Zifandel Lee
08-10-2005, 09:29 PM
I LOVED the whole gang of Final Fantasy X, Lulu, Rikku, Wakka, Tidus, Auron, Kimahri, and Yuna but my least favorite character would have to be Seymour! How many times is he going ot come back already?! What about you?

08-10-2005, 09:37 PM
I totally love: Lulu, Auron, Seymour , Rikku and Ject.
I totally hate: Yuna.

I have no comment about the rest.

08-10-2005, 09:56 PM
Love: Lulu, Rikku, Auron
Hate: Kimahri, Yuna

08-11-2005, 12:07 AM
Love : Tidus and Rikku
Hate : Yuna

08-11-2005, 12:29 AM
I like:Yunie!Rikku, tidus
Dislike:kinda lulu...her magic was good thats all...

08-11-2005, 01:12 AM
Like: Auron, Kimahri, and Tidus

08-11-2005, 01:21 AM
How can you hate Rikku?

I must admit, I ONLY liked her in FFX. In FFX-2 she was a complete HOE!

Zifandel Lee
08-11-2005, 01:26 AM
I think that Rikku is a really good character to FF X she adds a lot to the whole game.

08-11-2005, 01:38 AM
How can you hate Rikku?

I must admit, I ONLY liked her in FFX. In FFX-2 she was a complete HOE!

Just because of the way she is dressed?

08-11-2005, 01:45 AM

Maggie Kipling
08-11-2005, 01:51 AM
Auron is the daddy! I liked Seymour too...Then he unhinged *sighs*

Rikku's not a ho...She's just...um...Mature.

Guitar Woman
08-11-2005, 02:00 AM

Not Favorites:

08-11-2005, 02:19 AM

Well then if thats what you define a hoe, almost every woman out there today is one too. =\

08-11-2005, 05:27 AM
My least favorite character would be Seymour. :(

08-11-2005, 08:24 AM
Fav: Yuna, Tidus, Auron, Lulu
Hates: Seymour....though he makes a good slave...oops, did I say that aloud? *runs*

08-11-2005, 09:53 AM
visually, I prefer the female characters. (shoot me, I'm just a guy). Tidus' voice actor should be shot. Lulu is freakin' HOT (the artist deserves a bonus), but hate the long overcoat, cleavage or no cleavage!

As far as their fighting abilities, I prefer Rikku, Wakka, Yuna, Lulu because their celestial weapons are the easiest to obtain. Catch the stupid butterflies? gimme a break! Run the chocobo race at zero seconds? you MUST be joking! I'm sure most of the people on these boards accomplished these tasks, but jeeeez...I guess I just don't have the patience.

08-11-2005, 11:23 AM
My Favourite : Yuna Tidus & Lulu
Least Favourite: Kimahri

Maggie Kipling
08-11-2005, 01:03 PM
But Kimahri WAS cute that time he tried to smile...even though he looked like he wanted to rip out your throat and feed it to his offspring.

Hex Omega
08-11-2005, 01:15 PM
Likes:Auron, Lulu, Yuna
Dislikes:Tidus, Rikku

08-12-2005, 12:15 AM
But Kimahri WAS cute that time he tried to smile...even though he looked like he wanted to rip out your throat and feed it to his offspring.

LOL that was kinda weird........

08-16-2005, 05:11 PM
Fav: Auron, Tidus, Wakka
Hate: Rikku, Yuna, Kimahri

08-16-2005, 05:17 PM
Love: Lulu and Seymour.
Hate: Tromell and Kimahri.

08-18-2005, 12:17 PM
hate:yuna (so pathetic)

08-18-2005, 12:28 PM
Love: Jecht, Auron, Bahamut
Hate: Magus Sisters

08-18-2005, 12:45 PM
Love:Yuna, Rikku, Auron
Hate: Tidus(amazingly cchildish), Lulu(Woman of few words)

Breakable Vow
08-20-2005, 03:16 AM
I love everybody in FF X (and yes I adored Rikku in FF X-2), personally though, I'd have to say my favorites were Rikku, Tidus, Auron, and Yuna. Seymour ticked me off when he went crazy, but I still liked him ;)

Swedish Fish
08-28-2005, 05:28 PM
Wakka is a fag, ya?
Lulu is hot, and her magic rocks.

08-28-2005, 06:03 PM
Likes: Rikku, Auron, and Jecht (hes got the best pants everrr... and his tatoos pretty killer too)
Hates: Mika, Kinoc, and Tromell (when he tells you to kill him, I would gladly like to try)

08-28-2005, 06:09 PM
Likes: Rikku (totally hot), Lulu (fiery)
Hates: Seymour (annoying), Yuna

08-28-2005, 06:36 PM
Favorite: Auron (well duh)
Least favorite: Yunalesca (that fucking cunt)

08-29-2005, 01:29 PM
Favourites -Tidus, Rikku, Lulu, Yuna, Wakka, Auron
Least Favourite - Kimarhi, Seymour, Tromell,

09-13-2005, 10:38 PM
Love- Auron "Enough"
Hate- Rikku, i was expecting her to get motion sickness...

09-13-2005, 10:48 PM
I liked;Tidus(cute,but i must admit that is voice sucks!) and Seymour(I always fall in love with the bad guys...like Kadaj.... :love: )
Overall I didn't hate anyone...i think...

09-14-2005, 10:47 AM
Hard question to answer in some ways (define hatred...)...anyway...

Like - I kinda liked Lulu (no not just for the melons attached to her chest) and Auron. I guess i like dark and quiet characters!

Hate - Tidus annoyed the hell out of me for his voice and childishness. Yuna was pathetic and i just wanted to slap her.
Brother from FFX-2 gets a special mention for his general annoying twattery!

Ambiguity - Rikku. Sometimes her chirpy optimism was cute and endearing (sp?), but sometimes i wanted to send her to her room with no dinner. Especialy when on the thunder plains! Arrrghhhh....

09-14-2005, 05:33 PM
Tidus should be assasinated....he sucked....and fanboys/girls come after me if you wish...I hate him....

09-15-2005, 03:04 AM
good: auron, rikku, lulu
bad: wakka, kimhari, aurochs
even worse: tidus' voice actor, brother's cameo on the salvage ship, seymour

09-22-2005, 01:18 PM
i love the whole gang to
i don't like seymore i hated the way he spoke and his hair eeyuk!!

09-22-2005, 01:34 PM
fave character probably Kimahri and Jecht

least fave chracter dona and barthello

09-22-2005, 06:44 PM
I liked most of the characters, and I certainly didn't hate anyone of them. I got a bit annoyed about Rikku, though. I found her superficial and childish.

Dark Summoner
09-23-2005, 10:30 PM
like:seymour auron yuna rikku
deslike:tidus lulu wakka sin!!

oh and i love seymours hairs it weird and imaginitive

09-23-2005, 10:35 PM
my favourite was all of them except for Kimahri because he does not talk and is quite weak

Dark Summoner
09-23-2005, 10:42 PM
kimarhi was only one who could use lancet succesfuly to me oh and i gave him to much hp and everyone else suffered so i start new game

Auron: Spira's Guard
09-25-2005, 04:22 PM
But Kimahri WAS cute that time he tried to smile...even though he looked like he wanted to rip out your throat and feed it to his offspring.

Kimahri has offspring


like: Seymour (his theme tune is cool), Tidus, Auron(i like his samurai nature and his theme tune), Rikku (only in FFX not FFX-2), Kimahri (he is just a big soft pussycat who wants a big hug)

Dislike: Jecht, Trommel,bahamut fayth

10-05-2005, 09:06 PM
like.............................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................. Hail Bail flies past....................................
.................................................. ...........
dislikes... where to start how bout EVERYONE

High Summoner Yuna
10-06-2005, 04:06 AM
Wakka is a fag, ya?
I laughed so much when I read that, lol.

Likes: Yuna, Rikku, Lulu, Auron.
Hates: Tidus, Kimahri, Wakka, Seymour, Isarru, Dona.

So much hate...

10-06-2005, 05:30 AM
Besides FFVIII, these were the only characters that I grew attached to throughout playing the game, I would have to say...

Love: Tidus, Wakka, Auron, and Yuna

Hate: I didnt really hate them but I didnt like these as much as the others, Luna and Rikku

The non playables were good characters too

Heero Avaren
10-06-2005, 06:33 AM
Favourites? No no, I'll just say who I hate.

Maester Mika and Maester Kinoc, and the entire Luca Goers Blitz team.

10-06-2005, 06:17 PM
love:tidus and wakka

10-06-2005, 07:14 PM
i love - rikku, lulu, jecht and auron
i hate - seymour and tidus

10-09-2005, 01:09 AM

Auron and Rikku just totally rock!!!

So, not tight:

Stupid Dona and Barthello... "taking naps" who the heck are they kidding?

Also, those two stupid announcers in the Blitzball tournament.

10-09-2005, 01:28 AM
Like: Tidus, Yuna, and Seymour and his (Seymour's Ambition), Rikku... so on...

Don't like: Tromell, that old boring man that travels all around Spira, and Barthello yeah, what a whining wierdo. oh and Mika!

10-11-2005, 10:27 AM
Like: Auron, Kimahri, and Tidus

pretty much the same but tidus is a bit too camp for my liking.

10-11-2005, 08:57 PM
I like them all, except for Seymour, who I hate. I didnt like Donna or Barthello at the beggining and Barthello looked like such a fool when he was running aroudn maccalania woods looking for donna.
But Donna was alright towards the end when i spoke to her on the airship.

Who else did I hate, hmmmmm.........that stupid idiot who broke Kimahris horn, cant remember his name.....

10-11-2005, 09:41 PM
Man those two are fags!

Swedish Fish
10-11-2005, 09:57 PM
I don't think anyone has mentioned Tidus yet. If they have, then oops. He is a girly man who cries too much.

10-14-2005, 04:38 AM
Love: Auron, Tidus, Seymour, Lulu
Hate: Yuna, Rikku, Maechen

Huntress Krystle
10-14-2005, 07:50 PM
Likes: Lulu (my favorite), Yuna (i hated only her voice acting), Auron, Yunalesca, Rikku, Kimahri, Braska, Belgemine

Hates: Seymour, Mika, Kinoc, Dona, Brother, Tromell, Luca Goers

10-15-2005, 03:43 AM
Anyone else this O'aka and Maechen have the most vicious voice actors?

Tidus is a crybaby
10-17-2005, 06:52 AM
least fave: obvious
fave: Lulu - coolest black mage evar

10-17-2005, 06:34 PM
like: Tidus, Seymour, Yuna, Auron, Wakka

hate: Belgemine, Letty, Luzzu

10-24-2005, 01:59 AM
Likes: Auron & Lulu
Dislikes: Seymour, Tromell, and Dona

10-24-2005, 03:09 PM
like: lulu & wakka, cos of the constant scrappin atween them hate: yuna & seymour, yuna cos she so disgustingly nice, and seymour cos you think you've gotten arid of him an then he just bounces back in, with a new daft thing strapped to him (like its gonna do any good)

10-26-2005, 02:49 AM
Favorite(s): Tidus, Yuna, Rikku, Auron, and Wedge
You may not know who Wedge is, but he is one of the best blitzball players in the game. At least for as far as I've gotten in blitzball, but I only have him up to Level 20 or so.

Least Favorite(s): Wakka, Wantz, Kimahri, Dona, Barthello, Biran, Yenke, Kinoc, Seymour, and Shelinda

Who else did I hate, hmmmmm.........that stupid idiot who broke Kimahris horn, cant remember his name.....
I think that the Ronso that broke Kimahri's horn was Biran.

10-31-2005, 03:03 PM
Like - Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri, Dona, Brother

Hate - PACCE, Barthello, Rikku, Yuna, Auron, Tidus, Jecht

10-31-2005, 04:37 PM
liked - auron and semour (he looked a bit like sephiroth)
disliked - tidus`s lame no balled voice

11-05-2005, 12:26 PM
liked: Auron, kimahri and all the other ronso, o'aka, maechen, maester mika, lulu, all hypello and jecht
Disliked: Tidus, all the crusaders, dona and her guardian and brother (though i might be biased against brother from X-2)

11-06-2005, 11:46 AM
Like:Lulu,Rikku,Kimahri and Auron.
Dislike:Yuna(annoying) and Tidus was annoying with that childish voice too.

11-07-2005, 11:26 PM
When I first saw the commercials for FFX and the cover of it, I always that Tidus was a girl. :laugh: I don't know why because most girls' wouldn't have a chest like that, but anyway.

11-08-2005, 12:42 AM
i like:Rikku (ooh weird spiral eyes), Tidus (even though he is kinda wussy), Wakka, Barthello (Barthello smash!), Yuna and Jecht

I hate:Khimari (he sucks ass), Seymour (what a freakin weirdo) and the Luca goers (what a bunch of knobs).

Zell dincht X0
11-09-2005, 11:06 PM
fav: rikku(sexy) yuna(sexy)
least fave: kimahri (pointless)

11-10-2005, 03:42 PM
i like:Rikku (ooh weird spiral eyes), Tidus (even though he is kinda wussy), Wakka, Barthello (Barthello smash!), Yuna and Jecht

I hate:Khimari (he sucks ass), Seymour (what a freakin weirdo) and the Luca goers (what a bunch of knobs).

Rikku=freak tidus=gay....the rest are ok i guess

khimari is great (mine filled ALL the sphere grids by the end of the game)

lucagoers are n00bs......seymour=a wanker

lest fave: tidus

11-10-2005, 03:55 PM
i'm back, after all this month.

say, what a pretty lame thread.

coz you were talking all the same thing like ( like and hate)
its boring but pretty popular.

i like zaon and calli
hate= all of you ( consider it as a compliment from a old member )

11-14-2005, 04:59 PM
I liked Kimahri. Auron's mysteriousness was alright, but he was a knob!
Tidus was queer, Yuna was too goody-goody, and Lulu was almost GOTHIC! Wakka was alright but since when does a white guy have a cuban accent.
Rikku was awesome too (I liked her immaturity)!

Overall the game blew.... in my opinion...

11-14-2005, 05:01 PM
i'm back, after all this month.

say, what a pretty lame thread.

coz you were talking all the same thing like ( like and hate)
its boring but pretty popular.

i like zaon and calli
hate= all of you ( consider it as a compliment from a old member )

How do we take THAT as a compliment?!?!
Your total of ELEVEN posts doesn't exactly SCREAM OUT that you are an old member, you have no avatar, and your second name is 'Registered User"! The fact that for some reason your name is your email doesn't suggest geniousness either.

11-23-2005, 04:11 AM
Well mine are:

Like: Lulu, Auron, Tidus, Rikku, The Al Bheds
Hate: In a way Seymour, The Guado, Sometimes Wakka

11-23-2005, 05:53 AM
Well mine are:

Like: Lulu, Auron, Tidus, Rikku, The Al Bheds
Hate: In a way Seymour, The Guado, Sometimes Wakka

For me.

Tidus - Rocks especially his overdrives.

11-24-2005, 03:50 AM
Seeing as how FFX is quite possibly my favorite game in the series, one would think I love all the characters,a nd mostly, I do, except...

Whoever hired James Arnold Taylor needs to be fired from Square-Enix... NOW. A couple scenes I remember as being particularly horrible are 1. The scene where he yells at Auron in Luca and 2. His line "where what?" before entering the Cave of the Stolen Fayth.

Other than that though, I thought all the other characters were extremely well-done (even though I think Yuna's voice actress was a bit flat early in the game, her character makes up for it.)

Seymour was a bit overdone, but then again, every FF game has had some sort of recurring boss (Golbez, Ultros, Jenova, Seifer, Beatrix...). Although his last form is rather pathetic if you have at least Anima. The reason I actually don't like his is because I kept accidentally calling him "Sephiroth" because his name/hair is so similar.

Props to Belgemine (possibly the most underappreciated character), Maechen (I know most people find him boring -- I just hear lots of yummy plot points), and Rin (okay, so I just like him because I can do a good Rin impression... so what?)

Just to close -- Kimahri is probably my favorite non-main character (i.e. not Tidus/Yuna), but it might just be because he reminds me of Red XIII. *shrug*


12-28-2005, 10:18 AM
Tidus has great fighting skills and a great attitude, like most main characters have, but he's not my least fave or my most fave. He's topped off by personality-wise; Rikku and Kimarhi. Rikku is everybody's favorite cute girl and cheerful, active personality. She still has many that tops her in battle preformance. Kimarhi is the strong-silent type, which is also appealing in character personality. He's rank so-so in fighting though. In battle, Yuna and Wakka kinda did it for me. Wakka was kinda there for the range and the status change, particularly the Dark Attack, which saved me multiple times. Yuna had both the summons and white magic, which is perfect for tough fights. Plus, you can't argue against her Overdrive. (And also if she has the Healer Overdrive mode, that makes her even better.) Besides Tidus, there's another with both personality AND awesome fight in him: Auron. I love his pierce weapons and his massive HP. Makes him a perfect tank, while I got my speedy Tidus and my healing Yuna in the front. He's also the mysterious stranger that watches over Tidus and makes the odd crpytic comment, then puts his hand on his blade and slaughters anything that comeas his way. THat's it for my favorites. If you wanna argue, then leave me to my own opinions.

Lord. C
12-28-2005, 12:10 PM
Favourite -- Yuna
Least favourite -- Seymour

12-31-2005, 12:30 AM
Maester Kinoc.

He looks like a pope. It's unsettling.

Also, Tidus with his "It's my story" diatribes. But I love him in battle.

12-31-2005, 12:32 AM
Props to Belgemine (possibly the most underappreciated character)


She had a very attractive voice. And if you pass her up, you're screwed in the aeon department.

06-13-2006, 06:31 PM
I didn't like most of them but Auron was definitely a good character.
Also, Lord.C you should just ditch that signature.

06-14-2006, 04:10 AM
Favorite main character:


Least favorite main character:

Rikku, because she was always really perky, I hate the sound her weapon makes, she's afraid of lightning, and her voice irritates me.

Favorite side-characters:

Maester Kinoc, because he was the only Asian in the entire game
Luzzu, because he was really strong and wise
Rin, because he's RIN!
Brother, because you could tell what he was saying even if you couldn't read Al Bhed yet
Belgimine, for her sexy voice
Father Zuke, because he didn't really say anything and he only made one appearance in the whole game

Characters I hate:

Shelinda, the wimp who cries because she's too scared to do anything
Gatta, the guy who shouldn't be in the Crusaders
Tromell, Seymour's stupid butler
Isarru and Pachem, his annoying little brother
Biran and Yenke, the two Ronsos who wouldn't leave Kimahri alone
Besaid Aurochs original line-up (excluding Wakka), because any way you look at them they're pathetic
Monster Arena guy, because he never thanked me for doing his dirty work

06-16-2006, 07:21 PM
favorite is Auron....... and maybe wakka....?
less favorite is Rikku

06-16-2006, 07:24 PM
favourite - Lulu...

least favourite - wakka

06-16-2006, 09:14 PM
Favorite: Lulu-- She's a black mage
Least Favorite: Tidus-- Just another blond swordman
Favorite side character: Rin. Because he's Rin. He rocks.

06-23-2006, 12:57 PM
Love - Rikku, Lulu, Auron

Hate - Wakka and Tidus. I would probably like Tidus a lot more if it wasn't for that horrible laughing scene...

06-24-2006, 03:29 AM
Auron is the shit. I was ok with Tidus and Wakka. I kind of forget what rikku was like.

Kimahri, Lulu, and Yuna I loathed. Kimahri and Lulu had no personality whatsoever and Yuna had little personality and incredibly low self esteem

06-27-2006, 01:35 PM
Love: Auron, Wakka, Tidus
Hate: Seymour, O'aka

06-27-2006, 02:30 PM

Maester Seymour



06-27-2006, 10:10 PM




jewess crabcake
06-27-2006, 11:38 PM
i hate tidus i liked the rest

Manga Legend
07-03-2006, 10:23 AM
Like - Auron
Dislike - Everyone else, especially Wakka

fastidious percolator
07-03-2006, 01:38 PM




07-03-2006, 02:26 PM
Favorite: Auron
Least: Pachem
Indifferent: Everyone else I guess . . .

07-22-2006, 11:04 PM
like: Auron, cool personality and story, lulu, i like her for her personality and usefulness in battle.

dislike: rikku! annoying, her eyes annoy me, her voice annoys me, EVERYTHING about her annyos me! Stop telling me how worried you are about "yunnie", because i don't care! Stop talking! Go back to the al bhed camp, why did she even join anyways? plus shes not very usefull in battle, i use yuna as my theif...and Wakka, do I need to explain?

neutral: kimarhi, hes cool, doesn't talk much, but he stinks in battle, and hes kindof boring, red 13 was a more interesting cat thing. Yuna, meh, i just like her for her summons, healing, and high magic. Tidus is okay, I never thought of him as looking like a girl...you people scare me.

Van Finel
07-22-2006, 11:41 PM
Lulu was godawful. She lacked all personality. x2 for kimahri.

ps. Starscream, don't revive dead threads as none of them will respond to you.

07-23-2006, 12:43 AM
The thread was revived over a month ago. He knows better now.

Van Finel
07-23-2006, 01:00 AM
The thread was revived over a month ago. He knows better now.

Alright. Question though. If I wanted to continue the topic of this thread, do i make a new one to avoid reviving this one?

07-23-2006, 05:13 PM
This one is already open again, so I see no reason to make a new one.

07-24-2006, 12:27 AM
Hmph! Auron was always my favourite. I loved hating Seymour. And Wakka f**ked Lulu. ... 10 points! And Lulu of course, was fricken HOT!!!
Kimahri was a dick, He had a broken script and a broken horn. He sort of reminded me of the guards at the Queen's house. He just sort of stood there and did f**k all!!!!!
I liked and disliked Tidus. His story has many similarities to mine. But his character is a carbon copy of mine at age 14... Ick!!!

Manga Legend
07-24-2006, 08:46 AM
Don`t talk about computer game characters like their hot, thats just sad.

07-24-2006, 08:58 AM
I agree with you. I also like your avatar!

Pickle Knight
07-24-2006, 11:43 AM
I liked Jecht because he had a very unique personality compared to all the other FF game characters. He had the best character yet. And he's a pretty cool boss with nice battle music for once.

My least favorite character was Yunalesca. She was harder to kill than the last boss. I mean what the hell.

07-24-2006, 09:24 PM
I found yunalesca to be a total pushover.

All you have to do is stay a zombie, bust out a few aeons, and shes one dead ugly bitch..:laugh:

Pickle Knight
07-24-2006, 09:57 PM
But then whenever you have an Aeon out she'll drain so much HP from it until it's dead (which is very fast) and pretty much get all the health back that she lost from your Aeon attack.

I did beat her but it took forever. I did the whole zombie thing to avoid Mega Death, but when you're a zombie, you can't heal so whenever you felt like healing, you had to remove the status with one of your precious Holy Waters or a Remedy and then heal him/her but of course that character.

She's a real annoyance.

07-25-2006, 12:38 AM
My favorite was Yuna
My least favorite was Tidus.

Out of all the men in the game, Yuna...Why him? Hell, Seymour is better then him.

07-27-2006, 11:25 PM
*sob* ... but she is hot.


07-31-2006, 09:14 AM
Favourite: Tidus, Yuna (hot), Wakka, Lulu, Rikku (chav in X-2 lol)
Least: Kimari
Hated: Auron, Kinoc, Tromoll (sp)
There lol that what i think

07-31-2006, 08:42 PM
1st Rikku
2nd Yuna

Floyd _the_Barber
05-18-2007, 06:38 AM
I liked all the main characters,
but the ones I disliked were Berain and Yankee (FAGS) and Isarru's little brother.

Lady Elven Archer
05-21-2007, 05:21 PM
I like: Auron, Tidus, Yuna, Lulu, Rikku, Wakka and Kimahri. All of the main characters were wonderful in this game, and I didn't hate any of them, which is a first for me.
I hate: Seymour. He's so annoying.

05-21-2007, 07:50 PM
I thought seymour was pretty cool, if he had a different voice.

06-08-2007, 04:56 AM
I liked everybody except for Tidus and Seymour. Tidus just seemed childish and there was some thing in the way he looked at people that kind of scared me. I can't really explain it. As for Seymour, the guy really creeped me out. And I can't believe he wanted to become Sin!

06-08-2007, 11:12 PM
The ones I disliked were Berain and Yankee (FAGS) and Isarru's little brother.

Way to take tyhe words out of my mouth, Floyd. Berain and Yankee stood way to close to each other and were togethor in all of their scenes. I was suspicious of them from the beginning.....

Favourites: All of the main characters.
Hated List: Berain, Yankee, and Clasko (what a whiney prick!)

06-08-2007, 11:33 PM
Faves: Rikku and Tidus (Hyper & Dumb & Whiney Duo) Also Seymour & Yuna.

Least: Clasko (UGH!) & Lucil ( She was CREEPY)

Hated:Maester Mika!!!! & Maechen (Old & Rambling!) & also Tromell! (He wouldn't let Yuna send Seymour, sooooo we had to fight him 3 MORE times.)

06-09-2007, 12:26 AM
tidus - loved how he evolved from a normal sport-playing teenager to a more mature and sensible warrior throughout the game. he was just a normal kid, and then his handed a sword and expected to fight while everything he knew was destroyed and taken away from him, then when he got to spira, i thought they did a nice job at making him oblivious and confused to the different lifestyles and cultures there, rather than just adapting to it right off with no build

wakka - another character who's evolution i enjoyed. it was cool how he was one of the first to befriend tidus, but at the same time had a strong blind faith in yevon, and because of that, a resentment towards the al bhed. i liked how later on he came to realise that his faith was false and he was following blindly and began thinking on his own. he was also one of the more lighter characters of the main group and that was a nice touch

maechen - i love him cos i could listen to him talk for hours. well maybe not hours but a long time. i dunno about anyone else, but i thought his little history lesson things were nice, seeing as he probably had the best voice in the entire game


kimahri - i didnt really 'dislike' him, i just found him really uninteresting. he never talked, didnt really have any character development and i hardly ever used him in battle. he was basically just a filler character, not really contributing anything throughout pretty much the entire game. sure, he had his moments (biran and yenke, longtime guardian of yuna) but overall it wasnt enough to justify him as anything important in the game as a whole, at least to me anyway

shelinda - i dunno i just hated the way this bitch talked and everything she did. highpoint of her being in the game is when she gets thrown off her chocobo at mi'hen highroad. other than that whatever shes turd

gatta - im sort of half and half with him, cos i liked how they played his character out as an anxious, inexperienced, young soldier. but at the same time his mannerisms and voice were mad annoying. i do think he paired well with luzzu though, as hes older, wiser and more experienced. i always have gatta die during operation mi'hen cos i think it plays out better for the story, showing that you shouldnt rush into anything unprepared or overconfident like he did, plus i didnt wanna have to hear his voice anymore

honourable mentions rin, luzzu, biran and yenke. i think overall i did like pretty much all the characters in x to some degree, no matter how annoying their personalities were. everyone seemed to bring something to the table in some way

06-09-2007, 12:34 AM
wakka - another character who's evolution i enjoyed. it was cool how he was one of the first to befriend tidus, but at the same time had a strong blind faith in yevon, and because of that, a resentment towards the al bhed. i liked how later on he came to realise that his faith was false and he was following blindly and began thinking on his own. he was also one of the more lighter characters of the main group and that was a nice touch

Nice to see someone agree with me :D

shelinda - i dunno i just hated the way this bitch talked and everything she did. highpoint of her being in the game is when she gets thrown off her chocobo at mi'hen highroad. other than that whatever shes turd

I'm going to take a wild guess and say everyone who hates Shelinda's voice also hates MOMO in Xenosaga. Am I right? I adore MOMO and consequently love having Shelinda around. Pretty much the same thing with Axel and Reno. Except those are two great characters voiced by the same person (Quinton Flynn), while in this case MOMO's voice is simply coming out of a bit character. It's enough for me :p

06-09-2007, 04:22 AM
I like Wakka. "Damn Albed". Love the voice and the fact that he uses a blitzball as a weapon.

I guess I didn't care for Yuna as much as the other characters...SO i guess she is my least favorite.

I <3 Yuna
06-10-2007, 02:30 PM
As you can tell from my username, I like Yuna. :-D
Whenever there is a character like Auron he will always be high on my most liked list as well. Wakka was pretty cool too.

Least liked is Tidus (he's a whiney baby, as is evident by his "but I want everything" line), Rikku (she just annoyed me), and Seymour. The dude was hard enough to fight, but then he kept coming back. Plus he married my woman. I hate him. lol

06-12-2007, 02:29 AM
Right for my list i'm going to stick with the main characters and there personalities not battle skill

My like very mucho list

Auron (Which almost everyone will agree with me)
Wakka (A cheerful chap and a likeable character)
Lulu (although quite quiet, a wise one)
Kimahri (Brave..........m'kay)

My dislike very mucho list (The BIG rants)

Tidus (Possibility in my opinion the worst main character in Final Fantasy. He acted more like 10 year old to me, His childish personality is what i hated the most about him, his moaning and crying i just wanted to punch him in the face. Yep his story sucked)
Yuna (Now i'm going to change and say that Yuna in my opinion is the worst female character in Final Fantasy, Off-topic - Its even worse that they released FFX-2 with her as the lead, I disliked Yuna because apart from battle she was usless in FFX getting kidnapped all the time and her doing nothing about it really ticked me off, Also the relationship she had with tidus made me dislike her even more)
Rikku (One word: Annoying)

Lets say the main characters for me where awful

06-12-2007, 01:25 PM
Liked: Auron: second half of the game (he grew on me over time), Kilmari (what's with the Kilmari hate? So what if he doesn't talk much? I found that part endearing. As an admittedly flat and even cliche character, he did ok. His first moment talking to Tidus showed he was basically like the stone of the group: dependable, reliable and perceptive. And he did try to stand up against Seymour alone), Rikku (optimistic attitude)

Disliked: Lulu (arrogant attitude), Auron: first half of the game (seemed a little cliched), Jecht (just hate people with that bragging attitude... although I WOULD liked to have seen more interaction between him and Tidus before the finale....)

Hated and wanted to rip out their throats: Shelinda (obviously being the holy follow-the-book-to-the-letter Yevon follower), Seymour (being the cliched bishie badguy... also what was up with his stupid costume? Looked like his stomach was bulging out), Wakka (1. being a big idiot, 2. being a complete a-hole about the Al Bhed and to Rikki, 3. betraying his simple-mindedness whenever something came up about Yevon: "It's in the book". True, he did change his mind later, but only his mind, not his personality as a complete simpleton)

Ambiguous: Tidus. From a character design standpoint I really liked him. He had some issues he really had to deal with, and I like it when games put so much thought into development and depth without falling into cliches (Ahem, Tales...). Also, I found his voice actor to be really good, putting a lot of emotion into him and really rounding him out (there were a few minor details that didn't do it, but they were only details). But as a person he was kind of OK. I didn't care for playing as some sports jock and I thought the blitzball game was stupid overall.

Yuna: for her ever-dutiful "I MUST do this!" attitude. As Auron said, she's naive, serious to a fault and stubborn. But then this serious nature of hers did kind of shine in its own way.

PS: calling characters "fags" is hardly a valid reason why you don't like them (growing up in a small suburban town with potsmoking highschoolers calling others that kinda makes the word annoying, even if you're not gay).

06-12-2007, 04:47 PM
Like: Auron, Tidus, Wakka, Yuna, Rikku, Jecht

Dislike: Lulu mostly, bad voice actress and and to some extent Kimahri (simply because of not enough characterization). Yu Yevon (didn't learn enough about the thing.) Magus sisters because, uh... they're insects? Pacce, annoying. and the Chocobo riding women knights were a bit strange.

One question: Why so much hate for Tidus's voice actor? (speaking of the English version.) The actor is very talented.. He portrayed emotions better than almost any other voice actor in the game. I paid close attention to this after coming from the disaster that was the FF12 voice acting. He blew Lulu's plain speak out of the water. Comparing him to Ashe's dull actor in FF12 for instance...? Most of the voice actors in FF10 were very good. You couldn't find a much better voice actor than the person who played Tidus. As far as the character, I definitely prefer Tidus over the standard big-muscles noble hero who has a rubber stamp personality that most people seem to be looking for. Seriously, how original is that?

The fact that we can say we like/dislike secondary characters in the game shows how well developed and how much effort was put into it. Tons of characters had voice-overs, even one or two time appearance ones. How many characters in FF12 could you say that for?

06-12-2007, 06:33 PM
Like: Auron, Tidus, Wakka, Yuna, Rikku, Jecht

Dislike: Lulu mostly, bad voice actress and and to some extent Kimahri (simply because of not enough characterization). Yu Yevon (didn't learn enough about the thing.) Magus sisters because, uh... they're insects? Pacce, annoying. and the Chocobo riding women knights were a bit strange.

One question: Why so much hate for Tidus's voice actor? (speaking of the English version.) The actor is very talented.. He portrayed emotions better than almost any other voice actor in the game. I paid close attention to this after coming from the disaster that was the FF12 voice acting. He blew Lulu's plain speak out of the water. Comparing him to Ashe's dull actor in FF12 for instance...? Most of the voice actors in FF10 were very good. You couldn't find a much better voice actor than the person who played Tidus. As far as the character, I definitely prefer Tidus over the standard big-muscles noble hero who has a rubber stamp personality that most people seem to be looking for. Seriously, how original is that?

The fact that we can say we like/dislike secondary characters in the game shows how well developed and how much effort was put into it. Tons of characters had voice-overs, even one or two time appearance ones. How many characters in FF12 could you say that for?

I totally agree on both counts on Tidus.

People who bash the VA for Tidus aren't providing good enough reasons, if any at all. For one, he's got some experience under his belt. Even excluding that, he seems to understand Tidus' character, since in the interview in the International version he mentioned that there's a bit of being able to relate to him. Maybe because of that, he can really let out with all the emotions Tidus would be experiencing. All the times Tidus says "I hate you" to a certain someone, you can really feel the inner turmoil in the character. THAT takes talent.

And yeah, I like any characters with flaws (as long as the flaws aren't themselves cliched: like the hot-headed hero, the clumsy heroine, etc....). People constantly complain about "whiny" characters (ex. Evangelion), but their own complaints have a certain irony to them. I'll take these "whiny" characters over any sugary "noble" hero anytime. I'd rather see characters with more depth and more internal conflicts than some cardboard cutout character.

06-13-2007, 05:27 AM
Like: Auron, Rikku, Lulu, Tidus
The other party characters were okay, and I didn't hate them.

Dislike: Seymour, Tromell, Shelinda

06-14-2007, 03:28 PM
Like: Auron, the silent badass that you just don't mess with; Seymour, Sephy's apprentice(and the best part is he does all his shit in death);Anima(It's just so damn powerful)

despise:Tidus, because he is weak and useless, a cryin' little pussy; wakka, cause he is even weaker than Tidus; Ultima Weapon, because I was expecting a challenge from it, but the only challenge is getting to him, after that it's one hit kill from Anima

06-14-2007, 06:06 PM
Like: Auron, the silent badass that you just don't mess with; Seymour, Sephy's apprentice(and the best part is he does all his shit in death);Anima(It's just so damn powerful)

despise:Tidus, because he is weak and useless, a cryin' little pussy; wakka, cause he is even weaker than Tidus; Ultima Weapon, because I was expecting a challenge from it, but the only challenge is getting to him, after that it's one hit kill from Anima

Ultima weapon is just practice for omega weapon. You won't beat him in one hit.

06-15-2007, 12:02 AM
My faves would be: Rikku (she was cute), Yuna (liked her back then.... until she took too much drugs in X-2), Auron (Far the strongest and coolest outfit), Kimahri (Nice design which World of Warcraft ripped off... and sexy voice :D), LuLu (4 words ONE HOT SEXY BITCH lol!).

My least would be: Seymour (who would like him? He's god damn annoying.... especially when he pops up randomly), Wakka (His Al Bhed racism thing.... get a life), all Maesters except Mika (Mika looks soooo cool thats why I didn't hate him lol)

Favourite Aeon: Shiva and Bahamut (so far in the game)

Least Favourite: Ixion.......

Tidus is somewhere in the middle in my faves list.....

06-15-2007, 08:24 PM
Favorite : Auron

Hate : Seymor ( probably the worst villain ever in FF series .... god i miss sephiroth)

06-17-2007, 07:08 AM
That member is long gone, so I don't think he/she cares.

07-17-2007, 10:51 AM
Love: Wakka and Auron
Hate: Kimahri

07-19-2007, 09:00 PM
like: jecht and Auron..

Hates: The rest of em'

07-21-2007, 03:30 AM
Lulu Is my favorite becaue her voice and her personality is so secretive. I H-A-T-E Seymour: He Does keep commin' back!!!