Flame Master Axel
07-04-2005, 05:42 AM
I need help on some FF7 questions for another forum. Can You post the answers here. I don't need all of them, so if you could post as many as possible, that would be helpful. For some of these, I only need the vauge answers, even though it says otherwise

1. Name the weapon that has a special trigger that is seemingly limitless that is the strongest possible trigger for an ultimate weapon. Describe the process to obtain the weapon.

2. What happens as the trigger for Cloud's Ultima Weapon is activated and becomes more potent? (looking for description of the change in the sword)

3. Give one possible reason for the fact that Sephiroth experiences the motion blur in the Temple of the Ancients (Theory, very open-ended answer)

4. The President of Shinra was said to be killed by Sephiroth according to Palmer's eyes but his word is possibly false. Name 2 other characters that had the oppurtunity to kill the President and give at least one piece of evidence connecting them to the crime.

5. Describe how Vincent fits in with the birth of Sephiroth and his sealing in his coffin.

6. What was Zack and Cloud's successful plan that got them out of the Nibelheim Reactor?

7. Pre-Cloud's Mako Overdose, what was the only flashback of his past that was true?

8. Why are Materia blessed with the power of Magic?

Thank you in advance

07-04-2005, 09:55 AM
ok then
1) if you mean the death penaltys trigger then (apparently) you have to kill enemies with vincent and it powers it up.
2)and i believe it becomes more potent if he has um is it full health or criticle heaith(cant remember)
3)he most likely experiences motion blur because he has projected his immage from the north crater.
4)there could have been palmer because he was there or it could have been rufus he wanted to become president but there is one thing that cancles out both of these theorys the fact that sephiroth is the only one powerful enough to weild it or so the game says
5)i dont think he has anything to do with his birth but he was in love with sephiroths mother and thats why he went to sleep.
6)to wait untill they opened the mako tube thing and then knock them out and run i think
7)the only flashback that was true hmmm i think it could be the ones while you were in the life stream (sry if name is wrong havnt played in a while)
8)they arnt blessed with the power of magic it is just lifestream/mako shit that um go back to your game an go to the flash back where you get to use seph cause he says something bout it there

hope i helped and some of this stuff may be wrong

07-04-2005, 11:46 AM
Try Google (http://www.google.com)

07-04-2005, 12:44 PM
8)materia is condensed mako, which is basically a living things aura/soul after it dies. based on the lifestyle of that living thing, different magic can be used when a materia is concentrated. ie: people from cosmo canyon/ gi tribe= fire materia, plants= bio materia, birds= aero materia

07-05-2005, 06:25 AM
yes now i remember

07-06-2005, 07:51 PM
Try encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com