07-02-2005, 10:39 PM
Hey. I am new here and this is my first ever Final Fantasy story. I will be linking together my three favorite Final Fantasys: VIII, X, and X-2. Warning: Some OOC, Fluff, and other.

Title: Kalloens Final Fantasy
Rating:T or PG-13, lets just say it is rated for violence and...other...
Genre: Romance, violence, angst, drama, crossovers, fantasy
Lets Begin�


No one knew it would get this bad. Rain poured on the roof of Balamb garden as students were forced to stay inside and watch it. It had started out as a small drizzle, then a full eruption of hail, wind and lightning. Squall Leonhart stood watching it from the safe veiw of the Secret Area. It was no big deal to him. It just meant not going to Balamb to upgrade his Gunblade, which he planned to do for a while now. But it was a huge deal to Selphie Tilmitt, who had spent months planning the now delayed Garden Festival.

"The rain is EVIL! They can't cancel the Garden Festival! It's Just Not Fair!" She complained to Headmaster Cid.
"Ms. Tilmitt, please contain yourself. And besides, it is not canceled, it is delayed. Only until the storm stops." Headmaster replied.
"Yes but-" She was cut off.
"No buts."
"Headmaster, please be reasonable. We could hold it in the hall and-"
"I am sorry Ms. Tilmitt. My mind is made up."
"Sir, we have worked too hard on this to let it all blow away with the storm."
"And your effort shall not be waisted. Once the storm stops, we will decide the new date for the festival. Until then, all classes other than outside classes, will resume. Now there is much to be done. You are dismissed."
Disheartned, Selphie walked into the elevator and traveled down to the first floor. She walked around the corner. Just then, Zell came zooming past Selphie, knocking her down in the process.

"Hey! Watch it!" She yelled after him. He stopped and walked over to help her pick up her papers.
"Sorry, Selph. Didn't see ya."
"Where are you headed that fast to anyway?"
"The front gate. All SEEDs report to the front gate, wearing their uniforms, to greet the guests that our garden is playing host to." He replied.

"What?!" Selphie exclaimed. She ran to her dorm as fast as she could. Once she got there, Squall had already been dressed and was ready to go. He walked out of his dorm of course bumping into Selphie on the way out.
�Whoa, Selphie, slow down.� He said.
�Leave it to the disciplinary committee. I am late.� She snapped at him as she rushed into her dorm�

She looked at her self in the mirror. Her hair; the usual. Her outfit; the SEED uniform that was demanded by the headmaster. Just then, she heard the announcement.
(�All SEEDs, Report to the front gate in two minutes.�) She quickly grabbed her coat and ran out of her dorm...

I hope you like it! O:]

07-22-2005, 11:10 PM
Well, it's halfway good, it is. It's a bit short (for which I am thankful, I do not have all the time in the world at the moment), but you seem like a skilled writer. That coming from me - a Norwegian teenager, thinking he knows anything at all about writing - doesn't mean all that much, but I know I enjoyed it. I hope we'll be seeing more of this, or something like it. Until then,


07-23-2005, 12:02 AM
thank you! Glad to see that someone (Cough sis cough) apreciates my skill!

fascist socialist
07-23-2005, 01:09 AM
lol, skill?

07-23-2005, 03:19 AM
Yeah, I'm asking where the goddamn skill is.

The Ricky
07-23-2005, 05:09 AM
Yeah, I'm asking where the goddamn skill is.

07-23-2005, 03:48 PM
Seriously. I've seen third graders that could construct more interesting sentences. It has all the complexity of "See Spot run."

07-23-2005, 04:19 PM
It's ok, but why did you just knock off Final Fantasy VIII? Why not make up your own characters? Or even better, make up your own thing all together? I'm sure you could, you do have talent (ignore the idiots which say you don't) but you could use your creativity more......... well, creatively.

I've seen people introduce fanfics to other sites, and they completely take over, and this forums good, I don't want it taken over like that.

07-24-2005, 01:38 AM
Seriously. I've seen third graders that could construct more interesting sentences. It has all the complexity of "See Spot run."

07-24-2005, 06:42 AM
yeah i have had lots and lots of inspiration from various anime and final fantasy titles...
but i got over fanfiction at 14 original works are what captures a good fan base...blantant rip offs or continuations only prove unorigionality and no imagination.

why should square do half the work for you???

07-26-2005, 08:00 PM
number one:
Square does not do half the work for me. It is call a fan fiction because FANS write FICTIONS. a FAN Is someone who enjoys something and likes it alot. a FICTION is an untrue story.
Number two:
I do have an imagination. Everyone has an imagination. I was imagining the things that happened in my stories.
Number three:
I am creative. I bet that you did not think of what i did and creative means unique.
Number four:
FINE!!!!!!!!! I am going to stop writing this dumb thing.

07-27-2005, 12:22 AM
FINE!!!!!!!!! I am going to stop writing this dumb thing.

The world is a better place already.

07-27-2005, 12:40 AM
You know, Prak, you're a real prick, sometimes. Why don't you just drop dead. I'd like to see you write something better, instead of just bashing other people just because you're jealous.

Oh did you notice the clever and witty pun I made with your name? I bet no one else has done this before.

grn apple tree
07-27-2005, 02:54 AM
Seriously. I've seen third graders that could construct more interesting sentences. It has all the complexity of "See Spot run."
i think this is the first time you have insulted someone's work... ? i think...

edit: once again... i'm fooled...

07-27-2005, 03:18 AM
Espanha was joking, actually. He's one of the few people who've seen my more serious works. The one you're talking about was something I slapped together in about two hours simply to prove a point about grammar.

07-27-2005, 03:23 PM
The world is a better place already.

that's nasty, and Kalloen, you shouldn't let certain *ahem* twits stop you from writing your thing down on here, all I was saying was that maybe you should create some of your own characters and locations to put into this thing.

07-27-2005, 10:55 PM
The truth can be nasty. It's still truth though. Also, be careful who you call twits because the harshest critics here are usually the most knowledgable.

07-27-2005, 10:57 PM
The truth can be nasty. It's still truth though. Also, be careful who you call twits because the harshest critics here are usually the most knowledgable.
nasty yes...and painful...

grn apple tree
07-27-2005, 11:15 PM
The truth can be nasty. It's still truth though. Also, be careful who you call twits because the harshest critics here are usually the most knowledgable.
prak is like the don of ffs.. or mmm... he's like sending out threats... of verbal abuse... almost like 'i'll make him an offer he can't refuse'... it's don prak... did you know your username spells out my last name... yeah...

07-27-2005, 11:44 PM
Sounds interesting. I'll run with it for a while!

grn apple tree
07-27-2005, 11:46 PM
Sounds interesting. I'll run with it for a while!
hah -_-''' don prak...

07-27-2005, 11:52 PM
Hi daddy.

07-28-2005, 12:37 AM
Oh hi!

10-08-2005, 02:39 AM
okay well i have been thinkng.
#1- I am writing a new thing now. i think i should post it.
#2-please!!!!!! dont discourage me. my parents do that enough.
#3- I might not write good prak, but atleast i make it some where with writing, which is the only thing i am gooda t.

10-08-2005, 01:33 PM
I might not write good prak, but atleast i make it some where with writing, which is the only thing i am gooda t.

Oh my. How can you say you don't "write good," then say writing is the only thing you're good at? Are you truly so devoid of all forms of talent that your abysmal composition skills represent your finest achievements?

10-08-2005, 08:55 PM
Oh my. How can you say you don't "write good," then say writing is the only thing you're good at? Are you truly so devoid of all forms of talent that your abysmal composition skills represent your finest achievements?

I think I said this before about Prak's comments, but...

Ouch :laugh:

10-23-2005, 01:39 PM
Man, I think I stand corrected... it does need abit more... aimless description really, I have to admit. But I'm still gonna stick woth it being good