The Joker
07-18-2005, 11:30 PM
Years ago when I got my PS2, Bestbuy was out of regular memory cards. I got one of those Interact memory manager plus. It comes with a CD and a 16 MB memory card. Its really big, but you have to load the CD or else the PS2 won't read the memory card. EVERYTHING was on that memory card.

Today, I woke up in the horror that somehow, my memory CD was cracked a little. The PS2 now cannot load the memory card because it cannot read the CD. And it looks like nobody sells these types of memory cards anymore.

However, I remember that a PS2 gameshark might load it. I remember being at a friends house and not having to put my memory CD in, just the gameshark CD. So I"m going to check the game rentals, because I swore I thought someone rented it. At least it'll give me enough time to go buy some regular memory cards and transfer all the data on them.

Any suggestions I haven't already thought of? Worst comes to worst, I saw someone advertising a similar card on amazon for $25, which is expensive consdering its outdated, it sucks, and I have no job.

07-19-2005, 05:28 PM
i would, just for the hell of it and cause it wouldn't hurt to try, is attempt copying the cd on your pc. in as many ways you can think of. i have so far, thought of 3. :p

making an iso and burning that

cd to cd directly

and copying and pasting the contents and burning those.

sure you might waste 3 blank cd's. but if by the grace of all that is lucky, one works. you just saved yourself some good money.

also. definately borrow things if possible. you'll only need it for like a couple minutes or so. try even asking peeps if they happen to own the same mem card you have and borrow their loading cd.

but imo, don't buy that crap again on amazon. it would be better to buy the gameshark cd, and then, not only will you be able to load your mem card and transfer stuff over to regular memcars, but now you also have a gameshark! its like killing two birds with one stone.

"all i wanted to do was transer my files, but now i also have the ultimage game hax! yay!"

good luck with that.

07-19-2005, 08:34 PM
I do know for a fact that the Gamesharks do support these memory cards (though beyond the version 3 series, I do not know)

However, I do not know what to tell you beyond that since I never use it. My friend used one of those cards and many newer games refused to load after booting the CD.

07-20-2005, 07:43 AM
that reminds me. i need a new psx-change 2. one that works for the ps2. (especially the new slim ps2 in case there might be a diffrence). i tried using my ps-xchange 2 on it and it didn't work. :( now i can't play my import games. and i totally tossed away my old ps1. :p

anyone know if they made a newer version and which store might have it? (i'd preffer to NOT buy it online)

note. even though the cd is called PS -XCHANGE 2, it really has nothing to do with the ps2. it was made for the ps1. so i hope i didn't confuse anyone with that.

Atom Narmor
07-20-2005, 08:20 AM
Today, I woke up in the horror that somehow, my memory CD was cracked a little. The PS2 now cannot load the memory card because it cannot read the CD. And it looks like nobody sells these types of memory cards anymore.

Good luck Gandalf. I realy feel for you man. Atleast in video games you can always start over...

Kool Ranch
07-25-2005, 06:54 PM
does anybody rent out gamesharks or action replays?

07-26-2005, 12:59 AM
good question. i personally have no idea if you can. i'll make sure to find out next time i go to blockbuster. if they are cd based (as in no extra hardware like the old gamesharks) i am SOOO gonna burn me a copy. mwa hahahaha :p

/me pretending to be evil