07-13-2005, 06:53 PM
Hello everyone. This will be my first post on this forum, under the new username of ThroneofOminous. I did register on FFShrine about 2 months ago as ThroneofDravaris, but due to the loss of my registration E-Mail, I was forced to abandon my usual alter-ego.

Anyway, I wasn�t really sure where the best place to post this was, but the artistic section seemed about right. I will surely be moved if it�s in the wrong place.

A while ago, due to severe boredom and not wanting to get on with anything too demanding, I created this Final fantasy Music Video to the popular Westside Story tune, I Feel Pretty. I posted it on EoFF a few days ago, but I would like to get as many people as possible to provide feed back, for future reference. Now that I think about it, there is no real reason why I feel the need to receive feed back on such a frivolous thing, but there you go. The 2.5 Minute Video utilizes FMV footage from FFVI-IX, so basically most of the PS games.

FF: I Feel Pretty (original) (;3940264;;/fileinfo.html)

This is the larger version of the file, around 38 MB.

FF: I Feel Pretty (small) (;3941750;;/fileinfo.html)

This is the smaller one, at around 7.19 MB. I thought I should add this as well, for all those dial up users out there, who would take forever to download the larger one.

Anyway, keep a few things in mind though:

1. This was my second attempt at a music video of any shape or form.
2. I have NOT had any form of training with this sort of thing.
3. It was all done on Windows Movie Maker.
4. I�m a high school student.

In other words, don�t expect a masterpiece. It�s just something I put together in my spare time. I have been told by several people though that it is rather entertaining, although sometimes I wonder whether people are simply being polite�

Any feed back is much appreciated, and don�t feel that you have to be polite either; if it really is crap, tell me. That�s all, enjoy.

07-14-2005, 12:29 AM
Your host servers are down:(
So the files aren't downloadable... :(

07-14-2005, 04:00 AM
Really? Damn! I'm yet to find a reliable server...
*sigh* oh well, you can't expect much for a free service I guess...

07-17-2005, 03:00 PM
Ok, Filefront is back online, and I made sure the download links are working as usual, so there should be no problem now.