Divine Strike
02-17-2002, 03:41 AM
Who has gotten all lucky 7's during a battle with a regular creature? i have, like 5 minutes ago, as a matter a fact my game is still paused

02-17-2002, 03:54 AM
Ive got it once before on a 'regular' creature. I did it with Barret. Ive also done it on Emrald Weapon by accident. Cloud only had 2 Materia equiped and I had full life. He used his Special and it took off 2222 and left me with 7777. That was a fluke

Divine Strike
02-17-2002, 03:58 AM
i also did it against emmy once but i started the battle with 7777 that time

02-17-2002, 06:17 AM
i did. in a matter of fact it was feb.7. weird.

Divine Strike
02-17-2002, 06:21 AM
it was accidental right......actually today when i got it accidentally i was actually kinda pissed because it happened when i was fighting two parasites so it was wasted

02-17-2002, 06:36 AM
there is certain ways to get lucky 7's all the time. you just need the right materia combonations. which i have forgotten. DAMMIT!!

02-17-2002, 12:50 PM
I have gotton lucky 7's twice and both times it was by chance. Its pretty cool,but I never knew what It would do the first time I got it.

02-17-2002, 12:52 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">First time I got it, it was completely by chance and I was not expecting it at all; and it just happened to be against an enemy with hardly any HP left. After I knew that it happened, I deliberately gave it to myself at the start of the Emerald Weapon battle to deal a large amount of damage straight away. :)

02-17-2002, 02:28 PM
I have had Lucky 7's 14 times, but I also have a book somewhere which tells you the materia combonation to get it all the time, I just need to find the book. I'll post it soon.

The Unknown
02-17-2002, 06:10 PM
I've never had All Lucky 7's :(

02-17-2002, 06:55 PM
Ok I've found the book with the materia combo in but I don't know if it works but here you go:-

Equip the person you want's best weapon and the wizard bracelet,

Then give the person this materia:-

5 HP Plus's (1 star), Phoenix (2 stars), Time (2 stars),
Barrier (2 stars), Full-Cure (2 stars), Destruct (3 stars).

I've copied it down perfectly, so if it does'nt work don't complain to me, complain to........................ Play magazine.

But I hope it works.

02-17-2002, 10:11 PM
i set it up do id get all 3 chars with all lucky sevens just before emerald. i whooped his ass in 4 mins :D

02-18-2002, 12:33 AM
I got it my first time wheb fighting Safer Sephiroth two characters were dead and cloud got it and kicked his ass! go cloud!! erm....sorry for my outburst.....

02-18-2002, 12:58 AM
Ive found another way to get AL7's.

First get the character you want to perform it and enter a fight with an easy enemy. Make it so his/her life is BELOW 154 and kill the enemy. Then equip him/her with the Cats Bell Accessory (Regains Characters life as he/her walks). Walk them somewhere where you wont get a fight (Towns or in the Highwind) untill their HP is EXACTLY 154 then unequip the Cats Bell straight away. Then find a fight with a weak enemy and cast Stop on them. Make sure your character is not hit at all. Cast Demi2 on them which will take their HP to exactly 77. Kill the enemy. Enter the item menu and use EXACTLY 15 Hi-Potions and 2 Potions. This will make his/her HP 7777

Divine Strike
02-18-2002, 01:37 AM
that is the way i got All lucky 7 the first time.....but i think that i would wrather get it using materia (a bit easier i think as long as Nirvana's book is correct)

and Nirvana did it say which character because each character has different hp.

02-18-2002, 07:15 PM
Well the book said to use Barret, so .....................................

02-18-2002, 08:16 PM
I never bothered to get this, too lazy I guess ;) takes too much effort to get, I'm happier without the lucky 7's

Divine Strike
02-19-2002, 01:30 AM
Originally posted by Nirvana
Well the book said to use Barret, so .....................................

I'll tell you tomorrow if it works

02-19-2002, 03:09 AM
cant u just walk around w/ cats bell until u get 7777hp?

Divine Strike
02-19-2002, 03:11 AM
No because the Cats Bell increases your HP by 2 points each step.

02-19-2002, 10:45 PM
The All Lucky 7's Is very nice to have, i think it is great to get, i have reached it twice and they were both by chance. I was fighting Emerald WEAPON and it did 2222 just like ILL WILL and then i got it in the battle with Sephiroth, it was so cool.

02-19-2002, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by Divine Strike
No because the Cats Bell increases your HP by 2 points each step.

If you montor you're steps right, and lose the right amount of health, you can gain the All 7s using the Cats Bells (well sorta).

Yeah, once. I got bored during a battle, so I let monsters hurt Cloud and kept using Hi-Potions and Potions on him until he went into the All 7 fever. Never done it again though.

02-19-2002, 11:16 PM
i have rapped the game from begining to end 7 times and i have yet to experience "luckey 7's".


Divine Strike
02-20-2002, 04:39 AM
Originally posted by Explosive Bobcat

If you montor you're steps right, and lose the right amount of health, you can gain the All 7s using the Cats Bells (well sorta).

Yeah, once. I got bored during a battle, so I let monsters hurt Cloud and kept using Hi-Potions and Potions on him until he went into the All 7 fever. Never done it again though.

you are still wrong you only gain 2 hitpoints per step no more no less unless they are big steps than you gain like four or something like that but it is always an even number and if it isn't, it changes to an even number.....so once again i prove my point.....damn people when will you learn that i know what i am talking about*****


02-24-2002, 07:17 AM
It's very hard to get Lucky 7... I accidently got it....

Black Mage#1
02-24-2002, 06:11 PM
I had it once but I never knew I had when I saw Red's name in colors. So I thougt that something was wrong in the game so I ran away.

Divine Strike
02-25-2002, 03:04 AM
Thats funny....

The other day when i got it, i didn't even know i had it until I realized that there was one less enemy than i had before and none of my characters had counter attack on.

02-26-2002, 09:28 PM
I read about something on how to recover with lucky 7777's but I never found how to do it. I got lucky 7's many times with Nirvana's way but you must have 9999 hp. 23 times and counting!:)

02-27-2002, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by FF_Fan
I read about something on how to recover with lucky 7777's but I never found how to do it. I got lucky 7's many times with Nirvana's way but you must have 9999 hp. 23 times and counting!:)

Thank god someone told me i'm starting from the beggining again, just raising my levels ya know.

02-27-2002, 11:18 PM
A few times but not too often. Just play around with materia combo's and you should get it.

03-02-2002, 01:14 AM
I got lucky 7 once when I was fighting the Emerald weapon, i've tried to get it again but i've never had such luck:mad:

03-02-2002, 10:57 AM
Ive had it once by a random enemy, and a few times because of emerald weapon. Ive heard of a way that when you are a certain level and equip certain materias you MAX hp gets to 7777, so you always get all lucky 7 until you level up.

03-02-2002, 02:09 PM
Yea keep your hp at max, and only equipt 2 materia when fighting Emerald. His Are tam Storm will deal 2222 giving you lucky sevens. Thats how i did it yesterday and i murderd Emerald pretty bad. Was quite fun lol.

03-03-2002, 07:17 PM
what exactly does all lucky sevens do???

03-03-2002, 10:35 PM
When you get 7777 health, All Sevens happens. You character enters a Beserk like status but each hit does 7777. It is said that it'll kill an enemy no matter once, but I doubt it. When they do enter All Seven each of the letters in there name (e.g. Cloud) flashes different colours(colors). For example, the C may be red, the L yellow, the O blue etc.

03-04-2002, 12:27 AM
ahhh i c. it sounds cool. i've never gotten it

Crimson X
08-01-2006, 04:59 PM
All Lucky 7's?

Um, Yep on the last boss with Cloud, It killed him! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Take that Sephiroth! XD

08-01-2006, 06:19 PM
I've never gotten them.

08-01-2006, 06:24 PM
How do you people think I beat Emerald Weapon. Equip 2 of your best Materia on each char (make sure at least 1 has E-Skill for White Wind and Angel Whisper, and you are lvl 99 or else your max HP will go down) When he uses Aire Tam Storm on your party, it will do 2222 dmg to every1, leaving every1 with lucky 7's. It is a useful technique.

08-01-2006, 06:25 PM
When you get 7777 health, All Sevens happens. You character enters a Beserk like status but each hit does 7777. It is said that it'll kill an enemy no matter once, but I doubt it. When they do enter All Seven each of the letters in there name (e.g. Cloud) flashes different colours(colors). For example, the C may be red, the L yellow, the O blue etc.

You just do 7777 dmg 77 times. Yes names flash colors nd the top of the screen says lucky 7's.

Hex Omega
08-01-2006, 06:25 PM
Don't revive old threads, dammit. You should know better Bizarro Sephiroth, oh wait a minute......

08-01-2006, 06:43 PM
I did not create it i just posted is all. Just to prove a point. Now.......this should close, i guess..................

07-15-2008, 09:15 PM
Personally? Well, would say yes... 4 times in fact. I did it the long boring way twice, and got it randomly the other two... let me elaborate:
1st time> Barret, Cid, and Cloud VS. Ruby Weapon. Both Barret and Cid died... Then cloud got ti! =] and Ruby Died! I was sad. =[ cloud was level 100 already... and Barret and cid were only 90. I wasted all that exp on nothing. =[
2nd) Fluke with emerald. He hit barret, and Barret had regen, and it hit 7,777!!! =] But emerald did not die... =[ And then proceeded to kill my party.
3rd & 4th) I used "mini" on a weak monster, and had it do damage (1 damage) until I had **77 HP. Then I murdered the enemy, and then used Hi-Potions, and Potions. =] I faced Ruby then Emerald. =]

07-03-2010, 08:34 PM
Personally? Well, would say yes... 4 times in fact. I did it the long boring way twice, and got it randomly the other two... let me elaborate:
1st time> Barret, Cid, and Cloud VS. Ruby Weapon. Both Barret and Cid died... Then cloud got ti! =] and Ruby Died! I was sad. =[ cloud was level 100 already... and Barret and cid were only 90. I wasted all that exp on nothing. =[
2nd) Fluke with emerald. He hit barret, and Barret had regen, and it hit 7,777!!! =] But emerald did not die... =[ And then proceeded to kill my party.
3rd & 4th) I used "mini" on a weak monster, and had it do damage (1 damage) until I had **77 HP. Then I murdered the enemy, and then used Hi-Potions, and Potions. =] I faced Ruby then Emerald. =] It only goes to level 99 noob. Cloud level 56 and a Fire 3 mastered and a Ice 3 Mastered and like 2 hp ups level 2 or 3 and cloud's health will be at 7777!

execrable gumwrapper
07-03-2010, 09:31 PM

07-04-2010, 09:51 PM
Ive got it once before on a 'regular' creature. I did it with Barret. Ive also done it on Emrald Weapon by accident. Cloud only had 2 Materia equiped and I had full life. He used his Special and it took off 2222 and left me with 7777. That was a fluke

Same here.

Darth Revan
07-05-2010, 03:54 AM
... reviving a thread which hasn't seen use since 07-16-2008.

Protip safer_sephiroth50, read the date of the last post before posting. Sides, this is old and everyone has their own ways of getting 7777.



10-25-2010, 04:49 PM
me, during a battle in the Sunken Gelnika.