07-05-2005, 07:23 AM
Whats the difference between anime and cartoons? (if there is a difference) Somebody Please Explain!!!!!!!!!!!

07-05-2005, 07:27 AM
One and the same, actually. However, anime is a Japanese word for it, so it is generally used to refer to Japanese animation.

07-05-2005, 07:46 AM
Ok, Thanks Prak!!!!!!!!

07-09-2005, 10:55 PM
yep yep. very true. now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go watch this awesome anime classic. its about these two guys who are rivals. they've known each other since they were babies but always got into competitions and stuff trying to beat eachother. when they got older, one of them got a girlfriend and the other guy got jelous and he's always trying to steal her away. this gets the other guy pissed so like in every episides, theres always some bad ass fighting scences. when it gets real tough, the first guy always manages to power up using some special food which just raises his power level to the max! freagin awesome anime.

oh i forgot to mention. the anime is called popeye. its the ownage. :D

*ps, not being sarcastic. just thought it would be funny to use the word "anime" that way. it never happens here cause, as prak mentioned, how its generalized in english speaking countrires. :)

Darth J3sus
07-15-2005, 02:59 AM
Yeah, anime = Japanese and cartoons = rest of world. Also, anime tends to deal with more mature themes and use more graphic language (in it's natural form anyway, before it's storylines get molested by the translators and censorings of Cartoon Nework and Fox).

07-15-2005, 03:10 AM
Please note that Darth J3sus has no clue what he's talking about. Although anime does sometimes deal with more mature themes than other cartoons, it certainly has a fair share of shows for younger kids. The reason for the more mature themes is partially due to the fact (according to a well-known Japanese anime director) that Japanese movies aren't on the same level as western movies, so they use anime/manga to tell stories they aren't capable of telling in films.

Darth J3sus
07-15-2005, 03:14 AM
Please note that Darth J3sus has no clue what he's talking about. so? You just said yourself that anime deals with more mature themes.......

07-15-2005, 03:15 AM
But I said why and noted the reasons and the fact that it isn't the rule, which you made it out to be.

Darth J3sus
07-15-2005, 03:24 AM
We seem to be on different pages. Watch kenshin, Hakusho, Inuyasha, One Piece, hell.....any anime really. Watch it on DVD uncut, or in it's original Japanese, and then go watch it on Cartoon Network or Fox. You'll see that it gets toned down and censored a lot in order to target the "kiddie" market that it's sold to in America. You point out that many anime are made for and marketed to children, which is true. But there are also many that are aimed at a more mature audience, which is just not the case with American cartoons.

07-15-2005, 03:31 AM
I know all about tv censorship and the difference between those versions and DVDs. Heck, I'm probably the biggest anime snob around this place.

The point is that making a blanket statement about anime having more mature themes is wildly inaccurate. Also, America has put out quite a few animated works aimed at older audiences. Ever heard of Fritz the Cat? There've even been a few Disney movies that were more appropriate for adults than young children.

Darth J3sus
07-15-2005, 03:54 AM
True, but in America those are the exception rather than the rule. If it sounded like I was making a blanket statement I wasn't, more of an assertion that Japanese anime does cover more mature themes, whereas American cartoons don't generally, aside from your occasional Ren and Stimpy type.

07-15-2005, 03:59 AM
King of the Hill, Beavis and Butthead, Futurama... I can continue naming them. They're really more prevalent than you'd think and tend to be fairly long-running in many cases. I'd say there's a pretty decent balance between them in both countries.

07-15-2005, 02:45 PM
Prak knows his stuff, Darth J3sus.

I'd surrender now if I were you!

Darth J3sus
07-15-2005, 11:59 PM
I don't do surrenders.


King of the Hill, Beavis and Butthead, Futurama... I can continue naming them. They're really more prevalent than you'd think and tend to be fairly long-running in many cases. I'd say there's a pretty decent balance between them in both countries.

Animated sitcons more than cartoons. I might say that Futuramra could be argued either way, but if we're going to break it down on a case by case basis this thread will go on for a very long time. Point is, shows like King of the Hill, Simpsons, Family Guy etc. all have much more in common in terms of structure, content, humor and intent with shows like Malcolm in the Middle and such than they do with cartoons (Teen Titans, Hey Arnold and what have you).

Of course, I suppose all this is very subjective. What you might call a cartoon I might call an animated sitcom, and we could end up fighting over the pronunciation of tomato for a few pages (which wouldn't be bad, I'm a noob and the posts would help my rank). Personally, I don't feel that anything and everything made using animation is a cartoon, but that's just me.

07-16-2005, 12:35 AM
Hell yeah! Fritz the Cat! Great cartoon as well as the Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat.

07-16-2005, 02:57 AM
R. Crumb forever!

07-16-2005, 05:14 PM
Personally, I don't feel that anything and everything made using animation is a cartoon, but that's just me.

Main Entry: animated cartoon
Function: noun
1 : a motion picture made from a series of drawings simulating motion by means of slight progressive changes in the drawings

Guess so! ^^

07-16-2005, 05:25 PM
Personally, I don't feel that anything and everything made using animation is a cartoon, but that's just me.

I think Ndi pretty much summed up the reasonable reply to that, but I'd just like to add that this statement is probably the silliest thing since Bill Clinton asked for a definition of "is."

07-16-2005, 10:14 PM
Watch kenshin, Hakusho, Inuyasha, One Piece, hell.....any anime really. Watch it on DVD uncut, or in it's original Japanese, and then go watch it on Cartoon Network or Fox.

I wouldn't consider any of those to be shows that deal with mature themes at all. Even when you watch them with japanese voices

07-16-2005, 10:16 PM
well there is a difference I suppose, like anime has better drawings while cartoon is focus on making the characters look funny. But cartoon and anime is the saem term

07-17-2005, 02:04 AM
animation and or cartoon have NOTHING TO DO WITH CONTENT OR STYLE!!!!!


07-17-2005, 03:42 AM
Then if it's not the content or the style that makes them different, then what? It has to be the story made for anime and the American cartoons.

Since the 1950's, manga has always been the starting point to take a popular story and turn it to a popular animated series in the animators' own different spin, but stay as (most times) true to the oringinal story as possible.

As for here in America, since the early 1900's, people were looking for jobs where they can put their art to good use. Walt Disney took that one step at a time when going through the entertainment bussiness, but besides that, they'd made comical stories for the people who were facing with hard times (such as World War 2), and made us laugh at ourselfs more than others (or vice-a-versa). That's how I see it.

07-17-2005, 07:32 AM
i don't see how you clarified the idea that content and or style defines each term.

what you've said is more along the lines of how animation first started out in two diffrent countries. each had diffrent beginings. but neither of them favor any form of style or content. in my opinion, they just HAPPEN to have started out that way.

japan says, if we like it [manga], we'll animate it

us says, lets make funny moving pictures with our hands!

who says a manga can't be funny and then later chosen to be animated?

as you have also pointed out however, it really has to do with entertainment. if it can't entertain, then theres no point to it. this applies to both countries in all mediums. comics or animation or whatever.

i think i should first make it clear, that even though the oldest use of the word cartoon, meant funny/political drawings (NON ANIMATED BTW! think sunday paper comic panels)

now a days, it also means ANIMATED cartoons. we have just one word for it. and its cartoons! whether its animated or not. we have one word for either funny, sad, political, dark, erotic, or action themed art/story, its cartoon! (with the exception of comic BOOKS which we call. COMICS)

japan is the same way. they have but one word. just ONE word for cartoon, either funny, sad, erotic, dark, satirical, or political cartoons, just one word and its ANIME. (ONE DIFFRENCE! ITS LIMITED TO ANIMATION ONLY!)

and as i'm sure you all know, they GOT this word, from the word ANIMATION. for simplicities sake, they shortened, and got a new word.

and they also have just one word for comics. its manga.

the issue starts when high and mighty elitist otakus (like myself) think that calling japanese animation, a cartoon is about as insulting as you talking smack about my momma!

but also because of lazyness. thanks to us, we created a NEW word. (not really). we have a new term. we use "anime" to SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBE, japanese animation. (mostly to simplify things. as i said, one must remember, most changes in language/vernacular the creation of slang, are due to the fact that were lazy and we want to make things easier for us.


/me is watching hellsing

some guy: yo, what cartoon are you watching?

/me thought process: "whoa, he called this a cartoon, but when i think cartoon, the very first thing i think of is looney toons! i can't agree with him and call it a cartoon, i have to teach him of how diffrent this...this....form of...a...ani...animation is! but how? i don't know! but i do know where it originated from? i'll use that!"

me: oh, um..its not a cartoon. its...its.. SPECIAL AWESOME ANIMATION FROM JAPAN!! its very cool and its got some crazy scence you've never seen in regular cartoons!

some guy: whao, SPECIAL AWESOME ANIMATION FROM JAPAN!!? damn. this is cool! but does it have another name? that shit is way too long to say man! lets call it... JAPANIMATION dude!

me: great idea!

after some hippy complaints about the term "japanimation" and how it could be degrading to japanese, we are once again, forced to look for a word to make it easier to say "SPECIAL AWESOME ANIMATION FROM JAPAN!"

some guy: dude, we totally can't say japanimation no more dude. its like..not pc dude!

me: suxors, it was a cool word, hey! why don't we look it up online!

/me looks up japanese animation online

/me finds an english to japanese translation page translating the word animation in japanese. entry says "anime"

/me goes oooooh!

me: dude, is called ANIME!

some guy: killer dude! this "ANIME" roxors!

thus, all english speaking countries now have a new term.

which brings us back to the main question.

TECHNICALLY.......what is the diffrence between anime and cartoons?


07-17-2005, 08:07 AM
i don't see how you clarified the idea that content and or style defines each term.

what you've said is more along the lines of how animation first started out in two diffrent countries. each had diffrent beginings. but neither of them favor any form of style or content. in my opinion, they just HAPPEN to have started out that way.

japan says, if we like it [manga], we'll animate it

us says, lets make funny moving pictures with our hands!

who says a manga can't be funny and then later chosen to be animated?

as you have also pointed out however, it really has to do with entertainment. if it can't entertain, then theres no point to it. this applies to both countries in all mediums. comics or animation or whatever.

i think i should first make it clear, that even though the oldest use of the word cartoon, meant funny/political drawings (NON ANIMATED BTW! think sunday paper comic panels)

now a days, it also means ANIMATED cartoons. we have just one word for it. and its cartoons! whether its animated or not. we have one word for either funny, sad, political, dark, erotic, or action themed art/story, its cartoon! (with the exception of comic BOOKS which we call. COMICS)

japan is the same way. they have but one word. just ONE word for cartoon, either funny, sad, erotic, dark, satirical, or political cartoons, just one word and its ANIME. (ONE DIFFRENCE! ITS LIMITED TO ANIMATION ONLY!)

and as i'm sure you all know, they GOT this word, from the word ANIMATION. for simplicities sake, they shortened, and got a new word.

and they also have just one word for comics. its manga.

the issue starts when high and mighty elitist otakus (like myself) think that calling japanese animation, a cartoon is about as insulting as you talking smack about my momma!

but also because of lazyness. thanks to us, we created a NEW word. (not really). we have a new term. we use "anime" to SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBE, japanese animation. (mostly to simplify things. as i said, one must remember, most changes in language/vernacular the creation of slang, are due to the fact that were lazy and we want to make things easier for us.


which brings us back to the main question.

TECHNICALLY.......what is the diffrence between anime and cartoons?

we all know that asstard

07-17-2005, 08:11 AM
/me was replying to Sayu. thank you very much.

my post also applies to darth j3sus, the thread starter, and anyone else who is also confused.

for the rest of you, your no longer needed.

07-17-2005, 01:29 PM
/me was replying to Sayu. thank you very much.

my post also applies to darth j3sus, the thread starter, and anyone else who is also confused.

for the rest of you, your no longer needed.

So I guess what I said was a dumb respones, right? Or maybe this whole question was stupid.

07-17-2005, 10:23 PM
i think i should first make it clear, that even though the oldest use of the word cartoon, meant funny/political drawings (NON ANIMATED BTW! think sunday paper comic panels)

Cartoon didn't originally mean funny/political drawing. It's derived from a type of paper that was primarily used for producing sketches... I think in the 16th century or so.

more fun with etymology: comic in the term "comic book" didn't originally refer to the sequential imagery we think of now. It was originally just referring to the fact that comic books started out primarily as collections of humor(comic) strips.

"manga" also used to be used to refer to funny drawings or something along those lines before taking a broad definition like "comic". and supposedly "anime" was derived from a french word and not "animation".

07-18-2005, 02:54 AM
Cartoon didn't originally mean funny/political drawing. It's derived from a type of paper that was primarily used for producing sketches... I think in the 16th century or so.

more fun with etymology: comic in the term "comic book" didn't originally refer to the sequential imagery we think of now. It was originally just referring to the fact that comic books started out primarily as collections of humor(comic) strips.

"manga" also used to be used to refer to funny drawings or something along those lines before taking a broad definition like "comic". and supposedly "anime" was derived from a french word and not "animation".

Whoa... thanks for the info, now I know. ^_^

07-18-2005, 07:30 AM
So I guess what I said was a dumb respones, right? Or maybe this whole question was stupid.

did i say it was? you shouldn't think so badly of yourself. we all have the right to express our opinions. your response simply didn't clarify the diffrence of anime and cartoon as you implied they should be.

regarding rezo.

yah. i got the same info when i typed define: cartoon.

but i thought we were reffering to use in the US and not europeon countries during 16th century when painting frescos and fancy art was all the buzz.

as for comic. i never said it was all sequential. when i said think sunday times, surely you didn't forget about family circus? single panel. just like the political cartoons they have in the other sections of the newspaper.

the history of manga i never mentioned. so i thank you for the history lesson.

as for anime. you'd have me there. but then you said "supposedly". so how can anyone be sure?

07-18-2005, 07:36 AM
but i thought we were reffering to use in the US and not europeon countries during 16th century when painting frescos and fancy art was all the buzz.

I was referring to the actual word "cartoon". and the rest of the stuff was just random etymology info. Had nothing to do with your post.

so how can anyone be sure?

By learning more about it than I? So much more that they feel comfortable making conclusive statements!

07-18-2005, 07:48 AM
the way i see it. if poeple are willing to accept a half truth that is relevant to the discussion, why bother giving them the whole truth and stray away from the point?

for those who don't like half truths. why bother clearing it up with unrelated fact?

but now that i think about it. i realize now i was in the wrong. i did say "the oldest use of the word cartoon" didn't I? I'm sorry. you are right. i Just wanted to make a point. because if i were to say "the oldest use of the word cartoon means a drawing usually for fresco painting" it doesn't really tie into the point i'm trying to make.

so i'm like....dude. whats your point! i have a point! your kiling my point with your no point! whyy!!!

07-18-2005, 08:01 AM
I only talked about etymology because I think the actual topic is pretty silly and the proper responses were already made early on anyways. Random word history though? PRETTY INTERESTING STUFF!

07-18-2005, 08:34 AM
i agree actually. i'm always trying to find ties and simliarities in words from totally diffrent countries. my favorites are mom and dad. from japan to mexico, to france, and the USA, the way we say mom and dad are so damn similar. its just shows you how we totally all came from like one basic race or something thousands of years ago.

also english is fun. lots of foreign words. german, (hamburger, pretzel), japanese, (tsunami, kamekaze). its like the english language isn't even english. just a jumble of other languages. love that stuff.