08-01-2005, 06:00 AM
I need to know how to get stuff like w-item, KOR, and all those hard to find items, what does 1/35 soldier do? Where to lvl at 2something or 16, I need to know how to rock at the game, post all your knowgledge.

Atom Narmor
08-01-2005, 10:15 AM

These are a few tips. If your on the 1st disc, I suggest you get yourself up to 1,200 or so in your life gauge. chill in Junon for a while. Go to the tunnel with the practicing soldiers and there should be a red alarm near them. Click on it and plackow! you get a nice amount of AP and EXP to start off with. Master your magics there 2. I did it after I stowed away on the ship BACK to junon from Costa Dela Soul (what I call it) _ When you get to the Marsh Serpent that won't let you pass equip the enemy skill materia and get betta after toying with him enough to use it. Also, when you get the steal materia use it in every area you come across and steal items developing your steal magic for a higher success rate in the latter parts of the game. Get ether from the mushroomish things while just past the roller coaster-like railroad tracks on your way to Berrets busted town. Right around where you see the guy laying on the tractor saying "Sorry, I can't help ya pal!!" Anyway, one of my favorite items for the arena and early in the game help out is right arm. This item can take atleast 1,000 life away from an enemy. (Don't lean on this magic yet until you get to the gold soucer battle arena to get the champion belt and Cloud's omni slash.)It can be gotten on a bridge b4 you get to Barrets home town by stealing from fire demons. They look like hot meat wads...

W Item
Duplicate Items
For this to work you need the W-Item Materia. This Materia is available at the excavation site. Search the bottom layer at a place that looks a little like someone scuffed an "x" in the dirt. Equip the Materia, and in battle use it. Select the Item that you want to duplicate first, then select any other item.

Get the Great Gospel
To get Great Gospel, you first need to go through the first Gold Saucer area of the game. When you get the buggy, head north to Costa del Sol. Without leaving the Buggy, drive into Costa del Sol. Go to the ship harbor and talk to the man blocking the dock to the ship you took to get here from Junon. He will ask you if you want to stow away. Say yes and pay him his extremely small fee. You will be brought directly to Junon. Exit the first screen and head down the street until you see the helicopter landing pad with a sailor standing next to it. Talk to him and he will offer you the Helitaxi. Don't worry, it is free. Take the taxi outside of Junon, and you will appear in the buggy. Drive north to the Old Man's cave. You will need to cross a shallow river to get there, hence why you have the buggy. Talk to the man when you have 600-700 victories in battle and the last two digits match (i.e. 611, 622, 633, 644, etc.). He will give you a piece of Mythrill. Hop back in the buggy and drive into Junon.. pay the soldier gaurding the elevator to Upper Junon 10 gil to use the elevator. Head to the boat launching area. Go in the boat and stow away. You will appear in Costa del Sol. Now go to the Weapon Maker's shop outside of Gongaga. Give him the mythrill and he will give you a choice of either chests upstairs. Go up the stairs and take the one built into the wall at the end of the balcony. Voila! You have Aeris' ultimate limit break. Great Gospel makes you invulnerable, restores all HP/MP, and cures all status effects.

Cloud's level 4 limit break "Omnislash"
Go to the Golden Saucer (preferably later in the game) and go to the battle arena. Gain 32,000 battle points (I know, easier said than done). First you need to get A LOT of GP from the Wonder Square and the Chocobo Races, then, when inside the battle arena, you must not leave (When you leave the battle arena, all your battle points dissapear). Equip Cloud with all the best materia and equipment. Talk to the woman at the desk. Say you want to use Cloud. You will go inside the battle arena and start the battles. There are 8. Once you defeat all of them, you will exit with a certain amount of battle points (and a "tissue"... completly useless). Go to the computer at the lower left of the screen when you have 32,000 battle points. Scroll down until you get omnislash. That is Clouds level 4 limit break. If you don't want to go through all of this, just wait until you fight the very last Sephiroth, Cloud will automaticly be able to use Omnislash on Sephiroth

Getting Vincent and Odin in Nibelheim mansion
Go to the safe upstairs and enter the code RIGHT 36, LEFT 10, RIGHT 59,RIGHT 97(DO NOT PASS THE #)TO ENTER EACH # PRESS ENTER! Odin and the basement key will be in the safe. Be careful there is also a powerful boss. After you beat the boss go to the basement and go inside the door that is in the second hallway. Vincent will be in the coffin. Keep talking to him until he says,"Let me sleep." Then try to walk out of the basement, he will offer to join you

Neo Xzhan
08-01-2005, 05:31 PM
Dude, stop hitting the post thread button so many times.

08-01-2005, 08:31 PM
Woa u must be really desperate

08-08-2005, 08:01 PM
i know a lot of people know this but im posting in case u dont get the ALL Materia to the master level and then sell and u will get 1400000 gil
i think thats the amount any well cheeriby

execrable gumwrapper
08-08-2005, 11:05 PM
W Item
Duplicate Items
For this to work you need the W-Item Materia. This Materia is available at the excavation site. Search the bottom layer at a place that looks a little like someone scuffed an "x" in the dirt. Equip the Materia, and in battle use it. Select the Item that you want to duplicate first, then select any other item.

Dude... That's the lazy way. The right way is getting it in the Midgar tunnels in Sector 8 on Disc 2. You keep going towards the screen until you get to the beginning/end and there it is... all yellow and shiny.

As for the above question (What does 1/35 soldier do) It's nothing, a waste of space, you can't get all 35 in the set. Same for all the other shit prizes you get at Gold Saucer (Masamune, tissue, etc.)

Another comment on the tips that one colorful guy gave. Getting your life up to 1,200 should be already done by the time you leave Midgar. At the end of Disc 1 most of my characters were 3,500. And yeah, without HP plus.

08-09-2005, 11:40 AM
Yeah... what the hell does 1/35 soldier do? It doesn't appear to do anything, and yet its so unlike square to include something so pointless...

Hex Omega
08-09-2005, 12:18 PM
Square always have a couple of pointless items in every FF.God knows why but they do.

08-09-2005, 10:35 PM
I need to know how to get stuff like w-item, KOR, and all those hard to find items, what does 1/35 soldier do? Where to lvl at 2something or 16, I need to know how to rock at the game, post all your knowgledge.

W-Item -> Midgar 2nd Visit at end of railway
KOTR -> Gold chocobo to north-east of map
1/35 Solider -> Nothing, don't bother

If you want to 'rock' at this game, then play through about 10 times. Then you know where everything is. Where is the fun when you ask where everything is? Why not try finding it yourself?

Desert Wolf
08-11-2005, 08:15 PM
I think my friend said something about the soldiers making Cait Siths slots more damaging.(Idiot)I think he's right. :rolleyes: