06-25-2005, 05:21 AM
Does anyone know why the characters 'Biggs and Wedge' appear in practically every Final Fantasy? Also, why are they almost always cannon fodder?

06-25-2005, 07:48 AM
They were originally from Star Wars, they were Luke's wingmen during the assualt on the Deathstar. They both get shot down, hence why they are always cannon fodder, but that's where it comes from, Squaresoft ripped off Lucasfilm Ltd without them even noticing until later on

06-25-2005, 09:04 AM
I thought Wedge survived?

Dark Mage626
06-25-2005, 09:55 AM
Which star wars film are we talking about?

Tidus 66
06-25-2005, 12:18 PM
I think it's episode IV New Hope, I specially like Wedge and Biggs of FF VIII where are they on FFIX they are Pluto Knights or something like that?

06-25-2005, 03:54 PM
You're right enough! Cheers. Can't believe I never realised that!

06-25-2005, 04:38 PM
Yep, Wedge does survive in Star Wars, you can also tell because you are him in most levels on Rebel Strike.

06-25-2005, 05:43 PM

06-25-2005, 06:23 PM
Btw. Biggs and wedge arnt the only names repeated in most FF's. You probily already knew that (most people do). Your question was WHY they always repeat names..... i dunno.
I didnt know about that starwars thing. Dunno if its true but it makes alotta sense.

06-25-2005, 07:21 PM
yeah and incase you didnt notice there is a Cid in every ff...and wedge n biggs arent in all...just most

Dark Mage626
06-26-2005, 07:34 AM
Was there a Cid in X?

06-26-2005, 11:14 AM
Was there a Cid in X?


There has been a Cid in every Final Fantasy, and I believe every square game but I could be wrong.
Biggs and Wedge both appear in Crono Trigger, as well. Biggs is sometimes replaced as Vicks or something, but I can't remember for sure.

Tidus 66
06-26-2005, 02:37 PM
cid in X is yuna's uncle

06-28-2005, 01:06 AM
Many things in FF are repeted.It could be some kind of a policy of Square-Enix

06-28-2005, 01:55 AM
They were originally from Star Wars, they were Luke's wingmen during the assualt on the Deathstar. They both get shot down, hence why they are always cannon fodder, but that's where it comes from, Squaresoft ripped off Lucasfilm Ltd without them even noticing until later on

BINGO we have someone who actualy is educated!!!!! woohoo

Hironobu Sakaguchi (Exective producer) LOVES SCI-fi he relishes in starwars and stargate! wow respect points go to you ultimate

06-28-2005, 02:11 AM
I think that there is an ifrit, in every final, even when there is no aeons to summon

06-29-2005, 12:22 PM
Yep, Wedge does survive in Star Wars, you can also tell because you are him in most levels on Rebel Strike.
Yeah plus wedge is the one that flies into the 2nd death star with the millenium falcon, and they both make it out alive coz you see him at that big endor party at the end =)

06-29-2005, 01:44 PM
are these characters kinda jokey characters coz they always die?

06-30-2005, 09:36 AM
Well they dont die but always loosing from FF heroes

06-30-2005, 09:36 AM
thats true, ff7 they get blown up, ff8 they get killed in the desert prison (i think, correct me if i'm wrong), I don't think they have a wedge and biggs in ff9, in ff10 they are blitzball players in luca (damn good ones) and in ff10-2 they are the same guys as in 10, but they are just guards =)

06-30-2005, 09:38 AM
Well actualy they arent dead in FF8 coz you meat them in Aden tower and they quiting they jobs and going together for a nice drink

Tidus 66
06-30-2005, 09:40 AM
No, in FF8 they get blown away by Elvoret, then in the prision they get thy asses kicked, then in Lunatic Pandora they quit from the army, i think that in 9 they are Pluto knights...

06-30-2005, 05:47 PM
Oh yeah i remember now in ff8 i forgot all about that bit (they don't die in ff8 then =) ) and yeah i checked ff9 and they are pluto knights, they are the ones that get beaten up by blank and zidane =)

06-30-2005, 11:14 PM
LMAO, yeh respect to ultimate for the post and thanks for clearing things up, what about in older FF games, like FF1-6??

07-01-2005, 10:38 AM
yeah i think they are in those somewhere, but they probably don't play a big part, like ff6 they were the soldiers at the start with terra and then they got vaporised by that esper (didn't last very long =) ).

07-02-2005, 09:05 AM

Biggs and Wedge only appear in FFVI, VII, VIII and X. They do not appear in any of the FF games preceeding FFVI, nor do they appear in FFIX (the Knights of Pluto all have German names). To clarify, and also repeating what several people have already mentioned:

In FFVI, Biggs and Wedge were the two Imperial Soldiers accompanying Terra in Magitek Armour on the assualt on Narshe at the very start of the game, and of course, get roasted by Tritoch. Biggs was mistranslated as 'Vicks' by Square USA's head translator Ted Woosley in the original US SNES 'FFIII' version, but the mistake was fixed in the PSX version.

In FFVII, Biggs and Wedge are two of AVALANCHE's members (Biggs being good with explosives apparently). Barret met them in Cosmo Canyon, and made a promise to them that when AVALANCHE overthrew the Shinra, they would return to Cosmo Canyon for a renunion. Unfortunately, both perish while defending the Sector 7 Plate support from attack by the Shinra.

In FFVIII, Biggs and Wedge were two Galbadian soldiers Squall encounters on the abandoned satallite communications tower in Dollet. Biggs is intially a Major, while Wedge is a Sergeant (who is always getting pciked on by the bad-tempered Biggs). Both get demoted after the mission fails (well, SeeD interferes with it anyway), and Biggs is demoted to Sergeant while Wedge becomes a lowly Luietenant (when you defeat him he groans, "What is lower than Luietenant?"), and you have to fight them at the D-District Prison, who both harbour grudges against those for putting them in their present postion. Later in the game, you encounter them a third time, but luckily, they've had enough, and resign from the army.

In FFX, Biggs and Wedge don't actually play a part in the story, but are two of the guards in Luca's blitzball stadium, and can be hired for your Blitzball team.

As an extra note, Biggs and Wedge also appear in another Square game, Chrono Trigger as well.

Finally, a character named Cid has appeared in every FF game from FFII. He is not in the original one though., including spin-off FF games like FF Tactics and FF Tactics Advance. He is even in the animated versions; FF The Legend of the Crystals (crudely mistranslated as 'Sheedu'), FF Unlimited (where he looks rather like Cloud from FFVII) and the FF movie FF The Spirits Within).

07-02-2005, 01:41 PM
yep sounds right to me =)

07-03-2005, 05:47 PM
I didn't know they appeared in X but well. Bigs and Wedge are becoming part of the ff series. Still I've the feeling they wont appear in XII. Some characters are being forgotten in latest ff games like siren or... fat chocobos or classic monster. And some jobs are being very modified. In FFX-2 the black mage job is not like the classic wizard of unseen face and yellow eyes. That sucks

07-04-2005, 12:30 AM
Does anyone know why the characters 'Biggs and Wedge' appear in practically every Final Fantasy? Also, why are they almost always cannon fodder?
Its kinda like a trademark I guess. Just like Cid being in all of the Final Fantasies. Wait is he in all of them...

07-04-2005, 11:23 AM
he's in alot but i don't think he's in all of them