10-25-2019, 03:57 PM
I have just finished restoring and converting from mono>stereo, the excellent soundtrack from the iconic 1960's volleyball anime 'Attack No1' by Takeo Watanabe, using Sound Forge Pro 11 with Izotope and other plug-ins.

I have uploaded it in FLAC format to MEGA, and have included the original (as it came off the CD) as well as my restored/stereoised (if that's a word!) version in one 7zip file of about 750Mb in size. The majority of the tracks were mono, with the exception of a couple of versions of the theme songs which were released on vinyl in stereo at the time; those I have left as they were except for removing some tape hiss and generally 'tidying up'.

Anyone who is interested in getting the link should PM me; in-thread requests will not be answered.

10-26-2019, 03:53 PM
Thank you!

10-26-2019, 04:03 PM
Thank you!

You're entirely welcome!