08-05-2005, 10:51 PM
I have all the aeons except Anima. I followed a lousy walkthrough at the beginning of my playthrough and didn't get all the destruction spheres (and resulting key items) at all the cloister trials (I'm missing two out of six). So now I can't get Anima at Baaj temple, and it seems I can't make use of blessed crown and flower scepter to get the magus sisters (the light barrier behind Belgemine still gives me the message that "the doors are sealed by a strange power").

I have the flower scepter and blessed crown in my inventory, but they don't seem to give the desired result without having ALL the aeons (including Anima) and then defeating ALL of Belgemine's (I think?).

If my hunch is correct, then my only hope is to go back and get the other two destruction spheres so I can finish Baaj temple and obtain Anima, but alas...Yuna and her band are now traitors and I can't get into any of the temples. So this means I have to start over from the beginning? 200 + hours down the drain?

Tidus 66
08-05-2005, 10:54 PM
You ahve to get Anima, and beat and send Belgemine, then Magus Sisters can be yours

08-05-2005, 11:59 PM
Bevelle is the one temple you cannot return to now. All others can be returned to, albeit with the potential of a dark aeon encounter (watch out for Valefor at Besaid village). If you missed Bevelle, somewhat stupidly the game won't let you return there, which seems a bit unfair, considering I accidentally walked off to the right at the end of the cloister, when my prize item was to the left... Though I didn't know it at the time. I'm still not sure how I was meant to know, either! And it didn't let me walk back through... I rarely knock ff games, but this is one occassion where they just kinda sucked!

But yes, hope that answers your question!

Tidus 66
08-06-2005, 12:26 AM
You are obliged to use the destruction sphere to exist the cloister even if you don't collect the prize ( happened to me)

08-06-2005, 12:35 AM
Bevelle is the one temple you cannot return to now. All others can be returned to, albeit with the potential of a dark aeon encounter (watch out for Valefor at Besaid village). If you missed Bevelle, somewhat stupidly the game won't let you return there, which seems a bit unfair, considering I accidentally walked off to the right at the end of the cloister, when my prize item was to the left... Though I didn't know it at the time. I'm still not sure how I was meant to know, either! And it didn't let me walk back through... I rarely knock ff games, but this is one occassion where they just kinda sucked!

But yes, hope that answers your question!

Ok, so I'm on the airship, and I select Lake Macalania because I know I didn't get that destruction sphere completed. I approach the temple, and I'm run off by guado guards. It doesn't seem possible to enter at this point. Any suggestions?

08-06-2005, 12:40 AM
the words are..."TRAITOR! find your salvation on the farplane!"

The battles go on endlessly until I leave the temple entrance...I guess? Or should I fight the battles for another hour? hahaha

Tidus 66
08-06-2005, 12:43 AM
You have to use the destruction sphere to exit the temple

08-06-2005, 12:56 AM
As soon as you beat dark shiva, loads of Guado gaurds will hunt you. What you do is exit that place and wait a little while, then when you return the temple will be upen for you!

08-06-2005, 01:16 AM
I am yet to beat Dark Shiva, sorry! Lol... She is too fast for me and keeps removing auto-life, so I am just going to use Yojimbo to murder her... If I can get a turn, and a couple of million gil!!

Tidus 66
08-06-2005, 01:18 AM
You don't need that much gil, he must like you and you must ahve some decent gil, like 2,000

08-06-2005, 01:56 AM
Suggestion #1 : Pay Yojimbo triple the amount he asks when you are about to acquire him, and he will fall in love with you, and do Zanmatos sometimes for free!

Suggestion #2 : Play the game again, and save yourself the hassle of dark aeons, because they must not be approached before you at least powered up well up to the 3 digit figure.

08-06-2005, 02:54 PM
To re-enter the temples after you get the airship you have to visit the highbridge first. Note that you still have to fight Dark Shiva and Dark Valefor before you can enter the temples in Macalania or Besaid (if you have the PAL/International version). As for Bevelle, you already have that treasure.

08-06-2005, 06:07 PM
aH....Thank you Jewels...that IS the answer to my situation. :)

08-07-2005, 12:14 PM
I want to beat the dark Aeons and penance as a personal challenge anyway! Yojimbo only does zanmato if I give him something in the millions usually... Well, on dark aeons anyway! But thats a fair price. I beat Dark Valefor the traditional way, and I reckon im almost ready for Ifrit, but Shiva scares me... SO fast.