08-05-2005, 03:26 PM
whilst reading the theories on the FF7 shrine and interesting idea popped into my head to explain why aries was murdered.

Sephiroth was try to insure his place as a god, but aries was trying to stop him. now if holy was going to kill jumans for being bad to then that still would have stopped Sephiroth because if he hadnt killed her perhaps holy would have destroyed humans, but save the planet - in effect making Sephiroth a God, but a god of a humanless world. If Sephiroth hadnt stopped aries the summoning would have perhaps been so successful that humans were destroyed, then the meteor would have him, Sephiroth would have become, but there would have been no-one to rule command or even destroy because holy would have do that already.

just a though let me know if u understand it and if u are completely confused read the theories on final fantasy shine 1st otherwise ur have no idea what im on about

oh and furthermore - its the lifestream at the end that comes to the rescue of humanity - perhaps aries was needed to lead the lifestream in a fight or battle against holy and the meteor in order to protect humanity etc

ps another inmportant thing to consider perhaps is the fact many people say aries didnt need to die where she was and that she could of summoned the holy any where, well she died on and altar which throughout history have been used for sacrifice look at the aztecs maybe her body had to besacrificed on this altar to summon the holy.

secondly the holy only glows after it falls deep within the water - so the location of the summoning might not be important but the place where the holy matera is left to work might be important only because if the holy was so important why did no-one go back into the water and get the holy, lots of reasons but perhaps the most convincing is that it had to be left there to work (even if it worked against humanity in the end)

08-05-2005, 03:39 PM
This is a completely pointless thread. What are we meant to discuss?

08-05-2005, 03:52 PM
for god sake mman stop critisising and answer the question

08-05-2005, 03:54 PM
for god sake mman stop critisising and answer the question

What`s the question?

08-05-2005, 09:13 PM
What`s the question?

Yes exactly what is the question lol

I would like to say that this thread really is kinda pointless cuz we all know this and i have no idea why some1 had the need to say it AGAIN...

Btw i have noticed that u say "Aries" all the time - just so that u know her name is Aeris, not Aries :) u got a little confused there mate :)

Besides, Sephiroth did not want to rule over the humans, he just wanted to find the promised land and that is all...his goal was never to rule over humans...He wanted to reclaim the planet for himslef and his mother Jenova cuz he though he was an ancient and that the planet belonged to him and his mother, Jenova.

Moreover, Sephiroth didn't care about whether the humans would live or die...his goal was to rule over the planet and reclaim it for the Cetra by becoming a godlike being...

AND Holy did NOT work against humanity but for humanity man...

I do not mean to offend you dude, but you are really talking nonesense here, you really are, sorry i have to say this...but i do not have the patience..look up some threads in which i have posted, some of them are really old but you will find all anwers there...i don't wanna write it all up again so..please look up some of the other threads :)

08-05-2005, 09:14 PM
What`s the question?

Yes exactly what is the question lol

I would like to say that this thread really is kinda pointless cuz we all know this and i have no idea why some1 had the need to say it AGAIN...

Btw i have noticed that u say "Aries" all the time - just so that u know her name is Aeris, not Aries :) u got a little confused there mate :)

Besides, Sephiroth did not want to rule over the humans, he just wanted to find the promised land and that is all...his goal was never to rule over humans...He wanted to reclaim the planet for himslef and his mother Jenova cuz he though he was an ancient and that the planet belonged to him and his mother, Jenova.

Moreover, Sephiroth didn't care about whether the humans would live or die...his goal was to rule over the planet and reclaim it for the Cetra by becoming a godlike being...

AND Holy did NOT work against humanity but for humanity man...

I do not mean to offend you dude, but you are really talking nonesense here, you really are, sorry i have to say this...but i do not have the patience..look up some threads in which i have posted, some of them are really old but you will find all anwers there...i don't wanna write it all up again so..please look up some of the other threads :)

08-05-2005, 09:14 PM
What`s the question?

Yes exactly what is the question lol

I would like to say that this thread really is kinda pointless cuz we all know this and i have no idea why some1 had the need to say it AGAIN...

Btw i have noticed that u say "Aries" all the time - just so that u know her name is Aeris, not Aries :) u got a little confused there mate :)

Besides, Sephiroth did not want to rule over the humans, he just wanted to find the promised land and that is all...his goal was never to rule over humans...He wanted to reclaim the planet for himslef and his mother Jenova cuz he though he was an ancient and that the planet belonged to him and his mother, Jenova.

Moreover, Sephiroth didn't care about whether the humans would live or die...his goal was to rule over the planet and reclaim it for the Cetra by becoming a godlike being...

AND Holy did NOT work against humanity but for humanity man...

I do not mean to offend you dude, but you are really talking nonesense here, you really are, sorry i have to say this...but i do not have the patience..look up some threads in which i have posted, some of them are really old but you will find all anwers there...i don't wanna write it all up again so..please look up some of the other threads :)

08-05-2005, 09:16 PM
I'm sorry about the tripple post people, my comp laged a bit there :(

My apologies, wasn't meant to happen

08-05-2005, 09:26 PM
hey monk wassup i put my reply in the poll so figure it out.

08-05-2005, 09:28 PM
But in the poll he/she say "Was Aeriths death pointless?" and in the body of the thread he/she exsplains why she died and it`s meaning. Pretty pointless thread if you ask me.

08-05-2005, 09:30 PM
hey monk wassup i put my reply in the poll so figure it out.

Hey Dotman You didn't vote on the pol matey...cuz i can't see your name anywhere :(

Or am i mistaken?

08-05-2005, 09:57 PM
Ah, now u did vote ^_^ nice dude nice

Her death definetly had a meaning :) It wasn't pointless, no way :)

08-07-2005, 12:24 PM
the question is the poll - fools and the thread isnt pointless its to explain what i know or understand - if its wrong feel free to explain why and cast ur vote but its not pointless because it helps me understand more about the complexity of the game and futhermore -if uve read it before fuck off and read another thread, u chose to read it i didnt ask you and MONK if im so wrong why does red say at the end that holy is having the opposite effect? opposit of help would be interprited and not help meaning its not helping the planet - then prove ur point - secondly my arguement about seph was what was the poing because in finding the promised land he would become a god yes, but whats the point in being a god if there is no one to rule u might as well not exist.

but i will apologise about the speeling im usually in a hurry and want to get everything down before i forget

so monk since u clearly think im an idiot about this game why dont u direct mte to ur posts in other threds about these topics which uve slagged off so i can read for my self ur version of events - cause at least ive backed up some of mine with direct refrence to the game on these posts - and like i said u dont have to reply to these u read them ur self so next time u think about telling me how little i know why not show me where i can fill in the gaps

people like u really fucking piss me off thinking they no it all >:O

Hex Omega
08-07-2005, 01:15 PM
This is a completely pointless thread. What are we meant to discuss?

08-07-2005, 03:25 PM
people like u really fucking piss me off thinking they no it all >:O

And people like you amuse others with your stupidity, especially when you whine about people thinking they know everything when they clearly know more than you. :laugh:

08-07-2005, 03:28 PM
the question is the poll - fools and the thread isnt pointless its to explain what i know or understand - if its wrong feel free to explain why and cast ur vote but its not pointless because it helps me understand more about the complexity of the game and futhermore -if uve read it before fuck off and read another thread, u chose to read it i didnt ask you and MONK if im so wrong why does red say at the end that holy is having the opposite effect? opposit of help would be interprited and not help meaning its not helping the planet - then prove ur point - secondly my arguement about seph was what was the poing because in finding the promised land he would become a god yes, but whats the point in being a god if there is no one to rule u might as well not exist.

but i will apologise about the speeling im usually in a hurry and want to get everything down before i forget

so monk since u clearly think im an idiot about this game why dont u direct mte to ur posts in other threds about these topics which uve slagged off so i can read for my self ur version of events - cause at least ive backed up some of mine with direct refrence to the game on these posts - and like i said u dont have to reply to these u read them ur self so next time u think about telling me how little i know why not show me where i can fill in the gaps

people like u really fucking piss me off thinking they no it all >:O


For the love of sweet Jesus make me a fucking Mod so i could closed these shit threads and ban these dickheads.

08-07-2005, 03:32 PM
the question is the poll - fools and the thread isnt pointless its to explain what i know or understand - if its wrong feel free to explain why and cast ur vote but its not pointless because it helps me understand more about the complexity of the game and futhermore -if uve read it before fuck off and read another thread, u chose to read it i didnt ask you and MONK if im so wrong why does red say at the end that holy is having the opposite effect? opposit of help would be interprited and not help meaning its not helping the planet - then prove ur point - secondly my arguement about seph was what was the poing because in finding the promised land he would become a god yes, but whats the point in being a god if there is no one to rule u might as well not exist.

but i will apologise about the speeling im usually in a hurry and want to get everything down before i forget

so monk since u clearly think im an idiot about this game why dont u direct mte to ur posts in other threds about these topics which uve slagged off so i can read for my self ur version of events - cause at least ive backed up some of mine with direct refrence to the game on these posts - and like i said u dont have to reply to these u read them ur self so next time u think about telling me how little i know why not show me where i can fill in the gaps

people like u really fucking piss me off thinking they no it all >:O

Firts of all, i never wanted to offend you, i am sorry if u feel offended, it was not my intention :)

2nd, if you want to find these posts, you have to do it yourself cuz i do not have the time to look for it, sorry mate :(

besides, as dirge said, u are just blurting out your knowledge....the pol is the only sense this thread has, but what you wrote is just...well...pointless dude..sorry i have to say that but it's true

And i doin't think you're an idiot man, you may have took some of the above to seriously, i never meant to offend you, but what you wrote really is pointles mate

And almost everyone on these forums knows that i have written some of these things - thes stories, the plots and other.. - MORE THAN ONCE, and i really don't have the time to look it up for you mate, plz do us all a favor and look them up ok :)
Come on, do it for me ;)

08-07-2005, 07:57 PM
well another thread about one of the star signs verses sephiroth, they happen all the time...

08-07-2005, 08:52 PM
understand more about the complexity of the game

Prak, I am utterly disappointed with you. I can't believe you didn't comment on that one. But I suppose digging through that jungle of letters without a map was too much of an effort, so you're forgiven =/

08-08-2005, 01:45 AM
meh ... -_-

08-12-2005, 03:37 AM
ya she died fo a reason it wasnt pointless thats for sure!

execrable gumwrapper
08-12-2005, 03:45 PM
So died to move the story along... so yeah it was for a reason :rolleyes: