08-26-2005, 02:50 AM
CNet has recently published an article entitledVirtual Gaming's Elusive Exchange Rates (http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/08/05/news_6130377.html), in which they discuss the difficulty in putting a fixed exchange rate on MMORPG coinage. They spoke with the Terra Nova guys, who everyone knows are an academy for virtual economy.They covered IGE and GameUSD.com,a non-commercial research site providing price trend graphs for currencies of most top MMORPGs(Ffxi gil (http://www.gameusd.com/ffxi-gil.htm), Swg credit (http://www.gameusd.com/swg-credit.htm)Wow gold (http://www.gameusd.com/), Lineage 2 adena (http://www.gameusd.com/lineage-2-adena.htm), Everquest Plat (http://www.gameusd.com/everquest-plat.htm), Eq2 gold (http://www.gameusd.com/eq2-gold.htm),etc.).

According to the graphs and talking heads, what is interesting is that , ironically, given the dollar's weakness in world markets, in almost every case the games' currencies are losing value against the greenback because of inflation.

Guitar Woman
08-26-2005, 04:01 AM
Should we care?

08-26-2005, 04:09 AM
it's kind of silly to do a study on that and not eliminate inflation as a variable, imho. you'd think they'd just be studying the price trends after factoring in inflation rates. the information would be a lot more valuable that way.