06-29-2005, 04:07 PM
My buddy is starting a new game and we were wondering what dressphere would proove most useful throughout the game. one that u could get early on if possible or and just all around. Thank you.

06-29-2005, 09:05 PM
Does that have anything to do with new game...Get all abillities for all dresspheres first...that's what i did...then i used mascot...

06-30-2005, 02:27 AM
My buddy is starting a new game and we were wondering what dressphere would proove most useful throughout the game. one that u could get early on if possible or and just all around. Thank you.

Hmm I don't know about early in the game but if you happen to get lady luck in one game and start a new game plus, than use lady luck because it will really help you level up fast with the double exp. ability.

06-30-2005, 05:26 AM
I think It's a good idea to pick 3 different Dresspheres (one for each girl) and master them ASAP, then switch 'em around. The beauty of the Dressphere battle system is that you can be creative about tackling fiends. There's a million ways to do it, and it keeps things interesting. ONE dressphere? sounds kinda boring to me! ;) But if I'm forced to answer your question, I'd choose thief or warrior from the beginning.

07-02-2005, 07:26 PM
The Lady Luck dressphere, because it helps you level up fast, just what blitzking99 said, but then, cjwphotography's idea is quite good, choosing 3 dresspheres.

Hex Omega
07-02-2005, 10:34 PM
Lady Luck or Dark Knight.

Vivi FF
07-03-2005, 03:40 AM
You definitely should switch around dressspheres every so often or take some time in the game to level up and learn some abilities for each of them.

You might want to designate a dress sphere to each girl so instead of having all three learning nine different outfits, you can have each girl take 3 each.

Early in the game, be careful not to get caught up with 3 Warriors.

I would say a party of:
- Gunner / Thief
- Warrior
- Black Mage --> White Mage (change once you get White Mage)
would be best to start off with.

You definitely want to get all three girls to master the Dark Knight sphere, which is probably the best sphere in the game after Mascot. Or at least get two to master it and have another master Alchemist and/or White Mage so you have a team of two crazy attackers and a healer. Make sure at least one girl masters Gunner.

07-18-2005, 08:25 AM
yeah dark knight,alchemist and lady luck are good also the mascot but you dont get that till the end

07-18-2005, 10:25 PM
Dark Knight. I beat the entire game with just that dressphere

07-23-2005, 09:03 PM
Dark Knight Samurai and Warrior are v.good.

Swedish Fish
08-28-2005, 10:06 PM
Alchemist, Gunner, Thief, Beserker, and Samurai. Those are the only dressspheres that you need.

08-28-2005, 11:16 PM
Please stop reviving threads that are over a month old and have probably been long forgotten by the original poster.

09-27-2006, 11:01 AM
The Lady Luck dressphere, because it helps you level up fast, just what blitzking99 said, but then, cjwphotography's idea is quite good, choosing 3 dresspheres.

but where do u get the Lacy Luck dressphere, im at a loss, i havemt got it yet, actually, i havent got like half of them yet

09-27-2006, 07:46 PM

sheesh... :rolleyes: