08-19-2005, 01:39 PM
Yeah, I know everyone hates them, but you can all shut up. And yeah, I know there have been discussions about them, but I dont give a shit.

At the Drive In are so fucking awesome, I'd have killed to see them live. They have so much energy, their songs fit together perfectly. Its a nice change to have some structured songs especially when you listen to alot of Mars Volta.

So, if you hate them, shut up.

Anyone LIKE em? Minotaur, I'm counting on you.

oh, btw they're a. El Paso based "Hardcore, Punk, Metal, Phsycadelic" Band, who split in 2001.

They dont have a website, but theres still lots of shit about them on the interweb.

08-19-2005, 10:00 PM
great band

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
08-20-2005, 09:36 AM
Out of all 'emo' bands At The Drive-In were heads and shoulders above the rest. But to say they were just emo is wrong, they were also political, and just one hell of an energetic force. At The Drive-In though I think made a certain genre more popular, you just can't knock that they were a great band.

08-20-2005, 09:56 AM

08-20-2005, 09:57 AM
At The Drive-In were pretty good. I heard them a wave of hype though and they really couldn't live up to it. Plus I already owned 'The Shape Of Punk To Come' by Refused and couldn't see what all the fuss was about as Refused has already done what ATDI wanted to. They are worth checking out though.

scott is 666
08-21-2005, 07:25 PM
Tell me some good songs and I'll tell you if they're good.

I like the Mars Volta

08-21-2005, 11:13 PM
The Mars Volta sucks!!


08-22-2005, 12:05 AM
I'm a pretty big fan of both ATDI and TMV. Definitely two different styles, and although ATDI was very different in style than I'm used to, I still enjoy them. I have a t-shirt for both bands, although I rarely wear the ATDI one, because its kind of ugly, and bad fashion choice on my part for buying it.

grn apple tree
08-22-2005, 03:58 AM
whoever hates at the drive in, might as well get raped by a baboon. at the drive in is a really great band. i like their music alot. i'm still in process of trying to listen to all of their songs (practically impossible). but for now i'll settle with my opinion on the songs i've heard.

08-23-2005, 12:22 PM
The Mars Volta sucks!!


Hey, man. Now why do you think that?

Tell me some good songs and I'll tell you if they're good.

I like the Mars Volta

The best At The Drive In songs, are: Cosmonaut, Invalid Letter Dept. and One Armed Scissor imo, althoughI also love Sleepwalk Capsules.

Yes, I love the Mars Volta, (pretty obvious).

At The Drive-In were pretty good. I heard them a wave of hype though and they really couldn't live up to it. Plus I already owned 'The Shape Of Punk To Come' by Refused and couldn't see what all the fuss was about as Refused has already done what ATDI wanted to. They are worth checking out though.

I'm sorry, but I'll admit, I havent been to see either TMV or Atdi Live (well the latter would be hard :() But I do fucking know what Omar and Cedric are like. They live on BEING different, they would never want to "do" something that another band have already done, they are truly individual.

I'm a pretty big fan of both ATDI and TMV. Definitely two different styles, and although ATDI was very different in style than I'm used to, I still enjoy them. I have a t-shirt for both bands, although I rarely wear the ATDI one, because its kind of ugly, and bad fashion choice on my part for buying it.

Cool, I wish I had an ATDI shirt still though :(

08-24-2005, 10:41 AM
Hey, man. Now why do you think that?

I was making a joke. You were like "yeah I know everyone hates them but shut up" so I decided to bash The Mars Volta instead. Haha.

I personally don't like the Mars Volta at all but I can't honestly say I think they suck.

08-24-2005, 01:46 PM
I have such a lack of sense of humour.

Nice one thar.

Yeah, I am obsessed with The Mars Volta, but I can understand why people don't like them. I mean, its not "easy" music to listen to. Cedric "wails" alot in his singing, and he's quite high pitched, and its pretty fast, and as for At The Drive In, they are nuts, Cedric shouts in this case, and I can definately understand why people wouldn't like them.

...*cough* anyway, back to my return of your joke

tell ure mom to shut up!