have it till your forced to grow up and take responsibility and work. that's when you wish you were in school again. sigh. :p

09-24-2005, 12:13 PM
the only reason i ever watched any is because of the dreadscythe variants.
the fucking kick ass