08-10-2005, 05:43 AM
Had to repost. my other thread expired XD so i'll repost everything that i don't have to edit. XD alot has happened since i posted the last thread too. Well i'll post some of the stuff for my chars in this story, and if i do one of their special moves i'll be sure to explain them too. Also for now, since i don't have a lot of time, i'll just post the prologue.

Have fun reading


Name/ Zero Starbreeze
Age/ 18
Height/ 5�6
Weight/ 158 lb
Class/ he was just originally a regular fighter but since gaining these weapons Zero is either known as a Holy Swordsman, Dark Knight, or a rarer name he is called, a Mage Knight. He is mainly called a Holy Swordsman due to the fact he can cast a lot of white magic, more then dark abilities.

Appearance/ For his face, Zero has deep, dark blue eyes. And also has black hair going halfway down his neck. Some of the hair above his forehead also is spiked up, only about as much as a centimeter perhaps. For upper appearance Zero wears a simple black shirt, but also wears a white cloak that has a hood keeping people from seeing his face. Not like anything is wrong with his face its just how he likes to wear the cloak, he sees it as if it looks mysterious. Not only that but it is really special to him as it was made by his love, Gem. Also Zero wears a white headband and also he wears a brown belt that holds his holy sword Avenger. For lower appearance all he wears is black leather pants with black, no lace shoes.

Personality/ Zero is a stubborn soul who can't wait to get in the battle. He is a very energetic young man with a tough ego to match. When Zero fights he sheds any niceness he has and goes all out versus the foe. When just plain doing nothing he can be very sensitive and nice. People find it hard that the Zero who fights and the Zero who does not fight are the same person. Also, even though he doesn�t seem like a romantic kind of guy, to a certain girl he is. To her, he will be caring and sensitive. But he knows her enthusiasm and energetic attitude so even though he worries about her, he will let her fight by his side.


Avenger: This is Zero�s holy sword. This is quite a amazing sword, its blade�s color is of pure white with angel decors on each side, and the hilt is of a darker white. This blade gives Zero some very powerful White Magic and it also helps him keep the force of dark to take over him completely. Zero obtained this sword from his dad when he was younger and he treasures it a whole lot.

Oblivion: A evil sword strapped to his back, made by Hades himself. The sword's blade is pure black but the blade is still made of iron. The hilt is also black but a more brighter form of black. Possesses Dark abilities and can be unlocked with a strong heart. Zero had obtained this weapon after he had killed many during that day his parents disappeared, and it was a day he would never forget.

Zero Rings: Two rings. One floating around each arm around the elbow. These rings are of medium length and are just non-elemental rings enchanted with a Permanent Gravity charm. These rings are very sharp but does not harm Zero, the user. The rings appear when Zero calls their names which is simply Zero Rings. How Zero obtained these weapons he couldn't remember. Maybe it had something to do with his swords...or could it be something else. We may never know.

Name/ Kiros Stormer
Age/ 20
Height/ Not accurate, but is around 5'9
Weight/ 185 LB
Race/ Human

Appearance/ Kiros appearance, apparently makes him seem like he�s a sage or a monk, more or less a fighter with swords and a katana. First off that gives him these monkish traits is his red ponytail and dark (but not very dark, basically light brown), which goes down to about below his neck. He also has red eyes, a unnatural eye color for most humans. He also has a scar over his left eye, though unknown on how he got it. The one thing that makes people mistake him for a monk or mage the most, is that he wears a robe, a robe whose sleeves cover his arms up to his wrists, and legs down to his ankles. The robe is black, with red outlines, kind of dark for Kiros. Underneath his robe, he wears a plain white shirt with light brown, tight pants, and a brown belt. He also wears brown gloves with weird symbols on them, and ordinary black shoes with no laces. Now on the sides of his robe, there are cut-ins, square ones that are like flaps. Kiros can reach into them and grab his weapons, his Katana on his right side and his Jitte on his left. Other then a white cross tattoo on the right side of Kiros�s neck, that�s all for his appearance.

Personality/ Kiros is�mysterious, as to most people see him. He travels by himself most of the time, which makes him seem as if he has a more deprived, silent nature. But after traveling with Zero for a while, he is talking, and striking more conversations with well�either friends or women. He still travels around, but its with his best friend, and partner Zero. In battle, like his friends, he�s determined, vigorous, yet still putting on a calm look as he faces danger.


SpiritCrusher: Seems to look like a regular Katana, but this katana is a bit longer, has a few marks on it, and is tougher thanks to how it is made of pure silver. This katana was given to Kiros by a cousin of his who said his father would want to give him this later on in life. This sword is very durable but it is harder to parry or block attacks. Also it is said to have some sort of amazing ability but Kiros does not know about it much less how to use it. Kiros has this strapped to his right side, using it with his right hand as well.

Wrath: A basic Jitte used for defense manauvers and blocking attacks. The special thingy that catches the attack is carved and pointed so it allows close range piercing. That's why Kiros calls it Wrath. He bought it at a crummy weapon store and was out of shape but Kiros worked on it. It was finally completed and is now one of Kiros most favored weapons. Wrath is strapped to Kiros left side and uses his left hand with it as well.

Mirage Gloves: These are the brown gloves Kiros wears. These look like ordinary gloves/gauntlets but they have some sort of special charm that enhances Kiros's strength. These gauntlets were found on one of the dead scientist's body that Kiros somehow managed to kill. These were apparently used to contain the other creature they captured. These gloves never leave Kiros's side and when they are, Kiros is already amazing without them. The special symbols on the gloves are still unknown to Kiros�

08-10-2005, 05:46 AM
Prologue: New Beginnings And New Ends

The two warriors, Zero and Kiros walked down the foggy pathway deep within the forest. Mist covered the ground and most of the area around them, going up to about their waist. There was also the fact that many trees surrounded them, blocking more of their vision, which only made the two more nervous. This area was filled with Thieves and the two had went out to clear the forest, for a decent fee of course. The bandits proved to be quite formidable, and also unleashed decent ambushes. All of a sudden, Kiros stopped and looked quickly behind him, putting a strong hand at the hilt of his weapon. Their was a slight rustling behind him, in the few bushes that stood in place near the trees. If there was something, it had the advantage and could strike Zero and Kiros without fear of counter attack.

Zero had stopped a few feet ahead of him, and turned his head a bit to eye his partner. He heard him stop, and asked softly. �What is it Kiros? Did you hear something?� Kiros looked at Zero and shrugged. His ponytail for his red hair is soaked, and all the hair was dropping down in his vision. He used his hand and brushed most of it to the side of his face, and his red eyes moved around, looking cautiously. �Well I thought I heard something, but the blasted rain pouring down along the way made all my hair droop down in my eyes. -started to flush a little- Do you see something up ahead Zero?�

Zero, who was practically shivering from the early rain, shook his head. He couldn�t concentrate very well anyways, his skin was as cold and numb as pure ice, not to mention the wound at his waist. But he could�ve sworn, just for at least a moment, sensed something up ahead. He wasn�t able to tell what was up ahead, but he had a eerie feeling that something dangerous was up ahead. He sighed. It was only a hunch of course, but his hunches somehow, always come true. And it seemed it would come true now, as something way far ahead caught his vision.

Zero gestured back torwards Kiros, who was a few feet behind him. He stopped and crouched low, starting to un sheath his katana. Zero also stood low, his right hand grasping the hilt of his holy sword Avenger tightly, and took a deep breath. The two warriors were starting to move forward, eyeing the misty road ahead. The mist would give them a little cover Zero thought, with a grin and a wince. At least he was thinking more strategically, unlike the first encounter at the entrance of the forest.

Flashback: 1 hour ago

�Whoa�� Zero stared at the forest in awe, standing as still as a board. Kiros, who stood behind Zero, cocked an eyebrow. �Its not that impressive, I mean�the bandits don�t help.� He said, looking at Zero. Zero halfway turned his head. �Well we�re eliminating them aren�t we?� Zero answered dimly, who was already walking partially into the forest. Kiros sighed and started to walk forward, until something caught his eye. �Zero wait!� he cried. But it was too late. One of the bandits, who had been hiding behind in the well covered trees and mist, jumped out from behind Zero and thrust something into his waist. Zero screamed in pain as he lurched forward, barely able to keep himself up.

The bandit released the weapon out of Zero, and cruelly smiled. He had a glimmering sliver dagger in his hand, which was now covered with red blood. But that was only the beginning, as another dagger wielding thief jumped out beside him. His dagger was glimmering in the faint sunlight, and both of them were leaping forward to finish Zero off. Zero shook off his dizziness long enough to roll forward, and draw Avenger. He swiftly turned around and parried the thieves blows, and smiled as he came forward and thrust his sword through one of the bandit�s stomach. He yelled and grunted as he fell to the ground, a red pool forming underneath his body.

The other bandit was off balance by the parry, and fell backwards into a tree. He readied his gleaming dagger in front of him, apparently ready to defend himself. But it didn�t work. Kiros dashed forward torwards him, his Jitte and Katana pointing forward. He leaped forward, and stabbed the weapons into the bandit�s stomach, and sprung forward back onto his feet, sheathing his Jitte as he did so. The bandit clutched his stomach with one hand as he started to pull himself up with his other, but his life ended before he could go anywhere, as Kiros quickly slit his neck. He fell to the ground, his lifeless eyes staring untold into the mist.

�Well that was lovely.� Zero said, leaning against a tree. He winced as he started to move, the dagger penetrated a minor part of his ribs. Kiros came up to him and stood to his side, ready to support his friend if needed. Zero brushed him away for a second, and brought his middle and index fingers up to his forehead. His eyes shut for a moment, then a green aura/glyph appeared beneath his feet. The energy healed some of the wound, mending one of the bones, but it still hurt a little. Zero laughed a little, much to Kiros�s astonishment. �What�s so funny?� Zero looked at him and gave a thumbs up. �Think there will be more death-defying action? We�ll take them down one, two, three.�

End Flashback.

A hand grasped Zero�s shoulder, and pulled him back. Zero turned his head around, and looked at Kiros. �What, what is�?� Kiros clasped his other hand on Zero�s mouth, and he went silent. Kiros then pointed torwards the way they were going. Much to Zero�s surprise, 3 bandits were talking to each other in front of the road. One of them were facing the two warriors, and would�ve noticed them, except they were concealed by the thick mist. Zero understood, and started to crawl behind a tree to his left. Kiros did the same, except to the right. When they were both concealed and protected by the oak trees, they figured the plan was a sneak attack.

Zero was never fond of sneak attacks, it was never his style. But now wasn�t the time to complain or to try risky attacks. If one of the bandits got away, they could warn others, and then there would be quite a bit of trouble, even for two humans that have a whole bunch of fancy, powerful moves.

Zero was directly behind the tree the bandits were near in a matter of seconds, and he started to un sheath his light blade. Apparently�a big mistake. A gleam of sliver was reflected off one of the bandit�s daggers, and it caught the eyes of the other two. They all turned around torwards the tree and Zero quickly ducked, his blade falling out of its sheath. Meanwhile on the other side, Kiros saw that the bandit�s were distracted. So now was the time to strike.

Kiros moved from where he was hiding and dashed forward, bringing out his katana. He leaped into the air and as one of the bandit�s turned to see what made footsteps, Kiros came down with a thump, the katana blade going through his skull. Blood flowed out freely as the bandit fell to the ground dead.

The other bandits held their daggers tightly, sweating uneasily as Zero came out from his hiding spot as well. He slashed one of the bandit�s in the chest horizontally, and that was not all. A shockwave of energy materialized from Avenger, and the beam went through deeper into the bandit�s stomach, and he screamed as he fell backwards into the sharp katana. His eyelids went up till only his whites shown and he slumped to the ground, lifeless.

The last bandit, who was surrounded, tried to trust his weapon into Zero�s heart, but he side-stepped easily out of the way. The bandit ended up cornered to a tree and disoriented. Kiros centered his mind and closed his eyes, and a faint color was shining off the blade. By the time the bandit recovered, it was too late. Kiros�s katana was shining a crimson color and he brought it down with a heavy grunt. The bandit screamed in pain and fell backwards torwards the tree. His organs were showing, at least, until he slumped forward.

Zero was taking deep breaths as he sheathed his swords, and said. �That was fun eh Kiros?� Kiros looked at Zero as he sheathed his sword. �I guess s---� Kiros started to kneel, and his right hand brushed against a bloody wound. It was a cut, and went in about 2 cm deep. Zero noticed this and calmly walked over and pressed his hand up to the wound. Kiros winced, but didn�t say anything as Zero shut his eyes. A green glyph appeared where the wound was and healed it completely, leaving only the blood stained clothes. Zero smiled as he got up and helped his partner up. �Thanks.� Kiros said. Zero nodded and said. �Why do you think they were stationed there?�

Kiros started to shrug, then pointed a finger. Zero turned and then, he understood. A big hilltop, which had a big cliff face the size of three Zeros, and a small stone barricade at the top. The whole area was grassy, and was surrounded by layers over layers of trees. Zero and Kiros instantly went silent and Zero made a signal for Kiros to check the hilltop. He nodded and both split up to see what they would find, after all, what better place to plan a ambush?