07-28-2005, 03:20 AM
I started this thread because it seems to be a common issue. The question is what is more popular, Online RPGs or the classics, and which do you enjoy more. If you're going to post please state your reasons clearly and in detail. No bland sterotype answers. Give examples and talk about the good and bad. As an example I'll write my own opinion first.

Being a huge fan of RPGs in general, I could play either and enjoy them equally. I love the classics for their more in-depth storylines, but it woud'nt be fair to say that no Online RPGs have a good storyline. Another factor of RPGs is the gameplay. Online games are usually in real-time which is a fun way to fight as it just feels more realistic. Plus it takes alot of speed and practice to get in the right spell or attack. However I love the ATB system from Final Fantasy. Though it may not be as challenging, it gives the player more time to develope a complex strategy, and if your characters are'nt just pure strength, it can take a whole lot of thought and experience to win. These are only two aspects that affect my opinion. Really when I think about it it's hard to choose one over the other because their both RPGs and you cand find what you like in a game on either side of the argument so for me its hard to decide.

One thing is for sure though. Online RPGs are extremely addictive for the reason that they might never end. And one thing I greatly dislike about RPGs are people who only like one kind of game and claim to hate all others. One game in particular like that is World of Warcraft. Being a bit of a fan myself I have nothing against the game or people who play it, I just know two many who play it and never anything else. They always tell me this bull$h1t about why its so much better than air and frankly it pisses me off. If you like one game better than another you don't need to shove it down other peoples throats. I respect all games for what they are even if they're not my taste. Thats important in a gamer.

There's my longass opinion. You don't have to write anything quite so long but you get the point. Don't worry about getting off topic just say what your'e thinking and make it detailed.

07-28-2005, 04:36 AM
1) Don't type in that colour, it's impossibly hard to read against a light background.

2) I purchased World of Warcraft exactly because I was sick of 'classic' rpgs. Don't get me wrong - I still play and love the games, because they have fantastic stories. But after I finished Jade Empire in 10 hours, I was bitterly disappointed. The game simply does not have that much replay value - even when you go through on the 'dark side', most of the game is the same.

MMOs, on the other hand, have a different agenda. Firstly, it takes months to 'finish' the game - that is, achieve the highest level possible. Even then, games like Final Fantasy XI have endgame content that is constantly expanded - and World of Warcraft is getting more and more endgame content as well. With an MMO, the biggest draw for me isn't other people - I generally solo, anyway - but the fact it's a game that is being constantly worked on, constantly updated. In that way, they can achieve far more than any classic RPG ever could.

J. Peterman
07-28-2005, 04:38 AM
Garamond doesn't play these ONLINE RpGs bEcAuSe THEY COST tOo MucH MONEY


MvP BaseBaLL>RpG

The Ricky
07-28-2005, 06:29 AM
Personally, I prefer the classics. Bucause I'm not willing to pay the average $15 a month to play a game that I'd get bored with in about 6 months. Especially since there are a lot of good classic RPG games I've yet to play.

07-28-2005, 06:57 AM
i like classics more, i guess its a nostalga thing.

but i hate mmo's all you deal with is lagg ping and those people in towns who constantly shout
"money 4 a n00b" "heal plz" " OMG a grl, letz cyb3r"

but lesser played mmo's like anarchy online and the multiplayer options on vampire the masqurade and arcanium games prove that mmo's or atleast multiplayer options are more fun when less people play.

'nuff said
fyi i still play pso on my dream cast it's fun and deserted.

07-29-2005, 02:33 AM
I can't really say either way, I like MMOs cause I get to interact with other people on the other side of the planet, but I do like going solo every once in awhile to get a challenge, so I enjoy playing games like WoW, and Jade Empire.

07-29-2005, 07:50 AM
'Classic' are fun because of the deep story. But MMo's are just as fun because battling enimies with your friends is awsome. WoW of course.

07-29-2005, 10:38 PM
I enjoy MMOs more.
Classic games are good, but most don't have that great a storyline, or that fun a combat system.
Which is the problem with most MMOs as well...
Most MMOs suck ass.
You have games that force you to party to level, and usually that's just grinding (FFXI, EQ1+2, Lineage). FFXI falls even further since of the overeliance on a broken economy.
Then there's WoW, which has a facade of catering to casual gamers, when the game is really shit from 40+, all leading up to an endgame that requires a lot of people and/or time to have a chance of maybe getting a new item to help you win in the horribly unbalanced PvP.

CoH is the best out there imo. No items, actual storylines, plenty to do, intelligent developers who actually post on their forums and interact with the players, amazing GMs who respond quickly (read: within 5-10 minutes most of the time), and an interactive combat system. Unlike, say, Wow, where one can iniate auto-attack, walk away from the computer for a minute, and then press a button or two, you actually have to be active to do things.
Of course, it has it's share of problems, but I don't see it running out of fun anytime soon.

07-29-2005, 10:45 PM
I only got into an online RPG when Guild wars came around and i simply love it. But i still play "classic" rpgs,yes.

07-30-2005, 05:50 AM
if you're going to count guild wars you might as well count diablo also.

07-30-2005, 07:33 AM
Well it's not that I don't wanna play MMO, I just can't pay a $10 to $15 monthly fee, that's is too much for me, well you have to consider my country. Dial up connection here does not work really well, having a broadband connection is expensive. Hey this is Philippines a third world! ! ! So I'll stick with the Calssic...

07-30-2005, 09:06 AM
if you're going to count guild wars you might as well count diablo also.

and fAtE (

08-01-2005, 08:36 AM
Give me classic RPG's. I'm stuck in the Bronze Age with a 56k and a limited budget, so most MMO's are out of my reach. I do play Guild Wars, and really like the PvE. But the majority of people on GW suck. Spammers, 'dance parties,' people begging female Elementalists to strip (can we gag yet?), and about the most un-helpful bunch of gamers I've run into all make the game much more difficult to enjoy. Even the people are easier to get along with.