02-17-2002, 03:21 AM
I have a few questions and was wondering if anyone knows?

For 1 do you ever get anything worthwhile with this game. I just played it about 15 min and got 60 gold 3 item c's and 1 item b (whatever that is)

Also if you dock Pita I noticed all the exp dissapears. Does this mean if he didn't level all that exp just erases?

How long does it take for him to lvl?

02-20-2002, 03:23 AM
I don't remember , but everytime I played it , he leveled up a good number of times.

what do you mean by dock pinta? A B and C are different levels of items. A being rare, B being normal and C being common. When you call him back in the game, they're added to your inventory. usually fish.

02-20-2002, 04:04 AM
Yea I have gotten him up to level 9. So far I got a ton of c's a couple of b's, but no a's. I meant dock as in when you play the game and get the items you find from the vmu game.

So what does this fish do, I used one of them and I didn't see anything happen?

And how do you move around the map? I went in and moved the box to another area and hit b and it took me back to the ship? Is that moving to another area of the map?

02-20-2002, 09:10 PM
that is moving actually. Certain areas are more difficult, meaning when Pinta plays a "game", then the challenge will be tougher and you'll get more gold and what not for being successful.

As for what the fish do, not much. At some points in the game, you'll be asked to have ten fish of various rarer types(S type, they run away as soon as you touch 1). You can sell them, and the rarer ones bring in some money, or you can eat them, where they do the regular number on improving your health( I believe). Also, later, you acquire some chefs who will use some cheap fish to make healing stews for you.

thats about it. I think Pinta keeps his experience after you dock. I really don't know.

02-21-2002, 08:02 PM
Yea when you dock Pita his exp cashes in for levels. I got him up to level 10 now. I have found a few decent items, but like you said mostly fish. The fish does give life back, but only 1hp each so its not worth useing them on it. Best items I have found is those boxes with Magic in them. They did come in handy for a boss that had 2 healers with him since the pyro box hits them all.

Another question about the actual game. Is it just me or does it take FOREVER to get a level. I mean Aika and Vase is level 10, that sailor guy is 13 and I can go into battle and kill 6 things in that battle and only get 60ish exp. And I need like 1200 to next level. And these are not super easy battles, they are right about on level for me. About the only time I ever level is after a boss.

Also is there anything like a Phoenix down in the game? So far I have seen nothing that can revive a KOed chairactor. I have lost alot of exp at bosses cause a chairactor will fall and I have no way to revive him/her.

I think Sega did a good job, but they are still far from Final Fantasy Quality..very far.

02-21-2002, 10:11 PM
if you mean very far ahead of final fantasy, I agree. but I honestly don't think much of SoA or the FFs.


Another question about the actual game. Is it just me or does it take FOREVER to get a level. I mean Aika and Vase is level 10, that sailor guy is 13 and I can go into battle and kill 6 things in that battle and only get 60ish exp. And I need like 1200 to next level. And these are not super easy battles, they are right about on level for me. About the only time I ever level is after a boss.

you're still early in the game. When you fly to deeper sections of the map, you fight stronger enemies, so it really depends on what part of the map you're flying around in. The way to win battles is to abuse your super specials at every possible chance and as such, you won't relly ever run into much trouble in a fight. Also, remember to get Vyse ,Aika, and Feena their moves first. Those three stick with you through most of the game. But the game actually handles levelling up pretty nicely. While you're flying around searching for "discoveries"(just keep mashing the search button while you're flying, and when you pass something it'll show up. don't bother waiting for the compass to spin) you get into an obscene amount of random battles and this is how you level up. Usually just levelling up on bosses means that they keep pushing you over the edge, but you start at the very beginning before the next level up.

I remember being able to revive people, yes. I honestly don't remember what I used though. Feena has a special that revives, and I think the revive magic is under the white or silver colored magic. I don't remember what its called, but it can be bought as a magic "box". I don't remember when it shows up in the game though. When you get those colors, build them up, or just go for Feena's specials. But since you're early in the game, It wouldn't be good to waste items on Feena when you can make Vyse stronger. Aika's 2nd special is good for clearing out all your enemies as soon as you see them at this point in the game. I think her second.

I don't remember. The games going to get much better though, around the middle. MUCH better.