Aeris 802
08-04-2005, 01:56 AM
My favorite character is Garnet. My favorite character is Dagger. I like to use both names. Because
Princess Garnet is my favorite character, I thought I'd start a topic for fans of Garnet to mention which scene featuring Garnet is your favorite. I felt that Garnet was a strong character who showed a lot of emotion, strength and loyalty. Dagger has a great personality and a lot of great scenes. My favorite is when Alexandria is falling and Zidane jumps down and Garnet sees him and is so happy and hugs him. Dagger hugs him and smiles at him and holds him tightly. She closes her eyes happily. Garnet shows a lot of emotion in that scene. I felt that that scene was realistic and the emotion shown was perfect. The scene was wonderful, and shows Dagger's character wonderfully. Garnet's character has a lot of great moments, and that moment is probably the best moment in the game. Please share your opinions. This is for fans only, so please have positive messages. I've played every Final Fantasy game that was made so far, and they all had wonderful characters. Garnet/Dagger is my favorite, Garnet is a wonderful character, and this topic is for all fans to share one of their most memorable moments. I talked about this scene, my boyfriend agrees that it is one of the most memorable moments. I think it's great that others feel the same that this was truly a memorable moment. Please the scene you felt was memorable. Thank you.

08-04-2005, 01:10 PM
i think the ending theme with Zidane :Bring My bealoved Garnet To Me:

08-04-2005, 04:43 PM
Maybe the one where Lindblum is attacked.. Or the one where she sings in the Lindblum Castle.

08-04-2005, 11:40 PM

I thought that the ending scene with her, the dignified queen, shoving people aside on her way through the crowd towards the stage where her thought lost love awaited her, and then how she was pounding on his chest was really emotional, and it very nearly made me cry. The scene where she stole Zidane's dagger and chopped her hair of was really cool too.


matt damon
08-05-2005, 01:46 AM

I thought that the ending scene with her, the dignified queen, shoving people aside on her way through the crowd towards the stage where her thought lost love awaited her, and then how she was pounding on his chest was really emotional, and it very nearly made me cry. The scene where she stole Zidane's dagger and chopped her hair of was really cool too.


08-05-2005, 05:30 AM
I liked the scene(s) in Dali, where she was learning to fit in. This (in my mind) is where she and Zidane first start to connect, though any romance (real or perceived) is a long ways off, the events in Dali are kinda foundational to their relationship later on.