08-03-2005, 12:52 AM
hey guys, just trying to settle an arguement with a friend here. Now i know that im probably kicking the dead horse here, but i need some opinions. In FF7, what exactly is clouds story? Is he actually a clone "pieced together" by hojo, or is he just ordinary cloud infused with jenova and brainwashed into submission, to make himself think hes cloud? Myself and my friend have beaten the game long ago, so my memory is kinda fuzzy on the story, but if any of you can help, it would be most appreciated :)

08-03-2005, 04:09 AM
Cloud's origins begin with a race of forgotten beings, that once ruled the Planet, called Hojos.

Mixing Hojos DNA with the only female they had, Jenova, who suffered from a slight trauma because of what she thought was a stupid name, the Hojos succeeded in creating a being that was similar to a man, who they named, surprisingly enough, Hojo.

Jenova then proceeded to try and destroy the people known as Cetras, because they mocked her, saying her huge ass made a crater the size of a mountain. The Cetras banished Jenova, and Hojo was left alone, wandering the Planet.

Many years passed and Hojo created the being known as Sephiroth, infusing a 2-gil whore with Jenova's DNA he had kept in an unbreakable adamantium vial, plus his own Hojo DNA. Thus, Sephiroth was born, bearing the same trauma as Jenova, because of his name.

Sephiroth joined Soldier due to his incredible skill, not with the sword, but as lover, sleeping his way to the top. By the way, Soldier is an all-man organization.

Clooud left Nibelheim (as you know) but failed to enter Soldier because he wanted to remain a virgin until his wedding day.

Then the story unfolds as you know it. The clone story is never explained, except if you wait 2145421643 minutes after the credits show. Then you'll see a secret clip of Cloud waking up in bed and thinking "A dream. It was all a dream. I knew that me being a clone business made no sense. I just knew it."

There you go. Now look this up in a FAQ and you'll know I speak the truth.

08-03-2005, 05:25 AM
Great story. All wrong!

First: Jenova wasn't the ONLY female. Aerith's/Aeris's mom, who was Jenova's younger sister, was the first woman they tryed it on.

Second: The 2-Gil whore was actualy the DNA of Aerith's/Aeris's mom.

Third: Yes. Sephiroth did sleep his way to the top. He is also really a woman.

Fourth: It's not 2,145,421,643 minuts. It's 2,145,421,685. now everybody will know they actualy have an extra 42 min to wait.

Ok, seriously. Cloud is not a clone. Grew up in Nibelheim. Remember, he also had a mom?

Atom Narmor
08-03-2005, 05:33 AM
No, when he went back to Nibelheim the towns people didn't know him and also the town was intact like it never burned down as Cloud had thought. Anyway, this game makes no fuckn sense in my opinion but I do know Cloud was infused with mako and has a false memory like Wolverine. Anyway, Hobo said he created Cloud and Sephiroth demonstrated control over his mind so I think even Cloud is like those retarded Seph clones with numbers on their hands just a tad bit more sane and with yellow hair dye

08-03-2005, 07:15 AM
I thought Final Fantasy IX reminded me of another FF game. Zidane/Kuja = Cloud/Sepiroth

But anyway I think I need to play FF7 again to understand everything.

08-03-2005, 08:26 AM
Look at me, I'm a dimwit who decided to try and be funny by adding my own moronic mark to a stupid story a guy I don't even know made up in a minute.

You are an idiot. Get your own damn jokes, moron.

But anyway I think I need to play FF7 again to understand everything.

As my professional medical advice (and I suggest you heed it) a lead enema is exactly what you need. In fact, scratch the "a". What you need are lots of lead enemas.

08-03-2005, 09:26 AM
cloud isnt a clone. either 7 or 5 years before FF7 begins sephiroth, zack (they were soldier first class) and cloud and another un named person (who were just MPs) went to nibelhiem to investigate a sudden increase in monsters the group went up to the reactor the bridge breaks and one of the MP`s goes missing zack and sephiroth enter the reactor while cloud stays outside to keep tifa from going in while inside sephiroth finds soldiers who have been put inside of mako freezing chambers( im guessing mako freezing is the method it which materia is produced) and mutated and begins to think that he was created this way they all return to nibelhiem and sephiroth locks himself in the shinra mansion basement library and reads all the records about the jenova project which include shinras Mistaken assumtion that jenova was an ancient sephiroth then begins to think he is an ancient and begins thinking that he and his "mother" jenova are entitled to the planet so he sets fire to the city and goes back to the reactor to free her tifa, her dad, zack and cloud go to the reactor after sephiroth first sephiroth kills tifas dad then when tifa goes after him he badly wounds her then he injures zack(i cant remember how) then he stabs cloud cloud picks him up with the sword and throws him into the mako (after which he drifts to the northern crater through the life stream) then cloud passes out hojo takes all the survivors and uses them as guinea pigs inside of jenova experiments( all the people in black cloaks are results of those experiments) do you remember those reacords you read in the library one of the people who excaped the one who was not affected by the mako or jenova cells was zack (the reason that he was not affected was because as a soldier member he was already showered in mako and injected with jenova cells) and the one who was affected was cloud after they excaped cloud had serious mako poisoning (like what he had in mideel) and zack brought him with him as he traveled to midgar (where zack wanted to become a mercenary) and on the way told the mako poisoned cloud about his entire life. a small distance from midgar shinra guards corner them and kill zack but assume cloud is already dead and cloud starts to believe he is zack jenova also alters some of clouds memories about the incident the reason nibelhiem is still as it was 7 years ago and the reason noone remembers cloud is because shinra rebiult nibelhiem and paid people to live there to cover up the incedent

please dont yell at me if i made a mistake

08-03-2005, 10:03 AM
Click it or ill Stalk you >.< (www.gamefaqs.com)

There now leave me alone while i Masicate a Wild animals

08-03-2005, 01:06 PM
long story short:- cloud believed he had lived zack's life for about 5-7 years before the game started due to a mixture of mako poisoning and hatred of his weakness for not being able to become a member of SOLDIER
- tifa knew what cloud told them in kalm wasnt what happened, but didnt say anything because she was a selfish bitch
- because of the jenova cells inside of him, cloud was able to be controlled by sephiroth, prompting everyone to believe he was a clone that was never numbered
- in the final battle with sephiroth, clouds will is literally fighting the jenova cells within him, destroying sephiroths control of his mind, and freeing him

zell hell yeah!
08-03-2005, 05:52 PM
i asked this ages ago.....erm i think i got roughly the same answer - erm its like cloud is just a normal dude who was exposed to more jenova cells than anyone else (which messed up his head) but that happened after he had joined soldier and just before Zack was killed. He did throw sephiroth into the maco and sent him to the north crater but while seph.... he took advantage of clouds messed up head and knowing that clousd used to idealise him, he made him bring the black materia to him and almost destroy the world..
hope that helped!!

08-03-2005, 08:59 PM
Woa Taytyn your story is fully believable right now im confused whether my own theory is correct, yours seems to close all the gaps in my own theory.GOOD JOB.

08-04-2005, 04:29 AM
Dear Espanha.

"adding my own moronic mark to a stupid story a guy I don't even know made up in a minute."

1. Sure was moronic. I wont dispute that
2. Yes, YOUR story sure was STUPID to begin with. So I will take your suggestion and get my own damn jokes.
3. As long as your living on God's green earth and breathing MY air, I DON'T have to KNOW YOU.
4. Grow up. I just did.

"As my professional medical advice (and I suggest you heed it) a lead enema is exactly what you need. In fact, scratch the "a". What you need are lots of lead enemas."

Yeah, your mom just suggested it to me too. She seems to enjoy it. She got the idea from your dad putting cotton in his mouth.

08-04-2005, 04:42 AM
Oh dear. Marvin knows mom jokes. Oh well, I won't mind that you use my jokes, since I just witnessed your unoriginality. Carry on, Marvin, proud soldier and user of mom jokes.

08-04-2005, 05:00 AM
"Carry on, Marvin, proud soldier and user of mom jokes."

That was a poor use of sarcasm. And if your only come back is I know how to use mom jokes then I will carry on.

08-04-2005, 05:07 AM
I am a poor user of sarcasm. In fact, I suck at arguing but I'm not surprised you took your time noticing, since breathing probably takes every effort you can muster.

Interesting your definition of "growing up". I know I'm a kid and that I could use some growing up, but guess what? Not gonna happen; not when it comes to you, at least.

So I refuse to grow up and that's why I pick on people. What's your excuse? I mean, here you are, giving the "kid" reasons to reply. Shouldn't you be the better man?

08-04-2005, 05:56 AM
You're right. I will be a better man. Wanna shake on it? I'm not really in the mood to keep going on like this and I think we can combine our powers to pick on other people. Whacha say?

08-04-2005, 03:21 PM
cloud fought sephiroth and they killed each other. hojo brought them back to life w/ jenova cells, but cloud was considered a "failed project".

Atom Narmor
08-05-2005, 10:28 AM
Sephiroth wasn't brought back to life, he came to that crater even without legs and was incapsilated into solid materia(if you'll look close enough on disc 2 you'll see Sephiroth legless). He was probably sustained by the life stream and also learned the knowledge of the dead ancients, that's why he was able to control others minds with illusions n such. The ancients were humans, perhaps far more advanced physicaly and mentaly as in real life history suggests. Genova was a chrisis from the skies, the alien if you will. Your right about the genova cells though, Cloud was a lab rat.

Hex Omega
08-05-2005, 10:32 AM
The real Sephiroth is dead, yes.The one walking around is being controlled by the dead Sephiroth(how this is done I don't know)and Cloud is being controlled too(I think, haven't played it in a while).

08-05-2005, 10:41 AM
The real Sephiroth is dead, yes.The one walking around is being controlled by the dead Sephiroth

Sephiroth is not dead, otherwise he wouldn't be able to control his own ass, let alone talk to Cloud or control the clones. More like imprisoned, so he uses whatever mental power he's got going on to get the Black Materia.

I really don't see what's the doubt about this.

Hex Omega
08-05-2005, 10:54 AM
Sephiroth is dead.I'm sure it's mentioned somewhere in the game.I might be wrong though, like I said I haven't played it in a long time.

08-05-2005, 10:55 AM
Then how, pray tell, did he control the clones and talked to Cloud and, holy shit, we fight him in the last battle. For a dead guy he sure goes around a lot.

Hex Omega
08-05-2005, 10:57 AM
Yes, that's his clone.Remember Sephiroth is not of this world, who knows what powers he may have.Like I said previously, I might be wrong, my memory is a bit hazy.If I have some free time I might start it again.

08-05-2005, 10:59 AM
The clone guy disappeared after Cloud hands the Black Materia to Sephiroth (the real one). After that, it's the real Sephiroth we're dealing with. Either I got the game completely wrong or you're as wrong as the crucifixion.

Hex Omega
08-05-2005, 11:02 AM
Fair enough, I think i'll start again and see for myself.

08-05-2005, 05:32 PM
Wow, Espanha, for someone who knows purely nothing you sure know how to make yourself seem right. Too bad you aren't. The "Sephiroth" everyone chases is a telekinetic projection by the real Sephiroth, who is dead but still has will and mindpower because he refused to let his spirit go back to the lifestream. His mindpower is so strong he can telekinetically project himself as anythin, and he can even be solid. That's how he carries Jenova around and since he's a projection, he can grow and shrink and go through floors and walls. In the end, Bizarro and Savior Sephiroths are really also Telekinetic projections representing Sephiroth's sheer will. As Bizarro Sephiroth his will is strong, but as Savior Sephiroth he is beginning to get weaker so he only fights one party. When Savior Sephiroth is destroyed, Sephiroth's will is so weak that he can only project himself in Cloud's mind, and he's so weak he can't appear menacing. Cloud destroys Sephiroth's will, and therefore Sephiroth can no longer hold back Holy (which would do his work for him so why bother wasting strength stopping it?) and Sephiroth's spirit returns to the Lifestream just like a normal person.

In other news relating to Lifestream, Jenova went to the lifestream after killing Synthesis, and the lifestream went through Midgar and other places, exposing the people to Lifestream. Could Jenova in the lifestream have caused Advent Children's disease of Geostigma? Could Geostigma be what wiped out the Cetra? Cloud has Geostigma, and he was overinjected by Jenova cells...

08-05-2005, 06:08 PM
Either I got the game completely wrong or you're as wrong as the crucifixion.

See that? It means I wasn't completely sure as well. Thanks for clearing the doubts though.

Your smartass reply is noted. I guess I should've spent hours and hours looking at a Faq, like you did, I'm sure.

But now I'm curious. How can you be so sure that theory is correct?

08-06-2005, 11:12 PM
Well the theory is good, however, whether it is corract or not i don't know lol, and don't have really the time to think about it, but i think at first glance it seems correct to me :)

But if Cloud has Jenova's cells within him, there is a chance that he is immune to Geostigma...i don't know...but if this is true then cloud should not have geostigma..therefor i conclude that it maybe wasn't Jenova...

But don't take this to seriously dude, i am just saying what the possibilities might be...however i don't know for sure :)

BUT i think it wasn't Jenova....

Atom Narmor
08-07-2005, 01:30 AM
A movie clip states that Cloud has geo stigma. Vincent says it is an unwelcome visitor meaning it's viral in it's manifestation. Genova cells seem to be just as benevolent as a virus and even more so. So I guess Cloud is fucked to..

08-07-2005, 03:57 PM
Ah yes i get it :)

That is of course, very bad :(

08-07-2005, 07:50 PM
I cant believe so many people disagree with Espanha's story. That is so true.

And AtomNarmor, stop using that stupidly gay green font.

08-08-2005, 05:38 PM
And AtomNarmor, stop using that stupidly gay green font.

I like AtomNarmor's green font. I just don't use different colored fonts because I'm too lazy to do it.

08-09-2005, 01:50 PM
try here http://www.ffshrine.org/ff7/ff7_theory.php

becuase thats where i filled in most of my gaps and it seems prett spot on - unfortunately monk and diag will most probably dissagree with me here but ill let u decide what u thinks right and wrong

hope that helps

08-23-2005, 06:35 PM
i just love the first comment!! what a brat!!
pay attencion when you play the game!!!!

08-26-2005, 03:10 AM
Who are all the Sepiroth clones was Zack one of them? and RedXIII whats the deal with him?

Guitar Woman
08-26-2005, 04:06 AM
Third: Yes. Sephiroth did sleep his way to the top. He is also really a woman.
Further proof for my "Sephiroth + Kefka + love = Kuja" Theory!

08-27-2005, 01:28 AM
hey guys, just trying to settle an arguement with a friend here. Now i know that im probably kicking the dead horse here, but i need some opinions. In FF7, what exactly is clouds story? Is he actually a clone "pieced together" by hojo, or is he just ordinary cloud infused with jenova and brainwashed into submission, to make himself think hes cloud? Myself and my friend have beaten the game long ago, so my memory is kinda fuzzy on the story, but if any of you can help, it would be most appreciated :)

This will not be much help, now but if you go into the nebelheim mansion downstairs ( near where you find vincent) after he gets his memory back. There will be a scene about Cloud's past.

Swedish Fish
08-28-2005, 06:29 PM
Normal Cloud. Infused with Jenova cells. Brainwashed. He was never "pieced toghether". You make him sound like Cait Sith.

08-30-2005, 06:06 PM
Of course they do.

08-31-2005, 02:20 PM
i see theres confusion about Cloud aswell.

right Cloud's story, Cloud believes himself to ne from the town of Nibelheim with Tifa, when they are in Kalm's Inn, he reels off a story from 5 years ago wabout Sephiroth and himself at the Reactor of Nibelheim. We see that Tifa feels uneasy when he is talking about the story and we don't know why till later on in the game.
Throughtout the game we encounter the Men In Black Cape's, these are all Sephiroth Clones. When the group goes into the Northern Crater for the first time on Disc 2, the group encounter Sephiroth who reveals that Cloud's story was a lie. He shows the group the picture that was taken of Sephiroth, Tifa and Cloud, but it turns out Clound isnt there, but Zack is. Sephiroth then claims that Cloud is a mere Puppet, infused with Jenova cells. Cloud tries not to let Seph get to him, but then relizes, what he says makes sense. Once we arrive at the Crater where the Weapons and Sephiroth himself really is, the whole of Shinra's main people are there, Rufus, Scarlet, Hojo and I'm not sure if the Vice President of Shinra was there, the crazy fat guy, i forget is name. Cloud looks upset when the group appear. Lots of talking goes on then Red XIII appears with the Black Materia and gives it to Cloud. Hojo is extremly happy. He congratulates Cloud and says something along the lines of:

Hojo - Haha, this is wonderful, what is your number?

Hojo takes a look

Hojo - Uh!!! Where is your number?

Cloud - You didn't give me a number Hojo

Hojo - So a failure made it this far?!

Cloud - Please give me a numbre Hojo

Hojo - Get out of my sight failure!!!!

So this lead Cloud on to believe that he truly is a clone. Anyway once Cloud falls into the lifestream, he ends up at Mideel, then the Ultimate Weapon attacks, causing the Lifestream to explode and appear on the surface. Tifa and Cloud (Who is wheelchair bound) fall into the Lifestream. There Tifa uncovers all of clouds dearest memories. She finds out that Cloud was actually a mere Squady instead of a SOLIDER First Class, that Cloud really wanted to be apart of Tifa's gang etc etc etc. Thus uncovering the fact that Cloud is not a clone but a real human being enfused with Jenova cells.

This raises the question of why Cloud cannot recall any of these memories we encounter in the Lifestream. My personal opinion is that the Jenova cells which are coursing Cloud's veins have had a major impact on him giving him strength but at the cost of loosing memories.

09-01-2005, 12:50 AM
long story short:- cloud believed he had lived zack's life for about 5-7 years before the game started due to a mixture of mako poisoning and hatred of his weakness for not being able to become a member of SOLDIER
- tifa knew what cloud told them in kalm wasnt what happened, but didnt say anything because she was a selfish bitch
- because of the jenova cells inside of him, cloud was able to be controlled by sephiroth, prompting everyone to believe he was a clone that was never numbered
- in the final battle with sephiroth, clouds will is literally fighting the jenova cells within him, destroying sephiroths control of his mind, and freeing him

YEAH....Bravo....Thats how you explain shit.