Rabid Monkey
02-15-2002, 05:39 AM
Truth and Lies
February 14, 2002

I�ve tried to make sense of the lies
I�ve tried to bring it together in my mind
The way things are and the way they were
But deep inside my emotions still stir

Maybe because I feel I�ve lost my way
Or maybe because the smoke never clears away
That surround my soul and all that I know
That strips away my mind leaving me cold and alone

It clouds my thoughts with every breath
And it always causes the same old mess
The one that has me screaming for love
And sends me into shock while my emotion�s flood

If I were to scratch at the thoughts in my head
People would say I�d be better off dead
But if I hide the pain and keep it inside
They would all walk on by because they are blind

To the pain that I harbor deep within
And how I need help to begin
Getting over the hell of the past
And the memories that always seem to come back

They never really ever leave my side
Everywhere I go they are right behind
Waiting and mocking me at every junction
Of my life, and making me cease to function

How do you remove it when it is part of you?
How do you extract it when you know it is true?
How do you deal with the fact it is real?
Or the fact that you can no longer feel?

When you try to care but nothing is there
When you have no hope to give or love to share
No sorrow for the poor or pity for the weak
No remorse for the wronged or concerns for the meek

No help for those who are in great need
Or blood to give for those who bleed
Because no help was ever given to you
When you were the one they all abused

So let the bell of truth be rung
And the song of justice now be sung
Let the children rejoice day and night
Because this is what we tell them is right

�You should always be kind to those in pain
And give the weary traveler shelter from rain�
But here is a question you should ask yourself
How many people would actually help?

Or when we look them in the eyes and say
�It is better to give then expect people to pay
You should never ask for more than you give
Or take the life of those that live�

But every day people steal both money and life
And plenty more thrive on making strife
They make it so the world spins out of control
And throw the morals of the earth out the window

�Live a good life and you will go far
So long as you�re upright you can reach the stars�
So why are the just always those being abused?
Or those who are kind simply being used?

So now you see all the lies I have seen
All the mistruths I was made to believe
And just why I sit here and ask myself
If it ever really matter how I felt

Or if it mattered that I really cared once
Or if I had just been made the class dunce
Because every person is learning everyday
So who can say what one of us knows the true way?

I wish I could say some expiring words
To discredit all the statements just heard
But the fact is I know just as little as you
And haven�t a clue what is the one real truth