07-07-2005, 02:50 PM
I read somewhere they Square-Enix was trying to set up Final Fantasy X as a prequal with Shinra being the founder of Shin-ra, and such. I was just wondering if anyone knew if there is any truth behind this and how does this theory go?

To be completely honest I have very mixed feeling on the idea. Part of me hates it, and part of me thinks it would be cool if they did it right and not try to overdue to too much.

07-07-2005, 03:04 PM
Its not true, you've been lied to

07-07-2005, 03:07 PM
You have just made my day.

07-07-2005, 03:12 PM
Im interested as to how you thought it would work....with them being different worlds and everything

07-07-2005, 03:17 PM
I accually didn't quite understand it, so that was one of the reasons I came here. I guess that the Fayth is the Lifestream therefore when refined it is Mako. And the Farplane is the Promised Land because of all the Fayth there and such. And Sphere's are Materia. Beyond that I am quite blank, to be honest I am not sure if that is even how the theory goes. I hear tha Shinra mentions Mako in Final Fantasy X-2 (I don't remember him saying it) or something similar to Mako. I am going to try and find the original source where I am getting this information and post it here.

07-07-2005, 03:21 PM
Found it.

Section 1:The Unrest Begins

Tidus and Co. have successfully defeated Yevon, and in the process has destroyed the religion that has kept war from tearing apart the world. Yuna, Rikku,and Paine manage to destroy the Vegnagun and prevent it from being used as a weapon. In the process, Shinra and Rin begin Shinra-Rin Energy Inc. a research foundation built on getting energy from the Farplane. This is the beginning of Shinra.

Section 2: Shinra's History
Shinra would continue to work on the extraction and at the end of his life hit on the idea of purifying the pyreflies into an easier to manage liquid form: Mako. Shinra's descendants eventually bought all of the company's shares and gave it the name Shinra, cutting out all mention of Rin. They would continue to work on purifying and concentrating Pyreflies far into the future...

Section 3: War!

At last open warfare commenced! The Youth League and New Yevon both began to break tradition and rules to gain an advantage. At last the Youth League gained an advantage with an alliance with the Al Bhed and their machina knowledge. Over the years the New Yevon gained help from Shinra with their new Pyrefly-Liquid-Material. This would later be shortened to Materia. The Materia allowed for abilities to instantly be used, being engineered based on the Garments used by the legendary Gullwings.

Section 4: The WEAPON

The Guado could feel the pain that the very earth beneath them screamed. Knowing what they must do, they threw all of their knowledge and ingenuity into creating something that would protect them and their planet: it was called WEAPON. They then built a fortress city so that they could build WEAPON and be made safe by it's impenetrable mazes. They eventually began to be called the "Ancients" due to their old-fashioned customs and fell under the title of "myth" over time.

Section 5: The End Is Near

During the war, the Farplane was destroyed by a machina attack on Guadosalam. The entire area around it collapsed into earth, creating an ocean. The rush of Pyreflies turned into Mako by the machines of Shinra creates the Lifestream as they burrow many paths through the ground of Spira. All the major cities and temples are bombed and destroyed during the war. Eventually the Youth League and the New Yevon forces grew desperate and wanted to end the war that had disrupted life for hundreds of years.

Section 6: Shinra's Hand In Apocalypse

At last Shinra found a way to end the war. They concentrated entire oceans of Mako into a single piece of Materia: THE Black Materia. They offered it to New Yevon, and Yevon, assured by Shinra of their control over it, used it. All went well, and the Youth League was wiped out, however, the Guado, compelled by Spira's pain launched a strike at the Black Materia. They were sucessful in stealing it, however their actions caused a shower to envelop the entire land of Spira, shattering continents, creating mountains, and destroying all the remaining cities.

Section 7: It Ends, And Begins Again

Shinra's major players, hidden in bunkers with limited amounts of their technology, started over again. They slowly regained their knowledge over the years, and humanity began to modernize and reinstitute towns. Shinra soon became an acting government, and with its own military, began to take over the continent. They then began work on a power center, where they would house all their main workers and production facilities. This work's fruit was the floating city of Midgar. Now that they had a base, they began to try and find the Promised Land in the Ancients' ( the Guados') legends, unaware of what that want would cost them.

I am quite sure there was more, I am going to keep digging.

EDIT: Apparently this was written by Kazushige Nojima who is the story writer of both Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy X. And apparently he wants the events to be split on different planets or something. Where the split is I don't know. IF he did write this then it is most likely for his own personal fun, as he is no longer with Square-Enix.

Tidus 66
07-07-2005, 03:48 PM
And what about Jenova and the Cetra?

And what happened to the Al Bhed Green Eye, and the al bhed language?

07-07-2005, 04:20 PM
No idea. I don't believe a bit of this, but I thought it was intresting enough to bring up.

07-07-2005, 04:22 PM
The only problem with it as far as i can see, is none of it makes sense ^^

I mean i dunno who came up with this theory but its pretty laughable

07-07-2005, 04:24 PM
Something even more crazy is that they say that Kazushige Nojima started this. I am still working on tracking down who accually started this.

Tidus 66
07-07-2005, 04:52 PM
No idea. I don't believe a bit of this, but I thought it was intresting enough to bring up.

Yeah, i also made a thread talking about one of this theories, check Rinoa=Ultimecia? thread. ;)

When you find more about this theory info me

07-07-2005, 05:33 PM
I certainatly wouldn`t shoot it down straight away, hhmmm
It`s a nice change of topic. I think i`ll read into it further.

Tidus 66
07-07-2005, 05:41 PM
I think there is an interesting point, that is in X-2 when Shinra says that in the bottom of the farplane he says he founded true powerful energy that came from the plante itself, that is the only true thing that can lead to the theory

07-07-2005, 05:42 PM
I think there is an interesting point, that is in X-2 when Shinra says that in the bottom of the farplane he says he founded true powerful energy that came from the plante itself, that is the only true thing that can lead to the theory

I`ve never played FFX-2 so i can`t say too much but it seems intresting.

Tidus 66
07-07-2005, 05:48 PM
It's in chapter 5, Shinra is talking to Yuna about the use of the energy that he found when the party went down the fayth's tunnel, many parts of the theory seem a little bogus, but the part of shinra and the founding of a corporation seems true, as the rest it only searching

07-07-2005, 06:09 PM
It's in chapter 5, Shinra is talking to Yuna about the use of the energy that he found when the party went down the fayth's tunnel, many parts of the theory seem a little bogus, but the part of shinra and the founding of a corporation seems true, as the rest it only searching

Hmm, i might try and add a section to Theblackcitadel.com about possible connections.

07-09-2005, 12:47 AM
Except for a couple things:

In FF7, the Ancients were around LONG before the regular people or the planet.

Shin-Ra started out as a weapon company, not a mako company.

The War was against the Ninja of Wutai, (although the Al Bhed could have went to Wutai)

The Ancients looked like regular people, becasue they are humans. They just have a different life style than the regular people. Not a Completly different species.

The Worlds are Compleatly different.

What of the Ronso, I don't think the article mentioned them.

There more, but I can't remember.

07-09-2005, 01:33 AM
Anyone who thinks that those two games are related must be insane.

07-09-2005, 01:53 AM
Agreed :D

Darth J3sus
07-09-2005, 07:59 PM
The War was against the Ninja of Wutai, (although the Al Bhed could have went to Wutai)

Where they would go from being German engineers to being Japanese ninjas?

07-09-2005, 08:30 PM
jenova was actually the real villain in ff7 it wasn't sepiroth since he was brainwash since he was little not knowing his parents

07-09-2005, 09:08 PM
Where they would go from being German engineers to being Japanese ninjas?

Well, they aren't neccesarily Japanese.
And as Batman Begins showed us, you don't have to be Japanese to be a ninja.

Thus, they are German ninja.

It makes perfect sense.

07-09-2005, 09:23 PM
Yeah but they look seriously Japanese not German. No way are they related at all.

07-09-2005, 09:30 PM
how did batman relate to final fantasy?

Hex Omega
07-10-2005, 01:56 AM
The only problem with it as far as i can see, is none of it makes sense ^^

I mean i dunno who came up with this theory but its pretty laughable

07-10-2005, 02:03 AM
how did batman relate to final fantasy?

It proved that you don't have to be Japanese to be ninja.

Also, it doesn't matter how they looked, it was clearly all ninja mind tricks.

Darth J3sus
07-15-2005, 02:21 AM
Well, they aren't neccesarily Japanese.
And as Batman Begins showed us, you don't have to be Japanese to be a ninja.

Thus, they are German ninja.

It makes perfect sense.

True, but I think the pagoda, temples and culture of Wutai are pretty blatantly supposed to be Japanese......

Tidus 66
07-17-2005, 12:27 AM
It's pretty much bollocks but there's that shinra part nothing but a coincidence anyway what a bollocks theory