07-19-2005, 05:43 AM
Considering VIII was just high school with GFs heres something I came up with while not working at work

Squall - emo kid
Zell - annyoing kid no one can bring themselves to tell hes lame and no one likes him
Rinoa - angsty attractive girl
Seifer - dumb jock
Qustis - kinky, hot teacher
Selphie - pedophiles dream
Irvine - super badass with his own fashion sense

if you have any other ideas please comment

07-19-2005, 08:22 AM
Hmm, I saw it like this:
Squall: The kid everyone likes, but they never really wanted to invite him to their parties
Zell: The really scrappy short kid who picks fights with everyone in school
Rinoa: That absolutely perfect girl who hangs out with the seniors
Seifer: Pot-head who needs a posse to seem more, eh... badass
Quistis: The really really sexy nerdy girl
Selphie: The girl with all the frilly stickers on her locker that say, "Have a happy day!"
Irvine: The hottest guy in school who knows damn well that he is God's gift to women everywhere

Thats just how I see it *looks around and wanders off*

07-19-2005, 09:17 AM
Quistis: Quistis looks like a secretary from a porno star, in this case a teacher :P

07-22-2005, 11:06 AM
I always thought Squall as the cool kid everyone wanted to be friends with but he wouldn't let them.

Tidus 66
07-22-2005, 11:22 AM
Squall: Strange kid of the school, but cool and looked up to
Zell: Shy introverted Guy, who in groups situation is outgoing and dumb, a fusion between jock and nerd
Selphie: Cheerleader, The life of the party, Volunteer everytime she cans, a sexy scout
Quistis: Young chatolic teacher who was lefted by a guy, and now keeps herself very shy, but nothing a bit alchool won't do
Rinoa: Homecoming Queen, the dream of everyguy, the few popular girls that talks to nerds
Seifer: Arrogant Jock, the dream of all girls
Irvine: The seducer, altough he has a cowboy fetish, the Pimp xD
Edea: The mature woman that everyone would like to have as mom
Headmaster Cid: Everything opposites of school headmasters i know, in all a Chicken
Laguna: The Friend, is friends with everybody, everyone likes being around him, very shy with girls, always glad to help
Ellone: The maternal instict girl, she is shy and keeps much to herself, she likes to help when she cans
Kiros: The Friend, the wise advisor that helps he's friends
Ward: The good hearted bodyguard kindah like Kubiac
Fujin: Shy cold girl, the one that kicks guy's buts
Raijin: The follower, a groupie

08-04-2005, 10:55 PM
But every FF has it`s stereotypes. Although i would say, in FFVIII there too obvious, way to obvious.

Although i will say, some of the "stereotypes" you guys pointed out aren`t "stereotypes" at all there just merely just character types or ever character flaws.

08-06-2005, 09:25 AM
Going by 'Not Another Teen Movie' standards;

Squall: Emo kid
Rinoa: Fake, preppy slut
Quistis: Your hot best friend
Zell: Annoying dude who claims to be good at everything
Irvine: Arrogant dumbass
Selphie: Annoying.

08-06-2005, 09:37 AM
alao add this to your list
Raijin:Tolken Black guy

08-06-2005, 12:22 PM
The JRR Tolkien black guy?

08-06-2005, 09:09 PM
haha! XD

rinoa: pretty, popular girl
selphie: everyones best friend
zell: the guy who's always picking fights
seifer: cocky jock
sqaull: the loner

08-07-2005, 04:32 AM
haha! XD

rinoa: pretty, popular girl
selphie: everyones best friend
zell: the guy who's always picking fights
seifer: cocky jock
sqaull: the loner

I agree with yours.

I don't see what was worng with siefer in the game, he kept everyone under control. Didn't worry me much though, i just thought it was going to be change to have a party who didn't get along.

08-08-2005, 01:33 AM
Squall - emo kid

:laugh: definantly