Bus Driver
07-10-2005, 07:02 AM
I walked by myself, my mind fading off into my own little world
A place where words still have a meaning
The present becomes the past so quickly that I have become lost
Is it truth I seek?
Or perhaps a deeper meaning to what we call life?
The honesty behind the emotion and action of others
Perhaps even as individuals we do not always understand our choices
No one lives a path that does not become blurred at one time or another
I feel as if this decision is the difference between moving forward and remaining still
Yet I cannot let go of the memories

We lived our days together like tomorrow did not exist
Now I begin to wonder if we will still be remembered tomorrow
For once I became the person I was meant to become
I found my meaning and place in the world in those moments
I found happiness through the happiness of another
I placed the needs of another above my own
Still, we live in a complicated world
A world that can blind and decieve if you allow it
Even if we depart on these terms
I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to see clearly

I remember now how beautiful the world can be
That even in the darkest corners there is still light
And should my enemies wish to extinguish my light
I accept my fate without question
A fine line exists between what I call a friend or an enemy
The two can be exchanged in the blink of an eye
So should they come to bless me or should they come break me
I accept them all just the same
You see, my heart is tired of fighting
I must accept the truth that has been all along

I wish to live a long full life
A life as any other that faces triumph and tribulation
I wish to be under a sky so blue
Under a sea of stars that mesmerizes
I can no longer be afraid to step forward
My words cannot express the emotion I feel
Only action can change the course of time
Our paths will cross again
We can no longer run from our choices
I only hope you see as clearly as I do

07-11-2005, 02:42 AM
Certainly random.

07-22-2005, 10:58 PM
I think this is actually really good. I can't explain it (after all the times I was dropped to the floor when I was a kid, I have trouble explaining pretty much everything), but it definitively hits the spot in my opinion.

07-23-2005, 04:21 PM
It's pretty good, I liked it anyway