07-05-2005, 06:32 AM
I have noticed a lot when reading various threads, that people are looking for an acceptable solution for obtaining various Final Fantasy related Media.
I would like to emphasize on a product called the Bittorrent Network.

The Bittorent network consists of many users sharing files with each other it starts with
A main media source which has a file similar to say a bookmark made from it, this is called a torrent it is generally between 256kb and 1mb

The torrent file is the starting point to obtaining the media.
The source that hosts the file is called a seed and people that are downloading the file are called leeches

So in essence you find a torrent site that offers torrents on the net (remember the bookmark thingy�s) the initial torrent for the file you download should download fast.
Then you will need to load that file into a program that will download the files from the source and other users that have the available data onto your computer.

The way the program downloads the file is similar to a download accelerator obtaining completed data from various and multiple sources simultaneously.
The method is very fast and effective, Apologies to the Dial up users the network will only allow fast connections as the programs will block out slow up loaders and downloader�s as it is wasting bandwidth resources and availability to make a connection to the source.

There are rules as to using the network as well as downloading you must upload at least 100% back to the network otherwise the programs will block you as a bad user

All files are free to download as it is a share system� it is legal as long as you abide by copyright regulations and the MPAA (motion picture association of America)
You say are legally allowed generally up to 2 backups of any media you have purchased and legally own so if you have scratched a game disc you can download a backup! ^^
In reference to Mogknight�s play FF 1-6 on your computer you can obtain say the entire collection of SNES & N64 roms! (always remembering you need to own an original of the media other wise delete them from your system after 24 hours or less.

Game Developer? Media creator? You can host your files for others to download from your computer using bittorent it is an excellent distributation method for your free ware
But please people don�t rip DVD�s or record tv shows and upload them otherwise you will receive a Cease and desist letter from the MPAA and be taken to court!

To get you started an excellent Java Bittorent progam Azures it has full explanations of the system and the downloader program itself.

Iso hunt is a good source (please search for it yourself) for game related media.

Maximizing your speed:
Always share 100% of the files you obtain back to the network (just uploaded 100% doesn�t need to be to one particular user)

Use Broadband adsl or cable dsl.

Say if your speed is 512/256kbps this by no means indicates you have 512 kilobytes max download speed and 265kilobytes upload speed Kbps actually stands for kilobits so divide your line speed by 8 and you will receive your true statistic of max speed.
512kbps divided by 8 equals 64 so your max download speed is 64kbps

So don�t set your speed to high set the program to download at max 80% of the true download speed otherwise you will jam your line as system and network requests and receives will not be able to communicate due to the lack of bandwidth.
So in essence you will slit your own neck maxing out the connection..

Hope this brings happiness to many people
Im sorry if it is confusing as it is my first Guide!!!