Shadow Wolf
07-05-2005, 01:33 PM
(Just a short story I made up. Its about a couple in love. Enjoy)

A Couples Love

Michael�s heart is pounding. He was about to finally meet the woman of his dreams in person; the one who had stolen his heart and never let it go. Waiting outside her apartment, he couldn�t help but think of running, as if this were all a big mistake. But his thoughts were useless, for his legs were already walking him to the door. Beads of sweat were beginning to appear on his forehead, and his breath was quick and short. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, he picked up his courage, and rang the doorbell. There was a shuffle of feet on the other side, and the door quickly opened. His heart almost stopped� as he was greeted by a white, auburn haired youth in boxers. Groggily he eyed Michael up and down and asked �Mail?�
�Umm, no� I�m looking for Lilia?� Michael asked him. He was almost beginning to think that she wasn�t there, but he wanted to make sure. �Oh� okay. Lilia! YOU GOT A STALKER!!!� he shouted into the house. Michael�s mouth was open wide in fear: WHAT THE HELL WAS HE THINKING!? HOW WOULD THIS LOOK AS A FIRST�
But Michael wasn�t allowed to finish that thought, for from the stairs stepped the angel from heaven, dressed in a revealing black top, tight jeans, and low top sneakers. Her hair was wavy to her shoulder, and dark red, much like her eyes due to some new contacts she had bought recently. She stood at the doorway, eyeing him the same way the youth before her had. She shyly smiled at him, as Michael did the same. Seconds passed with neither moving at all. Suddenly, she walked up to him, quickening her pace as she got closer, and flung herself on him, kissing him deeply with a passion Michael only thought could be seen in the movies. For their first kiss, it was truly incredible; all the senses in their bodies peaked as their lips touched for the first time. Lilia broke their kiss, and looked deep into his eyes, and in a soft whisper, said �You kiss the way you said you would��
After such an incredible morning, the two went off to the fair. Though they had just shared in a passionate kiss, Michael was still a bit apprehensive with Lilia. He was always checking his palms for sweat, his breath for malodor, his clothes for stains; always trying to look as perfect as he could for her. Though she didn�t care: she was with him and that�s all that mattered; if he only could have been able to read her thoughts. Things started off well, with a few games, such as ring toss and squirt guns, winning his love a cute stuffed blue bear. Soon they became a little more adventurous, riding the more intense rides and roller coasters the park had to offer. With more adventure came a better sense of freedom for Michael; he felt more relaxed around her. He started to keep his hands on her, holding her hand, keeping arms around her shoulders and waist, even tickling her when the time called for it. He was really starting to feel like he could be himself around her.
Before lunch, Lilia spotted a picture booth nestled in a little corner of the park, unpopulated compared to the rest of the park. With a smile, she dragged him to it. �I wanna take some pictures, love� she softly said to him, running a finger up his chest. Without giving him a chance to react, she pulled him in, and its just a regular photo shoot. Serious, funny, weird� all kinds of poses they could do they did. Michael was about to step out to get the pictures when Lilia grabbed at his sleeve, making him stay. She slid a few dollars into the machine, and then stared deeply into his eyes. Michael�s heart was racing, but he knew what she wanted; he knew that he had to do it before she could. And without hesitation, Michael leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, almost taking her off guard. He placed his arms on her hips, as she wrapped hers around his neck, drawing him closer. With eye�s closed they couldn�t notice the flash of the bulbs as it placed permanence on their passion. In the heat of it all, Michael opened his mouth slightly, and to his surprise Lilia did the same. He slowly slid his tongue into hers, and started to run it across hers, entangling it in hers. She opened her mouth wider as she wanted to explore his mouth deeper. They went on for another full minute before they were rudely interrupted by another couple. Laughing, they hurriedly walked away from the booth, looking through their pictures, admiring their handy-work.
The sun was beginning to set on the day. The two shared a dinner feast of assorted fair ground treats, from corn dogs to apple towers and beyond. The apple towers were especially enjoyable because of their little game they made of licking caramel off the other�s skin, wherever they wanted it. It didn�t matter if others watched; let them! Michael had finally allowed himself to be whatever he wanted to around Lilia, whether it be a lover or a pervert or a friend, for each one was loved by her, so it didn�t matter. She was fine with all his quarks, physically, mentally, spiritually; you name the deficiency, she didn�t care. All she knew was at the moment, her love was licking caramel off the top of her bosom, and a family of 8 were giving them weird looks at their actions and sounds; the parents giving them the sign of the cross, like they were demonic temptresses sent by Lucifer himself. Quickly they got away from them, to a more secluded area, where their action could go on unnoticed. They caressed each other as they explored each other�s mouths like before. Michael decided to lower down and kiss at Lilia�s neck, driving her wild with a mix of passion and lust, as she reached her hands under Michael�s shirt and scratched hard down his back. He didn�t care for the pain; he couldn�t feel it, as his senses and emotions for Lilia seemed to numb him of all pains in the world. Her moans as he nipped at the base of her neck were like a symphony of love, and he was the one leading the band. It was mind numbing how good she tasted, like a dessert so exquisite it was forbidden to enjoy. The faire meant nothing to him� he was only happy to have her with him.
It was getting late, and the two of them were walking back to Michael�s car hand-in-hand. The air was unimaginably cold for California weather, and equally as foggy. �Oh man, it�s gonna suck to drive in this. Man, maybe it�d be easier to just get a hotel tonight and drive back in the morning,� Michael jokingly said, and gave a hearty laugh at it. But Lilia wasn�t laughing; she stopped suddenly, letting go of Michael�s hand, her eyes directed to her toes. �What�s wrong my love? You okay?� Michael asked her, his tone a little frightened, for fear that she was sick or bothered by his comment.
She lifted her head a bit, though she couldn�t manage to look Michael in the eyes. �Maybe� maybe we should get one. I-I mean� I don�t w-want you to crash or anything,� Lilia stuttered. Her face was flush and she was biting her lower lip when she had finished her statement. Michael had nearly dropped their souvenirs when she said that. He couldn�t believe that she would suggest something like that, and yet, how he wanted to be with her, alone, together; passionate and erotic, the way lovers should be. Swallowing once, he took her hand, looked straight into her beautiful eyes and quietly said, �Sure.�
If there was ever a time for Michael to have a heart attack, waiting at Check-In for a hotel room would have been it. The air in the office seemed to choke him as he looked over the forms and paid for the room. He was so tense during it all: fidgeting with random objects, randomly laughing, sweating profusely. He just could not hold it together for the life of him. Lilia on the other hand was very quiet; calm and collected, she placed a reassuring hand on Michael�s shoulder to calm him down. So grateful he was to have her there by his side to keep him sane; he was grateful for everything she had given him: her time, her love, her cooperation. And now, if things moved as they did� he was going to be give her. Michael nearly fell to the floor from a lack of strength in his legs due to the thought. They finished at the desk, and walked in the chill air to their room, number 203, across the lot, closest to the pool and hot tub.
Inside the room was� decent. Two full sized beds, a 22� color television with cable, bathroom and lamps for reading at night. It was okay for what Michael had paid for. Michael set his things by the door, as Lilia did the same, and walked over to the nearest bed, kicking off his shoes and laying down. Lilia slowly walked over to the other bed and sat at its edge, her gaze kept on the floor. For a while, both were silent, with so much tension building in the air. Michael relieved some of it by switching the TV on, putting it on a funny TV sitcom. They both were chuckling along with the fake audience in no time, back to how they were at the faire. Michael got up and walked over to Lilia and sat next to her, putting an arm around her. Soon they were lying together, her head resting on his chest, laughing now and again at the actors in their made up little world.
The TV was off, and both of them lay in each other�s arms. Lilia was dozing off, but Michael was still wide awake, staring at her beautiful form as it lay there, nestled comfortably against his body. Unwillingly, he let her go, and slowly edged off the bed. Looking back, a tear nearly came to his eye: he finally realized how beautiful she really was when she slept; pictures just didn�t do her justice. He walked over to the bathroom, still fixated on her as he did. �Guess now�s as good a time as any to take a shower,� he said to himself, and nearly jumped when Lilia replied; he had been sure that she was fast asleep.
�How about a dip in the hot tub before you bathe, hmm?� her eyes seemed to beckon him to agree. She curled her lower lip and whimpered, making her whims increasingly harder to disagree with. Michael couldn�t do anything but oblige. �Okay,� he said kindly, �� a dip in the hot tub would be nice.� Lilia quickly got to her feet, and with a beaming smile on her face, walked over to the bathroom, and locked the door behind her. A minute later she stepped out, dressed in nothing but a white cotton towel wrapped around her body, just barely covering her from Michael�s wide-eyed stare. His mouth opened wide and stayed there as he tried to grasp how naturally beautiful and radiant she was in that towel. He gave up trying to solve the mystery, smiled to her, and took to her example.
The late night air was chill against their bare skin as they entered the pool area. Draped in nothing but a towel, they carried with them only a few extra towels. Taking the extra towels and placing them at the pool edge, Michael stepped into the tub, shuddering as the warmth encompassed his toweled body. He sat down and eyed Lilia with a smile, awaiting her to step in as well. She hesitated for bit, unsure of herself. But with a little coaxing by Michael, she came in, nestling herself across from him. Her towel was held firmly in her hand, making sure that it would not fall. Again, there was silence; silence that seemed to amplify the outdoor orchestra outside. Every car that came by was a lion�s roar, every a gust of wind a whistle from god. Michael smiled to himself: Why must we still be shy with each other? he thought to himself. He slowly waded his way over to her. As he did, Lilia turned her head away, blushing and biting her lip. Michael gave a little giggle at her actions, and took her chin in his hand, turning her face towards him. His eyes met with hers and they gazed, each seeming to seek the soul of the other. �You have nothing to worry about anymore,� Michael said suddenly, caressing her cheek as he did. �Don�t be afraid around me� you will always be safe.� He drew up and, hesitating for only a second, kissed her passionately, locking his lips with hers. A tear came to Lilia�s eye as she wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him closer to her, deepening the kiss. Of their entire day together, none of their kisses had felt more sincere and passionate than this one; never had she felt Michael�s feelings for her on his lips as she did now.
As they kissed under the light of the full moon, Michael brought a hand over Lilia�s; the one that held her towel up. She gasped at his touch, but reluctantly allowed her hand to move. He was about to undo her towel, when he looked into her eyes; they were afraid, most likely afraid that he would be disgusted by her appearance. He gave her a sincere, loving smile, and kissed her softly. Lilia broke the kiss, and gently pushed him back. In little more than a whisper she said �Please� please don�t hate what you see.� �How could I, my love?� Michael asked her, his face as serious as it could be. �You�re already perfect to me� and nothing will change that. Ever.�
With joyful tears in her eyes, she undid her towel, letting it fall to the waters surface, revealing her large, round, perfect breasts. Michael was taken aback; nothing could have prepared him for the awe inspiring beauty before him. Wading over to her, he held her in his arms for what seemed like forever, cuddling her, giving her sweet kisses on her neck and lips. But being this way only fueled the fire called lust, for after nearly a minute, they both knew exactly what fate required. He quickly retrieved a towel for her from the bench, wrapped Lilia in it, and picked her up in his arms. He almost ran to their room, and once inside, Michael made damn sure that the �Do Not Disturb� sign was there for all to see.
Morning light breaks through the shades piercing the darkness within. Michael is the first to stir, mindful of his lover still laying atop him. He softly caresses her hair, running his fingers through the soft strands. Suddenly, realization sets in as he feels her beginning to wake as well. Slowly he leans up and softly kisses her forehead. She stirs, and looks up at him, those beautiful eyes expressing without words the love she felt for him. He smiles down at her and brings a hand to her cheek, watching her nuzzle against it. �How�d you sleep, my love?� he asked her lovingly. Lilia closed her eyes, and continued to nuzzle him as she said �Incredibly well� I�ve never slept so well before.�
Michael couldn�t help smiling brighter at her comment. He could now hear the birds chirping outside, a clear sign of a beautiful morning; how couldn�t it be, when he had beauty laying right there on top of him!? A great idea came to him just then, and he looked down, giving her a devilish grin. ��how bout a shower? We can clean up and have a nice breakfast, hmm?�
Lilia giggled softly, turning bright red. She knew exactly what he meant. As he began to lean up, she spread her legs to his sides, making it easier for him to stand. Grabbing her thighs, Michael picked her up like a baby, and giggled as she made cute cooing noises like one. With Lilia�s legs wrapped around his waist, and her arms around his neck, Michael slowly walked her to the bathroom, a sweet, angelic smile painted on her face. With a quiet exchange of �I love you�s� between the lovers, they entered, turned the water on, and didn�t even bother to shut the door behind them�

07-05-2005, 03:50 PM

07-06-2005, 04:30 AM


Shadow Wolf
07-06-2005, 12:00 PM

oooo k..... -_-

07-06-2005, 09:48 PM
why does it switch from "takes off ur shirt and tchs ur boobs" to "my love, my sweet, i will never leave your side, you are safe with me". one way or the other.

enter too plz

Shadow Wolf
07-07-2005, 06:51 AM
Oh that well that is not good for kids so this is the nice one the reall one its rated X. ^^;

07-07-2005, 07:09 AM
...Wow, they sure progressed nicely in one day.

07-07-2005, 05:52 PM
The best part is how there is no conflict! I mean, who needs CONFLICT anyway? It only makes a story interesting.

07-29-2005, 09:23 PM
Good grace!