07-11-2005, 11:16 PM
Has anyone here played Resident Evil 4? I just got it 6 days ago (I had to drive to San Fransisco, then fight all the Jack Thompson- brainwashed employes before I could buy my copy) and so far, its the best Resident Evil title i've ever played. Although the game boasted a new enemy A.I system, it wasn't all that changed from the previous titles (The enemies all attack is swarms; relativly weak) What really got me was the enviorment and the overall graphics, proving that the GCN really can stand with the best of them. The music mixed in with the lighting and the scenery really give the game a "silent horror" quality, making this game a mustplay. I just beat the first disc, in just under 20 hrs, and I cant wait to beat the 2 one. So for any of you with 40 dollars to spare, this game is a great addition to your collection. And for those of you folks that dont own a Gamecube, RE4 comes out for PS2 later next month.

Tidus 66
07-11-2005, 11:18 PM
I have a gamecube maybe i'm buying it !

07-13-2005, 05:09 AM
I want it really bad, but I dont have a Gamecube, can I borrow yours Dualface? Oh it comes out to the PS2 next month?! Yey!

Hex Omega
07-13-2005, 05:29 AM
i'm planning to get it ASAP.

07-13-2005, 06:36 PM
No one can borrow my Gamecube! I havent beaten RE 4 yet. For all of you who do have one though, you should get it.

07-13-2005, 06:37 PM
I've played it, and I love using Kevin and Cindy. Alyssa was okay. I never played online though. :(

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-13-2005, 10:08 PM
I personally haven't got a Gamecube, but I have a few friends who do and have the game. I've played for quite along time on it and it is a brilliant game, though I do find chucking yourself through windows kind of weird, I mean would you chuck yourself through a window even if a hurd of monsters were outside the door?

Anyway, the Gameplay is very good, though I do find that Resident Evil 2 still holds the best replay-ability, but definitley joint greatest Resident Evil game, at the least 2nd greatest.

07-14-2005, 06:37 AM
I've played it, and I love using Kevin and Cindy. Alyssa was okay. I never played online though. :(Dualface won't let me borrow his gamecube :-( . Oh how bout yours, can I borrow it? Trade it for my Sp. HeHe =)

07-14-2005, 06:48 PM
Dualface won't let me borrow his gamecube :-( . Oh how bout yours, can I borrow it? Trade it for my Sp. HeHe =)
Sure. =)

But I can't. :(

(You know why)

07-14-2005, 09:12 PM
I want it really bad, but I dont have a Gamecube, can I borrow yours Dualface? Oh it comes out to the PS2 next month?! Yey!
Enjoy playing an inferior version.

07-14-2005, 09:23 PM
Wasn't there a thread of resident evil 4 already?

07-28-2005, 08:55 PM
Yes, it is awsome. How did you take 20 hours to beat the first disk? I beat it in 9 hours.

07-28-2005, 08:59 PM
It really does kick ass. I actually thought the AI was much more impressive and Luis was the best character ever

07-28-2005, 09:03 PM
Yes, it is awsome. How did you take 20 hours to beat the first disk? I beat it in 9 hours.

I'm one of those guys that has to get everything. I can't leave a room until I get every treasure or box of ammo. The second time around I beat the game (both disks) in just under eight hours.

07-28-2005, 09:19 PM
The second disc is really short though

07-28-2005, 09:22 PM
Yeah, it was. But it was still the best game Capcoms made in a long while.

07-28-2005, 11:15 PM
Thats a bit unfair, they have made Shadow of Rome, DMC3 and Killer7 recently

08-01-2005, 07:38 PM
I agree RE4 was great, BUT it lost the RE touch and feeling it had on me before!!!
Whenever I hear RE, I think of fixed cameras, that weird way to control your character and sudden attacks! and 4 lacked all of them...it was more like a horror version of Splinter Cell.
To be honest, I think they shouldn'tve called it RE4!!!

08-01-2005, 07:46 PM
-=NOTE!! Some people might consider this slightly spoiling!=-

I wouldn't really consider it a 'real' resident evil game since it's more like an adventure shootout game than horror. I played through the game with some friends over a weekend and well, it's even more of a clich� than normally; "Here, Leon. Use this!" for example :P
and Ashley, doesn't she look more like fifteen than twenty? But that's just typical -_-'

And it seems like they put in a few random characters that aren't really neccesery for the story and then pulled in some very comon lines wich are used by all similar games aswell x.O-->

What little "horror" they had in their previous games are gone. Why would I be scared of some parasites with the sise of rats to elephants who are infesting everything.

On the cover they say: Forget zombies, forget whatnot, forget everything you knew about resident evil. If you can call virus infected humans who decay zombies, wouldn't it just be the same thing when they're parasite infected??

It's still quite a fun game though, but I wouldn't call it resident evil :P

08-01-2005, 10:11 PM
-=NOTE!! Some people might consider this slightly spoiling!=-

I wouldn't really consider it a 'real' resident evil game since it's more like an adventure shootout game than horror. I played through the game with some friends over a weekend and well, it's even more of a clich� than normally; "Here, Leon. Use this!" for example :P
and Ashley, doesn't she look more like fifteen than twenty? But that's just typical -_-'

And it seems like they put in a few random characters that aren't really neccesery for the story and then pulled in some very comon lines wich are used by all similar games aswell x.O-->

What little "horror" they had in their previous games are gone. Why would I be scared of some parasites with the sise of rats to elephants who are infesting everything.

On the cover they say: Forget zombies, forget whatnot, forget everything you knew about resident evil. If you can call virus infected humans who decay zombies, wouldn't it just be the same thing when they're parasite infected??

It's still quite a fun game though, but I wouldn't call it resident evil :P

Thats probably the best description of the game that I have heard. Its brilliant but it's not a resi.

08-02-2005, 10:13 PM
Regardless if you guys think RE4 is or is not a "true" Resident Evil ,it is the best Resident Evil game so far, intil number 5 of coursehttp://www.evilunleashed.com/v2/residentevil/re5/images/other/3.gif

08-02-2005, 10:46 PM
I dont agree...
I would say its the best action/shooter/horror!
But the best classical RE I ever played will be RE1 in the Gamecube (the remake), it has stunning graphics and amazing atmosphere :D

08-04-2005, 10:50 PM
Well, everyone is entitled to their own opinions....

08-04-2005, 10:57 PM
I recently read that Resi 5 will return to Umbrella as the bad guys

08-04-2005, 11:09 PM
I'm not sure on the details. All I know is that Chris Redfield will be the main character, and thet it wil be for the X-box 360 and the PS3. Other than that, Im in the dark. But I still think it will be the best one yet.

08-04-2005, 11:13 PM
I'm not sure on the details. All I know is that Chris Redfield will be the main character, and thet it wil be for the X-box 360 and the PS3. Other than that, Im in the dark. But I still think it will be the best one yet.I agree, the graphic will be better, and maybe more improvements in the game

09-13-2005, 12:50 AM
Enjoy playing an inferior version.

You said it. This game is SO badass, best to come along in along time, the new camera and more action make this IMO second to 2, IMO all the new RE games that have come out for GC are great but this one takes the cake, if you have liked any of the ones before this, i dont see you trashing this game. The mini games alone makes it well worth the price of the game. BUT like MMM said the playstaion 2 version is probably going to blow. Weaker system!!!

09-15-2005, 12:42 PM
i just got all charakters in the mercenaries(my god that double chainsaw scared the shit out of me) and finished the Ada game
really amazing game with amazing graphical polish
at first i also tought this wasnt RE anymore since it didnt really have a mood that got under yr skin but in the end theres enough shit that wil get you nervous(sewers anyone? and those hug fuckers??!) and the boss fights are awesome tho maybe a litllebit too easy
in the end its clearly a big hommage to all of Mikami's american movie influences and the game even takes itself on a parody some moments wich always gets respect from me

09-15-2005, 08:33 PM
i just got all charakters in the mercenaries(my god that double chainsaw scared the shit out of me) and finished the Ada game
really amazing game with amazing graphical polish
at first i also tought this wasnt RE anymore since it didnt really have a mood that got under yr skin but in the end theres enough shit that wil get you nervous(sewers anyone? and those hug fuckers??!) and the boss fights are awesome tho maybe a litllebit too easy
in the end its clearly a big hommage to all of Mikami's american movie influences and the game even takes itself on a parody some moments wich always gets respect from me

I agree the game was to easy, BUT it still is a GREAT game. You tense up when the double chainsaw guy comes at you from behind then.....Whack, off with your head. It really happens that fast, just like a hot knife through butter. The mini games were outstanding, the shooting range was awsome, The Mercenaries was the best, infact i still play it every now and then, Ada's game was ok. All in all its a Buyer, or a renter at the very least. I have a high def tv, and i think it is by far the best looking game to grace my Sony.

hb smokey
09-15-2005, 08:37 PM
It's only the greatest game to be featured on the Gamecube.

09-21-2005, 02:30 AM
yeah i like it borrowed it from NeverGone, im stuck on one part right after that house where you have to kick a whole bunch of enimies asses with that one guy

hb smokey
09-21-2005, 06:02 AM
yeah i like it borrowed it from NeverGone, im stuck on one part right after that house where you have to kick a whole bunch of enimies asses with that one guy
Are you talking about where you and Luis get caught in a log cabin, and it seems like enemies keep coming into the house? If so, they will disappear after you kill 40.

09-26-2007, 09:24 AM
Played it, completed it, fantastic. Good gamplay, characters, and suprisingly scary in some parts 0_0

09-27-2007, 05:56 PM
Played it, completed it, fantastic. Good gamplay, characters, and suprisingly scary in some parts 0_0

You're a fag.

09-28-2007, 04:42 AM
You're a fag.

And you are worse. Let the damn thread die!