08-22-2005, 02:41 PM
The following a list I�ve put together listing of FFVII cameos made in other games. But if you can find any, I want you guys to try and track down some other cameos or slight references. Or, try and find some unofficial references, apparently there�s loads.

: Final Fantasy Tactics: (1997)

Cloud strife makes an appearance in FFT after his is transported trough time with magic to aid you in your quest. But in a certain scene in the game Cloud can be seen speaking with a �flower girl� that resembles Aeris. (See below)

Also, some people have suggested that the FFT world is in fact Midgar in the far future. Ivalice, the FFT setting was once said to be highly technologically advanced, once Midgar perhaps?, it does say Cloud was transported from the past to Ivalic. Although this is just one of the many theories but worth noting.

:Ehrgeiz: (1999)

Ehrgeiz gives you a chance to play as a number of FFVII characters including Cloud, Tifa, Vincent, Sephiroth, Yuffie, Zack and a beast named Django that looks a lot like Red XIII. Additionally, in the RPG mode you can use materia (Fire, Ice, Thunder, Quake, Exit, and Ultima) and use armor that is used in FFVII.

Notably, while in RPG mode the hotel desk clerk mentions Cloud and Sephiroth while in the armourer�s shop a Buster sword can be seen on the wall.

:Kingdom Hearts: (2002)

Cid makes an appearance as a shop owner that helps you when you first get transported to Traverse town. Later, he`ll help you build �gummi ships� that enable you to travel to different worlds and let you build your own ships which in some cases give reference to other FF games.

Aerith also makes an appearance. With the aid of Yuffie and Squall(FFVIII) they help you to try and get back to there own worlds.

Cloud can be first seen as an enemy in the Olympus Coliseum in which you fight him. Manipulated by Hades, Cloud is forced to fight you but later becomes an ally. Sephiroth can also been seen in the Olympus Coliseum as a secret boss. Once again accompanied by the �Own winged angel� soundtrack, he�s a very unrelenting enemy.

:Itadaki Street Special: (2004)

Loosely similar to Monopoly, Itadaki Street contains boards to play on that are based on FFVII. These inlude Midgar and the Gold Saucer. Although it also contains characters such as Sephiroth, Cloud, Aerith and Tifa to use on the board.

:Other references:

�Rufus' Welcoming Ceremony� in FFIX

During one of the "Active Time Events" in Final Fantasy IX, Tantalus can be seen marching to a song played by the band which is none other than �Rufus' Welcoming Ceremony� song in FFVII.

Buster sword reference in FFIX

Also present in FFIX is a reference to Cloud Strife. In the city of Lindblum, Zidane can examine a large sword on the wall of the weapon shop. While doing so, he remarks that he remembers "a guy with spiky hair" who used such a sword. While the sword on the shop wall that he's referring to bears only a passing resemblance to the Buster Sword, the reference to Cloud is unmistakable.

Shinra in FFX

In FFX the youngest member of the Gullwings is an Al Bhed boy named Shinra. He is a very young inventor who creates a number of devices for Yuna and co. but more notably, in one scene he can be seen in the farplane wondering if the energy there could be used a power source.

Desert Wolf
08-22-2005, 02:46 PM
nicely done.Noticed a few of them myself.havent played tactics or heard of that monoply game but noticed the rest. =)

08-22-2005, 05:54 PM
yes ff7 characters have made many cameos, but did you know one of the main characters in ff7 is basically making a cameo from ff5 or 6. cait sith is actually a random battle monster in one of the earlier final fantasy games. therebye giving a valid reason to attack the annoying bastard

08-22-2005, 05:55 PM
yes ff7 characters have made many cameos, but did you know one of the main characters in ff7 is basically making a cameo from ff5 or 6. cait sith is actually a random battle monster in one of the earlier final fantasy games.

Really?, cool.

08-22-2005, 07:45 PM
I believe I have said this before, but: how the hell do you guys find the time for this?

08-22-2005, 07:58 PM
Man, I really want Ehrgiez, It looks pretty nice. What system is it for?

08-22-2005, 09:16 PM
I've heard from several people that Ehrgeiz was crap. But then again, i've never played it, so.......

08-22-2005, 09:16 PM

scott is 666
08-22-2005, 10:38 PM
Ehergeiz is okay. If your a fan of beat-em-ups you'll like it.

Don't judge it good just cause it has ff characters in it.

Desert Wolf
08-22-2005, 10:46 PM
I have Ehergeiz.Its not the best beat em up but its cool. =)

08-22-2005, 11:34 PM
is it a beat em up action adventure like d&d heroes? or a beat em up fighter like tekken or doa?

08-23-2005, 12:04 AM
Another cameo:

in secret of evermore (snes) when you are fighting in the arena with "Vigor" in the crowd you can clearly see in the VIP booth that terra,lokki and Mog from FFVI are enjoying the show!

08-23-2005, 12:15 AM
Yeah, beat 'em up's are fun. Soul Calibur 1&2 are great examples. :D

But if it's for PS1, then I don't think I'll be able to find it locally. Time for eBay.

08-23-2005, 07:19 AM
Also. Priscilla is in the city of Lindblum on FFIX.

08-23-2005, 10:21 AM
is it a beat em up action adventure like d&d heroes? or a beat em up fighter like tekken or doa?

The fighter is separate to the rpg

08-23-2005, 11:27 AM
1)You can see Sakaguchi for a few seconds in the council scene Where Dr. Cid and Aki are discussing the Gaia Theory. He was a council member.

2)A Chocobo logo can be seen in a couple of scenes. The first is when Aki wakes up from her dream and rushes off to the coucil you might have noticed that she is wearing a white tee-shirt, there is a sewn on Chocobo on her shirt.

3)The other is during a dramatic scene when people are running around on top of a building, a Man can be seen in the centre of the screen holding a laptop bag and when he runs off you can see a print of a chocobo on the bag.

Edit:Sorry stupid me i didnt notice you meant FFVII only. :rolleyes:

08-23-2005, 01:11 PM
1)You can see Sakaguchi for a few seconds in the council scene Where Dr. Cid and Aki are discussing the Gaia Theory. He was a council member.

2)A Chocobo logo can be seen in a couple of scenes. The first is when Aki wakes up from her dream and rushes off to the coucil you might have noticed that she is wearing a white tee-shirt, there is a sewn on Chocobo on her shirt.

3)The other is during a dramatic scene when people are running around on top of a building, a Man can be seen in the centre of the screen holding a laptop bag and when he runs off you can see a print of a chocobo on the bag.

Edit:Sorry stupid me i didnt notice you meant FFVII only. :rolleyes:

Great stuff Vala. :)

Also to the guy asking about Ehrgiez: It isn`t that good at all imo.

Desert Wolf
08-23-2005, 01:24 PM
Great stuff Vala. :)

Also to the guy asking about Ehrgiez: It isn`t that good at all imo.

The fightin bit is good but the RPG isnt great.

08-24-2005, 01:02 AM
I want it mostly because you can play as Cloud and others, but I've always wanted to see what it was like. I just want to try it, that's all. The graphics from the pictures above looked pretty good for a game made in '99, though.

08-24-2005, 01:31 PM
Great stuff Vala. :)

Thanks, I do not own the movie but I will hire it and get Caps for you too, if you want! :)

08-24-2005, 01:34 PM
Thanks, I do not own the movie but I will hire it and get Caps for you too, if you want! :)

That`d be great. :)

08-24-2005, 02:43 PM
That`d be great. :)

Are you adding a section to a web page about cameo's?
oh er and no worries

08-24-2005, 02:46 PM
Are you adding a section to a web page about cameo's?
oh er and no worries

Possibly. I`m the co admin and news poster at which is currently on hiatus. I`t`ll be back soon with a new name and i might add a cameo section.

Desert Wolf
08-25-2005, 09:53 PM
I got the movie for 7euro when I bought X-2.Hasnt left its box yet.....

08-26-2005, 01:55 AM
I saw ergheiz for sale second hand somewhere but ended up buying rayman and gran turismo 2 instead. I just got a psone screen and wanted some new games to play on it. I still can't think why i didn't choose that...