07-18-2005, 01:28 AM
I remember this forum from a few years ago, and have returned to find a particular thread, but have been unable to locate it. I was wondering if someone here might be able to tell me where to find it here in the forums, or if perhaps it has been recorded somewhere else. I only hope that it has not been lost forever.

The thread I am looking for was a Final Fantasy nine thread, wherein the poster completed Final Fantasy IX without ever gaining a level. This feat was, I believe, somewhat popular for a while.

Thank you for your help. I believe at the time I was registered as "Sword_of_Leo"

07-21-2005, 02:14 PM
the best advice i can give you is at the bottom of the forum screen selecte the time that was gone by. Was it in the last year or what from there look for the topic. Good luck