07-26-2005, 09:41 AM
I've almost upped Tidus to 9999 HP, but I would like to know if it is any use to continue after that.

I don't have break HP limit yet, so when his HP will be at 9999 and I activate another HP node on the sphere grid, does it "remember" the upgrade and will Tidus' HP suddenly shoot up after I break the HP limit, or will I just be wasting those HP nodes and should I wait with activating them until I break the HP limit?

07-26-2005, 10:52 AM
Yes it remembers the upgrade (I believe). I know if you have over the 9,999 and you swap back to a weapon or armour without break limits then you return to 9,999. If you re-apply the weapon or armour you go back above 9,999. Wow that was a big mess. I hope it helps. You might actually need to have break limit though in the first place for it to register. I'd PM a mod. for this one actually...go me...useless...

One Who Suffers
07-26-2005, 03:47 PM
You are correct about it remembering. Although, unless you have beaten the game its pointless to go higher anyways.

07-26-2005, 08:55 PM
I'm not maxing out the characters just to finish the game, but to eventually defeat the more powerful enemies like the dark aeons etc. Thanks for the headsup guys.

07-27-2005, 02:31 AM
Yeah I wondered the same thing you did. At first I didn't activate the HP nodes because I thought I wouldn't be able to use them untill I got break HP limit. So yeah, they are right.

07-27-2005, 07:46 PM
Just a word of advice:

- You need around 20,000 HP at least to face the Dark Aeons.
- You need stats of at least 100 for almost everything/everything.
- You need every spell for Yuna, and Likewise for Lulu.

It helps to have:

- Blitz Ace - Tidus.
- Attack Reels - Wakka.

- Obviously, Break Damage Limit.

- Anima, Magus and Yojimbo (if you have alot of money).

07-29-2005, 11:35 AM
I already have Blitz Ace, but find it strange that it actually does less damage than Slice & Dice. At my current strength level (around 110) a Slice & Dice attack does around 9500 x 6 = 57000 damage to the enemy (I'm taking Abyss Worm as an example here, and of course with perfect hits), but when I use Blitz Ace, it does around 5000 x 8 = 40000 + 10000 (ball hit) = 50000 damage.

and I dunno what you call a "lot" of money, but I got Yojimbo already early in the game for a mere 23000 gil. compared to the 1 million+ gil I have right now, that's a bargin ^_^

07-29-2005, 03:01 PM
I already have Blitz Ace, but find it strange that it actually does less damage than Slice & Dice. At my current strength level (around 110) a Slice & Dice attack does around 9500 x 6 = 57000 damage to the enemy (I'm taking Abyss Worm as an example here, and of course with perfect hits), but when I use Blitz Ace, it does around 5000 x 8 = 40000 + 10000 (ball hit) = 50000 damage.

Each hit of Slice & Dice is stronger than the first eight hits of Blitz Ace. All six hits of S&D also benefit from the damage bonus given by stopping the cursor early whereas only the final hit of Blitz Ace gets the bonus. Due to the damage cap, a lot of the bonus is wasted as it actually does far more than 99,999. So depending on the Defence of your target, Slice & Dice can do more damage. It also has less of a recovery time than Blitz Ace, making Slice & Dice the better overdrive overall.

07-29-2005, 03:51 PM
and I dunno what you call a "lot" of money, but I got Yojimbo already early in the game for a mere 23000 gil. compared to the 1 million+ gil I have right now, that's a bargin ^_^

1 million gils good. Well as you know, the more gil you give him, the higher chance he has of doing Zanmato. Unfortunately, Dark Aeons have lvl 4. resistance, but it still works sometimes.