08-10-2005, 05:17 AM
hey, i was planning on getting ff 11 for the xbox 360 and i was wondering if it was any good.
if you think it is, then can you please tell me why and a few things that are really cool about it? thanks

ff7 kid
08-10-2005, 07:23 AM
IS IT ANY GOOD!!?!?!? O_O IS IT ANY GOOOOD?!?!!??!! O_O!
Yes is good. you can make alot of friends there are many differnt jobs and races to choose from. you can make of people Around the world. and its a Finla fantasy

08-10-2005, 07:28 AM
yeah that was the reason i planned to get it, theres only two mmorpgs im considering, SW: GAlaxies, and FFXI.
i think im gonna get FFXI,oh yeah, one more question: Is there a monthly fee?
if there is, how much is it?

ff7 kid
08-10-2005, 07:32 AM
Motnly fee yes there is its about 13 dollars for one character but then after that the other character's you make are only 1 dollar more so say you have 2 characters it would be around 14 dollars oh and one more thing

08-10-2005, 07:47 AM
wow thats not very much, i wonder if the same price will apply to the xbox 360 version

08-10-2005, 08:32 AM
Yeah it's pretty good, but the original ff games are better. This one is sorta similar to dot hack

08-10-2005, 11:45 PM
i never played dot hack because i dont have a ps2, was that any good?
what kind of stuff do you do in ff11? are there a lot of customization options so i dont look like every other black mage?

08-11-2005, 02:42 AM
wow thats not very much, i wonder if the same price will apply to the xbox 360 version

i read that with 360 you will need a "gold" live service (like the current live)
and that there is unlimited play for all games for a monthly fee overall so it may differ

(the silver service is just chat,news,media store ect with no fee)
(the gold service includes everything for a monthly fee)

08-11-2005, 03:02 AM
yeah i already know about the live gold and silver service.
the reason i was wondering about the price being different is because theres already a monthly payment for gold live. like, maybe its $5 a month to play ffXI, and $1 per extra character.

08-11-2005, 11:59 PM
FFXI is no doubt one of my favorite games, however I find it really hard to make money and lvling can get EXTREMELY boring :P However the payoff, fun quests and meeting new people, really make up for it. If you want I can get you a Gold world pass and we can lvl together. I'm RDM30/BLM15. All in all, its a great game so don't be hesitant in buying it! Oh and I'm on the SHiva server in case you want to join me we can hang and u can join my LS! cya!

08-12-2005, 04:42 AM
FFXI is no doubt one of my favorite games, however I find it really hard to make money and lvling can get EXTREMELY boring :P However the payoff, fun quests and meeting new people, really make up for it. If you want I can get you a Gold world pass and we can lvl together. I'm RDM30/BLM15. All in all, its a great game so don't be hesitant in buying it! Oh and I'm on the SHiva server in case you want to join me we can hang and u can join my LS! cya!
Yeah man, that would be awesome to be in a group right as i start the game because i heard its easier to lvl up in a group. so ill see you there as soon as i get a 360 and ffXI. ill probably be a black mage and my name will maybe be ffkiller.

08-12-2005, 06:41 PM
Actually, you shouldn't really go into an EXP party straight away, as the game is designed to solo right at the start, because you won't gain as much EXP in a party as you would by soloing (in parties, the rate of EXP gain is determined by the party member with the highest main lvl and current EXP). Once you hit lvl 6 or 7 though, you can probably join up with someone around your own level and party together (in fact, you'll need to if you want to make a start on the first missions).

Around lvl 12, soloing becomes pretty difficult, and you should make the trek away from your starting city and begin partying properly (the infamous Valkrum Dunes is the main location for EXP partying between lvls 10-20, due to it having enemies which probably yield the best rates of EXP for that level range. Do not even think about soloing this area at lvl 10 though - you'll be cut to ribbons if you do.). The Dunes are a rite of passage in FFXI - as they help to prepare you for facing the bigger, deadlier battles to come later in the game.

Don't worry though - partying in EXP parties is actually quite easy, although I admit it is daunting the first time you accept an party invite to be suddenly confronted by about five or six other players around your level shouting such things as 'pulling Damselfly now!', or, 'TP 35%'! and "Preparing for EXP Chain 2!!". The jargon in particular can be very perplexing to a newbie, especially if you haven't played an MMORPG before.

Once you get the hang of it though (and after about three or four battles, everything will start ot make sense), it will all become second nature.

08-12-2005, 08:18 PM
I found this game relied far too much on "partying" for my liking, I used to like SWG but they changed that and it sucks now because you cant solo. I like to be able to go on and not rely on other players being online for me to have any fun or gain any experience.

Games like World of Warcraft provide a happy medium, you can hypothetically solo the whole game however there are certain things that require groups or even raids to complete.

So if you want my advice, dont buy it but if you want to you should. In the mean while they should change the name to party fantasy 11 imo.

08-13-2005, 08:33 AM
i seriously like the idea of partying and think it will be enjoyable as long as my party isnt comprised of dumbasses and whiners. i hate them

08-13-2005, 03:19 PM
i seriously like the idea of partying and think it will be enjoyable as long as my party isnt comprised of dumbasses and whiners. i hate them

The community on the game is very nice! well for the remora server anyway.

I have had a guy who brought all my equipment when i was at lower levels
so i try to help out newbs as well, as knowing i was so well received makes me want to pass on the good deed.

I found people get more impatient with uneducated newbs more than anything as they offer to help but can end up just pissing off on you.

Also if it lags (MY internet trouble not S-E)when partying it sucks i have lost track of my party because of it and had to drop out.

also when partying dont just stand and watch your mates get slaughtered actually hit the attack button and engage also!

08-13-2005, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by Vala

also when partying dont just stand and watch your mates get slaughtered actually hit the attack button and engage also!

Depending on the situation, your Job (and therefore, your assigned role in the party), then this can be a very, very bad thing to do.

In EXP parties, in most cases there will be set roles for each party member depending on your Job and if that role is already filled (e.g: one WAR/PLD may be the tank, a RNG for pulling, a couple of other WARs/DRK/NIN etc for DDing, RDM for buffing/enfebling,a BLM for nuking, WHM for healing etc), and there is is very little leeway to perform independently of your task. a

You'll only just annoy the other party members to no end if, for example, you're a BLM (therefore, the nuker) but you start bashing the Snipper the party is attacking with your Ash Pole. You'll just most likely earn a bad reputation that will ensure others will not want to invite you into any more parties in the future. BLMs are meant to cast damage dealing magic spells, and WHMs are for curing and protecting the enemy, not going into 'Auto-Attack Mode', even if their allies are being pounded by the enemy. Know your role, and perform well in it, is the way to succeed in this case.

RDMs perhaps have the greatest freedom to perform how they want, as they essentialy fill a role which cannot be filled by any other Job (for instance, if there isn't a tank, they can tank themselves, to a certain degree, they can backup heal if needed, they can deal fair melee damage as well as tossing a few nukes at the enemy if required etc.)

If a WHM tried tanking however, then, they'll just end up dead. And once the healer dies, then everyone else starts dying as well. Very, very quickly.

Therefore, if you're say, a WHM as the healer, (or, for that matter, ANY magic user, excepting RDM), do NOT, under any circumstances, rush into the fray and start beating up the mob, as you'll just draw hate onto yourself, thus throwing the entire battle into confusion (and probably get yourself killed more often than not).

Do not be alarmed if you get attacked while curing though - cure spells attract hate too, but as a general rule, if you're drawing hate, stay calm, move as far away from the mob as possible (but not so far away that you can't target the mob/allies anymore), and let the tank provoke the mob again. If the tank and the DDs are good enough, then if you're a mage you shouldn't have to worry too much about drawing hate.

Of course, this only really applies to proper EXP, mission/exansion parties (such as the standard EXP party in the Dunes), as two or three person parties pre lvl 10 don't really require such specific strategies.

P.S. Unrelated to FFXI of course, but where did you get your sig and avatar Vala? I like.. :D

08-20-2005, 05:25 PM
sorry dude, but i dont know what all these abbreviations are.
other than that i get what youre saying

Evad D'Aragon
08-21-2005, 03:52 PM
Most of theses abbreviations refer to the jobs in the game.

PLD = Paladin
WHM= White Mage
WAR = Warrior

and so on.

08-21-2005, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by ffkiller
sorry dude, but i dont know what all these abbreviations are.
other than that i get what youre saying

No problem. I too found the abbreviations and jargon to be quite perplexing before I actually started playing the game, but I quickly learned what everthing meant, more or less.

Although there are still a few things I'm not too sure about, here is a very rough guide to some of the main jargon and abbrievations you'll find in FFXI:

Job Abbreviations

WAR: Warrior
MNK: Monk
THF: Thief
RDM: Red Mage
WHM: White Mage
BLM: Black Mage
SMN: Summoner
BRD: Bard
PLD: Paladin
DRK: Dark Knight
RNG: Ranger
BST: Beastmaster
SAM: Samurai
NIN: Ninja
DRG: Dragoon
BLU: Blue Mage
PUP: Puppetmaster
COR: Corsair

SJ: Sub-job. Gained after completing a quest available once one of your Jobs reaches level 18 in experience, a Sub Job is a secondary Job equipped as well as your main Job. it is limited to being permanantly half of your main job. You do not gain EXP in you Sub job unfortunately, meaning you have to raise it seperately to your Main Job. You also cannot equip items and equipment available if the Sub job was a Main Job (i.e. Warrior as a Sub Job would not allow a White Mage Main Job to equip swords and armour.) Once you have the ability to set a sub-job, you can do this in your Mog House at any time, just like your Main Job.

Main: The main Job your character uses (or are planning on using in the game). This is the Job you start out with, and can switch in your Mog House at any time.

Menu Items:

EXP: Experience Points. The points you gain after defeating an enemy in battle. After a certain number of points are gained, you'll 'level up' in your current Job. higher levels allow you to wear better equipment and grant you better abilities and spells. If you've played earlier FF games, then you're probably already famillar with EXP.

TP: Tactical Points. The 'Limit Gauge' of FFXI. Successful attacks in battle (as well as being hit by the enemy) raises this gauge. Once it reaches 100% or more, then you can execute a special Job ability or Weapon Skill. If you're in a party, with right timing, and enough TP, you may also be able to execute a Skill Chain or Magic Burst. Using a Weapon Skill, healing your character, and changing areas resets this gauge to 0.

Battle Jargon:

Tank: the 'damage magnet'. A character with high defense and high HP, their purpose is to litterally stand there and take the enemy's attacks for the rest of the party. Using abilites like the Warrior's 'Provoke', or high-Hate attacks which lure the enemy to attack you are very useful for a good Tank. Galka characters make the best tanks in the game, due to their insane Defense and HP. Good Jobs for tanks are Warriors, Paladins and Ninjas.

DD. Damage dealer. A character who does all the physical attacking, often using skill chains and magic bursts to further damage the enemy. Warriors, Rangers, Monks, Samurais, Ninjas and Dark Knights all make good Damage Dealers with the right weapons in hand. Also stands for 'Dimensional Death', a nasty attack that a lot of high-level monsters apaparently use later in the game.

Puller. A character who finds a suitable monster to fight, provokes it, then lures it back to where the rest of the party are in order to fight it. Rangers are the best for this, as they can use 'Area-scan' to find the right monster, then shoot it with an arrow or bullet.

Healer. Self-explainatory, the healer cures the other party members as needed, casting Cure spells and the like. They can also use 'buffing' spells like Protect to improve your party's defense if required. Obviously, the best Job for this is the White Mage. Bards, Summoners and Red Mages can also back-up heal if required. Other Jobs which can heal if absolutely neccessary are Monks and Paladins, although they should not be relied upon as the main healer, as their abilites just aren't meant to heal the entire party constantly in the heat of battle. A good healer should devote most of his or her Cure spells to the Tank, and stay away from the monster, as the high hate gain of Cure spells can lure an enemy away from the Tank if you're not careful.

Nuker. A magic user who casts destructive magic at the enemy. Naturally, the best Job for this is the Black Mage. Red Mages and Dark Knights can also nuke to an extent, but their somewhat limited in what they can use. Summoners make good nukers too if their Avatars are decent enough.

Enfeeb/Enfeebler. A character who casts 'enfeebling' magic (or status chaging magic) on the enemy to hinder them. Red, White and Black Mages all make good Enfeeblers, as all three Jobs have status chainging spells. Bards are also good at enfeebling magic.

Buffer. A character who casts 'buffing' spells (status spells which increase a characters' resistence against certain attacks, elements or abilites. Again, Red, White and Black Mages, along with Bards are excellent for Buffing spells.

Mana Battery. Almost invairably a high level Red Mage, they make use of the Refresh spell, which restores a mage's spent MP rather like how Regen does for HP. Not normally seen in lower level parties, due to Refresh being a spell gained at a very high level (level 41 Red Mage to be exact). Bards can also be mana batteries too if they have the song 'Mage's Ballard' (gained at level 24 Bard).

Con. Means the relative difficulty of fighting a particular monster. You can check a monster's con by targeting it, and selecting 'check' from the drop-down menu.

Mob: Refers to a single monster or group of monsters (not neccessarily a group of monsters only as you would expect). Mobs may attack you ('agro') if you're not careful.

Agro. Rather self-explainatory, agro is when a monster attacks you out of the blue for no apparent reason. Not neccessarily a good thing to have happen to you, especially if the monster cons 'Extremely Tough'...

Train. Also called 'linking'. When fighting a monster, other nearby monsters may suddenly agro you as well and join in the attack, meaning battles can rapidly escalate out of control easily. So be careful.

Hate. Also called 'enimity' in the game. Basically means how much an enemy hates you. The higher your hate, the more likely a monster will attack you, and how ferociously. Using spells (particularly Cure spells), healing and constantly attacking monsters will boost this. Hate isn't actually shown as a stat in the game though.

Camp. An area where your party will tend to stay (usually one that is normally free from roaming monsters) while battling. Camp can also refer to spending a lot of time hanging around a particular area where certain monsters appear (such as notorious monsters).

Miscellaneous Terms and Abbreivations

AH: Auction House. Every city in the game will have at least one of these. Much like the Auction Houses in FFVI and IX, here you can sell items for gil, or purchase items and equipment. Often, a savy seller can make big money here, although generally, most items are overpriced.

MH: Mog House. So called because the room's servant is an annoyingly-helpful moogle, the room you're automatically issued with at the start of the game. Found by entering the Residential Area in every major city. Inside, you can store items in the Mog Safe, change your Job, garden, read the Vana'diel Tribune, and much more. If you've purchased or synthed furniture, you can also decorate your room with them here. Your HP, MP and status are also automatically healed when you enter the Mog House. To use a Mog House in a city that is not your home, you need to rent an additional one (for free) from the NPC at the entrance of the Residential Area before you can enter though.

DCd. Disconnected. Being dropped off the server, either because of problems with PlayOnline, your ISP or for other reasons. Not good to have happen to you.

LS. Linkshell. A communcation system in the game, allowing you to have your own private chat channel with friends while playing (as long as they have 'pearls' to that linkshell). The linkshell item itself costs 8000 gil to buy in the game, and allows you to give out pearls to anyone you like. I have my own Linkshell myself by the way (The Warriors of Light), but it's members are not very active..

PL. Power Levelling. A recent phenonomon. Power levelling is where a low level player is assisted in fighting tough monsters by a player (or players) who is at a higher level, (usually a White Mage or Red Mage). This player cures them as needed, allowing them to continue to solo against monsters they usually wouldn't be able to fight.

Phew! Hopefully, that wasn't too indepth or confusing for you.. If I've made any mistakes or ommissions, feel free to clarify.

08-22-2005, 12:38 AM
I'm just gonna say this.

FFXI will consume a LOT OF YOUR TIME. I consider myself as a 3rd tier player (pretty hardcore but slightly casual) and I spent about...

163 Days, 1 Hour, 25 Minutes and 6 Seconds as of this moment as I typed it out

And I'm still not at the end game area of the game. Now some people, such as Evad and Typo, actually manage their times pretty well and just get towards the end of the game fairly fast and that's where all the good stuff is. Me, I haven't gotten that far and really it's more my fault for just not doing what I should do. But yes, FFXI will take a lot of your time because it's a slow game. If you don't like the idea of spending almost a week (the first time around is always the slowest since you're getting used to the game) to get from level 1 to level 10, you probably won't like FFXI. If you can spend the time and be satisfied by what you did, it can be a fairly rewarding experience that can lead to meeting great friends and doing great things.

Sir Dyne
08-30-2005, 09:55 PM
if that is hardcore............................
i salute you mogknight

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-02-2005, 06:41 PM
It's not for dial up users, I can tell you that.

Also, for some reason, my Earthlink connection hates FFXI. Everytime I tried to log in before I just fucking gave up on it (I was going to reactivate and start a new character) my connection would drop. It was not coincidence--I tried it probably 20 different times over the course of two weeks and without fail it dropped. But I could play Red Faction and most of my other games no problem.

09-02-2005, 06:45 PM
can you play final fantasy 11 offline ?

09-02-2005, 06:46 PM

09-03-2005, 09:40 AM
Actually, the game is capped down so that it matches speeds of dial up users. The only pain in the ass about it are the patches, which can take up towards 10 hours just to go through the initial patching.

09-13-2005, 04:48 PM
I don't like FFXI as much as some other MMO's.... 4th best MMO in my opinion.

1) City of Heroes
2) City of Villains
3) World of Warcraft

Still worth playin, really great game! Great music xD

07-26-2006, 08:56 PM
I also have a Question:Is there any romance?like can you make your character fall for another character?

07-27-2006, 06:39 PM
The game SUUUUCKS!!!

07-27-2006, 07:09 PM
You know, BizarroFanboy, I try really hard to tolerate you, but you really make it hard when you continue to post like a total ass after being here as long as you have.

07-27-2006, 07:39 PM
You know, BizarroFanboy, I try really hard to tolerate you, but you really make it hard when you continue to post like a total ass after being here as long as you have.
Whaat, just giving my opinion. I DO NOT LIKE THE GAME. WHOPEE!

07-27-2006, 07:42 PM
But you list no reasons why, which is totally useless to everyone. All you're doing is posting mindless spam to see your name on screen and drive your post count up, which is the very definition of shitposting.

07-27-2006, 10:52 PM
163 Days, 1 Hour, 25 Minutes and 6 Seconds as of this moment as I typed it out

I'm now at 346 Days, 15 hours, 39 minutes and 30 seconds.

08-02-2006, 03:46 AM
Do not be alarmed if you get attacked while curing though - cure spells attract hate too, but as a general rule, if you're drawing hate, stay calm, move as far away from the mob as possible (but not so far away that you can't target the mob/allies anymore), and let the tank provoke the mob again. If the tank and the DDs are good enough, then if you're a mage you shouldn't have to worry too much about drawing hate

I disagree. I find it cause more chaos if I run from the mob, rather than head towards the Main Tank. This allows quicker aggro gain unto the members that need it, and allows you get back to your main role much quicker.

08-24-2006, 07:31 AM
True, but then, if the tank is doing his job, hate should flow off you (the healer) onto him quickly enough anyway. I find in these situations it's best to hold off Curing if possible, at least long enough so that the tank can get the hate back onto him or her. Besides, a lot of EXP mobs have nasty AoE status attacks that wreck havok with WHMs (MND Down/Sleep etc), so it's best to stay away from the mob as much as possible.

Having said that however, stick with whatever works best for you and your party. That was just my own way of dealing with such a situation that all WHMs will have to face sooner or later. :)

10-19-2006, 01:54 AM
I'm almost sure I'm going to get this game this weekend. Now I have WoW, have any of you played both? If so can you tell me which you liked more? Also anything I should know before playing it, and is there any classes that you can solo with? Thanks.

10-19-2006, 03:12 AM
I'm almost sure I'm going to get this game this weekend. Now I have WoW, have any of you played both? If so can you tell me which you liked more? Also anything I should know before playing it, and is there any classes that you can solo with? Thanks.

I've played (and quit) both. WoW is fun until you get to level 55+ when you realize "hey this game is now just a huge grind for no point with a shitty combat system". FFXI makes no attempt to hide the same truth. Everything in both games is a grind. Really, gameplay wise, they all amount to the same: crap. However, it should be noted that because of its economy, FFXI is very, very hard to get started in for a newer player. Friends can help you out, and maybe things have changed since I quit in July, but last I checked things were bad.

The only real comparison, then, that can be made, is the community. WoW is almost all morons, while FFXI has a pretty good population of intelligent people. While I've had fun in both games, FFXI will always have better memories for me. Instead of solo grinding and alt+tabbing to read forums while my toon killed a mob in WoW, FFXI requires you to grind with a party. This means that sometimes it's hard to get a group together (especially in the 50s), especially for some jobs, but the repetitive combat is much more enjoyable since you're spending it with people and the leveling-up requires some amount of skill and timing. Both games become about the same at end game, with the same amount of endgame shit and drama.

So, basically, FFXI > WoW.

Also: Beastmaster is the only job that can solo all the way to 75. However, other jobs can solo part of the way (BLU, when I played, could solo to 35 or so comfortably).

10-20-2006, 02:08 AM
I've soloed RDM to lvl 18 and SMN to 16 so far, and can probably continue to do so beyond that. It just depends what you're fighting and how you equip yourself (obviously someone still with starting armour is going to have a hard time post lvl 10, especially if they're a melee job like WAR).

Patience is also a good thing to have, as you'll find you'll be fighting the same type of monster repeatedly for a very long time. Some Jobs though, like WHM, are very hard to solo, and really have to level in a party in order to get anywhere.

One thing I'd recommend (especially if you want to continue to solo past lvl 10), is before levelling, make sure you have Signet cast on you by a gate guard. This not only makes it that monsters may drop crystals after defeating them, you'll also gain Conquest Points (CP) while doing so. Save these up to 1000 and trade them in at the gate guard (the same one who gives you Signet) for an Empress Band.

This item, when equipped and used gives you an EXP boosting effect that lasts for about an hour to an hour and a half, making it a lot easier to level. You can only use this effect once a (real world) day though, but it's still better than no effect at all.

10-20-2006, 04:26 AM
One more question, I know that you can be paladin. But can you become one right away or do you need to reach a certain level first? Thanks.

10-20-2006, 06:23 AM
To become any job besides Warrior, Monk, Thief, Red Mage, Black Mage, or White Mage, you must get to level 30 and do a quest (each "advanced" job requires a different quest)

10-20-2006, 01:23 PM
Is FFVII any good? Is FFX any good? It depends on the individual person as it does with all games. To really find out for yourself, I suggest that you rent or borrow it before you purchase it.

10-20-2006, 09:12 PM
Well FFXI isn't really a game I can rent or borrow. I need to set up an account and pay monthly. So I want to know that it's worth it first.

10-20-2006, 11:05 PM
If you borrow it, you can just your friends account? That's what I did.

Personally, I don't think it's worth buying.

10-21-2006, 07:37 AM
Well FFXI isn't really a game I can rent or borrow. I need to set up an account and pay monthly. So I want to know that it's worth it first.

Well, firstly, I'd strongly suggest you ask yourself this first, and answer truthfully: "Do I have the time to invest in this game?". Most MMOs require a certain amount of play time to be able to get anywhere in the game, and FFXI is an understatement to this rule. You do need to play it regularly for extended periods to advance in the game.

Therefore, do you have the time and patience to play it, while at the same time ensuring that your real/social life doesn't suffer negatively as a result? If the answer is no, then I do not reccommend playing FFXI. But ultimately, it's your decision.

I apologise if I sounded like I was trying to dissuade you from playing FFXI - on the contrary, I love playing FFXI and it's one of my favourite games. It's just the massive time investment that the game requires can affect players negatively if they're not careful, and I just want you to be aware of this before starting in the game. As has been already mentioned, the sense of community in FFXI is very strong, and you'll definetely make a lot of in-game friends during your time in FFXI, so that is one of it's benefits.

The storyline too is very deep and involving once you get past Rank 2 (and especially when you start doing the Rise of the Zilart and Chains of Promathia missions), and the many new innovations added with the newest expansion Treasures of Aht Urhgan have also brought much new material to a game that is now over five years old.

And of course, as to be expected for an online FF game, the game world is absolutely massive, and Vana'diel's many differing environments are quite beautiful to behold - after nearly two years of play I've still only covered less than a third of the areas accessible in the game. It, literally, is massive.

So, ultimately, it comes down to this: can you spare the time needed for the level grind in order to experience most of what this enormous game has to offer, without it impacting on your personal life? If you can, then a whole new world awaits you. :)

10-21-2006, 11:31 PM
I got it and I've started playing already. It looks pretty good so far.

10-23-2006, 05:50 PM
Cool. I'm glad to hear that you're in the game. :)

Don't forget to post your character's name, race and server information on this thread too: Thread 28074 as it can be handy for others looking to see who else plays on their particular server.